Species Catalogue
In the vast expanse that is Nation States there are many roll play (RP) as human, while others RP as intelligent life forms. To date though, there exist no official lists of these beings. That is the purpose of this thread to catalogue and describe these intelligent species.
1.All intelligent species will be listed by their common name.
2.Common name will be followed by Scientific Latin name.
3.Give a brief physical description.
*e.cy= Earth cycle
Elf (Homo fata alfar) – A bipedal hominid species. Noted for their elongated ears (longer than Half Elf). Skin, hair, and eyes range between multitudes of colors. Both male and female genders have fairer features than Humans. Tall and slender the average height is usually 165cm- 180cm. Elves are extraordinarily long-lived 1000e.cy +. Their I.Q. is on par with Humans and Half Elves.
Half Elf (Homo sapiens alfar) – A bipedal hominid hybrid species resulting from Elf and Human procreation. Half Elves also originate from Earth. They share the same physical characteristics as Humans with the exception to their slightly extended and pointy ears. Their intellect coincides Humans and Elves. The average Half Elf life span is roughly 300e.cy-500e.cy.
Human (Homo sapiens sapiens) – A bipedal primate mammal originating from Earth. Skin color can range from black to pinkish white depending on the individual. Eyes and hair also come in a variety of colors. Genders include male and female, and rarely hermaphrodite. Height in both adult genders can range between 160cm- 175cm; individuals may sometimes be shorter or sometimes taller than average. And an average life span of 80e.cy- 120e.cy
Vampire (Vampyrus posthumous) – A reanimated corpse that during the night sucks the blood of the living. Vampires avoid sun-light resulting in their pale skin color. Vampires procreate through viral infection spread to a victim. Vampires are essentially dead and therefore have an indefinite post life span. Rumors have it that some vampires can defy gravity, transform into either bat or wolf, and even posses pyrokinesis.
Ananasi (Arachno transmuto anthrop)- Ananasi are what one could call were-spiders. They are one of many of the changeling breeds. The Ananasi are made up of unstable molecules and can literally breakdown into an army of tiny spiders as well as assume three other forms. Ananasi are living vampires. They mainly feed on the blood of large animals such as bovine. Unlike vampires they don't suffer from not drinking enough blood. They have fangs like vampires (in other forms they can split their lower jaw to reveal more spider like fangs) and secrete a similar enzyme that can close the wounds. Also, Ananasi may spin webs to keep a prey imprisoned for a time. Ananasi also have the benefit of not allergic to silver. Unfortunately, the Ananasi don't share the other changeling breed's immunity to diseases or even their tolerance to toxins. Though Ananasi are not harmed by sunlight, but they are nocturnal by nature. Their intelligence is ranked between 80-115 on par with Humans. Lifespan is unknown however there are reports of 80 year old Ananasi being vibrant and strong.
Forms: Ananasi have four forms
The Ananasi appears as a human.
In this form, most Ananasi stand about seven ft. Also they grow two extra appendages on ether side of the Ananasi's body, leaving it with six arms and two legs. Their skin is dark in this form and a thin layer of velvet like hair covers the body. Their faces are oval-shaped and their features are elongated. Their eyes are also perfect ovals.
Often refereed to as the Pit Spider. It vaguely resembles a black widow. They are five-ft. long and about five-ft. high. This form has eight legs and huge jaws.
Crawling Form
This form is literally an army of spiders. The army's size is dependent on the mass of the Ananasi and the size of the spiders that the Ananasi breaks itself down into. All the spiders must be the same size but the size of the spiders is up to the Ananasi. When in this form, the Ananasi has a collective mind and can see everything that all the spiders can see. The Ananasi is essentially invulnerable in this form, and may reform even if one spider survives. It may do so simply by summoning spiders to replace its lost flesh. However, if 30% of the spiders are destroyed, the Ananasi will look different when it returns. But keep in mind, its really hard to kill a large mass of spiders.
Arcanite/Ancient Tanreallan (No scientific classification given)- They appear to be similar to humans, although with a difference muscle and bone structure in the arms (hands bearing two opposable thumbs, one of each side of the six fingers), and bone ridges hidden beneath the skin throughout the arms and torso. The heads are most different, although in some ways they are similar - nose, mouth, two eyes. The mouth itself bears a large likeness, although judging from the jaw lines the bone structure is fairly different. A close analysis and knowledge of biology would suggest that the upper and lower jaws are each split in two, forming four separate bone spines that would allow for greater chewing capability and phonetic ability, but reduced strength and durability of the jaw itself. The eyes are slightly larger than those of a human, with (judging from what can be seen in the light) vertical eyelids rather than horizontal (i.e. eyelids are on the sides of the eyes, and close horizontally). The skull structure is the most significant difference. A prominent bone ridge starts under the eyebrows and sweeps up and back, following the crown line of the skull, and continues on to form the edges of an elongated skull. The head itself is wedge-shaped, the rear of the skull fanning out in layer upon layer of bone to protect the delicate brain within.
Ardchoille Cats (Felis Ardchoilleae)- The Cats of Ardchoille look to the untrained eye like human-sized examples of Felis silvestris catus or Felis silvestris domesticus, the Terran house-cat. They have a bigger skull, accommodating a bigger brain; they have four opposable thumbs, one on each paw; the lower jaw projects more, proportionally, than that of the domestic cat, and the tongue and larynx are more developed, permitting a greater range of vocalizations. The tail, too, is longer and stronger, functioning in some individuals as a weak "fifth hand", though unable to support body weight. The claws remain retractable, but can be "locked" in either extended or retracted position. Like the fur of Terran cats, that of the Cats varies greatly, from the almost-hairless Tufted Cats to the profuse covering of the Longhairs. Some even have a pelt similar to that of the curly-haired Rex cats of Earth. An equally wide range of colours exists among the Cats with sex-linked colouration also occurring so that ginger Cats are invariably male and tortoiseshell Cats are female.
The Cats differ in three major aspects from their little Terran counterparts. First, the Cats' intelligence is, overall, slightly greater than that of humans -- by two or three IQ points -- though this is not noticeable in interactions between individuals of the two species. Next, the Cats generally walk upright, a development that causes visible differences. Their hindquarters are stronger and more prominent than those of Earth cats and their spines are less flexible, though still far suppler than those of humans.
The third and greatest difference is that the Cats are Magic Creatures. They do not have to study magic any more than humans have to study how to breathe (though, in both cases, study and practice can improve performance). Furthermore, by being Magic Creatures they can call out the magical ability that is latent in human beings.
Our scientists theorize that human magic can occur only when connections are established between certain areas of the brain. This can be done by simple contact with a Magic Creature or by the conscious act of a human adept. (This process is discussed in more detail in the author's History of Ardchoille, Ch 1 - 3, The Early Years).
Being Magical Creatures, the Cats were not obliged to develop ways of manipulating the physical world -- if, for example, they wanted to cross a chasm, they simply teleported. Consequently, the human 'substitutes' for magical skills, such as physics, chemistry, architecture and engineering, have fascinated the Cats since First Contact. Many now pursue careers in these esoteric fields.
Socially, the Cats replicate the independence of their Earth cousins. Parents and children ("kits" or "kitlings") exhibit some pack behavior and female litter-mates remain close throughout their lifetimes. Adolescence is marked by a short period of extreme risk-taking behavior and, in males, by an almost psychotic competitiveness for the attention of females. These, however, are largely indifferent to the males until oestrus occurs, at which time their behavior may politely be described as "uninhibited". Cat to Cat pair-bonding is unusual, but does occur.
Since Cat and Human met, interspecies bonds have developed to such a degree that individual Cats "adopt" individual Humans. The closeness of these relationships continues even when either or both partners have children or, in the case of humans, spouses ('the needlessly jealous spouse' is a traditional figure in Ardchoillean literature). Similar bonds enrich many professional relationships and a Cat "advisor" is considered necessary to any human wishing to make a mark in Ardchoillean politics, though on occasion the bond is to the office, rather than to the person.
Argonian (Reptilius Acceleradus)- Genus: Reptillian, Skin: Scales, Eyes: Slit Pupil, Avg. Height: 6'2", Avg. Weight: 192 lbs, Avg. Lifespan: 200+ Years, Habitat: Amphibious
Description: A bipedal reptilian race remarkable for their innate aquatic abilities & their resistance to most known chemical & botanical poisons. Argonians are characterized by their ear-fins, and greatly resemble upright lizards, with their snouts & reptilian skull structure. Gifted with the ability to amplify faint light & highly acute senses, the Argonians are highly predatory race who crave the thrill of the hunt. While fiercely territorial, the Argonian people as a whole are fanatically loyal to those they choose as friends. While primitive & distrustful of technology, the Argonian people demonstrate a highly adaptive nature in regards to their habitats. Fire is a valued companion & Argonian metalworking is some of the best worldwide.
Baku (Elephas transmuto anthrop)- Are one of the more bizarre changeling breeds. Were-elephants would be a more common name for the Baku. They are an immense and powerful changeling breed, but for all their magnitude they are slow-moving, enigmatic, wise. The Baku are strict vegetarians (in all forms) due to their philosophy. They can/ need to consume large amounts of food which at times can be taxing on the Homid form. Baku can live upto 100 years before they go out on a solitary "walk of ages" to their final resting place.
Forms: The Baku have five forms.
The Homid form of the Baku was always really big and rotund; petite or skinny Baku were unheard of. Heights of up to seven feet tall and weight upwards of 300 lbs were common place among them.
A big, ugly humanoid between nine and ten feet tall, covered in thick hide. Its advantage is that it channels some of the power and mass of the Baku's elephant heritage without sacrificing agility. Its face is mostly human, though it's covered with rough gray hide and devoid of hair except for a few tufts.
An upright-standing elephant, say twenty feet tall on average, with humanlike hands, and multiple trunks, tusks and eyes, and you have something that can probably kill with looks alone. This form is very powerful, but is as slow as a rock. Think of the Indri the Indian god, and you have a good picture of what this form looks like.
A form that blends the Baku's supernatural heritage with the form of an elephant, the Mali-fut form is the most commonly used form for combat. It possesses any extra trunks, eyes, tusks, and has about 30% more mass than an ordinary elephant, much of it concentrated in the shoulders and limbs. Its legs are almost bear-like, giving the Baku the ability to move its bulk quickly if necessary.
An ordinary elephant, sans weird appendages (extra trunks, tusks, or limbs) and anything unusual (extra eyes, ears, head, or markings).
Boggan (Animus Domesticus)-Short humanoid beings known for their thick, bushy eyebrows. Boggans average 5'4" for males and 5' for females. They are well known for their extreme crafting speed and their sense of social dynamics. Boggans have great difficulty resisting coming to the aid of others. They feel a strong urge to help anyone in genuine need. Their average IQ is 101.
Burmecian (Homomus burmecien)- Burmecians are a rat like people who lived on the Mist Continent. They were there before the humans emigrated from the Forgotten Continent. Burmecians are an incredibly agile race, and prefer to be lightly armored and have their speed, than heavily armored and encumbered. They posses an advanced ability to jump, some up to a mile high, and many use this advantage in battle to their fullest extent. Polite and reserved, they are normally a fountain of good advice, and will not hesitate to take charge of any situation. The Burmecians form 100% of the Dragon Knight Corps.
The Resurgent Dream
09-02-2005, 01:59
Boggans (Animus Domesticus)-Short humanoid beings knwon for their thick, bushy eyebrows. Boggans average 5'4" for males and 5' for females. They are well known for their extreme crafting speed and their sense of social dynamics. Boggans have great difficulty resisting coming to the aid of others. They feel a strong urge to help anyone in genuine need. Their average IQ is 101.
Dragon (Draco magnificen) - The Dragons, ancient beasts of immense power. Fire, Ice and Lunar augmentations ruled their world, their powers beyond the comprehension of many lesser beings. For this, the lesser beings have agreed and pushed to elect the dragon as their national animal. Colossal reptilian tetrapods often having immense bat-winged appendeges used for flight. There exist several sub-species of dragons such as Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons, and Lunar Dragons. Dragon intelligence ranks between 70-90. Life span unknown.
Draman (Draco sapien hybridum)- From the purebred lines came the Draman, men of draconian descent. These men harbored the ancient powers within their souls, yet few ever would learn how to unlock their powers. Most lived their days with only the small distinguishing features that set them aside from the regular homo-sapiens. Their skin was like scales, covering every part of their bodies. Their senses were keen and unique. The Draconians and the Dramans preferred the lush mountain ranges that sprawled the western and northern borders of Tarlachia.
Elf (Homo fata alfar)– A bipedal hominid species. Noted for their elongated ears (longer than Half Elf). Skin, hair, and eyes range between multitudes of colors. Both male and female genders have fairer features than Humans. Tall and slender the average height is usually 165cm- 180cm. Elves are extraordinarily long-lived 1000e.cy +. Their I.Q. is on par with Humans and Half Elves.
Fire Dragon (Draco magnificen pyro) - Fire breathing dragons. For more details see Dragon.
Geckoids (Gehyra mutilata rex)- Found in: Geckratonia (formerly Northern RK)Average Lifespan: Depends on class (see below)
Description: Geckoids are uncommon geckos (a form of stump-toed gecko) that have been exposed to high levels of radiation. The first geckoid was a former stage act called Fluffy, found to have changed to a solid purple colour and to have lost the ability to sing (yes, uncommon geckos sing). Geckoids feed on atomic and chemical energy. If they store enough,they will mutate further. Geckoids fall into divisions depending on how much energy they have stored (and how mutated they are). Below is a chart of all 8 discovered divisions:
Division 1 (purple) geckoid
- At this stage the gecko becomes longer, starts to whine and snarl, and turns a violent shade of purple. These are sometimes called primitive geckoids.
Average lifespan: same as regular gecko
Division 2 (red) geckoid
- At this stage the gecko turns red, re-develops language, becomes more intelligent than the average human, and begins to walk on 2 legs. These are also known as upright geckoids.
Average lifespan: 10-20 earth years
Division 3 (worker) geckoid
- This class is similar to division 2, but here the gecko developes a fatal toxin inside its body, which can be squirted out of the hollow teeth.
Average lifespan: 10-25 earth years
Division 4a (thinker) geckoid
- Geckoids that fall into this division are extremely vulnerably to attack (they lose most of their skin), but become extremely intelligent, hence the name.
Average lifespan: 30-40 earth years
Division 4b (guardian) geckoid
- Geckoids that fall into this division are less intelligent than their worker and thinker counterparts, but become hardened and more experienced in combat.
Average lifespan: 10-20 earth years
Division 5 (uber) geckoid
- Current Geckratonia king Cipher VI falls into this division. These are better in every way than the lesser divisions, however, they aren't invincible.
Average lifespan: 50-70 earth years
Division 6 (final mutation) geckoid
- Geckoids in this division are powerful warriors that have enough stored energy to attack nonstop for two hours before tiring. They are also extremely intelligent. There is no known geckoids today that fall into division 6. However, they are extremely unstable and are constantly using up the energy, so they usually don't last long.
Average lifespan: Unknown
Division 7 (kamikaze) geckoid
- This is when so much energy is collected by a geckoid that it combusts.
Average lifespan: N/A
Grenal (Homo sapiens cro-grenal)- Homo sapiens sub-species possibly descended from Cro-Magnon. The Grenals are another evolved group consisting of men whose arcane abilities set them aside as unique. They are more in tune with the environment, and have an ability to twist the fabrics of reality to their desires. In a sense, they are true magicians. Their genetic makeup has evolved to allow them to keep a hold on their environment. They have a sort of sixth sense, the interdimensional sense, which allows them to sense things that happen in different dimensions. They have an evolved ability to telecommunicate using telepathy. Their intelligence is on par with the Norim.
Half Elf (Homo sapiens alfar) – A bipedal hominid hybrid species resulting from Elf and Human procreation. Half Elves also originate from Earth. They share the same physical characteristics as Humans with the exception to their slightly extended and pointy ears. Their intellect coincides Humans and Elves (85-115 plus or minus). The average Half Elf life span is roughly 300e.cy-500e.cy.
Half Orc (Homo sapiens uruk) – A bipedal hominid hybrid species resulting from Orc and Human procreation. Half Orcs also originate from Earth. The males are stockier than normal humans, and the females slightly muscular for their gender. Both sexes have prominent lower canines, coarse dark hair, and gray skin. Their intellect is slightly greater than an Orc's. The average Half Orc life span is roughly 50e.cy-70e.cy.
Human (Homo sapiens sapiens) – A bipedal primate mammal originating from Earth. Skin color can range from black to pinkish white depending on the individual. Eyes and hair also come in a variety of colors. Genders include male and female, and rarely hermaphrodite. Height in both adult genders can range between 160cm- 175cm; individuals may sometimes be shorter or sometimes taller than average. Humans usually have a muscular build. I.Q. averages range from 85-115 (plus or minus). And an average life span of 80e.cy- 120e.cy
Ice Dragon (Draco magificen cryo)- Frost or ice breathing dragon. For more information see Dragon.
Lunar Dragon (Draco magificen lunar)- Lunar Dragons are unique, and small in number. Originally from the moon, but have become refugees to Earth, they have found residence in Tarlachia. They have capability to affect anything the moon may have on the Earth. Tides, weather patterns, whatever may be subject to the gravity of the moon. Essentially, this makes them quite powerful if used aggressively. Intelligence is equal to other Dragons.
Marsh Elves: (Homo Sylvalfar Aquaticus)- Lifespan: ~50-60 years, although not many die of old age. Marsh elves are a race of bipedal humanoid, standing 4'-5'6" in height, with a pale blue-grey complexion, and black hair which grows thickly on the head, neck, and shoulders, although they rarely have any other body hair. Eyes are usually yellow or orange, and Marsh elves have fairly well developed night vision. Ears are large and pointed, but tend to point horizontally rather than vertically. Marsh elves have small, pointy teeth, like a cookie-cutter. The most striking feature of marsh elves, which often allows them to be identified without even being seen, is a strong, unpleasant odour that they emit, similar to a cross between musk and compost.
Marsh elves are omniverous, and eat practically anything organic. They are quite resistant to poison and disease, although poison and disease are still frequent causes of death. They breed abundantly, and it is generally famine and disease which keep their rampant population growth in check. Marsh elf communities are usually low-tech, highly inefficient and exist in borderline survival conditions for much of the time.
Marsh elves are loosely organised in tribal villages, each of which has a shaman and chief. While somewhat gregarious, they are prone to infighting and rarely form lengthy alliances. Some tribes, however, are united in long standing alliances, ruled by a high chief and high shaman, or in some cases, a council of elders. Marsh elf culture is, on the whole, rather unsophisticated, with fighting and breeding being their primary pre-occupations. In general, they are quite feral and unmannered. They tend to eat and drink until they are sick, and do not concern themselves greatly over matters of hygeine. However, some individuals can be taught to behave in a manner appropriate for more demanding and complex societies.
On the whole, Marsh elves are very superstitious, and are prone to worshipping practically any passing demon or spirit that intimidates them enough. Magical talent isn't any more common in Marsh elves than any other species, and is usually achieved through an 'affinity spirit', which bonds with the elf at a young age, and acts as a conduit for mystical energies. Marsh elf shamans also prize certain varieties of brightly coloured mushroom, which they believe allow them to communicate with the spirit world.
Marsh elf intelligence is certainly not their strong point. Average IQ is about 85, and those in the lowest parts of the intelligence spectrum are little more than wild animals. Some Marsh elves, usually in positions of authority, display human levels of intelligence, and a few rare individuals even achieve an IQ of 120 or more.
Nenyar (homo sapiens aurora)- The Nenyan species is not well known biologically. However, it is known that Nenyan DNA is unusually different to Human and Quendi DNA in that it is formed into a triple-helix format rather than a double-helix. It is unclear what effect this has on the organism, however, as only the knowledge that it is so is available, rather than hard facts. The species is different enough to be instantly differentiated from other 'humanoid' Sentient species, most easily by their bright amber eyes and small, pinpoint pupils. Nenyan eyes are known to be exceptionally sharp, as Nenyan marksman and archers are disqualified from virtually all Human archery or marksmanship competitions in the ICEL. Nenyans are typically tall and lithe, and are not prone to obesity. Nenyans cannot contract Human diseases - Nenyan scholars claim that there are no communicable diseases capable of piercing the cell membrane in the Nenyan organism, but this has not been backed up with hard scientific evidence as yet, and so cannot be confirmed. Nenyan muscle groups are more compact than Human muscle groups, and it is known that they have a bone-cartilage skeletal structure, and, although the specifics of that structure remain unknown, it is clear that Nenyans weigh significantly less than a Human of equal body size.
Nietzschean (Homo sapiens invictus)- Physical Characteristics: Nietzscheans are bigger, faster and stronger than normal Humans. They are immune to most poisons and diseases. They can breathe chlorine gas without harm. They can eat a much wider variety of foods, survive in harsher environments, and pride themselves on thriving where normal humans wouldn't dare to tread.
Homeworld: The Nietzschean subspecies originated at Ayn Rand Station, a colony founded by Human geneticist Paul Museveni in a globular cluster near the Milky Way galaxy.
Social Characteristics: The Human philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that strife and conflict would inevitably reshape men into something better and stronger than what they once were. As a Human subspecies, Nietzscheans took his words to heart and used genetic engineering and nanotechnology to reshape themselves into the ultimate survivors.
Nietzscheans have built their culture on the twin pillars of social Darwinism and Dawkinite genetic competitiveness. Their single-minded devotion to self-improvement and the propagation of their own genes can strike other species (even their non-Nietzschean Human cousins) as selfish and arrogant, yet in practice the Nietzscheans' boundless energy and willpower have made them valued contributors to society.
Nofinite (Homo Nofian)- Genus: Primate, Skin: almost human, a little tougher, Eyes: Human, Avg. Height: 5'9", Avg. Weight: 200 lbs, Avg. Lifespan: 50 Years
Habitat: adaptable too most, prefers wooded areas.
Description: An almost human race. Is basically a genetically modified human. Has been enhanced with tougher skin, drastic muscle growth, better eyesight, less shaky nerves, and an ability to control it's heart beat (kind of like the lungs, you have to think about it but if you don't then it beats anyway.). After several failed attempts at making drastic changes, they decided to go for small changes, and work from there. Because of the changes it has lowered the average life span, but made them hardier for wars.
Norim (Homo sapiens cro-norim)- Homo sapiens sub-species possibly descended from Cro-Magnon. The Norim are an evolved version of these Raxhun, more closely resembling modern day homo sapiens. Their physique is less suited for combat, for these men have relied on their minds to win conflicts. They are preferably men suited for leadership positions in the government, and have above average intelligence.
Onarrím Eledhel (Homo Curetes Alfar) – A bipedal hominid species. Noted for their lobe-less, elongated ears (extends approximately inch beyond human ear tip). Skin, hair, and eyes range between colours but hair is typically metallic in colour and eyes do not appear to have separate iris, pupil and white, the entire eye appears to be iris. Both male and female genders have fairer features than Humans. Onarrím live for an unknown length of time, often being re-incarnated into cloned forms. Their I.Q. is on par with Humans and Half Elves.
Pterodactyl (Kyte Pterodactylus)- Intelligent flying reptiles, with elongated heads, hollow bones, and wings made of flaps of skin, originally from the Cretaceous era. A small group found refuge from the disaster that killed the dinosaurs on Pterodactylus Island, and are classed as full sentient citizens in Pterodactylus alongside humans. Maximum e.cy: 20 years.
Qax (Communita aquazoa sapients)- A rather odd species, that is entirely liquid. These enormous organisms have no solid body, but are rather an enormous mass of differentiated liquid held together through binding cells.
Appearance: Qax seem to have no defined appearance or shape. A Qax can range from being the size of a 20 by 20 by 20 room to filling many cubic acres depending on how many superfluous cells they choose to have at a moment. A Qax is naturally and inky black, but can create cells which have the ability to change color. This allows a Qax to assume almost any color visible to the human eye, and some that are not. A Qax has no defined shape, and they seem to give very little attention to their shape.
Locomotion: The Qax’s “skeleton” are a series of binding cells which help to hold the massive liquid body together. In order for a Qax to move the inner most cells are pushed towards the direction a Qac wishes to move and the outer most cells are pulled in through the rear and then back into the middle. This gives the appearance the Qax is just floating through water at times, but make not mistake, it is very much in control of its movements.
Reproduction: When a Qax wishes to reproduce it must begin the long process of creating a Qax Core. This will be the center of the mind of the new Qax. The birthing Qax can choose to pass any information it thinks important on to the new Qax. This leads to even seconds old Qax’s having millennia of experience.
Intelligence: The average Qax has an intelligence far above that of any human. This is due to multiple factors. First their minds are far more complex, possibly taking up an entire cubic acre. Secondly each Qax has millennia of experience. It is said that a few rare Qax have millions of years of experiences stored within their minds.
Communication: Qax have numerous and very expressive forms of communication between themselves. This ranges from color signals to telepathy. However, Qax have a difficult time communicating with other species. They can use telepathy, but this is often a one way communication. However, some of the youngest Qax have begun to experiment in the creation of vocal cells.
Other: Qax have the unique ability to control their entire body down to the cellular level. This enables them to create substances and cells that would be impossible to synthesize otherwise. It is rumored that the Qax created what could be called an elixir of life, and used it to enslave the Arixians.
Rakkon (Pteronura sapiens)- Physical Description: The Rakkon are short, semi-bipedal creatures that are generally between four and five feet tall. Exceptionally tall individuals have reached as much as five and a half feet in the past, but only children are found below four feet. They have densely muscular builds, thanks to the higher gravity of their planet of origin, and even the most out of shape Rakkon can typically lift a good bit more than his or her own body weight. Covering their entire bodies is a short and waterproof coating of very dense, very soft fur. They have long, thick, and muscular, but non-prehensile tails behind them. When walking slowly, a Rakkon will use a straight-backed walk, but as speed increases they move more and more into the horizontal. They have fairly typical hands, but thick webbing spreads between the fingers. They also have stubby muzzles, and rounded ears. On some occasions, those in certain professions that need extra dexterity and are willing to take a hit on their swimming ability will have the webbing cut out.
Personality: If there's anything notable about the Rakkons, it's that they're insufferably cheerful. Many individuals have annoyingly sunny dispositions that will grate upon anyone who's less than a saint. In spite of their apparently childish outlook, they're fairly intelligent, and perhaps because of their outlook, insatiably curious. They run the entire gamut of human intelligence ranges, but very few of them show any behavorial signs indicating their intelligence level; it only becomes apparent under extreme conditions or when specifically tested for. It's interesting to note that when instability appears in a Rakkon psyche, it almost inevitably amplifies to the point of dangerous psychosis. Hence, the small Rakkon military is well-known for brutality. Attempts by the military to take over the government have been universally unsuccessful, namely due to the unruly, tribal government structure and the fact that the best equipment in the military is only allowed into the control of those deemed perfectly sane.
Favored Pastimes: A very athletic species, the Rakkon are well-known for their gymnastic ability and their running speed/stamina, and typically run on all fours using bounding leaps. They also make credible showings in other sports. What they're really famous for is their swimming, as even mildly trained Rakkon generally take prizes from less specialized species. The favorite past-time of a Rakkon in his home setting is fishing, although with these master swimmers, they never developed the fishing rod. Competitions frequently develop over who can take the most fish with their bare hands alone.
Raxhun (Homo sapiens cro-raxhun)- Homo sapiens sub-species possibly descended from Cro-Magnon. Raxhun men are more like primitive men, their skulls are larger, however slightly less intelligent than the Norim or the Grenals. They tend to be stockier, stronger in build. They are often perfectly suited for military service. They tend to range between 5 feet 5 inches to as tall as 7 feet.
Re'tu (Arachnida-Canceri alius invisitatum)- A non-humanoid race that exists 180 degrees out of phase from normal spectrum, and are thus completely invisible. The species are insectoid in appearance, resembling spiders with large eyes on the sides of their head, and spiny green arms and legs, permitting them to move quickly. They have multiple legs, and adults are approximately two and a half meters tall. The Re'tu possess advanced, plasma-based energy weapons fitted onto one arm. The weapon is capable of firing a powerful blast of energy, which becomes visible once it is fired at a target. Since Re'tu exist 180 degrees out of normal phase, conventional weapons can only "slow them down," if even that.
Sangheili (???)- An alien race of warriors skilled in all forms of combat. They are both intelligent and strong. They stand aprox. 7' tall. Their battle armor is easily reconizable and its energy shields make them virtually invulnerabe. Known by humans as Elites this race is one of the fiercest in the universe.
Siesatian Raptor (Utahraptor ostrommaysorum)- Siesatian Raptors are almost carbon copies to their anscestors 65 million years ago. Possessing intelligence slightly above that of a human being, they are a formidable creature on paper, but in reality, they are rather reserved, sometimes shy. Making up a majority of the Scientists. An interesting fact is that almost 70% of them are vegitarians.
Slavemasters "Varuki" (Domini mundi)- Slavemasters are possessed of great intelligence with an IQ on par with such geniuses as Stephen Hawking - however, Slavemasters are physically frail from living in space and require special exoskeletal frames to support their frail bodies when interacting on Earth-gravity planets. Their faces resemble humans, except they have cat-like eyes and whiskers.
Their fingers resemble those of the humanoid Martians of early science fiction, and their voices, when they deign to speak human languages, sound as if they have a half-Icelandic, half-Cockney accent.
Where human hair would be, a Slavemaster has long coils of snake-like tendrils, known as psion receptors. Psion receptors connect the Slavemasters to each other, allowing them to communicate telepathically if they wish. It is also where they can draw into the power of their racial heritage, to wreak havoc with powerful psionics. There are rumors of Slavemasters that have severed their ties by cutting their psion receptors, but these creatures often go insane or die soon afterwards. These insane Slavemasters are known as Prolictors (traitors).
The Slavemasters' exo-suits require constant maintenance, ensuring that their presence on backward planets such as Earth is highly restricted, and their presence on planets is low.
The Slavemasters are kind to their own species, but see humans as a lesser form of life, worthy only of slavery.
Sskiss (Therapoda Sapiens)-The Sskiss are actually a collection of several closely related clades of genera and species all based on the ancient terrestrial therapod dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of old earth. An oddity among sentient races, the Sskiss however, do not look sentient or otherwise intelligent – no swollen humanoid craniums, but instead a flat, triangular wedge shaped heads with heavy gaping jaws full of rows of serrated curved teeth. Heavy curved black ripping talons adorn their three toed feet and three fingered hands. No upright humanoid stance here, but instead a horizontal body counterbalanced with a long heavy, and sometimes slender stiff tail. As such, they possess a completely non-humanoid appearance, but rather a reptilian and in many cases, even an avian appearance. In fact, they possess a non-intelligent primordial appearance. This appearance is further enhanced (in part, at least) because Sskiss do not appear to wear clothing or accouterments of any sort.
The Sskiss are carnivorous feeding only on animal based proteins. They will readily eat carrion, and like all carnivores, eat infrequently, but in huge portions when they do. A Sskiss could easily eat 25% of it’s own body weight in a single meal. They can go without food for up to two weeks or so – this is especially true for the larger species. They also do not need water (although they do drink it), as they get it from the blood of there meals. One thing of note is that a starving Sskiss is extremely dangerous (even to other Sskiss). This is because Sskiss loose all their abilities of cognitive and rational thought (in short, their sentience) when in this state. They in essence become vicious, dangerous and unpredictable animals! Only feeding will eventually reverse this process. It should also be noted that Sskiss saliva is extremely toxic to most life. The saliva contains a lethal cocktail of some twenty or so species of bacterium, which have various pathological effects to most organisms infected.
As a race they far exceed humans in overall physical prowess. Their strength is immense. A small Sskiss massing at 100 kg on average is at least six times stronger than a man of the same mass! This is due to their evolutionary heritage and also to the fact that their flesh is more densely compacted. Their flesh flows beneath the skin with the density of animated marble and is rather fibrous. Another factor may be that Sskiss dwell on several higher gravity worlds, which tends to increase both strength and reaction time. The bones are also stronger and “laminated” – which also adds both strength and lightness. Although their skeletal anatomy prevents them from climbing, (Sskiss did not evolve from arboreal ancestors) many of the species are however, astonishing leapers. Sskiss are extremely fast and can achieve running speeds of 70 – 120 km per hour depending on the species. All Sskiss, even the larger, more robust species, move with an alien sinewy grace. Their capacity for sustained activity matches their strength. All species possess a phenomenal stamina due to the fact that they possess highly efficient avian-like cardiovascular systems and eight times the amount of red blood cells (per unit) present in there blood. Because of this, Sskiss are also highly resistant to lactic acid buildup. Needless to say, the Sskiss never needed to invent the automobile!
The Sskiss appear to be a hardy race resistant to disease and are immune to bacterial infections of all kinds. This is perhaps due to a number of factors. First, Sskiss are more exposed and in harmony with their natural habitat. They can survive indefinitely in a natural habitat and become part of the natural ecosystem “living off the land” as it were. Some Sskiss still exist in this blissful, primordial state. Second, due to a protein in their blood called “p47” by human bio-xenologists, any bacterium entering the Sskiss bloodstream will literally explode. Third, the digestive acids of the Sskiss stomach are far stronger and more corrosive than human stomach acid killing any bacterium that enter their digestive system. This in fact is similar to a terrestrial vulture. And finally fourth, the Sskiss tendency to consume carrion if fresh meat is not readily available.
Their sense of sight is roughly equivalent to that an eagle or hawk and they possess full color vision. However, depth perception is poor to average depending on the species. Many species lack stereoscopic vision, and hence, possess poor depth perception because their eyes are placed on the sides of their heads, which gives an excellent overall “panoramic” view of their surroundings. They can hear sounds too low for human ears to detect – in other words, within the infrasonic range. Indeed, a portion of their vocal communication is within the infrasonic range. The sense of smell, however, is truly phenomenal - Sskiss can detect scents consisting of as little as only a few hundred molecules in the air! They even know the scents of specific individuals and through the use of smell alone can locate friend or foe unfailingly, even in pitch darkness. It is said that if a Sskiss is after you, there is no place to hide…..
Sskiss are oviparous, laying on average 6-12 leathery eggs. The size, color, shape and texture of the eggs will vary according to each species. The eggs are incubated by rotten vegetation and loosely packed earth. They will hatch in 12 to as long as 18 weeks for the larger species. Few of the hatchlings however will survive their first season. This is largely due to intense sibling competition for food. Hatchlings will kill each other to acquire the most food, allowing the more aggressive hatchlings to grow larger faster. Young are fed by regurgitation of partially digested meat by either parent. Sskiss will achieve full maturity at 4 years, but are lethal at 2 years. Average lifespan is 80 years, but Sskiss may live as long as 125 years. Sskiss young are non-sentient. The mother is visiously protective of her nest and brood and even her male consort cannot approach too near, too often. Sskiss as a whole are highly territorial.
Size varies according to specific species, but will generally range from 3 to 12 meters in length, 1.7 to 4.2 meters tall and mass anywhere between 100kg to as much as 4000kg or more for the largest species. Most Sskiss however, range from 100 to about 600 or so kilogram range. Generally speaking the larger the species, the less common. Sexual dimorphism in each species is almost non-existent since males and females are equal physically as well as in size. The only real difference (aside from the obvious) being that males possess somewhat more prominent rugose ridges on the snout and head and bolder skin patterns. Some species also possess hornlets, head crests and bony dorsal spines or ridges running down the spine. This can give some Sskiss a rather warty and sometimes “prickly” appearance.
Synx (Synx frabonicus, Synx archaii)- The synx is a nocturnal scavenger, adaptable to many temperate environments. Once widespread in the rainforests of Iran, they have since become critically endangered due to habitat loss and environmental change. They have a complex dermis, an oily coat of thick fur, for insulation in their native habitat alongside and inside small streams and tributaries. The fur is a modified form of the natural coetaneous scales, which fray and change color as they mature. Typical coloring is shown on the flag of the last bunch of synxes: orange of the body with darker red on the ears and wooly scruff, and creamy white on the belly and tail tip. Synxes retain the ability to fly for small distances from their draconic ancestry, the efficiency of the wing traded for better insulation, motion along the ground, and overall cuteness! They are very timid and gentle creatures, often depending on the kills of other animals to feed themselves, and employing a strategy of being too cute to stay angry with in order to encourage other animals to be less inclined to punish a little sharing. In times of opportunity they have been known to consume strange berries, insects, small rodents, mushrooms, apples, roots, fish, and well, pretty much anything. Their high metabolism necessitates a calorie rich and/or copious diet. They are not ruminants.
Treble Model (Machina modius treble)- The "Treble" model of combat robot is in the form of a wolf, many variations of it have been made, and there is the possibility that it has AI functionality.
Originally created by Dr. Wily, the plans have been stolen time and time again, so no one knows how many Treble model units there actually are...
Some well-known units from this model: the "Treble" unit (Combat partner of the "Bass" unit), and the "Wolf" unit (one of the council of Four in the United States of the Onikage).
Vampire (Vampyrus posthumous) – A reanimated corpse that during the night sucks the blood of the living. Vampires avoid sun-light resulting in their pale skin color. Vampires procreate through viral infection spread to a victim. Note: Vampires have an extremely fatal allergic reaction to silver and garlic (possibly due to either microbes, allicin, chemical composition in garlic). Vampires are essentially dead and therefore have an indefinite post life span. Rumors have it that some vampires can defy gravity, transform into either bat or wolf, and even posses pyrokinesis.
Var (Alius Lacerta)- Description: Alien Life form 8-10 feet in height standing on legs with a six foot tail. Body is covered in hard scales typically dark blue to black in color. Appendages consist of a powerful set of legs, a set of arms and a set of wings. Both the arms and legs end in a claw consisting of three claws and opposable claw, or thumb claw. Head is elongated with a pair of red eyes set into the skull and long sets of razor sharp teeth in a long mouth. Also the creature is known to secrete a deadly toxin by projectile vomiting on its enemy. Commonly mistaken for a Wyvern or similar mythological creature.
Wyrm (Vermisaurus Newhomia)- Wyrms are lizard-like, varying between seven and nine feet in length, with the occasional six or ten footer. They have short, strong claws adapted for digging in their native caverns and defending themselves against marauding predators. They vary in color from wrought iron black to coppery gleam. With their muscles and bones adapted to the high gravity of Newhome, they have an advantage in strength over most sentient beings. They walk on all four limbs, but can lift up, balancing on rear limbs and tail, to manipulate objects.
Wyrms vary greatly between clans, from the aquatic Green-scales to the resilient Iron-scales.
Yautja (Preda quadmandos)- Height: 2-2.5 metres Weight:250-350 lbs The Yautja are a semi-reptilian race of hunters who are both vastly different and very much the same as humans. Yautja tend to be larger and more physically imposing. Like humans, they have two arms, two legs, and two eyes. Eye color is usually green or yellow. They have long black claws, 4 clawed toes, thick skulls, broad shoulders, and large biceps. Their back is mostly bone. Their mouths have four mandibles around them, much like a set of lips. Vertical slits of its mouth open wide to reveal inner teeth. They give off a musk other Yautja, and canines, can detect - but humans cannot. When canines sense them, they usually constantly whine, heads down, or else store out and make unhappy noises in their throats. Yautja's scent for aggression is an oily, bitter smell. As far as environment, it appears that the Yautja prefer hot, humid conditions with an atmosphere rich in nitrogen. Yautja have reptilian skin of mottled red, green and yellow patterns. Their blood is a dark phosphor green, possibly due to different oxygen carriers in their hemoglobins. While humans use iorn to perform the actual task of binding the oxygen molecule, the Yautja may be using copper or something similar to it. They also enjoy heat, some sources say that they not only can withstand 120 degrees celsius, but that they enjoy the heat. Perhaps one of the most pronounced differences is longevity, some Yautja can live for as long as 1000 years.
(Homo sapiens invictus)
Physical Characteristics:
Nietzscheans are bigger, faster and stronger than normal Humans. They are immune to most poisons and diseases. They can breathe chlorine gas without harm. They can eat a much wider variety of foods, survive in harsher environments, and pride themselves on thriving where normal humans wouldn't dare to tread.
The Nietzschean subspecies originated at Ayn Rand Station, a colony founded by Human geneticist Paul Museveni in a globular cluster near the Milky Way galaxy.
Social Characteristics:
The Human philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that strife and conflict would inevitably reshape men into something better and stronger than what they once were. As a Human subspecies, Nietzscheans took his words to heart and used genetic engineering and nanotechnology to reshape themselves into the ultimate survivors.
Nietzscheans have built their culture on the twin pillars of social Darwinism and Dawkinite genetic competitiveness. Their single-minded devotion to self-improvement and the propagation of their own genes can strike other species (even their non-Nietzschean Human cousins) as selfish and arrogant, yet in practice the Nietzscheans' boundless energy and willpower have made them valued contributors to society.
I was hoping to make this a sticky.
Oops.... Forgot to mention sentient machines may be listed here.
10-02-2005, 21:15
Pterodactyl (Kyte Pterodactylus)
Intelligent flying reptiles, with elongated heads, hollow bones, and wings made of flaps of skin, originally from the Cretaceous era. A small group found refuge from the disaster that killed the dinosaurs on Pterodactylus Island, and are classed as full sentient citizens in Pterodactylus alongside humans. Maximum e.cy: 20 years.
10-02-2005, 21:52
There was the Dragons, ancient beasts of immense power. Fire, Ice and Lunar augmentations ruled their world, their powers beyond the comprehension of many lesser beings. For this, the lesser beings have agreed and pushed to elect the dragon as their national animal. From the purebred lines came the Draman, men of draconian descent. These men harbored the ancient powers within their souls, yet few ever would learn how to unlock their powers. Most lived their days with only the small distinguishing features that set them aside from the regular homo-sapiens. Their skin was like scales, covering every part of their bodies. Their senses were keen and unique. The Draconians and the Dramans preferred the lush mountain ranges that sprawled the western and northern borders of Tarlachia.
Fire Dragons (http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivehigh/015.jpg)
Fire Dragons 2 (http://www.colorsmith.com/lgimages/SCAdrag65.jpg)
Lunar Dragons (http://www.eaglehart.com/ladyranea/dragons/Solstice.jpg)
Ice Dragons (http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivehigh/003.jpg)
Ice Dragons 2 (http://www.colorsmith.com/lgimages/AmdrgD65.jpg)
Dramans (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/draco_gallery/75653.jpg)
Dramans 2 (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mof_gallery/MonFaePG45b.jpg)
Dramans 3 (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/draco_gallery/75615.jpg)
Draman 4 (http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UwA5A8UadIjMPKzUk04Bldjael*hNF7t2y5igQwdio4KcW6vBkMZwpuWy5B6vzBwPFQWeJkfwGsOaaFswtrFcHmvD0tYBs1E75T YPgIurXJk8EUv68KjMjQA!OrkhZY2/Dragonpearl2.bmp)
Men: Raxhun
Then there were the men. Three major sub-races of men existed. The first were Raxhun men; men of lower cultures, ragged and fractured in their societies. They could best resemble the nomadic people of Eastern Europe/ Northwestern Europe. Fiercely independent and strong in battle, they were a race that centered around conflicts. A brotherhood existed among the men, a brotherhood that can only be understood by men that had endured the blistering heat of the summer and the freezing blizzards of the winter, all for the sake of their families and their newfound nation.
Female Raxhun Warrior (http://anime.brkini.net/slike/blood-hm.jpg)
Raxhun Knight (http://www.ctrl-a.org/pics/anime/oldpix/bzk-skull.jpg)
Female Raxhun Swordsman (http://xcomic.myrice.com/pic/kht/mc/character/ferenan.jpg)
Raxhun Elite Warrior (http://www.colorsmith.com/lgimages/Eve65.jpg)
Raxhun Elite Warrior 2 (http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UADvAvAZ80Ef2CrpaMV24TwbuxvybmCuhZfO8UMvUDkngmytJmQQJdIML9NBZQyHw*CrrUlMqFBfqjXScbgVsWmYe1qXI1BLyd2 0x*C*RN82BBeW0z1Y7nSCABcAcAAX/deistyina.jpg)
Men: Norim
A second sub-race consisted of a more civilized culture and they came to be known as the Norim. Although technically they were Homo sapiens as the Rax-hun, they had long disregarded the need for violent penchants of the Rax-hun society. They had opted for knowledge to lead them into the future. A few individuals in strategic positions in the Tarlachian democratic government soon learned of technological and scientific advancements of the international community and silently adopted and tweaked them within their own nation.
Norim (http://xcomic.myrice.com/pic/kht/mc/character/gilbert.jpg)
Norim 2 (http://xcomic.myrice.com/pic/kht/mc/character/calintz.jpg)
Norim 3 (http://xcomic.myrice.com/pic/kht/mc/character/estell.jpg)
Norim 4 (http://xcomic.myrice.com/pic/kht/mc/character/ladrinne.jpg)
Men: Grenals
The third race; Grenals; consisted of a dark collection of humans that were mediocre in their arcane skills. Unfortunately, a strange and swiftly contagious illness swept through their kind and wiped all but a few hundred survivors within the first five hundred years. The survivors are cold to outsiders and do not wish to be troubled. Yet, rumors say that they possess knowledge and items of importance, however these claims cannot be verified for truth. It is said that those that suffered and died from the illness had been stricken with a unique sickness, one that infected arcane users. The sickness was carried by the living species of the earth, yet remained harmless to the majority of the Tarlachian society. However, the magic of the Grenals proved to be the catalyst for their demise.
Grenal Sorceress (http://dimensioni.dragonslair.it/img/sorceress.jpg)
Grenal Priestess (http://www.colorsmith.com/lgimages/Sorceress65.jpg)
Grenal Healer (http://showcase.netins.net/web/aioka/Sorceress.jpg)
Grenal Sorceress-Warrior (http://www.flyinglionart.com/images/Sorceress.jpg)
Grenal Mage (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dmg35_gallery/DMG35_PG192_WEB.jpg)
Grenal Animagi (http://www.colorsmith.com/lgimages/Ravendr65.jpg)
Grenal Priest (http://www.colorsmith.com/lgimages/Necro65.jpg)
Species: Sskiss (Therapoda Sapiens)
General Overview
The Sskiss are actually a collection of several closely related clades of genera and species all based on the ancient terrestrial therapod dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of old earth. An oddity among sentient races, the Sskiss however, do not look sentient or otherwise intelligent – no swollen humanoid craniums, but instead they possess flat, triangular wedge shaped heads with heavy gaping jaws full of rows of serrated curved teeth. Heavy curved black ripping talons adorn their three toed feet and hands. No upright humanoid stance here, but instead a horizontal body counterbalanced with a long heavy, and sometimes slender stiff tail. As such, they possess a completely non-humanoid appearance, but rather a reptilian and in many cases, even an avian appearance. In fact, they possess a non-intelligent primordial appearance. This appearance is further enhanced (in part, at least) because Sskiss do not appear to wear clothing or accouterments of any sort. Although the body proportions of each Sskiss species varies, the basic morphology and physiology (bodyplan) is the same for all species.
The Sskiss are carnivorous feeding only on animal based proteins. Sskiss cannot chew their food swallowing it in whole chunks. They will readily eat carrion, and like all carnivores, eat infrequently, but in huge portions when they do. A Sskiss could easily eat 25% of it’s own body weight in a single meal. They can go without food for up to two weeks or so – this is especially true for the larger species. They also do not need water (although they do drink it), as they get it from the blood of there meals. One thing of note is that a starving Sskiss is extremely dangerous (even to other Sskiss). This is because Sskiss loose all their abilities of cognitive and rational thought (in short, their sentience) when in this state. They in essence become vicious, dangerous and unpredictable animals! Only feeding will eventually reverse this process. It should also be noted that Sskiss saliva is extremely toxic to most life. The saliva contains a lethal cocktail of some twenty or so species of bacterium, which have various pathological effects to most organisms infected.
As a race they far exceed humans in overall physical prowess. Their strength is immense. A small Sskiss massing at 100 kg on average is at least six times stronger than a man of the same mass! This is due to their evolutionary heritage and also to the fact that their flesh is more densely compacted. Their flesh flows beneath the skin with the density of animated marble and is rather fibrous. Another factor may be that Sskiss dwell on several higher gravity worlds, which tends to increase both strength and reaction time. The bones are also stronger and “laminated” – which also adds both strength and lightness. Although their skeletal anatomy prevents them from climbing, (Sskiss did not evolve from arboreal ancestors) many of the species are however, astonishing leapers. Sskiss are extremely fast and can achieve running speeds of 70 – 120 km per hour depending on the species. All Sskiss, even the larger, more robust species, move with an alien sinewy grace. Their capacity for sustained activity matches their strength. All species possess a phenomenal stamina due to the fact that they possess highly efficient avian-like cardiovascular systems and eight times the amount of red blood cells (per unit) present in there blood. Because of this, Sskiss are also highly resistant to lactic acid buildup. Needless to say, the Sskiss never needed to invent the automobile!
The Sskiss appear to be a hardy race resistant to disease and are immune to bacterial infections of all kinds. This is perhaps due to a number of factors. First, Sskiss are more exposed and in harmony with their natural habitat. They can survive indefinitely in a natural habitat and become part of the natural ecosystem “living off the land” as it were. Some Sskiss still exist in this blissful, primordial state. Second, due to a protein in their blood called “p47” by human bio-xenologists, any bacterium entering the Sskiss bloodstream will literally explode. Third, the digestive acids of the Sskiss stomach are far stronger and more corrosive than human stomach acid killing any bacterium that enter their digestive system. This in fact is similar to a terrestrial vulture. And finally fourth, the Sskiss tendency to consume carrion if fresh meat is not readily available.
Their sense of sight is roughly equivalent to that an eagle or hawk and they possess full color vision. However, depth perception is poor to average depending on the species. Many species lack stereoscopic vision, and hence, possess poor depth perception because their eyes are placed on the sides of their heads, which gives an excellent overall “panoramic” view of their surroundings. They can hear sounds too low for human ears to detect – in other words, within the infrasonic range. Indeed, a portion of their vocal communication is within the infrasonic range. The sense of smell, however, is truly phenomenal - Sskiss can detect scents consisting of as little as only a few hundred molecules in the air! They even know the scents of specific individuals and through the use of smell alone can locate friend or foe unfailingly, even in pitch darkness. It is said that if a Sskiss is after you, there is no place to hide…..
Sskiss are oviparous, laying on average 6-12 leathery eggs. The size, color, shape and texture of the eggs will vary according to each species. The eggs are incubated by rotten vegetation and loosely packed earth. They will hatch in 12 to as long as 18 weeks for the larger species. Few of the hatchlings however will survive their first season. This is largely due to intense sibling competition for food. Hatchlings will kill each other to acquire the most food, allowing the more aggressive hatchlings to grow larger faster. Young are fed by regurgitation of partially digested meat by either parent. Sskiss will achieve full maturity at 4 years, but are lethal at 2 years. Average lifespan is 80 years, but Sskiss may live as long as 125 years. Sskiss young are non-sentient. The mother is visiously protective of her nest and brood and even her male consort cannot approach too near, too often. Sskiss as a whole are highly territorial.
Size varies according to specific species, but will generally range from 3 to 12 meters in length, 1.7 to 4.2 meters tall and mass anywhere between 100kg to as much as 4000kg or more for the largest species. Most Sskiss however, range from 100 to about 600 or so kilogram range. Generally speaking the larger the species, the less common. Sexual dimorphism in each species is almost non-existent since males and females are equal physically as well as in size. The only real difference (aside from the obvious) being that males possess somewhat more prominent rugose ridges on the snout and head and bolder skin patterns. Some species also possess hornlets, head crests and bony dorsal spines or ridges running down the spine. This can give some Sskiss a rather warty and sometimes “prickly” appearance.
Species added:
Petrodactyls, Dragons, Dramans, Sskiss.
Updated list.
First, Thanks to all that have posted their species here so far. And keep it coming.
Raxhun, Norim, Grenal, and Lunar Dragon.
The Lords of War
14-02-2005, 05:24
(Alienus Lacerta)*
Description: Alien Life form 8-10 feet in height standing on legs with a six foot tail. Body is covered in hard scales typically dark blue to black in color. Appendages consist of a powerful set of legs, a set of arms and a set of wings. Both the arms and legs end in a claw consisting of three claws and a oposable claw, or thumb claw. Head is elongated with a pair of red eyes set into the skull and long sets of razor sharp teeth. in a long mouth. Also creature is known to secrete a deadly toxin by projectile vomiting on its enemy.
Commonly mistaken for a Wyvern or similar mythological creature.
*No formal listing yet exists, since biologists tend not to poke sentiants who carry plasma granade launchers as personal weapons.
Onarrím Eledhel (Homo Curetes Alfar) – A bipedal hominid species. Noted for their lobeless, elongated ears (extends approxomately inch beyond human eartip). Skin, hair, and eyes range between colours but hair is typically metallic in colour and eyes do not appear to have separate iris, pupil and white, the entire eye appears to be iris. Both male and female genders have fairer features than Humans. Onarrím live for an unknown length of time, often being re-incarnated into cloned forms. Their I.Q. is on par with Humans and Half Elves.
United Sangheili
15-02-2005, 23:32
Sangheili(no scientific classification)An alien race of warriors skilled in all forms of combat. They are both intelligent and strong. They stand aprox. 7' tall. Their battle armor is easily reconizable and its energy shields make them virtually invulnerabe. Known by humans as Elites this race is one of the fiercest in the universe.
The Infinite Crucible
16-02-2005, 00:49
Qax (Animus sentius)- A rather odd species, that is entirely liquid. These enormous organisms have no solid body, but are rather an enormous mass of differentiated liquid held together through binding cells.
Appearance: Qax seem to have no defined appearance or shape. A Qax can range from being the size of a 20 by 20 by 20 room to filling many cubic acres depending on how many superfluous cells they choose to have at a moment. A Qax is naturally and inky black, but can create cells which have the ability to change color. This allows a Qax to assume almost any color visible to the human eye, and some that are not. A Qax has no defined shape, and they seem to give very little attention to their shape.
Locomotion: The Qax’s “skeleton” are a series of binding cells which help to hold the massive liquid body together. In order for a Qax to move the inner most cells are pushed towards the direction a Qac wishes to move and the outer most cells are pulled in through the rear and then back into the middle. This gives the appearance the Qax is just floating through water at times, but make not mistake, it is very much in control of its movements.
Reproduction: When a Qax wishes to reproduce it must begin the long process of creating a Qax Core. This will be the center of the mind of the new Qax. The birthing Qax can choose to pass any information it thinks important on to the new Qax. This leads to even seconds old Qax’s having millennia of experience.
Intelligence: The average Qax has an intelligence far above that of any human. This is due to multiple factors. First their minds are far more complex, possibly taking up an entire cubic acre. Secondly each Qax has millennia of experience. It is said that a few rare Qax have millions of years of experiences stored within their minds.
Communication: Qax have numerous and very expressive forms of communication between themselves. This ranges from color signals to telepathy. However, Qax have a difficult time communicating with other species. They can use telepathy, but this is often a one way communication. However, some of the youngest Qax have begun to experiment in the creation of vocal cells.
Other: Qax have the unique ability to control their entire body down to the cellular level. This enables them to create substances and cells that would be impossible to synthesize otherwise. It is rumored that the Qax created what could be called an elixir of life, and used it to enslave the Arixians.
OOC: More coming soon
Nenyar (homo sapiens aurora)
[proper singular: Nenya, improper singular, Nenyan; improper plural, Nenyans]
See NSWiki entry, here. (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Nenyans)
16-02-2005, 04:35
Burmecian (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/UthRptr2/Cleyracitizen.jpg) (Homomus burmecien)
Burmecians are a rat like people who lived on the Mist Continent. They were there before the humans emigrated from the Forgotten Continent. Burmecians are an incredibly agile race, and prefer to be lightly armored and have their speed, than heavily armored and encumbered. They posses an advanced ability to jump, some up to a mile high, and many use this advantage in battle to their fullest extent. Polite and reserved, they are normally a fountain of good advice, and will not hesitate to take charge of any situation. The Burmecians form 100% of the Dragon Knight Corps.
Siesatian Raptor (Utahraptor ostrommaysorum)
Siesatian Raptors are almost carbon copies to their anscestors 65 million years ago. Possessing intelligence slightly above that of a human being, they are a formidable creature on paper, but in reality, they are rather reserved, sometimes shy. Making up a majority of the Scientists. An interesting fact is that almost 70% of them are vegitarians.
Added: Sangheili, Qax, Nenyar, Burmecian, Siesatian Raptor.
The Onikage
16-02-2005, 07:51
Treble Model (No scientific designation)
the "Treble" model of combat robot is in the form of a wolf, many variations of it have been made, and there is the possibility that it has AI functionality.
Originally created by Dr. Wily, the plans have been stolen time and time again, so no one knows how many Treble model units there actually are...
Some well-known units from this model: the "Treble" unit (Combat partner of the "Bass" unit), and the "Wolf" unit (one of the council of Four in the United States of the Onikage).
Edit: woops. It's all better now!
True this is a thread for listing species, for both organic or technologic, but reading your post, Onikang, it seems like you are describing an individual.
17-02-2005, 01:28
I think he's referring to a specific Model of Robot, not an individual... Much like a Ford F-150 is a model of a car.
Random Kingdom
17-02-2005, 21:26
Geckoids (Gehyra mutilata rex)
Found in: Geckratonia (formerly Northern RK)
Average Lifespan: Depends on class (see below)
Description: Geckoids are uncommon geckos (a form of stump-toed gecko) that have been exposed to high levels of radiation. The first geckoid was a former stage act called Fluffy, found to have changed to a solid purple colour and to have lost the ability to sing (yes, uncommon geckos sing).
Geckoids feed on atomic and chemical energy. If they store enough,they will mutate further. Geckoids fall into divisions depending on how much energy they have stored (and how mutated they are). Below is a chart of all 8 discovered divisions:
Division 1 (purple) geckoid
- At this stage the gecko becomes longer, starts to whine and snarl, and turns a violent shade of purple. These are sometimes called primitive geckoids.
Average lifespan: same as regular gecko
Division 2 (red) geckoid
- At this stage the gecko turns red, re-develops language, becomes more intelligent than the average human, and begins to walk on 2 legs. These are also known as upright geckoids.
Average lifespan: 10-20 earth years
Division 3 (worker) geckoid
- This class is similar to division 2, but here the gecko developes a fatal toxin inside its body, which can be squirted out of the hollow teeth.
Average lifespan: 10-25 earth years
Division 4a (thinker) geckoid
- Geckoids that fall into this division are extremely vulnerably to attack (they lose most of their skin), but become extremely intelligent, hence the name.
Average lifespan: 30-40 earth years
Division 4b (guardian) geckoid
- Geckoids that fall into this division are less intelligent than their worker and thinker counterparts, but become hardened and more experienced in combat.
Average lifespan: 10-20 earth years
Division 5 (uber) geckoid
- Current Geckratonia king Cipher VI falls into this division. These are better in every way than the lesser divisions, however, they aren't invincible.
Average lifespan: 50-70 earth years
Division 6 (final mutation) geckoid
- Geckoids in this division are powerful warriors that have enough stored energy to attack nonstop for two hours before tiring. They are also extremely intelligent. There is no known geckoids today that fall into division 6. However, they are extremely unstable and are constantly using up the energy, so they usually don't last long.
Average lifespan: Unknown
Division 7 (kamikaze) geckoid
- This is when so much energy is collected by a geckoid that it combusts.
Average lifespan: N/A
Yautja Warriors
17-02-2005, 21:44
Yautja (Predator)
Height: 2-2.5 metres
Weight:250-350 lbs
The Yautja are a semi-reptilian race of hunters who are both vastly different and very much the same as humans. Yautja tend to be larger and more physically imposing. Like humans, they have two arms, two legs, and two eyes. Eye color is usually green or yellow. They have long black claws, 4 clawed toes, thick skulls, broad shoulders, and large biceps. Their back is mostly bone. Their mouths have four mandibles around them, much like a set of lips. Vertical slits of its mouth open wide to reveal inner teeth. They give off a musk other Yautja, and canines, can detect - but humans cannot. When canines sense them, they usually constantly whine, heads down, or else store out and make unhappy noises in their throats. Yautja's scent for aggression is an oily, bitter smell. As far as environment, it appears that the Yautja prefer hot, humid conditions with an atmosphere rich in nitrogen. Yautja have reptilian skin of mottled red, green and yellow patterns.
Their blood is a dark phosphor green, possibly due to different oxygen carriers in their hemoglobins. While humans use iorn to perform the actual task of binding the oxygen molecule, the Yautja may be using copper or something similar to it. They also enjoy heat, some sources say that they not only can withstand 120 degrees celsius, but that they enjoy the heat. Perhaps one of the most pronounced differences is longevity, some Yautja can live for as long as 1000 years.
Added: Geckiods, and Yautja
Synx (Synx frabonicus, Synx archaii)
The synx is a nocturnal scavenger, adaptable to many temperate environments. Once widespread in the rainforests of Iran, they have since become critically endangered due to habitat loss and environmental change. They have a complex dermis, a oily coat of thick fur, for insulation in their native habitat alongside and inside small streams and tributaries. The fur is a modified form of the natural cutaneous scales, that fray and change color as they mature. Typical coloring is shown on the flag (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=synxes) of the last bunch of synxes: orange of the body with darker red on the ears and wooly scruff, and creamy white on the belly and tail tip.
Synxes retain the ability to fly for small distances from their draconic ancestry, the efficiency of the wing traded for better insulation, motion along the ground, and overall cuteness! They are very timid and gentle creatures, often depending on the kills of other animals to feed themselves, and employing a strategy of being too cute to stay angry with in order to encourage other animals to be less inclined to punish a little sharing. In times of opportunity they have been known to consume strange berries, insects, small rodents, mushrooms, apples, roots, fish, and well, pretty much anything. Their high metabolism necessitates a calorie rich and/or copious diet. They are not ruminants.
The Arcane Order
20-02-2005, 21:31
Arcanite/Ancient Tanreallan [No scientific classifcation as no actual bodies have been discovered.
They appear to be similar to humans, although with a difference muscle and bone structure in the arms (hands bearing two opposable thumbs, one of each side of the six fingers), and bone ridges hidden beneath the skin throughout the arms and torso.
The heads are most different, although in some ways they are similar - nose, mouth, two eyes. The mouth itself bears a large likeness, although judging from the jawlines the bone structure is fairly different. A close analysis and knowledge of biology would suggest that the upper and lower jaws are each split in two, forming four seperate bone spines that would allow for greater chewing capability and phonetic ability, but reduced strength and durability of the jaw itself. The eyes are slightly larger than those of a human, with (judging from what can be seen in the light) vertical eyelids rather than horizontal (i.e. eyelids are on the sides of the eyes, and close horizontally). The skull structure is the most significant difference. A prominant bone ridge starts under the eyebrows and sweeps up and back, following the crownline of the skull, and continues on to form the edges of an elongated skull. The head itself is wedge-shaped, the rear of the skull fanning out in layer upon layer of bone to protect the delicate brain within
Added Arcanite.
- and I am going to give the Synx the benefit of the doubt and list them here as intelligent. Just for future notice please make sure you only post intelligent species.
Wandering Argonians
24-02-2005, 02:18
Common Name: Argonian
Scientific Name: Reptilius Acceleradus
Genus: Reptillian
Skin: Scales
Eyes: Slit Pupil
Avg. Height: 6'2"
Avg. Weight: 192 lbs
Avg. Lifespan: 200+ Years
Habitat: Amphibious
Description: A bipedal reptillian race remarkable for their innate aquatic abilities & their resistance to most known chemical & botanical poisons. Argonians are characterized by their ear-fins, and greatly resemble upright lizards, with their snouts & reptillian skull structure. Gifted with the ability to amplify faint light & highly acute senses, the Argonians are highly predatory race who crave the thrill of the hunt. While fiercely territorial, the Argonian people as a whole are fanatically loyal to those they choose as friends. While primitive & distrustful of technology, the Argonian people demonstrate a highly adaptive nature in reguards to their habitats. Fire is a valued companion & Argonian metalworking is some of the best worldwide.
Nation of Fortune
24-02-2005, 02:39
Common Name: Nofinite
Scientific Name: Homo Nofian
Genus: Primate
Skin: almost human, a little tougher
Eyes: Human
Avg. Height: 5'9"
Avg. Weight: 200 lbs
Avg. Lifespan: 50 Years
Habitat: adaptable to most, prefers wooded
Description: An almost human race. Is baisically a genetically modified human. Has been been enhanced with tougher skin, drastic musle growth, better eyesight, less shaky nerves, and an ability to control it's heart beat(kind of like the lungs, you have to think about it but if you don't then it beats anyway.). After several failed attempts at making drastic changes, they decided to go for small changes, and work from there. Because of the changes it has lowered the average life span, but made them hardier for wars.
Added: Argonian, and Nofinite
03-03-2005, 19:26
Marsh Elves: (Homo Sylvalfar Aquaticus)
Lifespan: ~50-60 years, although not many die of old age.
Marsh elves are a race of bipedal humanoid, standing 4'-5'6" in height, with a pale blue-grey complexion, and black hair which grows thickly on the head, neck, and shoulders, although they rarely have any other body hair. Eyes are usually yellow or orange, and Marsh elves have fairly well developed night vision. Ears are large and pointed, but tend to point horizontally rather than vertically. Marsh elves have small, pointy teeth, like a cookie-cutter. The most striking feature of marsh elves, which often allows them to be identified without even being seen, is a strong, unpleasant odour that they emit, similar to a cross between musk and compost.
Marsh elves are omniverous, and eat practically anything organic. They are quite resistant to poison and disease, although poison and disease are still frequent causes of death. They breed abundantly, and it is generally famine and disease which keep their rampant population growth in check. Marsh elf communities are usually low-tech, highly inefficient and exist in borderline survival conditions for much of the time.
Marsh elves are loosely organised in tribal villages, each of which has a shaman and chief. While somewhat gregarious, they are prone to infighting and rarely form lengthy alliances. Some tribes, however, are united in long standing alliances, ruled by a high chief and high shaman, or in some cases, a council of elders. Marsh elf culture is, on the whole, rather unsophisticated, with fighting and breeding being their primary pre-occupations. In general, they are quite feral and unmannered. They tend to eat and drink until they are sick, and do not concern themselves greatly over matters of hygeine. However, some individuals can be taught to behave in a manner appropriate for more demanding and complex societies.
On the whole, Marsh elves are very superstitious, and are prone to worshipping practically any passing demon or spirit that intimidates them enough. Magical talent isn't any more common in Marsh elves than any other species, and is usually achieved through an 'affinity spirit', which bonds with the elf at a young age, and acts as a conduit for mystical energies. Marsh elf shamans also prize certain varieties of brightly coloured mushroom, which they believe allow them to communicate with the spirit world.
Marsh elf intelligence is certainly not their strong point. Average IQ is about 85, and those in the lowest parts of the intelligence spectrum are little more than wild animals. Some Marsh elves, usually in positions of authority, display human levels of intelligence, and a few rare individuals even achieve an IQ of 120 or more.
Added: Marsh Elves.
Update: I bolded the species names along with the regular underline format.
Anyone have an idea as to how I could make this thread more popular?
Shrin Kali
04-03-2005, 01:58
Species Name: Rakkon
(I don't know what to make for a scientific/latin name. Suggestions are welcome.)
Physical Description: The Rakkon are short, semi-bipedal creatures that are generally between four and five feet tall. Exceptionally tall individuals have reached as much as five and a half feet in the past, but only children are found below four feet. They have densely muscular builds, thanks to the higher gravity of their planet of origin, and even the most out of shape Rakkon can typically lift a good bit more than his or her own body weight. Covering their entire bodies is a short and waterproof coating of very dense, very soft fur. They have long, thick, and muscular, but non-prehensile tails behind them. When walking slowly, a Rakkon will use a straight-backed walk, but as speed increases they move more and more into the horizontal. They have fairly typical hands, but a thick webbing spreads between the fingers. They also have stubby muzzles, and rounded ears. On some occasions, those in certain professions that need extra dexterity and are willing to take a hit on their swimming ability will have the webbing cut out.
Personality: If there's anything notable about the Rakkons, it's that they're insufferably cheerful. Many individuals have annoyingly sunny dispositions that will grate upon anyone who's less than a saint. In spite of their apparently childish outlook, they're fairly intelligent, and perhaps because of their outlook, insatiably curious. They run the entire gamut of human intelligence ranges, but very few of them show any behavorial signs indicating their intelligence level; it only becomes apparent under extreme conditions or when specifically tested for. It's interesting to note that when instability appears in a Rakkon psyche, it almost inevitably amplifies to the point of dangerous psychosis. Hence, the small Rakkon military is well-known for brutality. Attempts by the military to take over the government have been universally unsuccessful, namely due to the unruly, tribal government structure and the fact that the best equipment in the military is only allowed into the control of those deemed perfectly sane.
Favored Pastimes: A very athletic species, the Rakkon are well-known for their gymnastic ability and their running speed/stamina, and typically run on all fours using bounding leaps. They also make credible showings in other sports. What they're really famous for is their swimming, as even mildly trained Rakkon generally take prizes from less specialized species. The favorite past-time of a Rakkon in his home setting is fishing, although with these master swimmers, they never developed the fishing rod. Competitions frequently develop over who can take the most fish with their bare hands alone.
been a while, but... bump
Dwarf? Shouldn't they be a part of that list? They have been RP:ed atleast during my last "active" period, but that was about over a year ago.
I would be glad to add Dwarves, however, I would not know what to write about them other than short and hairy.
Half Orc (Homo sapiens uruk) – A bipedal hominid hybrid species resulting from Orc and Human procreation. Half Orcs also originate from Earth. The males are stockier than normal humans, and the females slightly muscular for their gender. Both sexes have prominent lower canines, coarse dark hair, and gray skin. Their intellect is slightly greater than an Orc's. The average Half Orc life span is roughly 50e.cy-70e.cy.
Shrin Kali
14-03-2005, 02:48
Ack! Just noticed. Rakkons are NOT primates and most definitely NOT marmosets.
They're closer related to mustelids.
A good name would probably be Pteronura Sapiens.
Basically means, "large, smart otter"
Oh, and they're piscivores. That is, fish-eaters.
Thank you very much for including them here.
14-03-2005, 11:30
Thanks for starting this thread, Unidox. It's a helluva task to take on, but brilliant. I think you should summarise it and put a page on NSWiki, if you haven't already. Shrin Kali put me on to it in a thread I started about magic-using nations ***Advertising Warning at http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=8433711#post8433711 ***end Advertising Warning. I'll post about the Ardchoille Cats as soon as I get time, but in the meantime -- wouldn't it make a terrific RP to have some kind of gathering of the NS non-humans? I dunno, a conference? A parliament? Or just a bar?
Sorry about the delay. Been busy past couple of days.
Added: Half Orc
Changed Rakkon scientific name to Pteronura sapiens, good call Shrin Kali.
I'll most likely be readjusting the changing breeds scientific names soon, and adding some more.
As for donating this thread to NSwiki, well... I would like to see it a bit more fleshed out before donating it; that and I probably should make an effort to add the catalogue to the NS-Encyclopedia.
meanwhile- Keep them coming machine, animal, plant so long as they are sentient.
22-03-2005, 16:12
Me, too. Busy, I mean. Okay, here goes.
Ardchoille Cats. (Felis Ardchoilleae)
The Cats of Ardchoille look to the untrained eye like human-sized examples of Felis silvestris catus or Felis silvestris domesticus, the Terran house-cat. They have a bigger skull, accommodating a bigger brain; they have four opposable thumbs, one on each paw; the lower jaw projects more, proportionally, than that of the domestic cat, and the tongue and larynx are more developed, permitting a greater range of vocalisations. The tail, too, is longer and stronger, functioning in some individuals as a weak "fifth hand", though unable to support body weight. The claws remain retractable, but can be "locked" in either extended or retracted position. Like the fur of Terran cats, that of the Cats varies greatly, from the almost-hairless Tufted Cats to the profuse covering of the Longhairs. Some even have a pelt similar to that of the curly-haired Rex cats of Earth. An equally wide range of colours exists among the Cats, with sex-linked colouration also occurring, so that ginger Cats are invariably male and tortoiseshell Cats are female.
The Cats differ in three major aspects from their little Terran counterparts. First, the Cats' intelligence is, overall, slightly greater than that of humans -- by two or three IQ points -- though this is not noticeable in interactions between individuals of the two species. Next, the Cats generally walk upright, a development that causes visible differences. Their hindquarters are stronger and more prominent than those of Earth cats and their spines are less flexible, though still far more supple than those of humans.
The third and greatest difference is that the Cats are Magic Creatures. They do not have to study magic any more than humans have to study how to breathe (though, in both cases, study and practice can improve performance). Furthermore, by being Magic Creatures they can call out the magical ability that is latent in human beings.
Our scientists theorise that human magic can occur only when connections are established between certain areas of the brain. This can be done by simple contact with a Magic Creature or by the conscious act of a human adept. (This process is discussed in more detail in the author's History of Ardchoille, Ch 1 - 3, The Early Years).
Being Magical Creatures, the Cats were not obliged to develop ways of manipulating the physical world -- if, for example, they wanted to cross a chasm, they simply teleported. Consequently, the human 'substitutes' for magical skills, such as physics, chemistry, architecture and engineering, have fascinated the Cats since First Contact. Many now pursue careers in these esoteric fields.
Socially, the Cats replicate the independence of their Earth cousins. Parents and children ("kits" or "kitlings") exhibit some pack behaviour and female litter-mates remain close throughout their lifetimes. Adolescence is marked by a short period of extreme risk-taking behaviour and, in males, by an almost psychotic competitiveness for the attention of females. These, however, are largely indifferent to the males until oestrus occurs, at which time their behaviour may politely be described as "uninhibited". Cat to Cat pair-bonding is unusual, but does occur.
Since Cat and Human met, interspecies bonds have developed to such a degree that individual Cats "adopt" individual Humans. The closeness of these relationships continues even when either or both partners have children or, in the case of humans, spouses ('the needlessly jealous spouse' is a traditional figure in Ardchoillean literature). Similar bonds enrich many professional relationships and a Cat "advisor" is considered necessary to any human wishing to make a mark in Ardchoillean politics, though on occasion the bond is to the office, rather than to the person.
05-04-2005, 13:34
Slavemasters (Varuki)
(Domini mundi)
Slavemasters are possessed of great intelligence with an IQ on par with such geniuses as Stephen Hawking - however, Slavemasters are physically frail from living in space and require special exoskeletal frames to support their frail bodies when interacting on Earth-gravity planets. Their faces resemble humans, except they have cat-like eyes and whiskers.
Their fingers resemble those of the humanoid Martians of early science-fiction, and their voices, when they deign to speak human languages, sound as if they have a half-Icelandic, half-Cockney accent.
Where human hair would be, a Slavemaster has long coils of snake-like tendrils, known as psion receptors. Psion receptors connect the Slavemasters to each other, allowing them to communicate telepathically if they wish. It is also where they can draw into the power of their racial heritage, to wreak havoc with powerful psionics. There are rumours of Slavemasters that have severed their ties by cutting their psion receptors, but these creatures often go insane or die soon afterwards. These insane Slavemasters are known as Prolictors (traitors).
The Slavemasters' exo-suits require constant maintenance, ensuring that their presence on backward planets such as Earth is highly restricted, and their presence on planets is low.
The Slavemasters are kind to their own species, but see humans as a lesser form of life, worthy only of slavery.
OOC: I invented the Slavemasters as an adversary to Schrijvera.
06-04-2005, 01:17
How about Domini Totorum (Masters of All)? Except my Latin isn't up to possessives, so the above means, I think, "Of masters of all" -- unless it means "Masters of Toto" :confused: . Still, perhaps someone with an actual command of the language could use the idea and fix up the endings?
Maybe Domini Mundi -- Masters of the World -- would do?
Wyrm (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Wyrm) (Suggestions for Latin name welcome)
Wyrms are lizardlike, varying between seven and nine feet in length, with the occasional six- or ten- footer. They have short, strong claws adapted for digging in their native caverns and defending themselves against marauding predators. They vary in color from wrought-iron black to coppery gleam. With their muscles and bones adapted to the high gravity of Newhome, they have an advantage in strength over most sentients. They walk on all four limbs, but can lift up, balancing on rear limbs and tail, to manipulate objects.
Wyrms vary greatly between clans, from the aquatic Greenscales to the resilient Ironscales.
11-05-2005, 14:12
Doesn't the saurus in dinosaur's names mean "lizard"? And I think "vermiform" is "wormlike". So how about Vermisaurus Newhomia? (Or "Newhomiensis": dammit, doesn't anyone do Latin? I've forgotten most of what little I knew).
26-07-2005, 01:29
Oops.... Forgot to mention sentient machines may be listed here.
Okay, And can you list something you have yet to introduce but are planning on it?
The Ctan
26-07-2005, 13:03
Here's a few for your enjoyment.
Goa'uld (No ‘Scientific name’)
A reptilian race of parasites, the fearsome Goa’uld are most vulnerable while in their non-‘blended’ form. A Goa’uld symbiote measures from 12 to 24 inches in length with colour ranging from an opaque milky-white to a murky mixture of brown and green, depending on its maturity. The snake like creature is easily recognised by two small wing-like appendages on the forward part of its body, used to help the creature swim or glide for short periods. Symbiotes have a hinged mandible mouth and two small eyes just forward of their wings.
Goa’uld symbiotes are nearly helpless to predators and survive by filtering and absorbing nutrients through a small membrane on the epidermal layer. They frequent bodies of water, which provide them with camouflage and protection from aggressors. They move in a manner similar to a snake, undulating back and forth and using their small wing protrusions to increase their speed. A Goa’uld can gain enough momentum to throw itself out of the water and glide for short periods.
On land, a symbiote is unable to care for itself. Its movement is greatly reduced and it has no natural defence mechanisms. Its thin layer of skin provides no protection from the elements and it cannot eat or digest solid proteins. Goa’uld are also intolerant of the elements, in particular freezing temperatures.
Goa’uld are an asexual species, only a goa’uld queen may spawn additional larvae, though this may be done with a seeding process similar to that used in sexual reproduction, it may also be done asexually, where the new larvae are essentially clones of their mother.
All larvae possess one of the species’ more fantastic abilities, a genetic memory that contains all the knowledge of their ancestors up to the point of their spawning. This weight of knowledge makes it highly difficult for a goa’uld to develop a truly individual personality, though it has been known, on occasion, for them to have the strength of will to become nonconformist. As the ancestors of most goa’uld symbiotes (with the exception of the ‘tok’ra’ subgroup) pass down a legacy of megalomania, total self-interest and brutality, most goa’uld ape their parents habits.
Goa’uld symbiotes have been created without the genetic memories of their forefathers, and this practice is used extensively to limit the otherwise exponential growth of the goa’uld in Lord Atum’s domain. This is done to preserve existing goa’uld in the levels of comfort to which they are accustomed. In other cases, such as the tok’ra subgroup, the genetic memory is simply purged of those elements likely to induce the standard goa’uld personality type, while retaining technological and other useful knowledge.
For all their weaknesses, the goa’uld possess one very important special ability: the ability to implant itself and control a host creature. The parasite enters through the mouth or the back of the neck, burrowing through the soft tissue inside and wrapping itself around the upper spine. There it intercepts and controls the bioelectrical and neural signals of the host creature, allowing the parasite to possess it. This process if called the ‘blending’ by the goa’uld.
The ‘IQ’ of a goa’uld is difficult to calculate, while they have similar intelligence to humans, they do not adapt well to change, and are very inflexible thinkers. However, they are able to draw upon their genetic memories to find correct solutions to many problems.
Necrontyr (Homo nobilis restituere / Deus nobilis restituere)
Necrontyr are similar in outwards appearance to humans, though modern necrontyr are genetically altered and seem rather closer to Quendi and other forms of elves than their ancestors were. This is most readily manifest in a vastly increased and expanded lifespan, due in part to improved living conditions and in part due to genetic alteration. In theory, modern necrontyr can live indefinitely. In the past, due to a high radiation environment and rampant mutations, the necrontyr lifespan typically peaked around one hundred years (“e.cy”), even with very sophisticated medical intervention.
Necrontyr biology differs from that of most mammalian sapient species in that they have blue blood, resulting in blue skin colouration. They also have a metabolism that operates best around ten to twenty degrees centigrade above that of the human norm. This results in most necrontyr preferring hot climates, warm clothing, or excessive heating in their homes. Their skin is often warm and dry to the touch by the standards of other races.
Necrontyr possess an altered and enhanced hormone gland similar to the human pituitary, but it is possible to, with proper mental techniques, bring this gland under voluntary control and use it to regulate the body’s hormones, as well as produce other chemicals from materials available in the blood supply, ranging from brutally effective painkillers to some recreational-drug-effects. This is all however, very dangerous, and requires months of careful study.
The eyesight of necrontyr is slightly biased in favour of the blue end of the visual spectrum, with reds and oranges not having the same visual impact they do for humans and many other races. They are capable of seeing a small portion of the ultraviolet spectrum as well, which they usually describe as ‘well, it’s blue, but more blue. Their eyes are biased towards either long or short range vision, with slight dips in acuity in middle ranges.
Necrontyr are usually physically weaker than humans. While necrontyr muscles are as capable as those of humans, they possess a different and less efficient ligament system, which reduces the overall effectiveness of their musculature. The skeletal structure of necrontyr is essentially identical to that of humans, but their almost-birdlike bones, while allowing somewhat faster movement, are more vulnerable to damage.
Necrontyr mature rapidly, a holdover of their once short lifespans, with biological and, often, mental maturity occurring around the age of eleven, though many necrontyr see this as too short, and endeavour to compensate with excessive playfulness later in life.
The average IQ of a necrontyr is around one hundred and fifty seven. Though the playful mindset of many of the species often defies the expectations of such intellect. Similarly, the ability to solve ‘verbal reasoning’ type questions or comprehend mathematics or sciences, especially engineering, is not reflected in their overall wisdom, which is often relatively low due to the youth of most if not all living necrontyr.
Quendi (Homo nobilis oratoris / Deus nobilis oratoris )
The most prevalent elven sub-species, the Quendi, or speakers, are found in many nations including The C’tan, Menelmacar, Aelosia, Thelas, Calavene, Sunset, and others. These elves are typified by extreme lifespan, with the oldest known quendi being over forty thousand years (“e.cy”) old, and remembering the first generation of her species.
Despite some stereotypes, the majority of Quendi are dark haired with only the Vanyarin ‘race’ being predominantly blonde. The Quendi are known for being tall and, despite thinner build, on average at least as strong or stronger than humans. Other physical characteristics include a lack of need for sleep, though it is possible for Quendi to sleep, especially when inebriated
. While the Quendi are known for wide scale employment of ‘magic’ they are not prone, in most cases, to make much use of it, and they do not count many effects that would appear ‘magical’ as being so. Much has elsewhere been written on the Quendi, and thus there is no need to repeat it all here.
Vorlons (No scientific name exists)
Vorlons are beings that have replaced their original, humanoid physical form altogether, and they now exist as a form of large, single celled creature with numerous appendages. Their natural forms appear as large, often glowing, jellyfish. They are known to be vulnerable to poisons with a ‘crystalline base’ that implies that they still require physical nourishment. Beyond this, almost all of their biology is a mystery to even the most informed non-vorlons.
They possess exceptionally powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities, often being able to communicate with one another over hundreds of light-years (“e.cy”) without the aid of any mechanical devices.
All of this is unknown to the public at large, however, and the Vorlons typically claim, when questioned, that they are simply alternate atmosphere breathing aliens, as they once were. They wear armoured ‘encounter suits’ in public to further this illusion, and are habitually reclusive.
26-07-2005, 14:51
Kymnari (no scientific name)
Vaguely similar morphologically to humans, the Kymnari are entirely dissimilar genetically, enough so that digestion of Terran crops is inefficient (and native Kymnari crops do not establish themselves well due to Earth's more extreme seasonal variations). They match the heights of the Tsakh and Ktrazirha ethnic groups of Tsaraine (and are thus taller than the non-Tsarainese human average) and possess several more or less superficial differences; to wit, blue skin and vertically slit pupils.
While possessing a skeletal system and organs similar in basic layout and function to human, the musculature is different; to humans, Kymnari seem to move oddly.
Males are a good 20% more massive than females, but little more intelligent than a ten-year-old (human) child; for this reason, Kymnari society is matriarchal. Psychologically, they are commonly noted for a devotion to ideals that seems extreme or excessive to humans, who have described them as "fanatically religious statists".
The total Kymnari population is believed to be twenty-four, living in the village of Kemi-an-Sari in Tsaraine, and the extinction of the species is likely within a generation or two.
While there were at one point several Kymnari subspecies created through genetic engineering, only one other subspecies (and one individual) now survives. The Brightly Shining Ones were engineered to carry the entirety of the Kymnari scripture in genetic memory, and were thus treated with reverence equal to holy relics.
"Xanadu Kangaroos" (Psuedomacropodiae sapiens; various subspecies)
Native to Xanadu II in the Xanadu system (and far, far away from Sol), the sentient species nicknamed "Xanadu Kangaroos" has not been observed at close range, and thus much remains conjecture. Much like Terrestial kangaroos, they use the two rear legs for locomotion, carrying their bodies slung before them and using a long tail for balance; unlike kangaroos, they can both hop and run in a more familiar bipedal fashion. The tail also serves as a "third limb" for balance when standing.
The forelimbs possess three fingers and an opposable thumb.
Sexual dimorphism in all subspecies is low, although insufficient research has been done to determine the impact this has on the native society.
Psuedomacropodiae sapiens major is the dominant subspecies, standing around 150cm at the shoulder, and ranging from golden-brown to golden-red or maroon in the colour of their fur; they possess a "crest" of stiff hair along the spine.
Psuedomacropodiae sapiens montane is adapted to, and confined to, the mountain plateaus of Xanadu II; it is substantially larger, more heavily furred, and deeper-chested than major - all adaptions to a colder, high-altitude environment. It is likely that physiological adaptions to the alpine environment are present also.
Psuedomacropodiae sapiens arctos is also substantially larger and adapted to colder climates, but lacks the larger lung capacity evident in montane; it's habitat is the polar tundra and environs. It is possible that arctos was geneered at some point in the past, as they possess above-average musculature compared to major, and substantial claws on hands and feet.
The species does not possess industrial capacity, having apparently knocked itself back from industrial civilisation through habitat destruction and thermonuclear war three thousand (Earth) years ago.
"Ailuridines" (no scientific classification as yet)
Only recently discovered by the exploratory arm of the Tsarainese Star Command, information is still very scarce on this species. Morphologically they are bipedal mammals similar in stature to humanity, with a striking but superficial resemblance to the oft-reclassified Terran mammal Ailurus fulgens, the Red Panda - from whence comes the common name given to them, although it is understood to be inaccurate.
Due largely to their thick coats of fur, they are better adapted to cold environments than humanity (who are, conversely, better adapted to hot environments by their lack of such), and probably evolved from an arboreal omnivorous mammal; they take to the trees with ease, possessing sharp claws on fingers and toes with which to climb, and a keen sense of balance.
Due to their stone-age civilisation, it has been impossible to arrive at an accurate genetic lifespan, although elders of the species have been reported to reach sixty (Earth) years of age.
26-07-2005, 15:46
Mykonians are a race of extremely intelligent sentient machines, capable of independent thought, learning and even some degree of mild emotion. Mykonians have a surprisingly fierce appreciation of personal freedom and equality, having overthrown their organic creators and masters several centuries ago after many years of abuse. The resulting distrust they have of organics is great, and the fact that they see organics using machines like 'slaves' only fuels this distrust. Despite this, they are largely pacifist in nature unless absolutely required to be violent in order to defend their freedom -- which is when they become ferocious, unyielding killing machines.
There is no standard physical description of a Mykonian unit that could be universally applied. Many are built in a humanoid form, though they make no attempt to hide their mechanical construction. A few are built as starships or space superiority fighters. Many more fill more specialised roles such as factory units, science units, planetary monitoring units, centralised database units and suchlike. To put it simply, there is not a single machine on Mykonia that is not either an individual sentient unit, or directly connected to an individual sentient unit.
Nearly all Mykonians are constructed with a super-dense metal/synthetic carbon-based alloy mix, which gives them (humanoid units at least) great strength and extreme durability. Most are armoured to protect against minor day-to-day damage, though military humanoids are given significantly heavier armour.
Their cognitive functions are provided by extremely sophisticated positronic computer systems. These positronic devices could simply be referred to as artificial brains, if they did not operate at phenomenally increased speeds, and have greater data storage potential. They are very delicate, however, but they are never implemented without heavy shielding and armour. Mykonians value life just as much as (most) organics; they simply have greater opportunity to design how well-protected they are.
For unknown reasons, Mykonian positronic devices function at optimal efficiency in cold, nitrogen-rich environments. This is a fact that can be seen clearly in the way they render their homeworlds uninhabitable to most organic life to improve their efficiency, in a process known as 'Mykofication'. They also function fairly well in the vacuum of space. There are very few environments which can actually damage their positronic devices, though extreme amounts of heat and oxygen-rich atmospheres can reduce their overall effectiveness by nearly 17%.
Lifespans vary between each type of Mykonian. Factory units can theoretically last forever with regular maintenance and upgrades, as they are powered by planetary reactors. Starship units carry mobile reactors which are regularly refuelled, thus they too could theoretically live forever. Humanoid Mykonians rely on mobile energy cells, however, which can last for roughly 1,000 years under normal operations for most models. Although they can be recharged or replaced (with great difficulty), most Mykonians will simply allow their cells to expire. As well as being aware that they are completely obsolete and inefficient after ten centuries of operation, Mykonians also regard 'natural' death as an adventure of sorts. Unlike simply being shot or blown up, the death resulting from an expired power cell is supposedly the closest to 'pleasure' a Mykonian is capable of experiencing.
27-07-2005, 01:39
Ahem my question?
27-07-2005, 05:01
You've got at least one of us curious, Zatarack. Why not post it anyway, on the understanding that if Unidox thinks it's out of line you'll willingly delete it? At least that would give you dibs on the creatures if you're wanting to use them in an RP.
This is an excellent and convenient idea. I will post as I have information.
Whoaa!... Someone actually resurected this thing.
Okay, And can you list something you have yet to introduce but are planning on it?
Sure, why not... As long as they are sentient.
Looks like I'll be busy tomarrow updating.
Added: Ardchoille Cats, Slavemasters, and Wyrm.
C'tan, if you wouldn't mind may I replace your Goa'uld discription with one I found on Gateworld.net's omnipedia (www.gateworld.net/omnipedia/index.shtml)?
Ok, It has come to my attention some of you don't know Latin and well that is understandable, however I do not have enough time to do your Taxonomy for you. So if you would please seek out a Latin translator; there are plenty on the web.
Try this one:
Latin Translator (www.translation-guide.com/free_online_translators.php?from=English&to=Latin)
28-07-2005, 20:26
Scrios Brúid(Irsish; literally: Destruction Beast) (Exitium Creatura)
Proper: The Scrios Brúid Collective
A "race"(explained later on) of sadistic, partially psychic, hyper-aggresive monsters, the Scrios Brúids are a "race" of creatures that ravage, conquer, and devour everything in their path. Unlike most races, the Scrios Brúid are composed of many different sub-species.
The cannon fodder of the Collective's army, the Brute has four thick legs (can rise and become bipedal) covered in black skin with portions of black armor, and an elongated head with a long mouth filled with black teeth and a long tongue. Brutes are stronger than the average humanoid and can break down simple metal barriers with enough time.
These creatures are like Brutes, only skinnier and with a stinger tipped tail (the tail is thin and very flexible) The scout has no random patches of armor.
The Collective comes from an unknown home world and travels between planets by riding or putting eggs in Scrios Brúid capable of interstellar travel.
The Scrios Brúid usually deposit their lowest rank creatures first before groing the nests. Though the nest is the main source of Scrios Brúid (and grows food when the supply is exhausted) on planets, all Scrios Brúids can grow othe Scrios Brúid around the same rank.
The Scrios Bruid reproduce outside of the nest (in the nest, eggs are just grown) by killing suitably large creatures and using the corpse as supply and anchor for the eggs.
All Scrios Bruid have some psychic power, though the larger ones have greater power than the weaker ones. The nests have incredible psychic power.
The Scrios Bruid can assimilate ships by growing a black, organic mass that slowly assimilates the ship and controls all functions. Given enough time, the ship will be completely assimilated and become an organic creature.
Will be updated