An Odd Visit [Closed RP ATTN: TFU]
Caras Galadon
07-02-2005, 01:03
Vice-Undersecretary of Imperial Animal care Ken of Silmaquenta sat at the controls of his small craft. He opened his comm frequency as he crossed into Fedral Union space, "Attention USS Thunderchild, this is Galadisian courier ship GDF 736. Requesting permission to enter Fedral Union space."
The Fedral Union
07-02-2005, 01:15
Operations “ captain .. in coming communiqué from the GDF736 sir .. “ captain bastidas stood up and looked over to his con officer who was working quietly .. and said “patch it threw “ , the con officer said “yes sir ! “ he tapped buttons madly opening the channel “ , bastidas sighed and said “ this is the Thunder child we are ready to receive your ambassador .. “ , mean wile people were working quietly and briskly around the bridge the mess hall was rigged for a full diplomatic function .
Caras Galadon
07-02-2005, 01:31
Ken piloted his craft into the rear shuttle-bay of the Akira class vessel after circlign it once for good measure. HE had taken the time to change into his official uniform before he exited hte craft expecting his welcomign comittee.
The Fedral Union
07-02-2005, 01:42
Rob and every one walked in to the shuttle bay informal uniforms they smiled trying to keep a good face on there guess arriving , mean wile people were doing work in the background carrying things all over the bay , rob looked over to his ops officer “ do they have to do that ? “ ops nodded and said “yes they need to clear out space “ robv sighed but stood there the bay doors opening a small force filed keeping the pressure and air in .
Caras Galadon
07-02-2005, 01:52
Ken stepped out of his craft and into the shuttle bay. He quickly picked out who must be the leader. His recent trainign at L'Academie Nationale had included that much. "Greetings Captain. I am Ken of Silmaquenta, vice-undersecretary of Imperial Animal Care. I extend the greetings of the Galadisian Government."
The Fedral Union
07-02-2005, 01:59
Rob held out his hand to him and said “welcome to the USS thunder child sorry for the mess were kind of preparing for some thing, would you like a tour of the ship or to go directly to your quarters” rob smiled a bit , mean wile ops and every one else started helping getting barrels and crates out of the bay
Caras Galadon
07-02-2005, 02:31
Ken smiled palming his pocket lightly to activate his recording device that also doubled as a legitimate camera. "A tour of hte ship might be nice, I've never been off Earth before. I'm a little scared..."
The Fedral Union
08-02-2005, 03:44
Rob smiled a bit winking at the new comer , he walked over to him and said “ill give you a personal tour of the ship , its pretty easy I have nothing better to do any way right this way” rob started walking out a door whooshing and sliding to one side as he made his way to a corridor