The Fourth [unofficial] NationStates DoGA Contest
The Fourth [unofficial] NationStates DOGA Challenge!
I know you can barely stand to read this text, such is the excitement at having a new challenge [/sarcasm] But well yes, it's here again. Having discussed it a little with Bryn Shander and as the winner we've settled on the theme-
The fourth of these NS DOGA Challenges is thus:-
Design and render a fleet battle- This may be marine, space, ground or air orientated.
The following applies-
The fleets may be space, marine, ground or air based or a mixture.
There must be a minimum of two fleets in oder to fulfil the "battle" quota.
Ideally, the challenge commences with immediate effect, as of the 8th February, concluding after a two-week period, on the 22nd February.
Usual also applies- Work-In-Progresses may be posted, feedback gathered etc.
Gentleman, you may begin rendering.
Bryn Shander
08-02-2005, 19:53 (
Note: Image is a link. Definitely NSF56K.
A battle outside a pair of colonies at Side 3, the 01st Light Battlefleet takes on a group of rebels that have been disrupting shipping and commiting acts of piracy. In the center, the battlecruiser BC-073 PNS Giovanni unleashes a hard-hitting 20-gun broadside on the rebel flagship BSS Wayward, an Ares Class freighter converted into a battleship, and a Lute Class freighter converted to a destroyer, the BSS Harp, fires on the Giovanni. Meanwhile, the cruiser CC-145 PNS Winry Rockbell also fires into the Wayward while fighting off small craft converted to fighters. In the foreground, the destroyer DD-292 PNS Tbilisi fires on another Lute Class freighter and a MF-02A Sparrow fires on another fighter.
Sigma Octavus
09-02-2005, 06:15
I'm in.
Aqua Nation Atlantica
09-02-2005, 13:08
Of course you can count me in.
Kenashi Shinryu
13-02-2005, 01:17
^^ I'm new but I'll give a shot at it.
I have no idea what this DoGa thing is could someone explain then i might be up for it. If that is at all possible. i'm pretty new to this site but i am enjoying it and i do plan to keep on playing. I just stumbled across this forum and i have no idea what it is you guys are on about! HELP! :headbang:
Aqua Nation Atlantica
14-02-2005, 17:07
More than happy to help! Doga is a fantasticaly easy to use 3D builder program, that can gives some wonderfully beutiful results.
this is their main website.
Aqua Nation Atlantica
14-02-2005, 22:43
And my entry, I like it, but I still think I didn't get it quite right..
Aqua Nation Atlantica
21-02-2005, 07:01
Come on guys, aint no one else taking part?
Sentient Peoples
21-02-2005, 07:06
I don't feel great about this, cause I couldn't get Doga to do what I wanted, but, well, here it is...
Aqua Nation Atlantica
21-02-2005, 20:35
looks pretty good to me! very anime!
Sentient Peoples
22-02-2005, 04:28
That's the point. It's not supposed to look anime.
Sigma Octavus
22-02-2005, 07:25
I'm trying to get my entry done....but DOGA isn't cooperating. Somethings wrong with my version. Oh well, need to go install it.....again
Sneaky Bastards
22-02-2005, 07:55
Woo, holy crap dude. That colony of yours looks a lot better than the one I threw together.
Bryn Shander
22-02-2005, 09:18
Woo, holy crap dude. That colony of yours looks a lot better than the one I threw together.
Yours probably isn't more than nine thousand polygons with transparent window pannels. <_<;
Sneaky Bastards
22-02-2005, 10:44
Yours probably isn't more than nine thousand polygons with transparent window pannels. <_<;
Doga tells me mine is 13,732 polys. ._.;
Bryn Shander
22-02-2005, 10:47
Doga tells me mine is 13,732 polys. ._.;
Odd. One of these days I need to add the interior landscape to mine.
Bryn Shander
15-03-2005, 10:10
For the love of the gods, can we wrap this damned thing up? It's been overdue for a month.
Voting is now open- Apologies for the delay, but swopping continents lays waste to the best laid plans.
Finally drawing a close to this contest [Moving continents disrupts the best laid plans] I'm pleased to announce the winner of the Fourth NationStates DoGA contest as Aqua Nation Atlantica.
At this stage, I'm not sure if we'll have a fifth due to a lack of interest, but If the winner gets in touch with me, we'll see.
25-03-2005, 04:21
I am very interested in doing a NS DoGa competition. So make sure that there's a fifth. I'm just sad that I missed this one.
The Lightning Star
25-03-2005, 04:25
Man, it's been for ever! Let's just make a new one already!
I hate when these finished contests sit up here. It get's...boring.
Really, really boring.
Aqua Nation Atlantica
25-03-2005, 14:33
Well, Im certainly looking foreward to another competition!