21-03-2005, 20:03
January 2, 2890: The Alphin stands with the full Council and Daiho, convened together for the first time on this national holiday for Kevin Ailes' first state of the nation address. He stands forward and begins (translated from Mirfakan).
"Citizens of Mirfak, we are at a crossroads; a time of great choice. Last week, the last occupation forces left our system, leaving us once again self-sufficient. The Treaty of Jin Rin leaves us free, restricting nothing that we would have, allotting to us all that we would. People, this is our time to move forward, to shine in a new world of our own creation. This nation has known chaos and war, false peace and brutal oppression. This government that we have created says ‘no more,’ the people say ‘no more,’ and I say ‘no more!’ We will create a nation in which all may live free! This will be a government to protect and provide, not to determine what is right and wrong. Together we stand united once more as a system, a testament to our strength as a people. We reaped a whirlwind, and were flung by its guiding hand to fields far greener than we had ever known. Now we are asked to decide where we will go, what we will do with our freedom given again. I say we will go forward! Do whatever it takes to preserve what we have been given! We will provide for our people, and write our nation’s new chapter for everyone, hand in hand, as comrades.
“I come with several important announcements today regarding the state of our nation. First, I am pleased to report the complete reinstitution of the Kusakal Gimesi Bule, the Labule, and the Nahbule. These three agencies, reformed under this new government, will continue to provide protection to Mirfak from domestic and external threats. Second, we now have in place plans for a system that will enable all citizens across Mirfak to vote in public elections within five years. Third, I have been informed that the last assets of Mirfak claimed by external interests during our vulnerable years of occupation are due to be reclaimed by the end of the month, after which our socialist policy will be universally applied across the nation. Finally, it is my pleasure to announce the ratification of our national constitution by the necessary three fourths of the Council, making it officially adopted.
“As we continue our quest for a better world, it is my wish that we use Xanthal as our model, acknowledging their mistakes and correcting them in our own practice. With our combined power we can fix the errors in the Xanthalian system and make a true paradise for ourselves and all who wish to join us. By taking their idealism and strength and combining it with our acceptance and determination, we can make peace among ourselves and with the universe at large. Comrades, we cannot begin to imagine what lies ahead. We can only determine our actions now as well as we can. In that, I ask you to join me. Let us make Mirfak what our ancestors could not. Let us prove to our neighbors that, despite our troubled past, we are not just another backwards, warlike world. Let us put forth our hands in unison and make Mirfak great! Let us mark this day as the day we chose greatness over obscurity, peace over war, and democracy over dictatorship! Let us never lose the resolution we have in this moment to seize our future! Let us never say again ‘there was nothing we could do’! Let greed no longer mar our path! For this nation and its people, we are from this day forth all for one and one for all! This day… is ours. Thank you.”
The speech will be remembered as more of a pep talk than a true State of the Nation, but in this moment that doesn’t matter. The Council and Daiho rise to their feet and applaud, as do hundreds of millions of Mirfakans watching and listening to their Alphin across the nation. For the six billion people in Mirfak, this is what they and their predecessors have been waiting for for hundreds of years. Not since the War of Reunion has there ever been such hope for the future of Mirfak among its people. The promise of Petrovich Kolani has finally been realized: democracy, and peace.
"Citizens of Mirfak, we are at a crossroads; a time of great choice. Last week, the last occupation forces left our system, leaving us once again self-sufficient. The Treaty of Jin Rin leaves us free, restricting nothing that we would have, allotting to us all that we would. People, this is our time to move forward, to shine in a new world of our own creation. This nation has known chaos and war, false peace and brutal oppression. This government that we have created says ‘no more,’ the people say ‘no more,’ and I say ‘no more!’ We will create a nation in which all may live free! This will be a government to protect and provide, not to determine what is right and wrong. Together we stand united once more as a system, a testament to our strength as a people. We reaped a whirlwind, and were flung by its guiding hand to fields far greener than we had ever known. Now we are asked to decide where we will go, what we will do with our freedom given again. I say we will go forward! Do whatever it takes to preserve what we have been given! We will provide for our people, and write our nation’s new chapter for everyone, hand in hand, as comrades.
“I come with several important announcements today regarding the state of our nation. First, I am pleased to report the complete reinstitution of the Kusakal Gimesi Bule, the Labule, and the Nahbule. These three agencies, reformed under this new government, will continue to provide protection to Mirfak from domestic and external threats. Second, we now have in place plans for a system that will enable all citizens across Mirfak to vote in public elections within five years. Third, I have been informed that the last assets of Mirfak claimed by external interests during our vulnerable years of occupation are due to be reclaimed by the end of the month, after which our socialist policy will be universally applied across the nation. Finally, it is my pleasure to announce the ratification of our national constitution by the necessary three fourths of the Council, making it officially adopted.
“As we continue our quest for a better world, it is my wish that we use Xanthal as our model, acknowledging their mistakes and correcting them in our own practice. With our combined power we can fix the errors in the Xanthalian system and make a true paradise for ourselves and all who wish to join us. By taking their idealism and strength and combining it with our acceptance and determination, we can make peace among ourselves and with the universe at large. Comrades, we cannot begin to imagine what lies ahead. We can only determine our actions now as well as we can. In that, I ask you to join me. Let us make Mirfak what our ancestors could not. Let us prove to our neighbors that, despite our troubled past, we are not just another backwards, warlike world. Let us put forth our hands in unison and make Mirfak great! Let us mark this day as the day we chose greatness over obscurity, peace over war, and democracy over dictatorship! Let us never lose the resolution we have in this moment to seize our future! Let us never say again ‘there was nothing we could do’! Let greed no longer mar our path! For this nation and its people, we are from this day forth all for one and one for all! This day… is ours. Thank you.”
The speech will be remembered as more of a pep talk than a true State of the Nation, but in this moment that doesn’t matter. The Council and Daiho rise to their feet and applaud, as do hundreds of millions of Mirfakans watching and listening to their Alphin across the nation. For the six billion people in Mirfak, this is what they and their predecessors have been waiting for for hundreds of years. Not since the War of Reunion has there ever been such hope for the future of Mirfak among its people. The promise of Petrovich Kolani has finally been realized: democracy, and peace.