16-02-2005, 15:46
OOC: Please timeshift any RPs where characters appearing in this thread before reading - if this thread interracts with the events in any others, I'll sync the time properly.
The assembled members of the Imperial Parliament had taken their places and gone through the usual opening ceremonies and prayers, and the Speaker called upon the Imperial Chancellor to deliver his report to the house. Thibault Drapeur rose from his seat on the frontbench of the government's side of the house, several sheets of paper in his hand, and took position behind the podium. He produced his reading glasses from his jacket's top pocket, and arranged the sheets in front of him.
"Thankyou, My Lord Speaker," he began. "It is my pleasure to inform the house of the successes of the Imperial Government since it was formed late last year."
"Hear, hear!" cheered the members of the Pantocratorian Socialist Alliance and Constantinople Party coalition.
"My Lord Speaker," Drapeur said. "I am pleased to inform the house that the Imperial Government has eased the taxation burden which has laid too long on the shoulders of ordinary citizens. Through cutting back on excessive government spending and reducing by two-thirds the amount of taxation revenue lost to corruption, I am pleased to inform you, my Lord Speaker, that the rate of personal taxation has been reduced by forty percent, giving back..."
"Hear, hear!" echoed most of the government benches.
" back, my Lord Speaker, giving back real savings to ordinary working people, for the first time in twenty years..." Drapeur continued, although the last part of his remark had arroused many on the opposition benches to start roaring and protesting the criticism of the previous governments. Drapeur continued but was inaudible.
"Order! Order!" shouted the speaker, banging his gavel. "Honourable members to my left will come to order!"
"...and that's extra money, my Lord Speaker, effectively raising income without creating upwards pressure on wages." Drapeur said. "These tax cuts have been achieved, my Lord Speaker, whilst still increasing the social wage through the provision of free public education, universal unemployment insurance and low-income subsidies, and...."
"What about the police budget?" shouted Guillame Armenian, the deputy leader of the Pantocratoria First Party. The speaker banged his gavel to silence the ensuing shouting. It was ineffective and the shouting from particularly the PFP benches intensified.
"I'm getting to that," Drapeur started shouting back over the noise. "I'm getting to... yes I'm getting to that, so sit down blockhead! No, I don't mean you, I mean your snivelling deputy!"
The insults being hurled at Drapeur by Isaac Comnenus, the leader of the PFP, and his deputy weren't picked up by the television crew microphones, but Drapeur's response was clear as day.
"Order!" the speaker continued to say, finally achieving a semblence of decorum. Comnenus stood up with a point of order. "The Honourable Member will sit down, I'll not hear points of order while the Chancellor is addressing the house."
The PFP began to loudly scoff at the ruling, and the speaker assertively banged the gavel again.
"Order! I would ask the... sit down! I would ask those opposition members seated about Monsieur Comnenus..." the speaker said, indicating the PFP. " sit and let the Chancellor finish his address. If I have to call any of you to order again, I will have you expelled from the house."
"Thankyou, my Lord Speaker." Drapeur nodded to the chair, well aware of the efforts of his opponents, who had more experience in the Parliament, to throw him off. "The Imperial Government has provided these increases in the social wage, and others, whilst at the same time cutting taxes, through the reallocation of superfluous government expenditure away from items such as law enforcement, which were over-funded."
There were noises of protest from the Loyal Christian Front now, but they didn't interrupt Drapeur.
"My Lord Speaker, unemployment has remained steady at just over three percent, and the Empire is presently enjoying a trade surplus of nearly fifty three million ducats." Drapeur continued. "The Imperial Government's agenda of radical economic reform, still underway, has not compromised the Empire's economic stability in any way, and has at the same time lined the pockets of every Pantocratorian by providing the biggest tax cuts any Imperial Government has ever provided."
"Hear, hear!"
"My Lord Speaker, I am pleased to inform the house of the social reforms underway which go hand in hand with the Imperial Government's economic reforms." Drapeur started a new sheet. "The Greek language has been reinstated as one of the official languages of the Empire..."
Drapeur was this time interrupted by jubilation from the Constantinople Party.
"As well it should be, my Lord Speaker." Drapeur said. "The Imperial Government has begun the establishment of a state sponsored, secular educational system, and Pantocratorian school children recently attended state schools for the first time in their lives. These schools are free, my Lord Speaker, meaning ordinary working people can now use the money they once had to spend on sending their children to school for other things, or to save for their retirement."
"Hear, hear!"
"Also in-line with the Pantocratorian Socialist Alliance's election promises, we now provide financial assistance to low-income workers, and a decent living wage for the unemployed. All of these measures have raised the standard of living for Pantocratoria's poorest people, my Lord Speaker, and this in turn feeds back into the rest of economy by increasing overall consumer spending." Drapeur said. "We've begun plans for a universal healthcare system..."
At this point the opposition erupted into laughter and jeering - the Government had already been forced to push back its plans for healthcare into next year's budget, being unable to sustain the huge expense without running a deficit.
"Order! Order! Opposition members will come to order! The house will come to order!" the speaker insisted.
"It's quite alright, my Lord Speaker, I won't be offended that the Opposition finds the health and well-being of the Pantocratorian people to be so irrelevant that they ridicule the Government for daring to presume to do what none of them ever had the conviction or the concern to do when that rabble over there was in power!" Drapeur shouted viciously back to the Opposition. "When that rabble was in power, my Lord Speaker, not a single one of them even thought it was worth a moment's thought! Not a moment's thought, the health of the nation! We in the Government, my Lord Speaker, we in the Government believe that every Pantocratorian has the right to free medical treatment when they need it, and if the Opposition feels the need to ridicule our conviction, I'm quite alright with that. I'd respond in kind, my Lord Speaker, if only they had any conviction to ridicule!"
The Opposition was provoked into fits of hysteria by Drapeur's outburst.
"Order! Order!" said the speaker. "The Imperial Chancellor will confine his address to reporting on the actions of the present Imperial Government."
"With pleasure, my Lord Speaker." Drapeur said, calming down. "I am pleased to conclude my report to the house by reporting the resounding success of the Government's reforms so far, and its ambitions for further reform."
With that, the Chancellor returned to his seat. Question time was about to begin.
The assembled members of the Imperial Parliament had taken their places and gone through the usual opening ceremonies and prayers, and the Speaker called upon the Imperial Chancellor to deliver his report to the house. Thibault Drapeur rose from his seat on the frontbench of the government's side of the house, several sheets of paper in his hand, and took position behind the podium. He produced his reading glasses from his jacket's top pocket, and arranged the sheets in front of him.
"Thankyou, My Lord Speaker," he began. "It is my pleasure to inform the house of the successes of the Imperial Government since it was formed late last year."
"Hear, hear!" cheered the members of the Pantocratorian Socialist Alliance and Constantinople Party coalition.
"My Lord Speaker," Drapeur said. "I am pleased to inform the house that the Imperial Government has eased the taxation burden which has laid too long on the shoulders of ordinary citizens. Through cutting back on excessive government spending and reducing by two-thirds the amount of taxation revenue lost to corruption, I am pleased to inform you, my Lord Speaker, that the rate of personal taxation has been reduced by forty percent, giving back..."
"Hear, hear!" echoed most of the government benches.
" back, my Lord Speaker, giving back real savings to ordinary working people, for the first time in twenty years..." Drapeur continued, although the last part of his remark had arroused many on the opposition benches to start roaring and protesting the criticism of the previous governments. Drapeur continued but was inaudible.
"Order! Order!" shouted the speaker, banging his gavel. "Honourable members to my left will come to order!"
"...and that's extra money, my Lord Speaker, effectively raising income without creating upwards pressure on wages." Drapeur said. "These tax cuts have been achieved, my Lord Speaker, whilst still increasing the social wage through the provision of free public education, universal unemployment insurance and low-income subsidies, and...."
"What about the police budget?" shouted Guillame Armenian, the deputy leader of the Pantocratoria First Party. The speaker banged his gavel to silence the ensuing shouting. It was ineffective and the shouting from particularly the PFP benches intensified.
"I'm getting to that," Drapeur started shouting back over the noise. "I'm getting to... yes I'm getting to that, so sit down blockhead! No, I don't mean you, I mean your snivelling deputy!"
The insults being hurled at Drapeur by Isaac Comnenus, the leader of the PFP, and his deputy weren't picked up by the television crew microphones, but Drapeur's response was clear as day.
"Order!" the speaker continued to say, finally achieving a semblence of decorum. Comnenus stood up with a point of order. "The Honourable Member will sit down, I'll not hear points of order while the Chancellor is addressing the house."
The PFP began to loudly scoff at the ruling, and the speaker assertively banged the gavel again.
"Order! I would ask the... sit down! I would ask those opposition members seated about Monsieur Comnenus..." the speaker said, indicating the PFP. " sit and let the Chancellor finish his address. If I have to call any of you to order again, I will have you expelled from the house."
"Thankyou, my Lord Speaker." Drapeur nodded to the chair, well aware of the efforts of his opponents, who had more experience in the Parliament, to throw him off. "The Imperial Government has provided these increases in the social wage, and others, whilst at the same time cutting taxes, through the reallocation of superfluous government expenditure away from items such as law enforcement, which were over-funded."
There were noises of protest from the Loyal Christian Front now, but they didn't interrupt Drapeur.
"My Lord Speaker, unemployment has remained steady at just over three percent, and the Empire is presently enjoying a trade surplus of nearly fifty three million ducats." Drapeur continued. "The Imperial Government's agenda of radical economic reform, still underway, has not compromised the Empire's economic stability in any way, and has at the same time lined the pockets of every Pantocratorian by providing the biggest tax cuts any Imperial Government has ever provided."
"Hear, hear!"
"My Lord Speaker, I am pleased to inform the house of the social reforms underway which go hand in hand with the Imperial Government's economic reforms." Drapeur started a new sheet. "The Greek language has been reinstated as one of the official languages of the Empire..."
Drapeur was this time interrupted by jubilation from the Constantinople Party.
"As well it should be, my Lord Speaker." Drapeur said. "The Imperial Government has begun the establishment of a state sponsored, secular educational system, and Pantocratorian school children recently attended state schools for the first time in their lives. These schools are free, my Lord Speaker, meaning ordinary working people can now use the money they once had to spend on sending their children to school for other things, or to save for their retirement."
"Hear, hear!"
"Also in-line with the Pantocratorian Socialist Alliance's election promises, we now provide financial assistance to low-income workers, and a decent living wage for the unemployed. All of these measures have raised the standard of living for Pantocratoria's poorest people, my Lord Speaker, and this in turn feeds back into the rest of economy by increasing overall consumer spending." Drapeur said. "We've begun plans for a universal healthcare system..."
At this point the opposition erupted into laughter and jeering - the Government had already been forced to push back its plans for healthcare into next year's budget, being unable to sustain the huge expense without running a deficit.
"Order! Order! Opposition members will come to order! The house will come to order!" the speaker insisted.
"It's quite alright, my Lord Speaker, I won't be offended that the Opposition finds the health and well-being of the Pantocratorian people to be so irrelevant that they ridicule the Government for daring to presume to do what none of them ever had the conviction or the concern to do when that rabble over there was in power!" Drapeur shouted viciously back to the Opposition. "When that rabble was in power, my Lord Speaker, not a single one of them even thought it was worth a moment's thought! Not a moment's thought, the health of the nation! We in the Government, my Lord Speaker, we in the Government believe that every Pantocratorian has the right to free medical treatment when they need it, and if the Opposition feels the need to ridicule our conviction, I'm quite alright with that. I'd respond in kind, my Lord Speaker, if only they had any conviction to ridicule!"
The Opposition was provoked into fits of hysteria by Drapeur's outburst.
"Order! Order!" said the speaker. "The Imperial Chancellor will confine his address to reporting on the actions of the present Imperial Government."
"With pleasure, my Lord Speaker." Drapeur said, calming down. "I am pleased to conclude my report to the house by reporting the resounding success of the Government's reforms so far, and its ambitions for further reform."
With that, the Chancellor returned to his seat. Question time was about to begin.