NationStates Jolt Archive

Diplomatic Summit for Internationl Trade

04-02-2005, 08:12
Sitting around the circular table of seven President Halil looks over his six peers and smiles "Brothers of democracy, we have all been sworn in and have successfully reseated the government here in Afyon city. Now is the time to come to our biggest decision of a new country. We are small yes, we are suffering a debt load handed over by our former leaders. We must discuss our possibilities of economic expansion. Minister Makal tell us of your ideas please." Ahmet asks as he seats himself in his seat, looking along his right to where High Minister Habid Makal stands and clears his throats.

"Fellow brothers, as you all know the national treasury was poorly managed under the reign of the previous government, in such we are almost at the bankrupt line and we need to regain our economic growth. Our industry and resources are perfect for this, but as we all know we do require some form of nationalised holdings. So I put to you my ideas for foreign investment and enterprise." Picking up a folder Habid skims over it before passing out pieces of paper to the other six council members and resumes speaking.

"Infront of you sits a strategic economic and business growth plan myself and Prime Minister Al-Fanari have put together in the hopes of revitalising our struggling economy. We'll start first with nationalised areas that remain solely Afyon Turkish. First will be the majority of agriculture and our gold industries, we will also keep our telecommunications, banking and internal transport entirely Afyon Turkish. Agricultural goods such as wheats, and other farming items will be seventy five percent nationalised with the other twenty five percent available to foreign investment and use. Chromite, antimony, magnesite, mercury, barite, coal, copper, celestite, emery, feldspar, limestone and Hydropower are the majority of areas we are willing to open up to foreign investment and exploitation. Now for the most part we expect the coal offer to be greatly looked into. We are also willing to open up avenues of tax breaks for outsourcing to Afyon Turkish people, which will bring badly needed training and employment to the turkish people.

We are also offering free trade with nations interested in things like metal equipment, transportation equipment, food, clothing and machinery. We have many avenues available to us but these seem some of the best to be used. We also have the state controled poppy farms where we can set aside certain areas for the manufacture of things like morphine for medical useage. In all the economic plan calls for large investments in many of the offered areas and foreign exploitation and use of Afyon Turkish people in those places to further increase not only the companies . profits but increase our own national economy. This my friends is our key requirement to rebuild the democratic states. We need the money and we are needing it badly." Nodding his thanks Habid resumes his seat as the other six men applaud him and Ahmet stands once more. "Thank you Habid that was very enlightenening now. I'm pretty sure this will pass, but we must vote on it. We are democratic after all." Ahmet says and recieves polite chuckle in response. "Right, those in favour of this economic reform raise your hands." Around the table seven hands rise, the smiles on the ministers faces enough."Those against?" Ahmet says and watches as nobody raises their hands.

"Excellent! The motion has been passed I will begin writing the letters. Thank you my friends this meeting is officialy ajourned." Gathering his papers Ahmet shakes hands with his six other council members and heads to his office, acutely aware of the other six heading to their respective branches. Smiling he enters the office, seats himself at his desk and begins to type up a letter on his computer.

Honourable National leaders of the world,

I express to you an invitation to attend an open diplomatic and economic function to be held in Afyon city, the capital of the newly democratic states of Afyon Turkey, we hope that in our talks we can together as peaceful nations negotiate economic and trade treaties that both enhance and fuel our wonderful nations to better standards of living and further the path of peace and unity.

I also open this invitation to privately owned corporations to too send representatives to negotiate corporate avenues of increased profits amongst the wonderful lands of Afyon Turkey. It is with the honour of democracy that I invite you for this summit a date to be set once messages have been sent saying who will attend.

I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully securing strong friendships with all of you at the summit. It is with great honour that I thank you for your time and await your response.

With respect,

Ahmet Halil,
President of the Democratic States of Afyon Turkey.

OOC: Okay, alittle info. Yes it's an open invitation to any nations who wantto come along and RP. Its open to all type of nations, and wont be accepted bythose that wish to wank out some form of military intimidation. This is a peaceful summit so obviously respect and non-hostilities only. You come looking for trouble, then expect to be ejected from the summit.

Lots can be discussed but the things spoken amongst the council of seven will remain unknown until the talks can begin on those subjects. Please if you can think of topics that could better improve this RP by all means use them here, otherwise hope we all can have a fun RP together. :)
04-02-2005, 22:54
I am instructed ( by the Emperor Treznor to express our interest in attending this summit to open talks and discuss avenues of trade. We feel that we have a great deal to offer each other that can only result in positive growth for both our nations.

We look forward to meeting you.

Mark Bushant
Treznor Minister of International Affairs
The Resurgent Dream
04-02-2005, 23:00
The Danaan High Kingdom of the Resurgent Dream is very interested in sending a representative to these talks.

Gary Landis
Commerece Minister
04-02-2005, 23:29
The Republic of Wesmany is interested in your offer of trade. Make us a deal we can not refuse. :)
05-02-2005, 01:00
To: Ahmet Halil, President, Democratic States of Afyon Turkey
From: Weyrik Board of Estimates, Council Hall, Earthbound Prefecture, Weyr

The Weyrik Board of Estimates is highly interested in this matter, and will be sendng a delegate for these talks. We look forward to discussing commercial and economic issues with your representatives, adn hope that this will be the start of a new and fruitful relationship.

In order to facilitate the process of the meeting, we have taken the liberty of including a summary projection report of export and import capabilities of the Kingdom of Weyr and of the United Weyrik Prefectures. Please be advised that the heavy metal commerce within the Sol system is still being probed for potential profitability. As such, current export capability of Weyrean metals can be significantly increased should the demand for said metals prove to be high enough.

In summary, the Kingdom is currently capable of importing fusactor-compatible radioactives and volatiles; organic raws; foodstuffs, especially protein-based compounds; magLev drives; magLev-equipped planetary/aerospace craft. Non-standard imports include entertainment media products; 'natural' cloth and textile products; woodcrafts.

The Kingdom is currently exporting sky and star craft including freight, military, and passenger interstellar, interplanetary, and planet-to-orbit vessels; translation drives; fusactor assemblies, including cryo plants and firien arrays; high-temperature, high-radiation shielded mining crawlers; Feed and Source material technologies; Instel superluminal communications technologies; leyNet communications technologies; thaumaturgic processing and data storage systems; patterning machinery; surplus non-automated industrial machinery. Non-standard exports include alchymical-trained personnel; translation-capable pilots; thaumaturgic development advisors and expertise; military services.

the Director

OOC:yes the WBE has skewed projections if those projections come from corporate sources
05-02-2005, 21:06
Smiling Ahmet reads the first of the responses and grins broadly to his aid. "well, it seems we're getting some responses atlast." He says as he begins writin responses.

To:Mark Bushant, Treznor Minister of International Affairs
From: Ahmet Halil, President of Afyon Turkey

Mr Bushnet,

It is a great honour to recieve your acknowledgement and I respond in kind to inform you that the date is set for two weeks from now. In order to allow all dignitaries a chance to disengage or finalise current projects or requirements before the summit.

All food, and accomodation will be supplied by Afyon city's best hotel The byzantine Which is close to both Government house and my own personal residence. I look forward to meeting you in person, until then.

Ahmet Halil
President of the Democratic States of Afyon Turkey

To:Gary Landis Commerece Minister, The Danaan High Kingdom of the Resurgent Dream
From: Ahmet Halil, President of Afyon Turkey

Mr Landis,

It is a great honour to recieve your acknowledgement and I respond in kind to inform you that the date is set for two weeks from now. In order to allow all dignitaries a chance to disengage or finalise current projects or requirements before the summit.

All food, and accomodation will be supplied by Afyon city's best hotel The byzantine Which is close to both Government house and my own personal residence. I look forward to meeting you in person, until then.

Ahmet Halil
President of the Democratic States of Afyon Turkey

Pausing Ahmet reads the somewhat odd resposne from the Weyrians and shrugs, going with his usual style of response.

To:The director, Weyrik Board of Estimates, Council Hall, Earthbound Prefecture, Weyr

From: Ahmet Halil, President of Afyon Turkey

Mr Director,

It is a great honour to recieve your acknowledgement and I respond in kind to inform you that the date is set for two weeks from now. In order to allow all dignitaries a chance to disengage or finalise current projects or requirements before the summit.

All food, and accomodation will be supplied by Afyon city's best hotel The byzantine Which is close to both Government house and my own personal residence. I look forward to meeting you in person, until then.

Ahmet Halil
President of the Democratic States of Afyon Turkey

Sitting back Ahmet smiles and reads over his letters before handing them to his aid who leaves to send the letters off to the appropriate countries. Turning to his computer Ahmet writes up a quick report on the responses and sends it to the six other members of the council before heading off to open a new subway system in the fast growing Afyon city.

OOC: People are still welcome to send their responses, and if youwish some can begin arriving, the choice lays with you :)