NationStates Jolt Archive

Cascadia View thrown into turmoil due to recent UN resolution

Cascadia View
24-01-2005, 19:11
The government of Cascadia view is having difficulties, and is seeking the advice of other nations. Cascadia View has two indigenous peoples, the People of the Dogwood and the People of the Raven. The People of the Raven, according to their legends, are the *original* people of Cascadia View, and the People of the Dogwood are recent settlers from just the last few thousand years. Of course, the People of the Dogwood have the opposite opinion. With the new UN resolution, both groups are reading it to mean that the rights of indigenous people come first, before other peoples. At the same time, each group is claiming to be the True Indigenous People and the other tribe a bunch of scheming interlopers. To state it bluntly, the UN resolution has heated up a traditional rivalry that we have mostly been able to keep at a low simmer for a long time.

Our national animal, the Raven, is deemed disrespectful by the Dogwoodians, and our national plant, the Dogwood, is deemed disrespectful by the Ravenites.

Both groups want to completely change the national educational curriculum, as well, to take their myths out of the religions section, and into the sciences section. We expect that to enrage our fundamentalist Christian population, who is already miffed about having the Genesis story classified as "myth", and who would like their myth also taught as science, along side Evolution and other scientific theory.

Further, both tribes have set up previously illegal trading in controlled items and substances with related indigenous peoples in other nations. The rise in the gun trade is particularly worrisome.

The Ravenites are talking about reviving their traditional practice forced sexual intercourse as a puberty rite, which we will be powerless to prohibit. The issue of cannibalism, which pops up from time to time on the national agenda, I am sure will be taken up again by the Dogwoodians, who have traditional cannibalistic rites.

We are also concerned about both tribes hunting animals previously protected under national endangered species law. Extinction is forever, but we now have no way to extend protection.

In other words, we have been thrown into turmoil. Please advise.
24-01-2005, 19:54
A letter arrives from Judas Tyr, Archbishop of Foreign Affairs for the Holy Christian Empire of Isam, addressed to the "Governing Body of Cascadia View"

To whom it may concern,

It would appear that the situation that is developing within your naton has a simple route. That of discord and argument between two factions, neither of whom is able to comprehend the greater picture of a peaceful, orderly society.

While the problem is at first a complex one, it is reasonably easy to overcome - much as we of Isam once had to. The most effective method, as we discovered long ago, is to form or adopt a single unifying principle, group, or belief which the disparate elements can combined beneath.

We would urge you to adapt the Imperial Faith, the Church of Isam, as your doctrine, as it provides not only reasons behind which many groups can gather (with our faith colour, race, species nor place of origin are of concern), but also grants the governing body the ability to control their population in order to maintain a calm and productive society.

While it is true that there are other doctrines in the world that would be suitable, the Imperial Faith carries with it numerous benefits within the Isamite Church - along with certain economic, military and social benefits that come with being allied with the Holy Christian Empire.

We wish you luck in your endeavours, and give our prayers that you may one day join us.

Signed and sealed by the Grace of God,
Judas Tyr,
Archbishop of Foreign Affairs.
The Resurgent Dream
24-01-2005, 19:55
Our advice is simple. Wiothdraw from the United Nations. While we would recommend membership in that organization, which functions more as a would-be world government than as an organization of sovereign states, to no one, we believe withdrawal to be particularly necessary for your people. Continued membership forces you to accept laws destructive to the life of your people.

Short of withdrawal, a conference between the two peoples of your nation, to work out their differences, might be beneficial. We would be willing to host such a conference and to provide third party mediation to such talks, if you wished.

Another answer might be to simply declare which people would be considered indiginous.As long as you retain state power in your own nation, you have a great deal of leeway in how to interpret its resolutions.

Agwene ni Gwydion
High Queen of the Resurgent Dream
24-01-2005, 21:10
Dear Nation-in-need,

My piece advice is a somewhat radical one involving 2 steps. Setp one: Withdraw from the united nations. Step 2: Slaughter both tribes. It seems to me that neither tribe is particulary pleasent, and you have several other factions (or so i gathered) that could repopulate your country.

Another option would be to assasinate the leaders of both tribes, and maybe a few opthers just for he heck of it. My Black Squad would be pleased to commit the act for a nominal one time fee of $3,000, plus transportaion costs, for a total of $4,325
Cascadia View
25-01-2005, 19:42
The government of Cascadia View would like to thank the advice of other nations regarding recent internal turmoil.

Cascadia View has a diverse and fractious population, which is held together by a combination of a studiously neutral government and generous social welfare programs. While assassination is a tempting option, in the long run, we have found it cheaper and more effective to bribe and co-opt difficult leaders than to create martyrs. And we are rather proud of our many different cultures and outlooks, religious and otherwise; hence our motto: "Strength through Diversity".

However, the recent UN resolution has interfered with our ability to be as even-handed as we need to be to maintain order. Based on the advice of nations here and within our region, Cascadia View has withdrawn from the United Nations. We may rejoin when the resolution is either rescinded or forgotten.

Again, thank you for your counsel.