Restore the Empire to Honor
13-02-2005, 23:53
OOC: This is directly realted to this thread. ( Noone knows who Shijin is or whatever. It will eventually be a factor in future RP's, but that is after Shijin makes some friends and foes in the International Community.
From an aerial view, the News Helicopter caught a stunning view of Thousands of Military Officers and Soldiers in their black dress uniform standing on the Vasts steps leading into the Imperial Senate Hall.
At the Very top, stood Executor Shijin Kotomari. wearing a similar Black Dress Uniform but laden with Gold Designs at the shoulders and neck. He cluthed a Katana at his side, few knew what that sword really was. Around him stood four Templar Honor Guard.
He looked over the throngs of Hundreds of Thousands of Tersanctans regally. Just as an Emperor, or an Executor would.
"My people, today the Senate has imbued me with The Executorship of the Empire, and it was my honor to accept the vast responsibilty. This has not come without a price, but to preserve our future, No sacrifice is too great. And it is the state of all great nations, too sacrifice, for the greater good."
"We have come a long way, in a our Three Thousand Year History, but we still have a longer way to go. These past few decades, have not been without strife, they have not come without bloodshed, but I say to you now, that the war is over, and all Tersanctus, shall kneel before one Executor, One Emperor, once more!"
The crowd cheered in Standing Ovation, and Shijin looked upon them with a satisfied smile.
He then drew his sword, and held it vertically across the center of his face.
He then sheathed the sword, and retreated back into the Senate Hall, followed by his Honor Guard, as the Crowd erupted in cheers.
In the hours to follow the Media was whipped into a frenzy as the story broadcasted into other countries.....
Dyelli Beybi
14-02-2005, 01:13
This whole business smelled fishy to Benjia House. They didn't like Tersanctus, and having some megalomaniac dictator sweep to power on the wave of a personality cult was not the Cheka's idea of a Tersanctus that wasn't a threat to Klatchian, but in particular Dyelli Beybian security.
Things had changed however, particularly the world's perception of Dyelli Beybi. While the country behaved in much the same way it always had, it was now gaining a reputation for being an inoffensive, left of centre, democracy. The memories of the Tzarist era were dying. There had been two elections since the last Tzar had died, and Dyelli Beybi had settled into a peaceful existence, marred only by the usual fighting with the Elves to the east and the ongoing conflict with Neo Tyr (since the surrender of the Neo Tyr force in Fiord Harbour, Dyelli Beybi had taken exactly 0 casualties in combat, which was more than could be said for most of the other Klatchian states).
For now, the Cheka were uninterested in Tersanctus. The old enemy was weak, their alliances faded, while Dyelli Beybi was diplomatically stronger than it ever had been before. But it did warrant keeping an eye on. The High Seas Fleet was Stationed in Neo Tyr, meaning the coastline was relatively unguarded. If Tersanctus decided to make another warlike move, the Cheka would be watching, otherwise Dyelli Beybi would keep well out of the way.
Offices of Foreign Affairs, Church of Saint Mark, Holy Precinct, The Holy City of Tol Isam, Isam Nation, Imperial Faith Union
As soon as the information reached the Holy Christian Empire it was summarised into its barest points, slid into a folder, stamped, sealed and sent. Only minutes after its arrival it was delivered to one of the Bishops of Foreign Affairs, who examined it, summarised it, added relavent documents and sent it on its way again. This time the plain black folder, embossed with the Isamite flag, was placed reverently upon the dark mahogany desk of Judas Tay, Archbishop for Foreign Affairs. Here the folder stopped, and waited for a short period of time as Judas worked on other issues, such as instructions to the Isamite ambassadors in various nations and orders to be delivered to the Deacons of the Church Militant controlling several of the Protectorates.
Judas Tay placed the Pantocratoria: Embassy file above Protectorate of Vaganysia: Church Militant and picked up the next slim folder, Tersanctus: Leadership. He read the summary calmly, then skimmed through the attached documents and frowned at the lack of information that the Office of the Holy Ghost had managed to bring up about him. The Isamite intelligence service was normally more efficient. He frowned slightly as he read on before picking up the telephone on his desk.
A few minutes later he put down the telephone and picked up a sheet of heavy parchment and a quill pen.
For the attention of Shijin Kotomari, Executor of Tersanctus,
I extend my greetings your newly claimed position and offer my prayers for you and your nation.
I hope that we may open diplomatic relations between the Imperial Faith Union of Isam and the Imperial Trisagion Empire of Tersanctus, possibly including the establishment of an embassy. May your reign be successful and prosporous.
Signed and Sealed by the Grace of God,
Judas Tay,
Archbishop of Foreign Affairs by the will of the Isamite Holy Father.
Moments later the short letter was copied and on its way to Tersanctus, and Judas Tay moved on to the next file on his desk.
15-02-2005, 20:13
Slowly the ambassador paced, staring at the opened folder. It had been a long time, Crownguard still withdrawn in a period of both prosperity and isolation. War was less profitable, the lives worth more. Yet honor, honor was always and will always remain the defining concept: every citizen knew their place, the Lords and Peers sought only the good of the country. It was better this way, safer. With energy credits and nationalized industry, the benevolent hands of the High Guardian, Segundo, and Tercero swept over the Enlightened Empire. The education system of the country was utterly superior, the Imperial Defense Force the envy of many. Economically times had slumped, but the citizenry and the Empire still prospered; rabid mercantilism giving way to popular will, a new tenet of the state. Religion still had shaky ground, the Violetist incidents not forgotten by the inheritors of the Empire. Religion was tolerated, but was easily rife with "Spiritual Officers" ensuring that they did not become too extreme or crippling. The belief of the people was to be in their capacities for reason, and the measure of character.
Yet times had changed, Ambassador Krieger knew this. This was not the time of bombast decades prior, nor the time for war. This was about reining in expansion, trade concessions, and that nebulous concept of "happiness". Crownguard was turning into what some would call a utopia, or for those without foresight, a benevolent police state. Things were still shaky, as some did not react as well as could be hoped to the everpresent eye of the Empire upon them. Most however seemed agreeable to the idea, to being a spark of greatness, a conflagration to build in crescendo to a glorious purifying light of benevolence, reason, and order.
Fortunately for all, Crownguard kept its word and never had forsaken its true allies, hence why Ambassador Krieger was here today. Imperial Dragoons flanked his sides as he stepped off the jet into the sunlight, here to meet with the knew leader of one of the nation's most loyal of the past anyways. He was here to ensure this continued, as Tersanctus and the Enlightened Empire had usually seen eye to eye on many issues.
In Krieger's hand was a folder, rapidly developed by Imperial Intelligence. The Eyes had been disbanded, reabsorbed into the Ministry of Intelligence. Their work was superb, and recent statistics and communiques filtered in daily from the vast network in place. Reminding himself of the former Tercero Xavier Delryn's notes on this culture, he made his way forward.
17-02-2005, 02:38
Executor Shijin Kotomari, Emperor of the Empire of Tersanctus, and Lord of all her Colonies and Conquered Lands.
"What a title." He thought too himslef as he stared at the Undersigned Printing on the official documents that needed to be signed. An embassy with Isam?
Comparable Population, largley Christian, definitley capiltalist He read in his mind as he read the Intelligence Report. He considered a moment, and signed it. At the very least they could open an Economic Alliance, which could help recover from the Civil War; Thirty Years ago.
A proposal to divert funds into the ITF (Imperial Trisagion Forces, Army, Armada Air Force; Etc.) from the surplus, over the next five years. He did some facts and figures in his head. Well, with the Templar, and technology in the works from Xaosis, we are more the apt to defend ourselves. But there may come a time to bring the fight to the enemy, and eventuually even expand the Empire once more. He signed the paper.
Suddenly an Intern quietly opened the door to his office, though the place was so huge she was still a distance from his desk. Her high heels clicked on the dark marble echoing off the pillars and walls.
She was slightly heavyset, and wore a black beret of some sort, her brown hair billowing to her shoulders.
By the time she reached his desk, he was more then aware of her prescence.
He did not address her at first, and she stood back politley, and seemed to ogle him, after a few moments, he gave her acknowledgment.
"Yes, this just came for you, my lord." she said handing him a telegram, and her tone was overly nice, almost valley-girl stupid.
Her hand carressed his as he took the paper. He was tempted too look a strangley at her, but held back, to maintain a regal appearance.
He began too look at the paper, but she remained standing there.
He looked up at her once more.
"Yes?" He stated simply.
"Would you like to see my thong?" She asked.
Shijin did not respond well to this, and boomed at her too leave. A few minutes after she left, he called up an aide.
"That intern who just left my office, what is her name?" He asked.
"The one who just left grumbling something about, 'Ive ruined men bigger then him?' Monica something-or-other." He replied.
"Have her fired and extradited Immedeatley!" he said
He then hung up the phone, and opened the paper.
'Ambassador Kreiger from Crownguard has arrived in Tersanctus and is on his way to the Imperial Hall.' it said.
Crownguard....he had learned of them in the Military, when he was a lieutenant, and as a Tersanctan Citizen, in fact Tercero Xavier Delyrn was still a household name. Thought of as a Benjamin Franklin in France of his day, he and Edmund Dantes were reputed to have been close personal friends, which seemed to reflect the two countries attitudes, even to this day.
He left the office in a rush, this meeting would be historic in his Administration, and he did not intend too miss it.....
17-02-2005, 04:13
Capital Mount
If there was one thing that Section Chief Ghast loved about Corsingard, it was the view from the Mount. From the top, looking over the Halo, with its belts of buildings ringing the mountain base, the shimmering metals of modern society etched into the perpetually blue skies, the river deltas shining with life, the sounds of metropolis floating up to him high above among the alabaster and marble of governance and ancient wisdom. Corsingard was a clean city, orderly and beautiful, but form up here, it was utopian. Ghast took a deep breath of the clean air, the tingle of the slightly charged particles sizzling in his nose, hinting at the scrubbers hard at work to maintain the perfection.
The sharply dressed man leaned back against the cool stone of the Archive, the ancient knowledge within stirring to his touch. Truly, I am atop the world. He felt he majesty of old around him, in the museums and libraries and courts. He saw the power of economy below, in the glimmering towers of steel. He looked to the horizons, to the thrusts of other cities, and the lines of highways and city between, to the power of progress. With this last look upon his beloved, Ghast began his walk.
He could have taken the maglev that cut through the Undermount, but he preferred to walk the cobblestone streets atop this old hill, amid the cultivated perfection. There were no cars here, they were not allowed on the Mount. No, this place was sacred, high above the work of the Halo below. Ghast turned to the slick card in his hand, and he waved slightly, activating the data systems.
Inside his sunglasses, the laser systems projected a HUD onto his retina, flickering to create images only he could see. He moved his fingers slightly inside his gloves, and the tiny gossamer lines worked an invisible keyboard suspended inside his own eyes. He typed through paged, moving deftly, invisibly, working this truly Personal Computer.
Tersanctus… a proud empire, cut by civil war. They have population, they have resources, and they’re rallied behind a charismatic dictator. This is a dynamic problem, and one that will require a bit of fine tuning.
Well, Friedrich, that is what you do. He smirked, his trimmed goatee moving slightly, his dark eyes narrowing behind the lenses. He adjusted his tailored suit and continued to work out the issue.
Charismatic leadership is one of the most vital forms of leadership. It unites entire people into a purpose, and drives nations quickly towards goals. However, because of the energies produced, there often needs to be external venting, in the form of wars against an “other” and enemy, however created. When a charismatic leader fails, Civil War is often the result, as the leadership was not bound to a cause but a persona. The only way to stabilize is for the warlord/king to convert to a rational or hereditary system, and allow stable succession.
Ghast nodded to himself. They are driven by a charismatic leader. They will need venting. They will need rebuilding. He turned back to the Halo. We have long made the very best, and our industry is booming. We should take advantage of this.
Ghast quickly typed up his theory of action.
We should not allow this circumstance to grow without controlling action. We should reach out and provide resources for our own economic gain, and to make sure that the Charismatic Cannon is not pointed in our direction. We will remove the threat of strife, build an ally, and boost our own economy. I recommend trade arrangements, preferably in terms of resources for stocks and shares, as well as interlinking of structures, to tie their economy onto our own.
Within the day, a communiqué was sent to Tersanctus, congratulating their new Executor and offering economic assistance to this re-born nation, combined with an offer of friendship, as well as comments on looking forward to seeing the nation rise again in glory, designed to appeal to the mindset of the Charismatic Leader format of governance. A rational outcome was determined and acted upon, and the day continued peacefully as ever.
17-02-2005, 04:15
OOC: Interesting post, heh. I was not aware Delryn was so highly regarded, though is still around in "advisory" role. The High Guardian is always masked, the given name stricken. The impartiality of ruling a nation amidst the noble families. I'll let you guess who the High Guardian is, heh.
Krieger strided forward, comfortably at ease even with the Dragoons in black and silver, looking regal and equally deadly as befitted the accompanyment of the Imperial Ambassador. He was ready for this; Crownguard had some of the finest training facilities in the universe, and he...would Escorted through halls, he was prepared to meet this new man, the soldier who would be Emperor. Not a bad system, as politics in Crownguard required some form of national service as well. Those who serve the state with their lives are those who will always protect its interests first, not those of malcontents or greed.
The halls were nice, very nice. It seemed Tersanctus had prospered, though Krieger was a bit suprised at the mentions of Kungshao. Crownguard had no state religion, no prophet or god, though some small temples and the like had flourished in Gariland City and others. All were free to beleive as they wished, so long as they were loyal. A fair system, and so far, barring the Violetists, it had performed exceptionally. Krieger himself didnt believe in spiritual nonsense, but he respected the convictions it garnered. The High Guardian unfortunately was unable to attend, as several state functions were required in his service. As for the new Segundo and new Tercero, well, both were committed isolationists and nationalists to boot. They wouldnt set foot outside the Enlightened Empire into "uncivilized" lands. Elitism and nationalism were still running high, even in the highest circles (though ameliorated by order of the High Guardian). Hence, the Imperial Ambassador was here with a gift for the new Emperor, a long silvery box enclosing a personal gift.
Krieger entered the double doors, in a uniform of black and silver, a green sash about his soldier. The Imperial Crest was his brooch, and his sword was at his side. He was well built, mentaly and physically agile. Crownguardian education required excellence, and it was seldom disappointed in the fruits of its labor. Once more, he went over the notes he had recieved in his datalink. He didnt trust the new memory implants being offered, his body organic to its fullest. Bioware and cyberware were both available, but he remained for all intensive purposes, human at the moment. Life extension and medical treatments were all he would allow himself, working his own muscles, and not relying on suble neurochemicals to assist him.
A bow was proferred as the doors cracked open in front of him, the Imperial Dragoons ramrod straight, pikes at their sides, visored faces blank at attention. They awaited this new Emperor.
18-02-2005, 01:17
Shijin had prepared himself as quickly as possible, choosing his Quasi-Military Black Dress Uniform, with Golden Accents about the shoulder and neck, with plain white gloves, his hair ceremniously styled to give him a regal appearacne. Beside him walked Four Templar Honor Guard, two on each side. They wore the Silver Dragon Armor, a tecnological marvel that combined a classic style of armor, and technologies that rivaled even space-faring nations.
Shijin looked at the Ambassador warmly in the eyes, and smiled equally as warmly.
"Ambassador,You honor me with your arrival. For many years it seems that circumstance has seperated my land from her friends. But much as a storm must pass, and the sun shines brighter then ever; Fortune has smiled upon Tersanctus and her people, Welcome." He said extending a hand.
21-02-2005, 02:32
He took the proferred hand, shaking it firmly with a slight smile as well. Now that there was an actual face to see, it was much easier to fall into the role he had been given.
"It is you who honor me, sirrah. It has indeed been a long time. We of Crownguard feel that your recent ascension to the throne is duly timed and happily met. The High Guardian and the Triumverate have invested me as courier to bring you this gift. It was wielded by the High Guardian himself in battle at one time, and he would have Tersanctus to hold it as a testament to our mutual goals. 'Fate's Edge' is its name. The man who holds this blade is said to never falter in the face of adversity nor to ever fail in striking his target. It has drank the lifeblood of ten score men in its life, and it is now your's. May it serve you in good stead."
At a single deft motion, the box is tapped by the catlyst stick, desintegrating and leaving the gleaming blade resting on the palms of the Ambassador, the fingers quite noticeably away from the edge. The blade itself sheened with a curious gleam, the edge perfectly held, the blood grooves catching the light of the hall. The color of the metal seemed to almost shift, the hand of the Ambassador bringing it from a dull grey to a striking bluish-white. The hilt itself was of platinum, the core of adamantium and when held the blade positively throbbed with power. In it lay a power cell, a former gem of Crownguardian technology (and with a life of millennia) and the blade itself was a monofilament vibroblade, able to slice titanium girders without effort. The High Guardian had held the blade in his family for almost two centuries, and it had been restructured once again to fit these modern times.
A Dragoon came forward, the custom made sheath held and offered out. The blade was offered up to the Emperor, the blade's color still swirling softly.
21-02-2005, 03:18
Shijin stood mesmerised by the technological marvel. It was truly a magnificent sight. On top of the fact it was held by the High Guardian....Shijin was truly speechless. He felt as though he must also offer an object of equal value. Truthfully only one thing could equal this gift...
And now that he thought about it, he realized that this moment was indeed historic, and the sword that he had presented with by a Templar weeks earlier would exchange hands once more.
Shijin accepted the gift gracefully unsheathing it, and glancing at the blade. It felt perfect in his hands.He sheathed it again, then untied his own katana, and tied Fates Edge to his side.
Then extending the Sheathed Katana in offering to The Ambassador he explained.
"I carry your sword now not just to honor you, but to accept the Prophecy of my reign. This Katana, though humble in comparison to yours, is no mere blade. This sword was used in the battle between Alkanphel and Edmund Dantes, whom was purported to have been more than a mere man. Though he fell in that battle, this sword was his instrument of death. There are legends that say since this blade survived a battle with powers almost beyond imagining, that those same powers rendered it indestructible."
He showed a twinge of sadness, remembering the story of the Last Great Executor.
"And on that same note, the powers that held it, were both benign, and terrible, thus making this sword capable of both those same qualities. Those who hold it, must also hold honor in the highest regard."
"The name that this sword was granted, is Deathstroke."
23-02-2005, 06:47
Krieger was speechless for one of the few times in his life. The first had been to hear his son wished to pursue art instead of military service, and this would be the second.
Tercero Del....I mean the High Guardian will be.....thunderstruck. I-I hesitate to accept this, Lord Emperor. This...this blade..." His eyes were steady, though he could see the older Guardian in tears upon recieving this. Death and love were the only things one shed tears for.
He cleared his throat, steeling himself. Idiot, you are the Imperial Ambassador, not a courtier.
"The Enlightened Empire will....will accept this magnanimous gift in the spirit of the honoured giver. Few even within our lands would be worthy to see this blade unsheathed, let alone to be wielded in battle. I do not consider myself worthy to even hold this blade. It will be given to the High Guardian in memory of his closest friend and ally. I speak for the High Guardian and the citizenry of our nation to assert that Tersanctus shall never have want for allies or courage."
"Now I must perform one last action, Lord Emperor. By the High Guardian's orders."
He drew a dagger, kissing the hilt even as the guards tensed about him, the Imperial Dragoons forcing them back. With a salute to the Emperor, he grasped the blade in his left palm, drawing the razor edge along flesh and revealing blood. A palm was held out, over the floor of the palace and allowed to leave a small puddle. Krieger smiled grimly, his foot rubbing the blood to the stone. The dagger was thrown to the ground and shattered by the iron heel of the Ambassador's boot.
"Our blood is now bound to your land as well, Emperor. Lifeblood for honour, steel for friendship, by Guardian authority I declare Tersanctus our sister sovereignty and its citizens kin in soul. As brothers and sisters, we will defend you and support you to the last man, woman and child."
"So sayeth the High Guardian."
"Long may his reign guide us!" echoed the Imperial Dragoons.
24-02-2005, 02:18
Shijin was shocked when the Ambassador first cut his palm, but then understood what it meant before he explained.
I have underestimated this meetings true meaning and purpose. Shijin thought to himself, tears welling in his eyes.
He then took the katana from Kreiger, with a re-assuring look that it would be returned to him.
He then unsheathed it, looking at the blades reflective simplicty, yet as his father would say, The divinity is within the simplicity.
Shijin knelt before Kreiger and his Dragoons, holding the katana in his left hand, so that the tip rested on the floor in puddle of the blood.
"Upon all that honor stands for, and in the name of Kungshao--" The Templar knelt at the mention of his name.
"--as the blood of your land intertwines with mine--" he placed his right hand on the sharp edge of the blade.
"--so shall mine with yours--" He forced his palm down the blade slowly, not showing the slightest bit of pain.
"--and so forevermore shall it be that Tersanctan and Crownguardian brotherhood and destiny are as one!" The blood from the sword pooled in with his.
Shijin then stood up slowly, slowly sheathing the sword, and presented it once more to Kreiger.
"Now when you present this to The High Guardian, he may strike the tip into Crownguard's soil, our two bloods merged as one, truly uniting our lands and people as one." he bowed presenting the Blade with palms outstretched.
27-02-2005, 06:27
Krieger hesitantly retook the blade, bowing his head to the Emperor.
"The High Guardian will be overjoyed at this momentous occasion. The past few decades have been long and arduous. May the actions taken here today ripple and echo throughout the eons. It is our High Guardian's second request that we make plans for a cultural mission of sorts. He proposes that each will send cadres of trained ministers and ambassadors to the respective host country, allowing knowledge to be shared by all. Crownguardian ways will merge with Tersanctan ways, and the benefit of the sum will be apparent to all."
He looked up from the bow, the Dragoons straightening once more.
"Many are interested to learn more of this...Kungshao....and the ways of your nation. Chefs seek to sample local dishes, tacticians seek to observe your military, philosophers seek to study ancient books. Will you indulge them? Of course, our own ways and rituals will be revealed to those who wish to learn. We can only go one way, and that is forward into prosperity as our alliance breaths life once again."
27-02-2005, 20:34
Shijin looked upon the Ambassador.
"I think that this day, I have recieved more Honor, than any man in any nation could hope to recieve. Yes, yes! Let ths cultural mission be made, in both lands!" "
"Let the Kungshao Preists speak Ancient words of the Great Dragon!"
"Let the Generals and Admirals drink brandy and smoke cigars as they reminice together of battles old, and Wars yet to come!"
"Let Crownguard and Tersanctan babes play together in lands that hold both names!"
"Ambassador....nay, My brother, no expense shall be spared until we are as one people. Let the Templar and Dragoons, the Vanguard of Two Empires embrace each other as but one Vanguard. They will swear Handama Erista to you...I shall explain later, but it is unifying pact, that none, save the Drakonians have ever had with them."
"Brother, through our Adversities, we have been made strong and wise, we should not lament a single thing that has happened to us! For it has brought us to this moment!"
OOC:Handama Erista...Handama is the Kungshaoist beleif in an Honorable Death, not just in battle, but in a life lived through right action; in that you will live in the next world, not neccessarily given rewards such as heaven, but you are free to know and seek, without hunger or pain, whatever their is too know and seek. Those whom do not acheive Handama, are simply reincarnated to the next form, they lose their 'immortality' so to speak, and have to start all over.
Handama Erista, would translate as "Shared Honorable Death" in that the normally Xenophobic Kungshaoists, and their templars, look down on the beleifs of others, not necessarliy as 'wrong' but as misguided. And the deepest held tenemant of Handama, would be honoring outsiders with allowing them to share in it. Its normally used as a way of saying "Brother, I shall bleed with you this day in battle."
Drakonian Imperium
29-09-2005, 20:59
In the over fifty years since Tersanctus had last had Executor, much would have come to pass in the nation's neighbor the Drakonian Imperium. Praetor Augustus Drake, adopted brother of Edmund Dantes, and his Queen Jolené Sutherland would have turned over the Praetorship to their offspring, the Greater Drakonian Economy (which included Tersanctus) would have continued its mighty growth, and the United Emirates would have once again recovered from their weakness after the alliance had faced as Tersanctus collapsed into civil war.
But time in the multiverse of NationStates does not work that way. Like everything else its relative. Therefore, what in Tersanctus was fifty years ammounted to a single year (at most) in the Imperium. Augustus Drake was still Praetor, the United Emirates were still lapsed into inacivity, and the Greater Drakonian Economy was still fully developing and growing. The Drakonian troops which had gone to secure and stabilize the United Emirate Capital of Dragon's Lance and the surrounding area in Tersanctus had returned after what seemed a breif holiday.
The two nations were very much like brothers, and their peoples of close lineage. Their societies and values so very similar, while their cultures were so similiar and so very diverse. Tersanctus sheltered by a ring of the Golanus Mountains had developed a much more eastern culture, while Drakonia had a much more western culture (it could be argued, and generally was that Drakonia had developed western culture consider just how old the Imperium was).
Perhaps it was that eastern mystery that gave rise to the many misconceptions about the Trisagion Empire. The first and formost being that it was a dictatorship (this one promoted by the narrowmindedness of the United Nations). No, Tersanctus was not a dictatorship, its original precepts had been establish during the Emiratus War (that ended the century-long conflicts between the Sanctus Empire and the Drakonian Imperium and allied them as brothers) that the new nation would be not an oppressive regime, but a benevolent free state.
The second, was that Executor simply meant Emperor. Wrong as well, the Executor simply meant that this leader (elected by the Imperial Senate) was the head of the Executive Branch of the Tersanctus government. Although, he did hold broad powers which might extend beyond that branch.
These things aside, Executor Kotomari, would be recieving a personal call from Praetor Augustus Drake (newly recovered from an assassination attempt and back from his and his wife's secret retreat to Lavenrunz) to congratulate him on his new position and to discus how they might improve the future of their free peoples. Hopefully, provided certain secretaries had budgeted their scedules right, the call would be placed after Executor Kotomari had finished his meeting with the Ambassador from Crownguard.
OOC: Blatant assumption as usual. Tersanctus, if you find anything wrong with this I can correct my errors. Also, I know this post is months late...don't need to be told.
30-09-2005, 04:30
OOC: By no offense taken in any of the assumptions. 90% accurate actually. An Executor is everything you said, except that its usually hereditary. Though that has been a problem lately. In such circumstances according too the constitution the Imperial Senate can appoint a new Executor,...though he needs to have some strong claims to the throne as it were. The Idea of Drakonia being "absorbed" into the Empire was merely my OOC way of keeping your nations memory alive. I see my faith has not been misplaced.
IC: So much had happened in these last few weeks, building several strong alliances with some old friends, and seeing it weakened when one directly challenged the sanctity of Gholgoth. That alliance had faded into a pale shadow. Now there was another old friend. The oldest one Tersanctus had.
Drakonia, the Sisterland, the ancient enemy turned fierce ally. When attention turned beyond Nusquam Esse, the continent that shared the lands of Terasnactus and Drakonia, and several others, the petty squabbling of holding Dominion over the Conntient quieted into holding Lands outside her borders. And it seemed the Imperialist Ideals that once divided the two great peoples instead brought them together. For a freind and an enemy are really very close, both are likely very similar to ones own self in likeness and in goals. And when confronted with absolute evil from external sources, the need to unite and preserve their own benevolence had won out, and it had held together admirably for centuries.
And now the Praetor of Drakonia would be calling the Executor Shijin Kotomari. Perhaps the Praetor did not suspect who he really was, and he definitely did not know what to expect when he finally did call him. But like embers that refuse to die out, deep within Shijin burned old affections for former friends, attached to memories he could not remember.
He sat at his desk, the tick of the clock on the wall counting away the fading rays of sunlight coming in through the imposing windows that held the curtains that partially blocked the view of the distant Golanus mountains to the West. The Huge Darkish Mountains had Clouds around the peripice. Lit in hues of orange and pink by the dying sun, it was breathtaking, which is why the Office of the Executor was built here in the Capitol of Sanctus.
He looked at the Gold Wedding Band on his left hand, he had recently married the Newest queen, Madeline Werther, now Madeline Kotmari, she was away in here homestead finishing some family business, unitll she joined him here permanently in Sanctus.
Any minute now the phone would ring....