A Friendly Visit to the Island of Rose [Closed]
Premier Hasan Muhammad and the Parliament of Hallad had refused to recognize the Rosian government. The new Rosian government, that is. They belonged the "Imperial Liberal Party," or something like that, and were no good. Even worse, they had taken power by the means of a Coup D'et. Whether they were liberals or not they could not recognize their existance, unless some deal could be worked out.
Hallad was in trouble. Their two billionth citizen had been born but a short while ago, and now Halladi farm production was down. The goodly Premieer had instituted his 2 Year Plan for agriculture, but some doubted it would help. They now needed nations to trade food to them, and fast.
The Premier had arrived in the Island of Rose with minimal publicity. A single reporter was covering the meeting, and the meeting itself was not open to the public. Muhammad had arrived on a merhcant ship, and had been given free passage by the captain of the ship.
He had gotten into a modest car, as he requested, supplied to him by the Rosian government. It took him through Rose City, a bustling metropolis still filled with relics from the Socialist era. He came to the Capital Building. A man tried to get the door for him, but he opened it himself saying, "You're no slave!"
Hasan walked up the stairs, opened the door. There was a secratery, or an empty desk rather. Muhammad rang a bell like the ones at hotel desks and a attractive woman walked out from a back room.
"I'm here to see the President." Muhammad said bluntly. He wanted to get these talks over with.
"And you are?" The woman answered back sarcastically.
"Premier Hasan Muhammad of Hallad. I believe he is expecting me, comrade."
Muhammad showed her his identification. "If you won't take my work, than I'm sure you will believe this document."
She looked at him, clearly annoyed. "Just a moment."
The woman buzzed the Presidents office.
The Island of Rose
24-01-2005, 17:38
Frederick von Hattensberg sighed. The fact that the nation of Hallad didn't recognize the new Government saddened him deeply. Hallad was the Island's first ally. And the Rosians admired the Halladis. This meeting would make or break the new Presidency, and Frederick knew it. Even worse, he was under Sergei's eye, but he didn't know that. But if Sergei wanted to, he could oust him. How I won't say. A lot of stress for a 35 year old man eh? Yes I know, he looks like a sparkling 22 but he uses botox, kidding.
He heard the Secratary buzz the Office. "Yes?"
"The Halladi Premier's here to see you Mr. President."
He chuckled. "Excellent."
He stood up from his chair and opened the door. It was different from last time of course. The new flags hanging, that lone desk facing the open window. Like the Oval Office but with a Rosian twist you know. He offered his hand for a handshake. "Ah Premier, very nice to see you. I hope the trip was pleasent. Have a seat." He motioned to a chair facing the desk, and Frederick of course sat down facing the chair. "We have much to discuss Premier. Why don't you choose the subject?"
Hasan took the President's handshake. It wasn't customary in Hallad, but it was common curtesy here.
"Yes, well, Mr. Hattensburg, it is an honour to be here." Hasan wasn't completely honest, he'd rather be in the company of Sergei, but took a seat anyway.
"A topic, eh? Well..." He pasued. "I would like to know what you hope to accomplish with this meeting. I have my reasons for being here, what are your reasons for inviting me?"
The Island of Rose
24-01-2005, 17:55
Frederick smiled. "We both know why we're here. The Halladi Government adn the Rosian Administration have been allied for years. And now, with the Halladi Government not recognizing the new Rosian Government, that's a bad thing. Now, I just hope that we can convince you that we are the right Government."
He raised his brow. "Besides, do you prefer an oppresive Libertarian Government or a Quasi-socialist Imperial Government that just happened to be instated after a Revolution. I thought your people supported that."
He chuckled. "So, why don't you recognize the new Government? We had a new Congressional Election, with 50% of the vote going to my Party and 30% going to the Reds."
"Imperialism is the seed of all evils, Mr President. And, besides, Hallad has never had a Revolution. We are Democratic Socialists, and you should know that. Unless, of course, you are no allie of the Worker's State.
Hasan's tone changed. "Might we have a drink?"
The Island of Rose
24-01-2005, 18:14
Frederick looked at his glass of water and offered it to him. "You can have my glass. I didn't even drink from it." He slowly pushed it towards Hasan. "I'm not that thirsty anyway."
He cleared his throat. "Now, how can you judge us hm? You've never really visited the Island, you don't know that much about our politics. And you tell me that Imperialism is the seed of all evils. So yes, in the past it resulted in a World War. But who can tell the future hm?" He sighed. "Now, what will it take for you to recognize us? I'm sure that you're in need of something, anything."
"I've been the the Island on two seperate occasions, and I've had the honour of meeting Sergei on both those occasions. I may be young, but I am not a fool."
He took the Presidents glass, stairing at it for a moment. He then took it as though it were a shot.
"There is something Hallad needs." He stood now. "The Worker's State has a population of over two billion. Our climate, as you know is not suited for farming. When were smaller food was no problem, we had enough farms.
"But now, even with our advanced desert farming techniques. Mr President," Muhammad sighed, "Our farms can only properly feed 98 pre cent of the population at the end of this year. 42,280,000 Halladi's will not be fed as they were once."
The Island of Rose
24-01-2005, 18:46
Frederick smirked. "I'm 35, that's young for a leader you know." But what he was thinking was another matter. Ah, the Halladi people need their food. Lucky for me, we have surplus food. I think I can work out a deal.
He raised his brow. "I think that we can work out a deal here. Do you know why the Island only consists of 7 cities? Because the rest of the land is farmland. There are so few roads, that there space for farmland, thousands of miles of farmland. Most of the food is for the people, with the rest coming from foreign corporations and diners such as McDonalds or Rosa's, Sergei's favorite place to eat if I remember."
He chuckled. "So let's have a deal. We can provide those 48,280,000 people with food, for free. But in return, we want normal trade and relations to be the same when Sergei was President." He raised his brow yet again. "You really can't go wrong. And if you think that we are oppressing the People, they have more freedom then they ever did under Sergei. Trust me."
((OOC: I don't remember Hasan coming here.))
OOC: Not everything has to be RPed out, you know. Halladi's visit TIoR regulary.
"If we normalize our relationship, I need something else. Food is all well and good, but many don't realise there is a problem. I need something that people will care about. Scandavian States. You've heard of them no doubt?"
The Island of Rose
24-01-2005, 19:00
OOC: Not everything has to be RPed out, you know. Halladi's visit TIoR regulary.
"If we normalize our relationship, I need something else. Food is all well and good, but many don't realise there is a problem. I need something that people will care about. Scandavian States. You've heard of them no doubt?"
(OOC: Bah. Rosktai are our Spec Ops by the way.)
Frederick sighed. "Yes. And I've heard of the situation as well. We are allied to Scandavian States. We can't do one thing without isolating the other. What we can do is send Rosktai to help you. But they must be under Halladi command with Halladi uniforms and weapons. You understand this right?"
Hasan was a bit anxious. No negiotiation went over this easily and he knew it. "Well, we don't need them this moment. But... soon. Comrade - I mean, Mr. President - why are you doing this? What do you really want?"
The Island of Rose
26-01-2005, 01:59
Hasan was a bit anxious. No negiotiation went over this easily and he knew it. "Well, we don't need them this moment. But... soon. Comrade - I mean, Mr. President - why are you doing this? What do you really want?"
Frederick chuckled. "You can call me Comrade if you want to. We're all friends here. And that's why I wanted this meeting, to stabalize relations between our two countries."
Well, that and the fact that the Empire needs Halladi and Israeli oil to power everything. If they don't have Halladi oil cheap, well, then we have a problem. Ala '70s.
"Well, I don't - you're not really a Comrade. You said it yourself, you're a qausi-Socialist Imperialist... It's force of habit if anything else."
Hasan cleared his throat.
"Stabalizing our relationship will be... difficult. You took power via a coup. Not something commendable in Hallad. We may be able to slowly normalize trade, however, recognizing your government is a completely differant matter. I'm sure you know - Sergei is a Hero of the People in Hallad. This year it was expected that he'd win a Halladi award for his acts as President of your nation."
The Island of Rose
27-01-2005, 22:55
Frederick chuckled. "And as you may know, Sergei's my new Counciller of Foreign Affairs. We did what Marx said. Overthrow the oppressor, break the chains of the Proletariat. So it might've not been under the Red Banner, but the objective was completed."
Frederick raised his brow. "You should give us a chance. We want peace with you, why don't you want peace with us?"
"You and I both know peace has nothing to do with this. We arn't at war. Not recognizing your government does not mean that.
"And, don't bullshit me about revolution. I've studied Marxism, Socialism, and various related topics for most of my life. Your petty sham of a government is not what revolution should bring."
The Island of Rose
29-01-2005, 15:41
Frederick sighed. "Why are you so hostile? All I want is to normalize relations with the nation of Hallad, and yet I keep getting blocked. I will not turn socialist again. Why don't you recognize that the people want an Imperial Government? Do I have to take you to a meeting of Parliament? Do you want to ask the people themselves? This is a legitimate Revolution with a legitimate Government. Ask the people, ask the Congressman. It's not like we have taken away your parties. The Red Party still holds 30% of the seats, and the Militants hold 10%."
He stood up and gestured towards the window. "Go. Ask the Rosian people who they like. The majority will say my Party. Will that satisfy you? Will it satisfy you that the people, not me, chose my Party? There is no censorship here. Ask them."
"Me? Hostile? You are the one insulting me, whether you realise it or not. Well, you know now. Perhaps you should read up on Halladi custums once again.
"For all I know the Rosian people are under the false guise of Imperialism from you and your Bourgeois cronies. Intellectuals tricking the proletariat. If you know so mcuh about Marx, then from a Marxist view point, tell me why I should believe that their opinion is true."
The Island of Rose
29-01-2005, 15:57
"Me? Hostile? You are the one insulting me, whether you realise it or not. Well, you know now. Perhaps you should read up on Halladi custums once again.
"For all I know the Rosian people are under the false guise of Imperialism from you and your Bourgeois cronies. Intellectuals tricking the proletariat. If you know so mcuh about Marx, then from a Marxist view point, tell me why I should believe that their opinion is true."
Frederick sat down and chuckled. "I'm sorry about insulting you." He raised his brow. "I am not an expert in Marxism. We do not trick our people, you can review our Education System. We have one of the most unbiased Education System in the world. And to tell you the truth, you're insulting me believe it or not. Calling my people dumb."
He cleared his throat. "I assure, the Rosians are not a dumb people. But if it satisfies you, you can ask the Professors. What will it take for you to recognize that the people elected my Government legitimately?"
"I said that the Bourgeoisie would trick them, because the Bourgeoisie can afford luxories which lure them into a false sense of security."
The Island of Rose
30-01-2005, 17:17
"I said that the Bourgeoisie would trick them, because the Bourgeoisie can afford luxories which lure them into a false sense of security."
Frederick chuckled. "I can't even pronounce the word bougoisie or however you say it." He sighed. "This is a People elected Government. The Imperial Congress was elected by the People. There was no fancy tricking, the People decided. The Rosians cannot be tricked easily, I think you should read up on our history." He smirked. "Or we'd still be a European colony. Or we'd still be a Feudal society. Or we'd still be a capitalist haven. Or we'd still be under martial law with gun laws. If the Rosians don't like something, they get rid of it."
"Or you would still be a Capitalist haven? Imperialism is the highest form of Capitalism, and the worst. Believe me, I've little else than contempt for your administration. So, please, stop with your bullshit and get to the point. Or, am I wasting my time and effort being here?"
The Island of Rose
01-02-2005, 22:18
"Or you would still be a Capitalist haven? Imperialism is the highest form of Capitalism, and the worst. Believe me, I've little else than contempt for your administration. So, please, stop with your bullshit and get to the point. Or, am I wasting my time and effort being here?"
Frederick shook his head. "We have thousands of labor laws, the People cannot be abused."
He cleared his throat. "What will it take for you to believe that this administration was chosen legitimately? Don't you realize that the new Government treats the people better then ever? Even Sergei admits it." He raised his brow. "Would you like to talk to him privately? If he says good things about the Administration, it has to be true. I won't be in the room, and you can pick the room. Hell, he can talk to you in your plane. Well?"
He chuckled. "If you know Sergei as well as I do, he is always honest. Too honest."
"Wait... Plane? Why would I have a plane?" Hasan raised a brow, clearly confuzed by the notioned that he had a private jet.
OOC: Crappy post, I know. But, I'm tired. :P