NationStates Jolt Archive

Nargrethian Tides

01-02-2005, 06:47
OOC: Thank you for showing up, everyone. This is a new Nation, though I am somewhat experianced in Role-Playing here in NS. I have a Modern Tech. Nation, though with Nargreth, I want to branch out into FT. This is the "Background" of the Nargrethians, their reason for being so lost in dessolet space.

The Ships are from Battlestar Galactica, though I'm much more a fan of the old series, than the new rip-off from Scifi Channel. The SL of their beginning is somewhat akin to it as well...but I assure you, it isn't based off of it.
I haven't posted ship details yet, I'll get to it tomorrow. I have to get some rest for tomorrow.

Hope Y'all like it....

"The Nargrethian Annotations"

A brief history of the Nargrethian homeworld, written two generations after the Nargrethian fleet's departure from the Planet Oneireus. No written record beyond this single, unamed author's inquiries with the Grandfathers and Grandmothers, the ones whom actually laid eyes upon the almost fairy tale homeworld.

"So much was unknown about where we, the Nargrethians, came from. The first gens knew, they knew so well about our homeworld, but never spoke to us of it. In fact, it was held with tight secracy, and I felt that I was breaking some unspoken boundries, as if I were being whispered the secret memories of the first gens. The aging King Asgare Antaires XXI would not even dare speak of it. He just led us upon this blind venture into the edge of our universe, and even passed laws to hold anyone who spoke of what brought us here as treasenous to the...'ideals and security' of the Nargrethian People. What was left of them.

My Grandfather, Goddess rest his soul, wouldn't even share his memories and shunned me when I asked. Which was why I was surprised when someone contacted me one day. I was digging into the old data files of one of the more obscure ships in the Fleet, the freighter "Geornes" hoping it would have some scrap of information. The Data Banks of every ship had been wiped clean of evidence of our origins. No spacecharts, no trade logs, nothing. There had been a massive cover-up by the Crown to keep any mention of the Homeworld from the eyes of its public...or, its crews, as I should say.

This fellow contacted me via Personal Fleet message (PFM), saying that my 'meddlesome curiosity' as he put it, had gotten around in his ship's crew; the Ore Refinery Ship "Entisc", where the very old were sent to serve untill death, and the very young were sent to be trained by the dying.

I found out that his name was Marcill Patia, he was a rather high-ranking official in the old Kingdom, but was busted down to a simple crewmen when our people boarded the fleet and left the homeworld. He never elaborated on what he actually did in the old Kingdom, but I was ecstatic at the mere prospect of someone telling me something...anything, that might have to do with the Homeworld, and why we are here.

I obtained clearance to charter a craft to the Entisc, and met the old fellow in his quarters of the Ore Refinery Ship. I must say I had a touch of envy for him, despite his decrepit look, his worn, weathered face, still dirty from work in the deep bowels of the ship. His eyes were still bright, a brightness only held by the "first Generation" of our people. The ones whom only spent half their lives in space, the ones whom were lucky enough to behold the old Kingdom planet. Not like us, not like the third gens, we had been born, bred and raised in space. It was all we knew.

We sat and spoke for a while, small talk for the most part, trying to scratch out the nervous attitude we both had. In the course of our unsteady conversation, I found out that he was dying of a heart disease, and he didn't have very long to live...that must have been why he was so willing to speak to me. He told me, simply, "I do not wish the homeworld to be forgotten, as the King does."

After that, the mood became more sincere, dour. A saddened look came over his face as he looked to me with a stare that made me feel small in comparison. He proceeded to tell me things that put me in shock.

He told me of the old world, a lush, green, prosperous planet, full of life and dotted with large cities. The whoel world was united under one man, but it was not our King. That was one of many things he told me that contradicted everything I was told. King Lathron Neuroth was the leader of not only the world, but also the vast colonies which spanned across the solar system, he ruled an empire that covered all known territory of the Oneireus system.

King Lathron Neuroth was an aging King, much like our own is now. His health was failing, he had no heirs, the masses were fearing what would happen if no true heirs stepped up. Dissention was on the rise, as political factions began to gear up for the suspected "Big grab," that would be left in the void of power left after his death. King Asgare Antaires XXI was but a minor player in the royal bloodline, but he cited vehemotely that he himself, was the rightful heir to the thrown. He went off on great tangents amongst his peers, about evidence that he did not show, that the current King was a usurper, who was a false King, that his entire Kingly bloodline was a lie...and the Antaires bloodline was true.

This action only earned him the title of a brigand amongst the ranks of the royal family, which saw him as a threat, and scrambled to produce their own heir, to prevent the Neuroth bloodline from losing power. Debate after debate ensued, genetic lineages were traced, old records that had been long buried and forgotten, wer eonce more exumed and looked over...not only was there no sign of an Antaires as a King, but suspicious was raised that even the Neuroth bloodline was false, as King Asgare had claimed. The news of this falacy brought even more dissention, and the King's health was waning even further. King Asgare Antaires, seeing no opprotunity to gain the thrown legally, raised his followers and began to set forth to overthrow the Kingdom.

King Asgare brought together his people as an army of the people, 12,000,000 in all. They were each called to disrupt the daily services of the King's departments. Storming capitol buildings, raiding ground-based military installations. Even rioting at the main spacestation orbiting the planet. Though the 12 million were but a small percentage of the population, this sudden uprising caused a mssive lock-down in governmental power. Martial law was declared in certain areas of the Kingdom, while King Antaires himself took a large assortment of his "Soldiers" to the grand Palace. There, he confronted the King's guard, and was soundly defeated. Antaires was captured, and without a structure of command, or even a real base of reasoning, the riots, raids, and all other operations ceased. 346,000 of the dissidents were killed in the end.

King Neuroth issued a decree, which offered the dissidents immunity if they simply swore an oath of allegiance once again to Him. Over half did so, this proved only that the dissidents were weak, their resolve was nothing under the power of even an ailing thrown. Those who stood by their self-proclaimed ruler were arrested, and put on trial as a whole. King Antaires and his People were sentanced to exile, but of course, it would have been too hard to simply shove that many people onto one of the rim worlds on the outter-edges of the system. They were forced to sell their estates, all but their most personal belongings, everything. They were forced to pool their wealth together, and forfeit it to the Government. In return, they were given a fleet of ships, enough to carry them to their exile, not to a single planet, but, simply, to the stars.

400 ships were acquired by the loyalists, and boarded their ships, forever leaving their homeworld...

This is where he began to become too illegible to discern, his tears by now had swollen his face, and he had became a mess of a man. After I had calmed him, we spoke no more of the matter, we carried on to other stories of old, and spoke of things which did not tear his heart so much. After that encounter, I understood why King Antaires was so secretive about the past, about our reason for being on these old ships. He was a false King, but he was a true leader, and believed in his cause. Now it was not a cause to become a King, for he had already done so, in his people's eyes. Now, it was to find a new home amongst the stars.

So, with this new enlightenment, I close this little book of mine, I hope that this is not the only written acocunt of our beginnings...I hope..."

King Sæter Antaires sat quietly in the captain's chair of the "Steorra", the flagship of the so-called "Waylay Fleet." He thought broadly to himself as he read over the 'Nargrethian Annotations', as he had many times before. He could nearly recite it word for word by now, but he could not keep from reading it "just one more time." He did not know the person who wrote the book, he did not even try to seek him, becuase that was over 8 generations ago. He held in his hands the only known written record of his people's beginnings, and when he thought about it, the author's time was much simpler.

By the time King Sæter Antaires took the unglorious thrown, 85 ships had been lost in the travels. Most due to navigational errors, as the vessels slipped through in the process of space-fold. Some losses were due to reactor failure, ancient powerplants exploding. The only thing the fleet could do was save those who survived, pull the bodies from the wreckage and salvage what their dead hands clung to. Despite the tragedy of such events, it turned the crews into very profecient salvagers, they needed every part, every piece of scrap for the repair and rebuild of the ships that survived.

Now though, the long travels of the Nargrethians was hopefully over. The last projected Space-Fold jump had ended with success a few days ago. Surprisingly, it had ended with complete success, every ship arrived right on time, from the massive Warcruisers, with the Steorra ahead of the pack, to the slothful, yet vitally important Ore Refinery and Manufacturing ships. The large fleet was not running on subspace drivers, drawing ever nearer to the sun that the fleet had been steering to for so long. Half of King Sæter Antaires's 38 years was spent venturing to this system, and finally, he was upon it.

Sæter Antaires closed the book and stood up from the captain's chair and took a prideful stride across the half-deck that overlooked the cavernous and expansive control quarters of the Steorra. The crew's moral was especially high, for good reason, their journey was about to end, at least they hoped...

Sæter Antaires's breif moment of awe was momentarily taken away, as he heard the fimiliar voice of the commander of the Fleet, Reston Seft.

"Your Highness, we have reached our grid coordinates, the rest of the fleet shall be with us in the next few hours...that sun is beautiful, isn't it?" Commander Seft said randomly, as they both admired the glaring and bright sun, which filled the viewport that stretched across the control decks.

"...yes, yes it is, Commander. Beginning short and long-range scans, send out a hailing signal on all frequencies. We shall stay in this position for the next few days, see what happened. Scan specifically for asteroid fields and other areas of salvagable resources. Also, prepare the probes." Sæter, always hiding his feelings of optimism with great attention to detail. He hoped desperately that things would go well, that fi there were any intelligent forms in this sector, they would recieve their signals. Though another par tof him hoped that there wasn't anything out there, but ghost signals and solar wind.

The Steorra, and several other ships in the contengent began discharging probes, some were compact metallic balls, that simply shoved off into a falt trajectory, emitting signals as it went. Others were much more complex, though outdated, much of the systems the fleet used were ancient, but what could be improved upon, was. There was no better proving grounds than field testing. The Mk.II Sector Probe was designed for the mission of finding recourses for the Mining ships to collect from.

The Mk. II Probes were basically small sensor arrays fitted onto scavanged directional control engines, which came from the more unfortunate vessels. They networked together and transmitted a very complete picture of the layout of a sector.

Now all there was to do, was sit, and wait for the rest of the fleet...and of course, the probes to return their information...hopefully...
01-02-2005, 19:57
==The Colony world of Varta, had become the second most prosperous planet in the Edenstein Empire, the only planet that was more prosperous was Linux, the home planet of the Empire. It was the 4th planet from the sun, and at one time was a lush green world, but now had become a hedgemonic mass of concrete, steel and pollution. It had also come to be the military center of the empire, the star docks, shipyards and fleet headquaters had all come to be stationed here, some argue that Varta will soon become the new head of the empire.

Randomly intersperesed throught the system where sensor arrays to pick up any hostile or unknown ships... if anything, even as small as a fighter where to enter the system spacecom would know about it, the only place that wasn't so heavily monitored was the ship graveyard where the Empire put all of its old ships that where unsalvagable or had become hoplessly obsolete. Due to the fact that enough of the ships still through off power signitures from the ancient power cores.==

*At space command Lt. Barclay sat at the sensor panel, he was pulling a latenight shift, nothing ever happend on the late shift, just the ocasional freightor that had forgotten their pass code, he leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk, just as SkyAdmiral Dimitri Ulonov one of the highest ranking officers in the Spacefleet walked over and sat down next to him, he looked over and then almost fell out of his chair, he stood up and saluted*

Ulonov: At ease Lt. At ease....

Barclay: Sir.... I'm sorry, I wasn't falling asleep its just that...

Ulonov: Yeah, I know... This was one of my first postings outside of the acadamy..... that very chair your sitting in, I once sat in, watching the monitor for anything that came in..... and I hated it... School all day and then do this all night...

Barclay: Well... umm why don't you promote me out of here?

Ulonov: Because, you need to pull your time.... *he laughs* Anything good tonight?

Barclay: A freighter that forgot to register, that was about it...

Ulonov: yeah that soun

*the alert beacons start to sound, as the computer automaticly zooms into Sector Tango Romeo 5 where many large contacts show up*

Barclay: Sir... Multiple large heavy contacts... no known ID or construction type.....

Ulonov: This is why you work on the late shifts boy.. the wierdest shit happens.... Its probably those damn Owen Sound people.... I wish we would of wiped them out in the first war.....

Barclay: Your orders sir?

Ulonov: Open up Com, all known frequencies... and ready the fleet, if these are Owen sound ships, they are probably gonna wanna wrastle....

*Ulonov walks over and stands infront of the comm station and begins his message*


This is SkyAdmiral Dimitri Ulonov on Edenstein Station Alpha Five...State your reasons for entering Edenstein space or we will fire. Please respond.

Ulonov: Barclay sound the redalert, get the rest of the crew up here....

Barclay: Yes sir.

You might not be able to understand the hail from Ulonov all the different races in this region speak the same language but We'll get to that when we need it.

Information on The Edenstein Space Empire
Home World: Linux
Home System: Torvalds
Size: Circa 12,000 lightyears by 8,000
Pop: Circa 20 Trillion people
Tech Base: Babylon 5 some Startrek
Current Enemies: Owen Sound
Neutral: Hencland Omega
Allies: Star Empire of Carianda
History: Over 300 years
Current Emperor: Emperor Edward Romanov
Current Military Head: Sky Admiral Dimitri Ulonov
01-02-2005, 20:30
((As will I. I haven't the time now.))
02-02-2005, 00:47
][OOC: All right, thank you both. :) ][
02-02-2005, 06:41
Deleted for redundency
02-02-2005, 22:46
Aboard the Lightwave class Frigate QuickSliver

Captian Rob Pulson, along with crew of another thirteen men and women, streaked across space on a routine scouting mission just outside Edensteinian territory. Pulson watched the void outside his ship laizily, then did a massive double take. A large, unfarmiliar warship was floating a ways off to the left of the QuickSliver. He examined it closely; It was definetly not an Edensteinian ship. Some kind of envoy, or an invader of sorts? The comm port suddenly picked up a hail from Edensteinian forces to the unknown vessel.

Pulson pressed a red switch on his control panel.

Onboard the Space Station Strom, Located a little outside Edenstein space.

A light flashed at the Control Operations Port, the Center of communications for the Strom space station. The Ravean station, established some seven years ago, was an off-planet trade and exploration center, and was hovering a short ways from Edenstein territory. It's commander was Major General Gerrard Capelon, who was currently reading over some treaties in his office.

The door suddenly burst open, and Gerrard jumped. A young envoy saluted and held out a file.

"The QuickSliver Frigate has just spotted an unknown vessel on thier routine patrol, sir."

"At ease, boy," Gerrard said as he took the file and opened it up. His brow furrowed as he read the recent report. It seemed the Edenstein forces had already warned the ship to identify itself; Of course, Gerrards people couldn't do much of anything in Edenstein space, for it would violate the delicate treaty that allowed Ravea to have an off-planet station near Edenstein space.

"Get me Pulson."

A little while later...
"Pulson? You there?" Gerrard was speaking through a direct channel to the Quicksliver.

"I sure am, sir. What do you want me to do?" Pulson's voice filtered back through the channel.

"Nothing for now. We can't do anything in Edensteinian space without a treaty violation. Send the ship a hail and an offer to dock at the Station."

"All right."

A Hail to unknown ship, from the Ravean Frigate QuickSliver.
This is Captian Robert Pulson of the Ravean Frigate QuickSliver. We ask that you please identify yourselves immedietly. We also offer you a docking port at our nearby space station. What is your response?
03-02-2005, 02:34
OOC: I had a big, long post...but then the forum ate it, spat it out...and laughed at me. I don't have the patience to re-write it, so...welll, this is a much more compact version.


Word of the unidentified vessel worked through the crew like wildfire. First the officers in charge of the Scanners and tactical command, all the way up to the King himself. The message was alien, but the language was akin to the Nargrethian's own, so only an hour was needed to decypher the two short messages.

King Antaires held a short council with Captain Dogor Albinnan, and Mæst Licgan, Warchief, debating whether or not to take hostile action, or simply identify.

"There's one ship now, but who k nows how many more are just out of sensor range!" Argued Mæst, "I say we power up the Rail Gun stations and fire!"

"Hah!" Dogor laughed, "Powering up even a few batteries may push the powerplants into the red! The ship can barely hold life support! without straining!"

King Antaires interrupted the two, speaking with a wise and patient tone, "We will reply to both hails, on all frequencies, make sure we are heard. We will take no hostile action, we cannot afford a battle we cannot survive. If we are to find a new home, we must be diplomatic. They seem as interested in us as we are in them, anyway..."

They hailed in return, though of course, most of it was in the Nargrethian language, besides the few words which could be decyphered and translated, so it was rather broken...

Hail to the Quicksilver:
"We are the Nargreth, and this is the Warcruiser Steorra. We mean no harm to your ship, nor the governing powers of this sector. We simply seek a new home, we have traveled many generatiosn to reach this system. We will, indeed, take your invitation, and follow you to your Station, as long as councel can be assured with your Leaders. If you will send word to"

Hail to the Station Alpha Five:
"We mean no hostility, we are spacefarers, seeking the promise of a new home. This is the system which we have been venturing to for hundreds of years. We beg of you to not deny us a place to live and prosper. My people's will cannot hold much longer..."
04-02-2005, 01:09
][ Bvmp50r5, yeah - I'm horrible at 1337 ][
04-02-2005, 02:47
Rob frowned. He had never heard of the Nargreth. They traveled generations for this? There would have to be more than one ship then. He switched to an open hail again.

To the Nargreth, from the Ravean Frigate QuickSliver
You have permission to dock any time you would like. Our local leader would be glad to have consul with you. It is good to have you in the area, and hope you enjoy your stay.

Rob attatched the station's coordinates to the message, then informed Gerrard that the Nargreth would be docking shortly. The Major General promised to meet the newcomers at the docking bay.
04-02-2005, 04:34
Open-band message to the Quicksilver:
"This is the Steorra to the Quicksilver, we shall power up our sub-drives and move to specified coordinates. There are other ships on their way, unarmed, except for defencive options. Let it be known that these are Nargrethian citizens, and in no way combatants. We will transmit our current coordinates, with orders to halt the convoy here. Steorra, out."

"My King, are you sure we should trust them so soon? It could be a trap," The Captain cautioned, as he transmitted the coordinate sequence to the remaining fleet.

King Antaires offered a surprisingly calm smile, and a pat to the shoulder, "You need not fear. Now is not a time for paranoia. If we die now, we do so."

The Steorra's Helm crewmen steered the ship as the propulsion systems powered up steadily, sending the large, lumbering ship on towards its new destination. King Antaires had retreated to his quarters, and watched in the distance as the brightly shining space station grew nearer, larger in the viewport. He knew it was but a matter of time before he met these creatures, whatever they were, there would be much adaption and misunderstanding amongst them and his People...perhaps even fear.

The King prepared himself quickly, dressing in the centuries-old garb worn by the King on special occasions...and none were more special than this.
He wore a dark green tunic, emborided with fine golden threads along the neck and cuffs, baring the form of the family crest...he wore no crown to signify his kingly ordainment, only a necklace, cast of pure gold and the finest of stones found on the old homeworld. It was large, almost as wide as the hand is long, and wore heavy around Antaire's neck...but such was the price of such a grand occasion...

King Antaires could count himself only lucky, he would experiance what all the exiled Nargrethians had waited for...a chance for a new home. So many had perished in the harsh wastes of space, so many generations had slaved, pondered, and sacrificed for this very moment...and he was the one who would be at the forfront of the moment of truth.

As the Steorra drew within complete visual range of the Station, they hailed it with a simple message:

The warcruiser, Steorra, of the Nargrethian colony fleet, acting as representatives of said Fleet, wish to dock with your Station. The Nargrethian King, Sæter Antaires bids all aboard, and every being of your race, a fond and hopeful greeting...and wishes to speak with your Commanders.
04-02-2005, 06:26
*The Lt. worked on translating the messages*

Admiral it looks like they are harmless... just looking for a new home...

Ulonov: What are they doing now?
Lt: We intercepted flash traffic from the Ravean's..... they have invited them to their station just outside of our space.
Ulonov: Well we can't let them have all the fun....

**Hail to the vessals**

This is Admiral Ulonov of the Edenstein space Empire.... we welcome you to edenstein space... do your ships need any assistance? How may we help you?

*to the Lt*

Dispatch two corvetts to the edge of Edenstein space... welcome our new guests if they choose to come.
04-02-2005, 20:20
Major General Gerrard Capelon tightened his shirt cuffs and straightened his hat as the Nargreth vessel drew nearer to the docking bay. He was dressed in a dazzling white officers suit, complete with polished boots, a beret, and gloves. It was an outfit usually reserved for official parties and such. This was a much more important event, however. He looked around him; On his right should have been Pulson. The star captain was his most trusted officer and a loyal friend. Gerrard could feel the absence of Rob’s warm and friendly aura as he waited. On his left was his bureaucratic second-in-command, Vanya Toloy. She was a cold, calculating women who did not seem to like foreigners much. Still, she was a valuable asset as an expert diplomat.
A large number of Citizens also came out to watch the event. The Strom Station had never been visited by guests this important before. The Ravean People, while usually somewhat Apathetic to galactic happenings, were still exceptionally friendly to most if not all strangers who did not mean them harm. The Strom Station housed about 75,000 people, from Military personnel to Diplomats to Traders to Citizens and others who had decided to leave the Ravean Homeworld for whatever reason.
Gerrard jumped as the Docking port began to open with a slow grind. The large Nargreth warship slowly drifted into the station; stabilizer clamps were soon latched onto the ship to keep it steady as it’s engines powered down. Pulson would also be arriving shortly through a smaller, separate dock. Gerrard gulped as he waited for the unknown vessel’s occupants to show themselves. This was the event of a lifetime.