Greater Prussia takes on new African Colonies (Not an Earth+1 Thread)
15-01-2005, 22:25
(Heck with this)
16-01-2005, 10:43
Three points.
A. "Africa is Colonised you moron."
B. It's not 1877, they're not fuzzy wuzzys hiding in the bushes anymore, could you please attempt to pay some homage to something VAGUELY resembling acceptable reality.
C. This execrable excuse for rp belongs in the stereotypical II with the other blatantly racist pseudo-risk threads.
Thank you for making me feel that little bit worse about the calibre of players in this game.
18-01-2005, 22:08
OOC: Thanks for the insult. I'm generally a pretty well respected player. I will ask you to look at Chellis's thread before you run your mouth off like an ignoramous. Some of the most respected players in the game including Menelmacar own lands in this manner. I am under no illusion that it isn't colonized. However, if you had ANY knowledge of Senegal and these African countries, you would know that Senegal is still heavily centred on traditional village life outside the capitol. The only differance then and now is the level of technology and a differance in the way they dress. The only access to any type of technology is in the Capitol and the only way to go anywhere in the country is with a writ of permission from the rebels. This is a RL situation.
Now imagine the government of Senegal, which we assume had been Goldana, vacated the Capitol and all government outposts. You would immediately have a great conflict between national forces who would try to fill the gap left and the rebel forces who would see this as their opportunity. The rebels, in the case of Senegal, tend to be Communistic. Seeing that nationalistic forces are failing and not desiring to see the success of Communism, the Empire decided to intervene and claim the land, working against the Communists and restoring order.
Furthermore, this isn't racist. If you will continue to read...which I know you won't because of your obviously caustic will see that my intentions with this land are to improve it and make things better...not because of some pretended superiority over the africans, but an acknowledgement of the existing squalor in the area. You will notice signs of this from what I've already posted. You will also notice that I made it a Kingdom in the Empire and not a colony. I am immediately extending citizenship to all of the people there by making it a coequal Kingdom just like the region of the Kingdom of Burgundy, also under Imperial control.
Now, there are alot of bright people on NS. But alot of them naturally assume that they are brighter than everyone else and that they alone are the sole judge of what is and is not correct. More often than not these people carry backpacks full of Magic Cards everywhere they go. I appreciate the fact that you are smart, but buddy, you aren't THAT smart. You may get some kind of feeling of intellectual superiority by using your supposedly top notch wit to speak down to the dumb people. I'm sorry if you don't feel adequate and that you need to criticize others in order to put you on your little high horse, but criticizing me is going to get you nowhere because I have your number. Go back and play games on your calculator or watch the whole starwars trilogy AGAIN. Whatever you do, just leave me the devil alone.
The Ctan
18-01-2005, 22:48
Furthermore, this isn't racist. If you will continue to read...which I know you won't because of your obviously caustic will see that my intentions with this land are to improve it and make things better...not because of some pretended superiority over the africans, but an acknowledgement of the existing squalor in the area.
OOC: Hate to jump in here, but you know, good intentions hardly preclude racism. Not all racism is the Iesus Christi 'Death Camps and Gassings' after all.
Now, there are alot of bright people on NS. But alot of them naturally assume that they are brighter than everyone else and that they alone are the sole judge of what is and is not correct. More often than not these people carry backpacks full of Magic Cards everywhere they go.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
OOC: Thanks for the insult. I'm generally a pretty well respected player. Hm.
I will ask you to look at Chellis's thread before you run your mouth off like an ignoramous. Would that be the thread in II?
Some of the most respected players in the game including Menelmacar own lands in this manner. Really? I don't recall Menelmacar talking about "dark faces peer on in wonder and in fear."
I am under no illusion that it isn't colonized. However, if you had ANY knowledge of Senegal and these African countries, you would know that Senegal is still heavily centred on traditional village life outside the capitol. The only differance then and now is the level of technology and a differance in the way they dress. The only access to any type of technology is in the Capitol and the only way to go anywhere in the country is with a writ of permission from the rebels. This is a RL situation. RL? Then perhaps you'd feel more at home in General. Besides, Africa on NS isn't some backwater realm of know-nothings. There's some pretty powerful nations there, such as The Territory.
Furthermore, this isn't racist. Sure it isn't. You're just bringing civilization to those poor, ignorant Negros.
you will see that my intentions with this land are to improve it and make things better...not because of some pretended superiority over the africans, but an acknowledgement of the existing squalor in the area. Road to Hell. Yadda yadda.
Now, there are alot of bright people on NS. But alot of them naturally assume that they are brighter than everyone else and that they alone are the sole judge of what is and is not correct. Funny, I thought he was giving an opinion. Of course [i]you are a very bright young man, and I'm sure that your judgement is clearly superior.
Pot, kettle. Mote, beam. You know the drill (or maybe you don't...)
More often than not these people carry backpacks full of Magic Cards everywhere they go. Oh, what a clever slam! Clearly I'm mentally inferior, just because I still have Magic cards!
Of course, you come off looking like a screaming fool when you insult a geek subculture on an online forum where you pretend to run a country. It's like mocking someone for calling themself a Jedi. When you're speaking in Klingon.
I appreciate the fact that you are smart, but buddy, you aren't THAT smart. You may get some kind of feeling of intellectual superiority by using your supposedly top notch wit to speak down to the dumb people. Pot, kettle... but I repeat myself.
I'm sorry if you don't feel adequate and that you need to criticize others in order to put you on your little high horse, but criticizing me is going to get you nowhere because I have your number. Go back and play games on your calculator or watch the whole starwars trilogy AGAIN. Whatever you do, just leave me the devil alone.
Wow. The only way this pathetic attempt at a flame could have been better would be for you to have ended with something like: "Go back and play games on your calculator or watch the whole [S]tar[W]ars [T]rilogy AGAIN, while I go hang out with my girlfriend. WHO REALLY DOES EXIST AND I HAVE A PICTURE OF HER TO PROVE IT!"
Shit like this, (the OOC and the IC) reminds me why I usually avoid these forums.
19-01-2005, 19:47
*Rolls eyes*
Whatever. I don't feel like taking the time or effort to respond in full. This is no concerne of mine. I'll go about my way. This thread will die eventually.
19-01-2005, 20:19
Nice to see the earth madness is also moving to NS.