11-01-2005, 14:19
[ Post is open, interested players feel free to join in. ]
Rogue Nation
Within the Marianna Islands, the Empire of Gefallener has arisen via the usage of experimental technologies and a need to grow. The spire like city state rises from the depths of the oceans itself and towards the heavens while connecting itself to the islands of Anathan, Sarigan, and Guguan. These territories are considered apart of the US Commonwealth, and no doubt the annexing by an outside source doesnt sit well with said commonwealth. In truth, the Gefallener citizenry pay little mind to the troubles of the outside world, simply because the government says so. The population while knowing no civil rights, and or political freedoms, seems to have accepted this in return for steady employment, healthcare.
With conduits both underwater and above ground, the neo utopia appears as a self contained city. It's trade routes link it to Guam, and grudgingly with United States. The more accepted goods exchange is with that of Japan and the Phillipines. Notably North Korea has been very helpful in the acquisition of black market weaponry and technology due to the existence outside the influence of the United Nations, and more so as per the unwillingness to recognize the UN as any form of authority.
This has led to some incidents over the years as the Empire has yet to slow it's research of Fusion and Nuclear technologies despite repeated suggestions, and or diplomatic envoy's to not do so. There have also been outcries to the level of genetic engineering that the Empire performs, outright human organ cloning etc chief amongst the free world. Religion is not paramount to the Empire and as such is not apart of it's citizenry, who in turn do not understand the complaints of nations and parliments of whom prior to such outbursts, purchased the organs as perishable goods for their own uses. In return, to counter such claims, the Empire has decreed that it will no longer supply UN nations with anymore such goods, that their are other countries willing to purchase.
Chapter 1
The trip to the Hall of Justice and Order wasnt an exceptionally long one. A straight shot as it were from landing pad of the docks to that of the restricted zone of the massive building's helipads. Within the center of all three islands and the city state itself, no other building, not even the protectorate sea wall, stood higher then it. Gun turrents, both on said building and the sea wall, other various buildings numbered in the thousands. All pointed away, and out towards the hostile world about them. A marvelous thing to consider as the Osprey climbed from the lower city docks towards destination.
General Daist Hallas Grail, diplomat and soldier of the Empire. Those with him, personal guards. A matter of trying importance, Japan it would seem had almost enough of the United States and that of the UN. The plans for the Empire's North Pacific Alliance could indeed become reality if such a powerhouse were to join with them. Musings really as thoughts strayed towards that collection of governments, united under one banner, as if. When they werent busy pointing fingers at each other, they were involving themselves in business that did not concern them. The latest bit, being the genetic engineering, every nation had their trademarks, their national export no? Religious fools.
A light grumble on that note as the aircraft settled slowly upon touch down. Green light flickered on as the co-pilot turned round his head and bared the sleek helmet and visor. The face could not be seen, indeed the uniform worn matched the hue of the helm. The three prong emblem of their flag upon shoulder. " Your cleared for departure Sir." A stiff response noted, and he slowly arose, making way towards the entry hatch, following behind one of his armed guards. All of them wore the standard black dress formals, silver rope at right shoulder and berets atop heads. Firm grips upon the H&KG6 Assault Rifles. Duck of head and the first guard was out and standing to the left, Daist made way to the surface of the pad, first guard once more taking the lead while the Osprey powered down, rotors slowing to a stop.
Awaiting at the beset of two titanium alloy doors, and a full garrison of the Empire's finest troops behind that, the Advisor to the Empress stood in formal garb also. A thin case held by gloved hand, bow of head some as Daist came closer. " The Empress and the Executives await you General Grail. They are most curious as to your successes, and of what information you bring the Empire as per the United Nations." Weary nod given to the smaller man, younger, probably straight from the seed corps no doubt. Approaching the double doors, the barcode inked upon the retina itself was scanned by the access point after keying in his security identity code. Mild case of blue spots seen after that, though Daist shook it off and stepped through the opening doors. His own guard would stay behind, while those within would remain lining the wall and path towards the central area of the complex. This is where the throne room lay and thus the heart of the Empire.
Cautiously making way in, salutes given to those who outranked him. Executives always did. The Empress of course saluted, he'd have been shot without questions being asked had he not. Odd however, that the ambassador area was open, was there to be guests at this conference? He did not know and was slightly worried. If the UN learned of their continuing experiments, they could be interfered with.
" Executives, Empress, I have met with the UN delegates and those who voiced their complaints, and found them to be weak and easily distracted with shiny objects and worthless signed pentions that we've little interest in fullfilling. On a side note, Project Pantheon is almost operational. Given a week more, and the project shall be ready for it's first test use and of course at discretion of the Executive Order and the Empire, we shall be ready to committ fully in less then a month. "
" General Grail, your words bring a smile to my face and no doubt a pleased feeling to the Executive Order. You will be given a week's time to complete what is necessary. We will stall any interuption by the United Nations to allow your scientists time to do what they must. " The Empress held true to an asian heritage, and stood beside a throne of simple polished, curved metal. It held no ornate design and looked as the rest of the building did, ulitarian. The woman's outfit was that of a white gown, with sleeves. A penent upon forehead, and necklace of platinum. The executives also wore white, though in the manner of three piece suits.
Salute given and he strolled from the throne room. Still bothered by the notion that somone or a group of somone's could have been within the ambassador waiting area, apart of the project etc. He would find out, outsiders only meant further troubling issues to the safety of the project and to the Empire's well being.
Rogue Nation
Within the Marianna Islands, the Empire of Gefallener has arisen via the usage of experimental technologies and a need to grow. The spire like city state rises from the depths of the oceans itself and towards the heavens while connecting itself to the islands of Anathan, Sarigan, and Guguan. These territories are considered apart of the US Commonwealth, and no doubt the annexing by an outside source doesnt sit well with said commonwealth. In truth, the Gefallener citizenry pay little mind to the troubles of the outside world, simply because the government says so. The population while knowing no civil rights, and or political freedoms, seems to have accepted this in return for steady employment, healthcare.
With conduits both underwater and above ground, the neo utopia appears as a self contained city. It's trade routes link it to Guam, and grudgingly with United States. The more accepted goods exchange is with that of Japan and the Phillipines. Notably North Korea has been very helpful in the acquisition of black market weaponry and technology due to the existence outside the influence of the United Nations, and more so as per the unwillingness to recognize the UN as any form of authority.
This has led to some incidents over the years as the Empire has yet to slow it's research of Fusion and Nuclear technologies despite repeated suggestions, and or diplomatic envoy's to not do so. There have also been outcries to the level of genetic engineering that the Empire performs, outright human organ cloning etc chief amongst the free world. Religion is not paramount to the Empire and as such is not apart of it's citizenry, who in turn do not understand the complaints of nations and parliments of whom prior to such outbursts, purchased the organs as perishable goods for their own uses. In return, to counter such claims, the Empire has decreed that it will no longer supply UN nations with anymore such goods, that their are other countries willing to purchase.
Chapter 1
The trip to the Hall of Justice and Order wasnt an exceptionally long one. A straight shot as it were from landing pad of the docks to that of the restricted zone of the massive building's helipads. Within the center of all three islands and the city state itself, no other building, not even the protectorate sea wall, stood higher then it. Gun turrents, both on said building and the sea wall, other various buildings numbered in the thousands. All pointed away, and out towards the hostile world about them. A marvelous thing to consider as the Osprey climbed from the lower city docks towards destination.
General Daist Hallas Grail, diplomat and soldier of the Empire. Those with him, personal guards. A matter of trying importance, Japan it would seem had almost enough of the United States and that of the UN. The plans for the Empire's North Pacific Alliance could indeed become reality if such a powerhouse were to join with them. Musings really as thoughts strayed towards that collection of governments, united under one banner, as if. When they werent busy pointing fingers at each other, they were involving themselves in business that did not concern them. The latest bit, being the genetic engineering, every nation had their trademarks, their national export no? Religious fools.
A light grumble on that note as the aircraft settled slowly upon touch down. Green light flickered on as the co-pilot turned round his head and bared the sleek helmet and visor. The face could not be seen, indeed the uniform worn matched the hue of the helm. The three prong emblem of their flag upon shoulder. " Your cleared for departure Sir." A stiff response noted, and he slowly arose, making way towards the entry hatch, following behind one of his armed guards. All of them wore the standard black dress formals, silver rope at right shoulder and berets atop heads. Firm grips upon the H&KG6 Assault Rifles. Duck of head and the first guard was out and standing to the left, Daist made way to the surface of the pad, first guard once more taking the lead while the Osprey powered down, rotors slowing to a stop.
Awaiting at the beset of two titanium alloy doors, and a full garrison of the Empire's finest troops behind that, the Advisor to the Empress stood in formal garb also. A thin case held by gloved hand, bow of head some as Daist came closer. " The Empress and the Executives await you General Grail. They are most curious as to your successes, and of what information you bring the Empire as per the United Nations." Weary nod given to the smaller man, younger, probably straight from the seed corps no doubt. Approaching the double doors, the barcode inked upon the retina itself was scanned by the access point after keying in his security identity code. Mild case of blue spots seen after that, though Daist shook it off and stepped through the opening doors. His own guard would stay behind, while those within would remain lining the wall and path towards the central area of the complex. This is where the throne room lay and thus the heart of the Empire.
Cautiously making way in, salutes given to those who outranked him. Executives always did. The Empress of course saluted, he'd have been shot without questions being asked had he not. Odd however, that the ambassador area was open, was there to be guests at this conference? He did not know and was slightly worried. If the UN learned of their continuing experiments, they could be interfered with.
" Executives, Empress, I have met with the UN delegates and those who voiced their complaints, and found them to be weak and easily distracted with shiny objects and worthless signed pentions that we've little interest in fullfilling. On a side note, Project Pantheon is almost operational. Given a week more, and the project shall be ready for it's first test use and of course at discretion of the Executive Order and the Empire, we shall be ready to committ fully in less then a month. "
" General Grail, your words bring a smile to my face and no doubt a pleased feeling to the Executive Order. You will be given a week's time to complete what is necessary. We will stall any interuption by the United Nations to allow your scientists time to do what they must. " The Empress held true to an asian heritage, and stood beside a throne of simple polished, curved metal. It held no ornate design and looked as the rest of the building did, ulitarian. The woman's outfit was that of a white gown, with sleeves. A penent upon forehead, and necklace of platinum. The executives also wore white, though in the manner of three piece suits.
Salute given and he strolled from the throne room. Still bothered by the notion that somone or a group of somone's could have been within the ambassador waiting area, apart of the project etc. He would find out, outsiders only meant further troubling issues to the safety of the project and to the Empire's well being.