Introducing: "La République Populaire Communiste Africain"
Communist Africa
24-03-2005, 17:16
The "République Populaire Communiste Africain." (which means communistic People's Republic of Africa) is a nice, little country in Central-Africa. Everyone who want's to get good paid job without working much is welcome, no matter if in the military or as working-man.
Although la RPCA does not have elections and is regaring Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun as the Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africain, we do not have the death penalty. We are convinced, that there are better ways for punishment, for example working or being an inhabitant in the nudist's zoo.
However, there won't be any crime, our citizens have to join our youth organisation, "Les Garçons jeunes" in the age of 6 until the age of 14, then they will join our military and will begin their normal carreer in the age of 25, but still in attendance to defend the Great Fatherland and Le Grand Conducteur.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our great communist Country in the Heart of Africa.
Best regards,
Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun,
Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africain.
24-03-2005, 17:59
OOC: That's really neat, to find an African nation posting here after so long.
To his Excellency
Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun,
Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africain
I would like to welcome you into the arena of international affairs, and to offer the open hand of friendship, trade and diplomatic relations.
The Empire of Lavenrunz ( has had relations only with The Territory in Africa and a brief involvement with the DRC, so we would be interested in perhaps sending a delegation to your country to meet with you and your government to discuss what possibilities might exist.
If you could give us some idea of what you would have available for commerce with us, please let us know. Lavenrunz is one of the world's top producers of industrial grade minerals which includes uranium, hafnium and other reactor materials which are of the highest quality. In addition, we produce automotives including those of military standard, and equipment for oil drilling, water well drilling. We have excellent trading relations with some of the world's leading nations in space technology, information technology and computers.
Also I cannot suppress my curiosity--nudist zoos?
I hope, Monsieur le Grand Conducteur, that you are in good health and that your nation prospers.
Chancellor Hans Schlabel
on behalf of Her Imperial Majesty
Empress Aurora von Sachshausen
24-03-2005, 18:25
Greetings from Goldaria, Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun. The Board of Directors of our nation has voted to open relations with yours in a unanimous vote. Our nation, although somewhat barren, is rich in uranium and iron ores, and would be willing to trade either these or our technological expertise should you desire. Furthermore, developmental loans can be obtained, and investment opportunities will be made available should you agree.
Regards to your honored nation,
CEO John Galvon
Communist Africa
24-03-2005, 18:25
Salut Mr. Schlabel,
have a look at here s.v.p.épublique_Populaire_Communiste_Africaine
Best regards
Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun,
Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africaine.
24-03-2005, 18:32
OOC: you might want to change "stunt" to "strut" in the description of the zoo, just fyi.
Also, did you intend for your reply to be so ambiguous?
Communist Africa
24-03-2005, 18:39
Forum post = Sight of the dictator
NS Wiki = Neutral Sight
@John Galvon:
We need tons of Uranium for our secret nuclear weapons.
24-03-2005, 20:13
Camarade Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun,
While we salute your decision to enter the international arena and are overjoyed to hear that your nation is striving towards communism, we must express our dissapointment at your quite blatant lack of democracy and questionable human rights record. We would like nothing more than to welcome you with open arms in the worldwide communist community, but we cannot do so - and we cannot open up any trade with you - until you have addressed our concerns regarding political freedoms and human rights.
Ouvriers de tous les pays, unissez-vous!
- Le Conseil des Commissars du Peuple de la Sainte Republique Socialiste de Constantinopolis
Communist Africa
24-03-2005, 21:48
Constantinopolis, we do not want to have human rights in our state. Well we have a few human rights and a good standard of living, if you are member in the Partie communiste Africaine de la RCPA, which's Membership is free. We offer much things in the free time.
Neither we want elections, because this could lead to a quick end of Mr. M'Bâ Assasun's Reign.
Neither we will stop our communism. Communism is the best way to have constant exchange with other nations like China and North Korea.
Finally: As long as normal citizens have a home and no hunger, we won't change our attitude.
Best regards,
Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun,
Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africaine.
27-03-2005, 10:15
To Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun,
Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africaine
The Teutonic Empire is interested in pursuing the following commercial exchanges with you. We would be willing to provide your country with military resources, petrol, and power resources, as well as be a conduit of trade with a number of other nations, in exchange for good prices for tobacco, bananas and coffee. Furthermore, we are interested in sending geological survey teams to your country to look for possible oil and mining assets.
warmest regards
Chancellor Hans Schlabel
Freedom Exterminated
27-03-2005, 10:52
ooc:There is a distinct lack of nations like China or North Korea, in NS...
Presidential Palace, Freedom Exterminated
Claude Sule was enjoying an early morning. His new office was indeed beautiful. Looking out of the window, he could see the beauty of the sea, a few dolphins playing, some fishing boats. Not as in the years before, the slums, the poverty, the not-so-beautiful side of his nation, landinwards.
He thought back, back to the years of war, of revolution... He had managed it.
"But now, b-" ack to work. I really should learn not to talk to myself.
It was reasonably interesting. "Communist Africa... Well, comrades, finally. Not a direct neighbor, but..." It should work out.
For now, he was a little busy with the beginning CCSN talks. He wouldn't be personally present (It was, after all, a bad idea to leave the country in the middle of a civil war), that was Raekwon Kenai's job. Still, some basic communications shouldn't be all that bad.
On the other hand, he was really, really, really tired.
"Well, I guess Faizah Ugande (FE's Foreign Minister) can do the job..." Claude sighed, and called for her. "Yes. Yes, I will be with Rehema. She's back from school... Yes, it would be nice, but a Boarding School is safer than having her here, all the time... The rebels, you know... Yes, we're about to drive the People's Front out of the area around the mines. Bastards. Yes, you care about this. What? No. Ghali is taking care of that. Hopefully, yes."
Goddamn barking pain in the ass. Almost like my mother in law, blessed be her soul...
A few hours later
The message arrived soon enough. Faizah hadn't been all that busy, this resulting in almost westernesque efficiency. A rare occasion, indeed.
From: Freedom Exterminated
To: Communist Africa
Subject: Greetings
"We are equally amazed and overjoyed as another warrior for the rights of the workers surfaces on the African soil, joining the fight for freedom and liberty, a united people under God and Marx.
"As such, and seeing the similarities between our two Worker's Paradises, we would be overjoyed if you would choose to cooperate with us, in the interest of a greater and free Africa, as well as in the interest of spreading the revolution, to rise from the ashes of an old continent arising from the depths of invasions and exploitation from the 'first' world.
"Africa, and the workers of the world, need a strong hand, a strong mind to lead them towards the final goal, a world united under hammer, sickle and the cross.
"Blessed be you, as you choose to lead your people to salvation and the inevitable future of mankind, smashing the oppression of the evils that once destroyed what was ours!"
In friendship and eternal gratitude,
~ Faizah Ugande, Foreign Minister of Freedom Exterminated
27-03-2005, 11:12
To Felix Alioune M'Ba Assasun
Though we do not make a secret of our antipathy against communist of left-wing socialism we do like to welcome your nation to the grand stage. Though, we do like to say capitalism is much better than communism. But that's your choice. I am growing soft, normally I would have insulted and threatened a nation like you... The perils of civil war.
The Führer of National Socialist Guffingford in exile, Adolph Leighmar
Liverpool England
27-03-2005, 11:30
To: Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun, Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africain
From: Marc Newells, Prime Minister of the Free Civil State of Liverpool England
Greetings from our nation. Liverpool England has been a capitalist state for quite some time now, but I would nevertheless like to welcome your nation onto the world stage. The Free Civil State (which adopted this current title after the dark dictatorship days) would like to inquire into the state of basic facilities in the People's Republic. Is basic healthcare provided? Is education provided? One can only assume that the poverty level is high, is there any way this, too, could be clarified? I thank you for your time, and welcome to the world stage again.
Marc Newells
Prime Minister
The Free Civil State of Liverpool England