Mysteries of the Island (OOC Invite/Discussion Thread)
The Resurgent Dream
11-01-2005, 08:33
Alright. In brief, this is going to be an adventure, character-based rp set on the largely unexplored island of Pele, an island claimed by TRD but neither explored nor settled beyond a few indiginous islanders and a single rather sectarian settlement. The main goal is to illustrate how alien some of my people really are at heart, explore certain fairy birthrights, develop this rather unique island some, and, of course, to have fun and tell a good story. It's open withn certain rules and guidelines that I'll post shortly. Feel free to post any comments/questions here and, once the thread starts, keep all OOC discussion of it to this thread.
The Resurgent Dream
11-01-2005, 13:31
1. All fairy birthrights get their fullest effect. Normally, I don't press birthrights but, since this is a thread largely about the nature of fairies, they really need their full use. So I'm going to be strict about the effects they have on folks. If you have any questions about them, ask in here. If you have an ic way to resist or avoid them, that's fine. But post it. Make it clear that there is a force acting on you and another force overcoming it instead of ignoring it entirely.
2. No characters of significant power in your nation. The powers encountered in this thread will, objectively, be insignificant so far as the world or even TRD is concerned. Since the mood of this thread is mystery and power, only characters low-ranking enough to be somewhat overwhelmed by the adventure really fit.
3. No killing someone else's character without telegramming that player and myself about it and working it out.
4. No flaming other players and keep all OOC discussion in this thread.
5. Only a few (less than five) characters per player and no serious deployment of armed force.
6. Only play character from or residing in your own nation.
7. No ridiculously contrived entrances. If you're having trouble figuring out how to work a character into the plot, just tg me and we'll work something out.
Newbish Delight
11-01-2005, 14:05
Sounds fun, put me down for a couple of Gobbos.
What do you want to do about tech limits and magic?
The Resurgent Dream
11-01-2005, 14:17
Well, there's no specifically banned techs or magics. But keep in mind that a large part of the thread is how characters react when in over their heads. Obviously, a high level magus or someone with lots of currently functioning high tech weapons and equipment at hand it unlikely to be in that kind of situation.
The Resurgent Dream
12-01-2005, 10:24
*bump, want to get at least two people before I start the thread*
Newbish Delight
12-01-2005, 20:16
Maybe a run-of-the-mill level Goblin Commodore and a couple of his crewgoblins.
I'm fairly new to posting in NS, but could you perhaps put me down for an Elf? If that's allowed, of course.
The Resurgent Dream
13-01-2005, 08:21
Of course it's allowed. Unlike II, there's very few places in NS where it wouldn't be. Can I ask what sub-breed of Elf? It doesn't matter just...curious.
13-01-2005, 08:57
Can I play as a Pantocratorian businessman from one of the Peacock Motors dealerships in TRD, who came to the island in the search for new markets?
The Resurgent Dream
13-01-2005, 09:33
Of course.
The Resurgent Dream
14-01-2005, 03:49
Alright. So we have three goblins, a Noldor, and a human. Should be an...interesting mix. Does anyone object to a tour boat accidentally crashing as how you get on the island? Want to make sure before I start the thread.
14-01-2005, 05:22
Sounds good.
Newbish Delight
14-01-2005, 12:04
Sounds fine to me.
Space goblins without most of their flashy kit, a bit of Da Powa (goblin magic) thrown in...high probability of accidental suicide...
Sounds good to me as well.
The Resurgent Dream
16-01-2005, 06:36
Violets and Kitties
24-01-2005, 03:43
Want a cat pooka on the trip?
The Resurgent Dream
24-01-2005, 03:54
Sure. Go ahead and post. Especially since Eldanor seems to have dropped out.
I was wondering if I could enter a character by the name of Murdock (famous from Martizar), who had been mysterious stuck on the island a while before the others arrived and spies on them for a while when they arrive.
The Resurgent Dream
27-01-2005, 02:09
If someone had already scouted everything, it would kind of ruin the surprise. Better to just play someone on the tour boat.
Well its not like he has to know anything about the island, he could have just stuck to the coast.
The Resurgent Dream
27-01-2005, 02:15
Trust me.
lol ok ok he will be a passenger
The Resurgent Dream
27-01-2005, 02:19
Cool. Human?
The Resurgent Dream
27-01-2005, 02:30
Mission to save the galaxy?
If you want to read all 65 pages of the Martizar thread you'll see what I mean lol
The Resurgent Dream
27-01-2005, 03:19
You should go back and read the first few posts of this OOC thread.
The Resurgent Dream
27-01-2005, 04:27
Someone on a mission to save the galaxy hardly meets the character specifications made for this rp
27-01-2005, 06:16
Can someone tell me what a cat pooka is and what they look like so I know what my character's reaction to such a thing would be?
Violets and Kitties
29-01-2005, 03:54
In this specific instance I am going by pooka as defined by Whitewolf in the Changeling rpg books (which is different from the actual legends)
The shapechanging tricksters. All pooka are tied to a specific type of animal, and in their fae miens will have aspects of that animal (whiskers, scales, feathers, ears, tails, etc.). They are able to shapechange into that animal, if unobserved. They are also great listeners, and can often persuade people in conversation to tell them some of their most protected secrets. They have a problem telling the truth though. The truth simply isn't interesting to a pooka, and they feel that they must always improve on it in some way.
hopefully i will be around more if my internet connection can manage to stay working for more than a day at a time without going out. My ISP claims to be 'upgrading' again <_<.
The Resurgent Dream
31-01-2005, 00:54
Also, pooka's are 2% of the population Charles is serving in his business.
The Resurgent Dream
14-02-2005, 17:43 are the goblins resisting being forced along at spearpoint or not. Cause, if they are, they're being stabbed in the back with spears.
Newbish Delight
14-02-2005, 19:28
No, they aren't resisting. They're having so much fun arguing that they're pretty much oblivious to where they're going, and are moving quite docily (except from a verbal point of view, that is)
The Resurgent Dream
16-02-2005, 16:57
I edited the description of the man as it doesn't seem I did too good a job the first time I wrote it. It might still be possible to mistake him for a Sidhe but the difference is clearer.
Violets and Kitties
16-02-2005, 23:36
I edited the description of the man as it doesn't seem I did too good a job the first time I wrote it. It might still be possible to mistake him for a Sidhe but the difference is clearer.
Sorry. I was tired last night. That might have contributed greatly. I edited a bit too.
The Resurgent Dream
18-02-2005, 18:02
*Refers the Goblins back to the rules for the thread, specifically the first one*
Yes you do notice him. It's impossible for you not to. Period.
Newbish Delight
19-02-2005, 03:16
Post edited appropriately.
It is worth pointing out that all Goblins have "Da Powa", just to varying degrees. The three in question here are about average in the ability (which is to say that they have no idea how to use it, but do have some latent ability).
The Resurgent Dream
19-02-2005, 03:43
If you have an ic way to resist or avoid them, that's fine. But post it. Make it clear that there is a force acting on you and another force overcoming it instead of ignoring it entirely.
"Da Power" would fall under this part.
The Arcane Order
19-02-2005, 13:12
I know, just that originally I hadn't planned on using "Da Powa", it just struck me as an opportunity to explain more about the Goblins by taking an example of their magical ability (namely, sometimes effective, more often not).
Omega the Black
19-02-2005, 15:07
Can you work in a spy plane pilot that was shot down while spying on a distant neighboring country. Crashed within 2 weeks of the point at which you find her. She is also a member of our Psicorps military element.
Laurana Hartbringer
Telepath lv 6 mid level mind reading, true strength lies in blocking mental attacks of all sorts.
Profficeint in Pistols, rifles and swords/knives.
Injuries unkown, provisions unknown
I am not on NS often enough to actual be an effective participant so if you are willing to owrk her in and eventually return her to us, hopefully with a trade offer and embassy, that would be great.
The Resurgent Dream
19-02-2005, 17:46
It seems a little late in the rp for new entries.That does sound like a great idea for a future rp though.