NationStates Jolt Archive

World Cup Reference Book (2nd Ed.)

06-02-2005, 06:42
This is a reposting of the World Cup Reference Book, 2nd Edition. As the author of the first edition has bowed out of involvement with the WCC, I am offering this up for new reference. Post here if there are changes that need to be made to any of the information within this reference book.

World Cup Reference Book (2nd Edition)

President: Rejistania
Vice President: Total n Utter Insanity

Past Presidents
Kaze Progressa
Total n Utter Insanity
Snub Nose 38


WCC Sanctioned Tournaments:
1. The World Cup
2. The Cup of Harmony
3. The Baptism of Fire Cup
4. The Eagles Cup

KPB Ranking system is the official WCC ranking system. Results of WC, CoH and BoF will be included.

As to timeline/schedule - Something like:

WC Qualifiers run / sign-ups & host bids for next WC
WC Qualifiers End
CoH host selected / BoF host selected
Cup proper runs / concurrently, CoH runs / BoF runs
about 1/2 way through Cup WCC announces host(s) for next WC
Cup Ends / CoH ends / BoF ends

WC Qualifiers run / sign-ups & host bids for next WC
WC Qualifiers End
CoH host selected / BoF host selected
Cup proper runs / concurrently, CoH runs / BoF runs
about 1/2 way through Cup WCC announces host(s) for next WC
Cup Ends / CoH ends / BoF ends



RULE 1: The result/score of a match as reported by the host(s) is official, and may not be changed in role play.

RULE 2: If your opponent reports a match first, your RP should be consistent with what has already been reported. However, if your opponents RP contains an error (such as assigning a goal to a player who is no longer on your team) you may, IC, correct the error.

RULE 3: No insulting or rude behavoir toward another player in World Cup threads. You CAN disagree - just do it civily. This does not apply to in character (IC) role play. Take any real life, out of character (OOC) conflict to another thread or forum.

Roberts Rule of Order Committee is empowered to gently enforce Rule 3.

RULE 4: Anything that does not violate an established WCC RP rule is allowed. If getting real close to god moding is being used in support of humor it is allowed. Example - creation of ridiculous technology, like that created by Snub Nose 38 to resurect football players from the dead, or that used by Tanah Burung to create a race of sentient evisceratomatoes.

RULE 5: Humor is encouraged. Wild imagination is encouraged. Even putting in something about the football matches is encouraged.

RULE 6: In both RP of matches, and in the running of the matches by the host/co-hosts, FIFA "Rules of the Game" of football will be followed unless a RL situation makes it impossible.

ARTICLE 1 - Mechanics

RULE 10: The KPB Ranking system is the official ranking system of the WCC. Kaze Progressa will share the mechanics of the KPB system with the other members of the History & Statistics Committee. At the end of each World Cup the KPB Ranks will be published - as computed. Sides will be listed in order from top rank to bottom, and numbered.

RULE 11: There will be a Role Playing (RP) Bonus. Exactly how the RP Bonus will be done for each World Cup will be explained by the host(s) in their bid. If the host proposes to use a method that has already been used, simply stating who used it for which WC will suffice. When the WCC selects the host(s) they are also selecting that method of RP Bonus. The RP Bonus MUST be small, slightly bigger for "Newbs" who RP, and neither based on quality (which is subjective) or quantity (which leads to endless and boring rps put there only for the bonus). SIMPLE is key - remember, it is realy there only to encourage us all to RP, not to improve our chances.

RULE 12: The exact method of generating results will be explained by the host(s) in their bid. If the host proposes to use a method that has already been used, simply stating who used it for which WC will suffice. When the WCC selects the host(s) they are also selecting that method of generating results.

RULE 12 B: Minor tweaks are allowed if the formula is too random/not random enough, etc. The Formula should be tested a few times before Matchday 1 is generated, preferable with the results of the sims posted for analyzation by the statwanking masses.

RULE 13: Dice will not be used as score generators for any WCC World Cup or WCC sanctioned events.

RULE 14: Scores for the host nation cannot be generated by the “host nation”. A second party (the other co-host or a veteran player who has hosted before) must intervene, and by using the same system as the host, generate all scores for the host.

RULE 15: No matches may be forfeit by decision of hosts/co-hosts. No matches may be forfeit by decision of the opponent. The only valid forfeit in any WCC sanctioned tournament will be by In Character decision of the side/team/nation that forfeits. Simply, you may not forfeit any side/team except your own.

RULE 16: Any “Home Team Advantage” that is proposed for a WCC sanctioned tournament must be explained in advance as part of the results generating system. When the WCC selects a host, they authorize the results generating system the host describes in the hosting bid. EXACTLY that system – no other system, or adjustment, may be used.

RULE 17: Where teams are level on points, the criteria for tie-breaking is goal difference, then goals for, then the head to head results, then the number of wins, then RP bonus. If teams are still level, another match, with extra-time and a penalty shootout, will take place between them (or in the finals, a penalty shoot-out) to decide qualification.

RULE 18: A 48 day schedule (24 days for qualification rounds, followed by 24 days for the actual tournament) has been established as the norm for each World Cup. It is being used for the first time for World Cup 16.

ARTICLE 2 - Ex-Nations

RULE 21: Ex-nations that cease to exist before the Cup begins will be replaced by real participants (those who signed up in excess of the number who will be participating and are on the "waiting list", if we have one). Should the nation cease to exist after matchday 1 of qualification, it continues playing matches and the matches do count the normal amount of points, but the team is barred from qualifying despite of its position in the group. Hosts are free to incorporate that in the tables by deducting all points. The result of matches, which took place before the nation ceased stand. If a nation pulls out when the cup already started, it is removed from the group, its results are expunged and it will not play any further matches in that cup. If a nation ceases in the finals, it is expunged as soon as the hosts notice. The Communications Committee will notify the hosts of any "ex-nations" they find.

ARTICLE 3 - Participation in WCC World Cups

RULE 31: Participants for WCC World Cups will be on a "first come, first served" basis. A sign up thread for each upcoming World Cup will be started by the Facilitation Committee when Qualifications for the then current World Cup are about halfway over. The first nations to sign up, up to the amount of participants per World Cup, will participate. Those who sign up in excess of the available spaces for participants will be a "waiting list".

RULE 32: One puppet per "main" nation is allowed - no more. When signing up a puppet, the "main" nation must sign up AS the puppet, and identify who they are a puppet of - this is on the honor system. If there are more nations signed up than there are available spaces for participants, the last puppet to sign up will be replaced by the first nation on the "waiting list", then the next to last puppet to sign up will be replaced by the next nation on "waiting list". This process continues until either all the nations on the "waiting list" are moved to the participants list, or all the puppets who signed up are gone.

RULE 33: No WCC member can vote for their own hosting bid.

ARTICLE 4 - Membership of the WCC

RULE 41: To become a member you must host a World Cup.

RULE 42: To continue membership of the WCC you must be active and involved in the World Cup. Inactive members will lose their membership.

ARTICLE 5 - WCC Voting

RULE 51: There will be a Vote Collector and Backup Vote Collector, (Currently Ariddia and Antaeus Rising (TnUI)) who will collect the votes for any WCC votes on rules or hosting bids.

RULE 52: All votes will have a time limit in which the WCC Members most vote or they will auto abstain. Urgent votes: 24 hours, Normal Votes: 48 hours, WC Host Vote: 1 week.

RULE 53: Any WCC Member who misses 2 votes in a row is declared inactive, unless that member informed the VC that they would be gone.

ARTICLE 6 - Cup of Harmony

RULE 61: Minimum Requirements for the Cup of Harmony are as follows: You must have RPed during the World Cup. You must have failed to qualify for the Finals. The minimum requirements for inclusion in the CoH may be waived if the CoH does not have a viable number of teams to begin the competition. The World Cup Hosts will provide a list of nations who RPed and didn't qualify.

ARTICLE 7 - Censure for Provocative Behavior

RULE 71: If a country or countries continue to provoke or participate in OOC arguments that are personal in nature after being warned by the WCC President and/or Vice President to stop, the President may choose to impose a 3 point penalty on said team(s). This may be repeated for each incident during the cup."
Liverpool England
06-02-2005, 06:44
IIRC, Rejistania is Pres with TnUI Vice-Pres. KP stepped down.
06-02-2005, 06:48
WCC Standing Committees, Their Functions, Their Membership

We still need volunteers - should have at least 4 members for each committee so it does not become too much like work.

1. Communications Committee- tasked to notify ALL participants by TG of the start of each new World Cup. Since we are going to select hosts a little earlier, they can notify the Communications Committee of the LINKS to each thread for the new World Cup (RP, Rosters, Scores, "other"). The Communications Committee will provide the links when they notify the participants. (Rejis & CS - all good ideas are worth emulating (stealing?)). Included will be the link to the "Links" thread. The CC will also notify the hosts of any "ex-nations" they find.
Members: Liverpool England (Chair), NEWI Cefn Druids, Rejistania, Fmjphoenix
Note: Does Druida replace NCD, as it absorbed it?

2. Facilitation Committee - tasked to keep a thread of links to all active WCC threads, and at least the most current past ones - more are encouraged but not required. Should include CoH, BoF, and any other WCC "sanctioned" tournaments (sanction will be by majority vote of the WCC). All WC participants will be encouraged to TAG this thread. This committee will be at liberty to expand to include other sporting events if they choose, but must at a minimum maintain the WCC links. RP, Scores, Rosters, Sign-Up for the next WC, "other" threads created by hosts for the WC, etc. Will start, and maintain, the sign-up thread for all World Cups, which will start when the then current WC ends, and not before.
Members: Oglethropia (Chair), Halfassedstates, The Eagles Nest

3. History and Statistics Committee - tasked to keep track of WCC history and statistics (duh!) Will request WCC threads be archived when they are two-cups-old (current, past, two-cups-old). Will also keep a living thread of WCC statistics - As of the END of qualifying of each cup, and the END of each cup - Hosts, First - Second - Third, List by Rank at the end of Qualifying, Last Table of qualifying rounds, results of Cup Proper matches - and "Other Totally Useless Information" at the committees discretion. WC members may request anything they of a statistical/historical nature be added to this committees thread - the committee itself will decide whether it should or should not be included. The Committee will also maintain the website and update it regularly. The committee will post the latest results to the website, as well as keeping basic records of each WC (hosts, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) and will archive matchday results, tables, rosters, and RPs.
Members: Kaze Progressa (Chair), Bedistan, The Belmore Family

4. Rules Committee - tasked to keep track of what the rules ARE once adopted. To ensure they are posted at the beginning of the Sign-up thread and the RP thread of each WC (the rules MUST few, and each must be brief.)
Members: Brazillico (Chair), Spaam, The Weegies

5. Roberts Rules of Order Committee - tasked to maintain a list of all procedures adopted by the WCC, and ensure THESE are posted (few/brief) at the beginning of each WC RP thread. Also to remind, as from time to time may be necessary, gently and with courtesy folks that this is a game, and is for fun, and we all have to respect each other and each others opinions. We don't have to agree, just treat each other well.
Members:Tanah Burung (Chair), Lemitania, Kerla

6. Host Selection Committee : This committee must have between 3 and 5 members. It will select, by majority vote of committee members, co-hosts for the Cup of Harmony, and the Baptism of Fire Cup. In order to be considered as host for these tournaments, the bid must include the method by which results will be generated. (See rule 12). If there is only one bid, the committee will either select that bid or recommend to the President that the tournament be cancelled. The committee will ensure that at least one of the co-hosts selected is a veteran player, or that a veteran player accepts responsibility to mentor the co-hosts. All WCC tournaments will have 2 co-hosts. If the ONLY bid to host a tournament is an individual bid, this committee will decide whether the player is sufficiently experienced to be selected as host without a co-host or mentor, and then either select that host, select that host and appoint a mentor, or recommend to the President that the tournament be cancelled.
Members: Bedistan (Chair), Spaam, Brazillico, Liverpool England, Rejistania, Cockbill Street

President - There has been a suggestion that the Presidency of the WCC rotate. (this may just be a subtle hint for me to "...and rotate"...). I think it would be a good idea to change who the President is every so often, but by vote of the WCC - not rotation. The WCC should also set the "term" of the President.
06-02-2005, 06:48
IIRC, Rejistania is Pres with TnUI Vice-Pres. KP stepped down.

Temporarily corrected, until I get better info (if there is any)
Total n Utter Insanity
06-02-2005, 07:01
KP added to Past Presidents
Rejis is Pres, I'm VP.
06-02-2005, 07:08
KP added to Past Presidents
Rejis is Pres, I'm VP.

Done... thanks for catching that, and for confirming the Presidency (along with LE)
06-02-2005, 11:05

Crazy Idea...

Since we all can talk to each other outside this thread

Why are we cluttering this one up too? But Of Course, LE has to get a word in every time no matter what...


Since this thread is half mucked up already, why don't you guys sort everything out, get it settled, then once everything is clear, start a new thread using one of the global puppets, either the "NS World Cup" nation who's password is open to all members, or a new nation of similar standing, so that we don't have to worry about someone leaving and not continuing.

But I guess that's beyond the primitive thought capacity of most, so i'll just go back into my hole now.
06-02-2005, 11:14
I Edited the outdated Commitee descriptions, and two are extremely outdated and should be considered for removal or replacement.

WCC Standing Committees, Their Functions, Their Membership

We still need volunteers - should have at least 4 members for each committee so it does not become too much like work.

1. Communications Committee- tasked to notify ALL participants by TG of the start of each new World Cup. The CC can notify the Communications Committee of the LINKS to each thread for the new World Cup (RP, Rosters, Scores, "other"). The Communications Committee will provide the links when they notify the participants. The CC will also notify the hosts of any "ex-nations" they find.
Members: Liverpool England (Chair), Druida, Rejistania, Fmjphoenix

2. Facilitation Committee - tasked to keep a thread of links to all active WCC threads, and at least the most current past ones - more are encouraged but not required. Should include CoH, BoF, and any other WCC "sanctioned" tournaments (sanction will be by majority vote of the WCC). All WC participants will be encouraged to TAG this thread. This committee will be at liberty to expand to include other sporting events if they choose, but must at a minimum maintain the WCC links. RP, Scores, Rosters, Sign-Up for the next WC, "other" threads created by hosts for the WC, etc. Will start, and maintain, the sign-up thread for all World Cups, which will start when the then current WC ends, and not before.
Members: ( MEMBERS NEEDED )The Eagles Nest

3. History and Statistics Committee - tasked to keep track of WCC history and statistics (duh!) Will request WCC threads be archived when they are two-cups-old (current, past, two-cups-old). Will also keep a living thread of WCC statistics - As of the END of qualifying of each cup, and the END of each cup - Hosts, First - Second - Third, List by Rank at the end of Qualifying, Last Table of qualifying rounds, results of Cup Proper matches - and "Other Totally Useless Information" at the committees discretion. WC members may request anything they of a statistical/historical nature be added to this committees thread - the committee itself will decide whether it should or should not be included. The Committee will also maintain the website and update it regularly. The committee will post the latest results to the website, as well as keeping basic records of each WC (hosts, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) and will archive matchday results, tables, rosters, and RPs.
Members: Kaze Progressa (Chair), Bedistan, The Belmore Family

4. Rules Committee - tasked to keep track of what the rules ARE once adopted. To ensure they are posted at the beginning of the Sign-up thread and the RP thread of each WC (the rules MUST few, and each must be brief.)
Members: Brazillico, Spaam, The Weegies

I don't know about "Rules", but what of a "Public Image Commitee" of Star, Myself and anyone else to sort out the kind of background info thing that star wrote, and i edited and began putting on signup & RP threads in replacement of the stipulations in this outdated commitee

5. Roberts Rules of Order Committee - tasked to maintain a list of all procedures adopted by the WCC, and ensure THESE are posted (few/brief) at the beginning of each WC RP thread. Also to remind, as from time to time may be necessary, gently and with courtesy folks that this is a game, and is for fun, and we all have to respect each other and each others opinions. We don't have to agree, just treat each other well.
Members:Tanah Burung (Chair), Lemitania, Kerla

This Whole Commitee is gone.

6. Host Selection Committee : This commitee will select, by majority vote of committee members, the co-hosts for the Cup of Harmony, and any other approved tournaments in which it's aid is formally requested. In order to be considered as host for these tournaments, the bid must include the method by which results will be generated. (See rule 12). If there is only one bid, the committee will either select that bid or recommend to the President that the tournament be cancelled or postponed. The committee will ensure that at least one of the co-hosts selected is a veteran player, or that a veteran player will be available if necessary to mentor the co-hosts. All WCC tournaments will have 2 co-hosts. If the ONLY bid to host a tournament is an individual bid, this committee will decide whether the player is sufficiently experienced to be selected as host without a co-host or mentor, and then either select that host, select that host and appoint a mentor, or recommend to the President that the tournament be cancelled.
Members: Bedistan (Chair), Spaam, Brazillico, Liverpool England, Rejistania, Cockbill Street