NationStates Jolt Archive

California & New York reopen embassies after almsot 500 years

California and Alaska
20-01-2005, 07:48
November 8, 2505

Greater Los Angeles, California — Californian Sovereign Federation
Michelle sat at her desk with her back turned to the comms screen allowing the radiant sunlight to filter in through the vertical blinds that were drawn across the window to cast a halo of light around her, she sat in her armchair speaking to President Gen. Gregory De Los Santos of the Federal Republic of New York and Jersey.

Michelle took a sip of her Bacardi and Coke before speaking "Greetings General, I am President Michelle Sharon Vassaretti of the Californian Sovereign Democratic-Socialist Federation, before we begin anything I want to cut to the chase... I think it is time we put our pasts behinds us and work towards the future as allies instead of enemies, I believe that in the best interests of the Californian Sovereign Democratic-Socialist Federation and the Federal Republic of New York and Jersey we should re-open diplomatic relations."

President Gen. De Los Santos took a long time on his response "With what has happened in the past I don't know if I should do this"

Michelle took another sip of her drink "President De Los Santos, I understand your hesitation. But don't you think that we have gone on like this for far too long? It has been four-hundred and ninety some years since our two nations participated in anything on a diplomatic level, and I wish to heal old wounds."

President De Los Santos took a glass of water from the far side of his desk and took a sip of his drink "the Federal Republic of New York hasn't been interested in any diplomatic talks because of your former President, what was her name... Sandra Devmostræva? yes. Anyways we choose not to associate with aggressive communist nations or expansionist empires, and we put California in with that lot. We isolate ourselves from getting involved with those kinds of nations as they tend to drag others into war."

Michelle sat and took in everything that was being said while writing in a notebook some of the articles which would would be later used to create the A.E.G.I.S. Pact before taking a large gulp of her Bacardi and Coke "Well, this might relieve you then. I have been President of the Californian Sovereign Federation going on five years now. Since Miss Devnostræva stepped down as president the Democratic-Socialist Party split back into the Democratic and Socialist Parties respectively."

President De Los Santos looked back at the skyline of Greater New York City before turning his gaze back to the screen "And what about Sandra Devnostræva?"

Michelle smiled and took another gulp of her Bacardi and Coke "Eyeah!" she tensed up slightly as she felt the amount of alcohol she had drank already go straight to her head "Anyways, Sandra has gone back into the Navy as an Admiral of the Californian Sovereign Navy. So you will not be seeing her for a while, she is eligible to run for President again but she will not be doing that for a long time. Frankly, Sandra has always been in love with the idea of running a military, and now she finally has the Californian Navy."

President De Los Santos smiled after hearing that revelation "So, she is out of the picture completely?"

Michelle nodded in agreement "Affirmative, this is all me now, and as I stated I wish to reconcile with New York and put away the almost five-hundred year olfd grudge we have had so far."

President De Los Santos took a sip of his water "Well, I agree with you, so how are we going to do this?"

President Vassaretti smiled "This part is relatively easy... although I have to tell you that the old embassy building for New York has been demolished due to it being vacant for as long as it has, however we have built a new embassy building on the site of the old one. Also we are using newer technology than we used back then and we have taken the liberty of transporting everything from the old embassy to the new one as well as transfer all of the files from your databases onto newer and faster databases."

President De Los Santos tensed up a bit after hearing that the old embassy was demolished but upon hearing that a new one was built in its place he relaxed his posture "Alright, We will open an embassy with California, but we will not enter into any alliances or pacts just yet, can you handle that stipulation for now?"

Michelle smiled "That sounds good to me, so should I just send my ambassador to the Californian embassy in Downtown Manhattan? I am sending him tonight on Californian International Airways Flight 377 he will arrive at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Greater New York City at 9:00am your time."

President De Los Santos nodded "That is fine, I will send my ambassador via Trans-World Airlines Flight 890 at Greater Los Angeles International Airport at 2:00pm your time."

Michelle Vassaretti smiled and took another sip of her Bacardi and Coke "I cannot believe that we are finally going to be allies again, Thank you President Gregory De Los Santos for taking your time to sit here and talk with me on this matter. I will call you later on your commscreen to inform you that your ambassador has arrived safely."

President De Los Santos nodded in agreement "I will be waiting for your call. Until then I'll see you later."

Michelle smiled "Again, it has been good talking to you, see you later."

Michelle waited until President De Los Santos turned off his commscreen before calling up her Secretary of Foreign Affairs "Linda, I am going to need you to be at Greater Los Angeles International Airport tomorrow at 1pm, the President of the Federal Republic of New York is sending an ambassador over."

Linda took a long pause before answering "Did you say New York? Weren't we on bad relations with them for a while over something that happened in the past?"

Sandra sighed "Yes, we were on bad relations but we put aside our differences and worked things out. Now I want you to wait at the tarmac for our ambassador from New York in a limoussine, show the ambassador a good time, and take him or her out to this restaurant where I will meet him or her. Myself and the New York Ambassador will dine and talk about the new relationship between California and New York and we will finally become allies again after four-hundred and ninety-three years."