Playing Match-Maker
17-01-2005, 15:35
"This messege is being sent to all corners of all known galaxies. I am Emperor Shadaum IV, I am wanting to find a suitor for my daughter Alira. As yet she is only 15 years old. Here is a picture ( of her. She is very spirited and has an athletic liking for Kendo and things Asian. Very much her mother's daughter. I am hoping that one of my fellows who is of royal blood, and has a adolescent son ages 15-16 prefered, who would come and live in my palace as a guest and try to court my daughter. I have no wish to force her to marry. I doubt she would let me anyhow. But if you do wish to send your son or sons, your choice, send a picture and description of the boy and within three months be living within my palace. When my daughter reaches the age of 21 she will choose. Whoever she chooses will be given as dowry 10,000,000,000 Thrashian credits, as well as a small newly constructed fleet made by my shipyards; as well as a eternal alliance between our two nations, binding to my sons and grandsons until the ending of my line. Please reply in a respective time period."
OOC: If you wish just telegram me to discuss small details, as well as other arrangements.
19-01-2005, 19:39
20-01-2005, 06:49
Wired from Frederian IV himself
To: The Emperor Shadaum IV
I would be quite interested in your proposal for courting your fine young daughter. I believe it would be an excellent idea for myself actually. This may prove a slight problem however, as I am a bit older then what your preferable age would be. I am around 21 already, for it is customary to give the Emperor his throne from his father who is still alive, when he reaches the full adult status of the Turkimen through customary rituals and other such things that I care not to explain due to lack of importance. However, I am in need of a bride to be my Queen, and would love to at least attempt to court your lovely daughter. With best wishes, and here's for hoping that even an older man's wishes can come true,
Frederian IV
P.S Oh yes, my picture ( is attached. Its a mighty bit small, and its in my religious attire, but its still a decent snapshot I think.
20-01-2005, 14:11
Wired to: Frederian IV
From : Emperor Shadaum IV
I will consider your offer. As I set her to marry when she reaches 21, you might have to wait 6 years. I will put the topic to her and see if she will consider it. If no other royal suitors are put forth then I will arrange her to marry when she is 18 to you.
Emperor Shadaum
Letter sent from Korichia Santo, Hokage of the Hidden villages of Forthon.
"Greetings, I have a son in the age of 17 if that is to your likings. His name is Fujiwara Kazuma. He might fit good for your daughter since after all, he is a ninja of Asian origin. We care not about money because we believe that it is not the important part of this matter. The fleet may be too much for us as well, so in good faith we say that we donĀ“t need any gifts except true happiness and friendship between our lands. This is of course, if you and your daughter wish to accept this offer."
Fujiwara Kazuma, Without Forehead Protector. (
Korichia Santo
Hokage of Hidden Villages of Forthon.
20-01-2005, 20:01
Wired to: Forthon
From: Emperor Shadaum IV
Sir, your son as you say is of an age I would allow. But I am one who deals in light and not the dark, I find ninja's to be untrustful no offense against your son or your nation. I simply have had bad experience with them in th past. If you send a picture of your son I may consider your offer and confer with my daughter. As to your rejection of the money and ships, thats very modest of you if I wonder too modest, but the jesture is not unwelcomed. Send the photo and I will consider. Good-day.
Emperor Shadaum IV
Reply to Wire: We shall send a photo with this reply. We thought that we will not understand the level of technique that your ships may be at. We can also assure you that we are not after some scam to betray you. Simply because we are ninja we do not have our alliegiance with the highest bidder. We have our code of honour. And we never betray friends. We wish you well.
Korichia Santo, Hokage of the Hidden Villages of Forthon.
(OOC: Pic has been added to old post.)
20-01-2005, 20:13
To be edited at a better time into a proper post. Untill then.....TAG
20-01-2005, 21:07
Wired to: Forthon
From: Emperor Shadaum IV
Thankyou for the photo, and please exscuse me for assoctiating your nation with those other less honorable of the ninja. I am at this time sending four escort ships to pick up your son to be transported to Planet Thrashia. When my daughter reaches 21 she will choose among those princes who have taken my invitation. I will look foreward to meeting your son in my palace. He will be living here for the next five years. All necesities will be provided by myself. I will also allow a small honor guard and one advisor if you so wish, to acompany him.
Emperor Shadaum IV
OOC: I plan on making this a long term rp, so it will spread out through the full five years NS time. So as to make it intersting.
21-01-2005, 02:55
21-01-2005, 21:33
bump :headbang:
IC: To further strengthen the ties between your illustrious nation and mine, Prince James, 2nd in line for the throne and the Emporer's nephew would like to court Alira. He is as yet only 15 years of age, the offical marraing age, and seeing as his birthday was weak ago he is almost the same age as your daughter.
He is currently enroled in the Princes Acadimy in Aust city and if any courting is to take place we would be please to offer a room to her highness in the Imerial Palace. Prince James is tall for his age and he has striking features and brown hair.
The office of Prince James
22-01-2005, 12:57
Wired to: Aust
From: Emperor Shadaum IV
My dear friend and ally Aust, I am pleased that you would invite my daughter to your court, but I must say no to your offer as I wish her to stay with me, so I can dote on her. But if it possible for the young man to take him classes via the comm net, then he could be a guest at my palace. As yet, only one other nation has sent a possible suitor. I hope my niece is not causing you any trouble. And let me know if I become a grand uncle soon.
Emperor Shadaum IV
22-01-2005, 16:55
To: Thrashia
From: Frederian IV
I believe this could be acceptable. Saying that it may take up to 6 years in order to properly court your daughter, and I am in no hurry, for my former plans for conferencing and other such domestic and foreign issues have fallen through. I accept your offer I suppose, and ask for directions to your wonderful nation so that I may not stress your escort ships too much, for I also have my own. Until I see the in person, I suppose that I must bid you adieu.
Frederian IV
23-01-2005, 02:44
Wired to: Frederian IV
From: Emperor Shadaum IV
I will be sending two Shadaum-class cruisers to guide your ships with tempoary directions, because the location of my planet is secret. But I am overjoyed that you accepted my offer. I will formaly greet you in 30 days at the space port. Your to arrive the same time as Fujiwara Kazuma, another suitor for my daughters hand, as well perhaps as Prince James of Aust. Until we meet.
Emperor Shadaum IV
OOC: This rp is now closed to all other commers excpet Phalanix who posted that he would reply in good time. This is so the rp can stay centered around a small cast of characters. Thankyou to those who replied.
23-01-2005, 04:05
*Frederian readies himself. Allowing himself time to adjust and get ready for the courtship. Fortuneatly the head of Parliament at the time was a relative of the Monarchs, so he wouldn't have to worry about a bloodless coup while he had feminine things on his mind, alliances to form, good times to be had, and friendships made. He packed only the neccessities in his mind. Some of his more luxurious clothing to impress, and also some of his least luxurious to play down his wealth just in case the girl wasn't much for money. After all, neither was he really, even his most luxurious clothes didn't look to much like a Kings, more noble or Chairman of the Board then King. He also packed his pillows, and other such sleeping attire and accessories that he knew he'd probably not use, but always thought that he'd one day use them for traveling and never did, so he thought he'd put them to SOME use. Finally he went through arrangements of temporarily apointing his uncle, Tigerias II, as Prime Minister and head of the Government of Turkimen. After that, all there was to do, was wait.*
Wired to: Aust
From: Emperor Shadaum IV
My dear friend and ally Aust, I am pleased that you would invite my daughter to your court, but I must say no to your offer as I wish her to stay with me, so I can dote on her. But if it possible for the young man to take him classes via the comm net, then he could be a guest at my palace. As yet, only one other nation has sent a possible suitor. I hope my niece is not causing you any trouble. And let me know if I become a grand uncle soon.
Emperor Shadaum IV
To:Emperor Shadaum IV
From: Emporer Palpatine
No, your neice isn't giveing us any trouble, William seems quite taken with her, but they havn't yet had a child. james would indeed like to vist your palace as he want to see the world and is very interested in foreign cultures.
23-01-2005, 21:56
Turkimen Space
Captain Nina Arrived in the borders of Turkimen space and began broadcasting the messege Emperor Shadaum had told him to send. Within minutes other vessels appeared and took them into a space port. Nina then waited the arrival of the Prince.
Aust Space
Captain Talqi stood on his bridge and motioned to his comm officer to begin transmitting. Within a few hours Aust space ships apeared and led them to a space port to await the prince for departure to planet Thrashia.
Forthon Space
Captain Nidda awaited the arrival of the ninja prince on the outskirts of Forthon space.
OOC: Alright, I will be posting another thread soon of the arrival of all you guys at the Royal Palace before Shadaum and Alira. I will leave a link to it here. Try not to bring to much military stuff, weapons, etc. Also, Phalanix, not to be rude but because you did not reply in time I am closing the thread to you. Another time perhaps. Sry.
Aust Space
Captain Talqi stood on his bridge and motioned to his comm officer to begin transmitting. Within a few hours Aust space ships apeared and led them to a space port to await the prince for departure to planet Thrashia.
OOC: Alright, I will be posting another thread soon of the arrival of all you guys at the Royal Palace before Shadaum and Alira. I will leave a link to it here. Try not to bring to much military stuff, weapons, etc. Also, Phalanix, not to be rude but because you did not reply in time I am closing the thread to you. Another time perhaps. Sry.
OOC: Austian space ships, maybe you can land them at the Royal palace?
Cool Air
24-01-2005, 21:04
I would like you to ask your neice if she would care to marry my hair to the throne Benjamin Alexender prince of Cool air . He is handsome with brown hair and a tall figure.He attends the best thought of , secondry school in the country and he is looking Forward to coming and staying in your palace without a problem.I hope your neice will accept him .
King David
24-01-2005, 21:50
OOC: Sry cool air but the threads closed except to Turkimen, Aust, and Forthon.
Captain Talqi looked over his bridge seeing everything was ready to recieve the prince. Being guided by a few royal navy ships they had been led to the Royal Palace. Talqi simply wanted to get back home. Sighing inwardly he did another inspection and set about getting the Princes room onboard prepared.
24-01-2005, 22:03
This thread is now designated as the OOC part of the RP. Here is the link to the rp: LINK (