12-02-2005, 00:32
Need Defense? The Legion of Defense Can Help!
The Legion of Defense Forums (
The LoD Academy
LoD Storefronts (
The Legion of Defense (LoD) was the first of its kind when it was founded on January 1, 2004. A purely defensive alliance, it is made up of two kinds of nations - the Protectors and the Protectorates. The Protectorates are the smaller, weaker nations. They are nations of under 200-500 million (200-500 million is a gray area and might really decides the position in that situation) and/or pacifists with no military, but want defense in case they are attacked. The core of the Legion is this NationStates Protectorate Service (NSPS). However, because the Protectorates have no obligation to defend others and are just defended, they have less power and influence.
On the other hand, there's the Protectors. The Protectors are the larger, stronger nations. They usually have more than 500 million, but some exceptions do occur. They are defended and defend the others. Because of this, they have more power and influence and can even run for Council (the governing body of the Legion that makes many important decisions).
The Legion of Defense goes beyond boundaries in the name of defense. One example - Hallad and Shildonia. One is hardcore communist and the other is hardcore anticommunist. That is one of many examples of how people from different backgrounds - democracies and dictatorships, capitalist and communist, young and old - get together in this defensive alliance.
In December of 2003, Nanakaland was thinking of an idea. Nanakaland always thinks of ideas. Some make it. Some don't. This NationStates Protectorate Service (NSPS) was taking off (it was launched on January 1, 2004). Basically nations could sign up as Protectorates and be protected by Nanakaland. The idea was taken one step further soon after, by making it that nations could volunteer to be "Protectors", however, a problem soon arose. There were more Protectors than Protectorates. That was pointed out on the forums that were then just-launched.
The NSPS also had another problem. It had no official set of rules. That became obvious and a Charter was created. This charter named the organization "The Legion of Defense" and gave it much more power than the NSPS. Under the LoD, the Protectors protected each other and the Protectorates. The Charter also contained room for amendments. This wouldn't be used at all in the old Legion of Defense, but became a valuable tool later.
The Legion of Defense thrived a little, but then fell into a period of inactivity. Nanakaland noticed this and started to bring it back. The LoD Academy was about to be launched. All seemed nice, but because of OOC reasons, Nanakaland could not be on NationStates. Without its strong leader, the Legion collapsed.
It was November of 2004. The Legion of Defense had been collapsed through much of summer. Nanakaland no longer existed. A great thing would happen, though. Nanakaland returned to NationStates. The nation was resurrected by a NationStates moderator. Nanakaland was back and shortly afterwords - the Legion was being launched again.
Nanakaland, Euroslavia, Bariloche, and Witzgall were among the first. It was decided to create new forums for the new LoD. Nanakaland and Witzgall had access to the forums to work it out, but the rest of the members weren't given the URL of the forums until 15 members joined (or rejoined if they were old members).
The Charter was revised and then put in place again. Many amendments were passed within the first month of the Legion. Nine people ran for the council (which is a Council of nine), so all got in. The forums became active. The Legion of Defense was back!
In January, the first official census was taken and the member goal of 30 for last year was met. Elections started for 1/3 of the Council members and the results were controversial. The LoD Academy and the official recruitment thread were in planning. The Legion of Defense needs you to join!
In February, the storefronts were released, the LoD Academy went deeper into development and the LoD expanded to cover gameplay (to see more on the GP aspects, see the GP section of the recruitment thread in the GP forum).
[Section that will be added for the LoD Academy release.]
In the attempt to have more complete forums and to get the LoD name out there to the public, the Legion of Defense (LoD) has launched a storefront section of their forums. While acutally creating a storefront is a right reserved to its members, the Legion allows guests to order products from the storefronts.
The storefronts have been launched for over a week, but now that they are sufficiantly set up, they are now available to the public. Stop by our storefront, order some items, and possibly consider joining the original defensive alliance - the LoD. Have a nice day. [Originally written in this ( thread.]
Forums and IRC
The forums are located on InvisionFree (, a free forum site. Nanakaland created the structure of the forum and generally is the one who does matenience and adds new forums. Many thanks, however go to Witzgall for the skins of the forum and the fader, and Bariloche and Euroslavia - the other admins. The forum site is proffesional-looking and has many, many features. Much of the Legion meets on the forums. In fact, the forums are the place for the Legion of Defense. Stop by to the LoD Forums ( today.
There's also another place for the Legion. It's called #Legion_of_Defense - the IRC channel. It's on EsperNet ( If you don't have IRC, download it today ( Of course, #Legion_of_Defense is the Legion of Defense's private channel. Don't stop by unless you're a member or want to join.
NS Only
The Legion of Defense, while recently expanding to the gameplay section of NationStates, is one of the oldest and respected defensive alliance (being founded on January 1st, 2004) and has an extensive roleplay section. It has many benefits, including defense, and thus is a good choice. Powerful nations and weak nations, communists and capitalists, old and young all unite in this alliance that spans many techlevels and ignores most differences.
Visit the Legion of Defense ( today! To join the Legion of Defense, register at the forums and then post a join request in the registration forum. What are you waiting for?
The LoD: LoD Forums (|LoD Signup (|LoD Academy|LoD Storefronts (
The Legion of Defense Forums (
The LoD Academy
LoD Storefronts (
The Legion of Defense (LoD) was the first of its kind when it was founded on January 1, 2004. A purely defensive alliance, it is made up of two kinds of nations - the Protectors and the Protectorates. The Protectorates are the smaller, weaker nations. They are nations of under 200-500 million (200-500 million is a gray area and might really decides the position in that situation) and/or pacifists with no military, but want defense in case they are attacked. The core of the Legion is this NationStates Protectorate Service (NSPS). However, because the Protectorates have no obligation to defend others and are just defended, they have less power and influence.
On the other hand, there's the Protectors. The Protectors are the larger, stronger nations. They usually have more than 500 million, but some exceptions do occur. They are defended and defend the others. Because of this, they have more power and influence and can even run for Council (the governing body of the Legion that makes many important decisions).
The Legion of Defense goes beyond boundaries in the name of defense. One example - Hallad and Shildonia. One is hardcore communist and the other is hardcore anticommunist. That is one of many examples of how people from different backgrounds - democracies and dictatorships, capitalist and communist, young and old - get together in this defensive alliance.
In December of 2003, Nanakaland was thinking of an idea. Nanakaland always thinks of ideas. Some make it. Some don't. This NationStates Protectorate Service (NSPS) was taking off (it was launched on January 1, 2004). Basically nations could sign up as Protectorates and be protected by Nanakaland. The idea was taken one step further soon after, by making it that nations could volunteer to be "Protectors", however, a problem soon arose. There were more Protectors than Protectorates. That was pointed out on the forums that were then just-launched.
The NSPS also had another problem. It had no official set of rules. That became obvious and a Charter was created. This charter named the organization "The Legion of Defense" and gave it much more power than the NSPS. Under the LoD, the Protectors protected each other and the Protectorates. The Charter also contained room for amendments. This wouldn't be used at all in the old Legion of Defense, but became a valuable tool later.
The Legion of Defense thrived a little, but then fell into a period of inactivity. Nanakaland noticed this and started to bring it back. The LoD Academy was about to be launched. All seemed nice, but because of OOC reasons, Nanakaland could not be on NationStates. Without its strong leader, the Legion collapsed.
It was November of 2004. The Legion of Defense had been collapsed through much of summer. Nanakaland no longer existed. A great thing would happen, though. Nanakaland returned to NationStates. The nation was resurrected by a NationStates moderator. Nanakaland was back and shortly afterwords - the Legion was being launched again.
Nanakaland, Euroslavia, Bariloche, and Witzgall were among the first. It was decided to create new forums for the new LoD. Nanakaland and Witzgall had access to the forums to work it out, but the rest of the members weren't given the URL of the forums until 15 members joined (or rejoined if they were old members).
The Charter was revised and then put in place again. Many amendments were passed within the first month of the Legion. Nine people ran for the council (which is a Council of nine), so all got in. The forums became active. The Legion of Defense was back!
In January, the first official census was taken and the member goal of 30 for last year was met. Elections started for 1/3 of the Council members and the results were controversial. The LoD Academy and the official recruitment thread were in planning. The Legion of Defense needs you to join!
In February, the storefronts were released, the LoD Academy went deeper into development and the LoD expanded to cover gameplay (to see more on the GP aspects, see the GP section of the recruitment thread in the GP forum).
[Section that will be added for the LoD Academy release.]
In the attempt to have more complete forums and to get the LoD name out there to the public, the Legion of Defense (LoD) has launched a storefront section of their forums. While acutally creating a storefront is a right reserved to its members, the Legion allows guests to order products from the storefronts.
The storefronts have been launched for over a week, but now that they are sufficiantly set up, they are now available to the public. Stop by our storefront, order some items, and possibly consider joining the original defensive alliance - the LoD. Have a nice day. [Originally written in this ( thread.]
Forums and IRC
The forums are located on InvisionFree (, a free forum site. Nanakaland created the structure of the forum and generally is the one who does matenience and adds new forums. Many thanks, however go to Witzgall for the skins of the forum and the fader, and Bariloche and Euroslavia - the other admins. The forum site is proffesional-looking and has many, many features. Much of the Legion meets on the forums. In fact, the forums are the place for the Legion of Defense. Stop by to the LoD Forums ( today.
There's also another place for the Legion. It's called #Legion_of_Defense - the IRC channel. It's on EsperNet ( If you don't have IRC, download it today ( Of course, #Legion_of_Defense is the Legion of Defense's private channel. Don't stop by unless you're a member or want to join.
NS Only
The Legion of Defense, while recently expanding to the gameplay section of NationStates, is one of the oldest and respected defensive alliance (being founded on January 1st, 2004) and has an extensive roleplay section. It has many benefits, including defense, and thus is a good choice. Powerful nations and weak nations, communists and capitalists, old and young all unite in this alliance that spans many techlevels and ignores most differences.
Visit the Legion of Defense ( today! To join the Legion of Defense, register at the forums and then post a join request in the registration forum. What are you waiting for?
The LoD: LoD Forums (|LoD Signup (|LoD Academy|LoD Storefronts (