NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: Things I miss...

10-01-2005, 03:57
A list of the things I miss about the old NS, and some of the reasons I click the 'Last' button on my egosearch.

-The 'WAR!!!!!!!!1' nations, they might have been annoying, but I still miss them. The last 'serious' (Made by an apparently real n00b, not named
'IRTEHn00b!' WAR!!!!1 topic was in 2003...
-The noobzies. Those lovable n00bs whos first post was to declare that their nation was fascist and exterminating some minority
-Xerox. The greatest n00b of them all.
-You could declare war on somebody for reasons of 'imperialism' and not be mobbed by sixty alliances
-Not every nation was a Babylon 5, Warhammer, or whatever else ripoff
-Interesting RP's, daily. All the good RPs are a million pages long, closed, or modern tech >_<
-Mod interaction, some of the smackdowns were quite humerous.
-New players! You hardly see them now, or they already seem to have huge RP experience. I can recognize almost every topic-author out there.
-n00b smackdowns. Where did they go?
-Cardboard militaries!
-Being able to nuke somebody without being mobbed buy a bajillion people
-Interesting people coming into my storefront and threatining to attack unless I stop selling nukes...
-Those lovable alliance-ettes, alliances with about six members each, little inter-alliance alliances, alliance politics...the like.

Add your own!

ON a side note, I notice that the last date on my egosearch is now 22-12-2004, CURSE YOU JOLT! CURSE YOU! I only have SEVEN pages...of course on the old forums you had 350 pages, 300 of which were empty...but I miss that to O_O
I loved some of those threads, my newbiehood has vanished forever.
10-01-2005, 04:00
As for new nations RPing, I can say that I was but a wee little 270 million pop. nation, everytime I tried to RP people would basically not even respond to my posts, no matter how well-written or though out they were.

But yeah, some great n00bz (I hate that term) are gone. Remember FWS?
10-01-2005, 04:01
And was anybody here around for the Amerigo Slave War, the one I've only heard of? Is there a saved copy of that?
10-01-2005, 04:02
Though I might be rather new, I must say that there are almost 1500 pages in II alone; you just have to set the thing to read the pages "from the beginning." So those threads are all still there.
Generic empire
10-01-2005, 04:03
-The thrill of being so miniscule that whatever you did could be the last thing you did.

God. We grow up so fast.
The Sword and Sheild
10-01-2005, 04:05
And was anybody here around for the Amerigo Slave War, the one I've only heard of? Is there a saved copy of that?

*bones creaking, raises hand* I was around for it's aftermath and learned a lot about it, I believe there is a large detailed description of it somewhere in II or NS, I saw it once, a thread started to keep etails of all the World Wars.
10-01-2005, 04:06
The "Who Is Max Barry?" threads. Remember the Smoking Man Fan Cub?
10-01-2005, 04:08
As for new nations RPing, I can say that I was but a wee little 270 million pop. nation, everytime I tried to RP people would basically not even respond to my posts, no matter how well-written or though out they were.

But yeah, some great n00bz (I hate that term) are gone. Remember FWS?
Yes, but that was part of the fun! And you could be arrogant to the people younger than you, and so on! I miss the arrogance, that must be it.
10-01-2005, 04:10
...Yeah, right.

Not that I was ever big enough to do that until now...
Generic empire
10-01-2005, 04:11
I liked being able to change your nation's culture at a whim, since you weren't established enough to have it set in stone. I went from a north African commonwealth to a Balkan Empire.
10-01-2005, 04:11
*bursts in to tears* Oh God, What have we done! Where is the NS i know and loved!

I think the way to sort this out, is if everyone starts fresh. Every nation should be deleted, and we should all start with new nations. Little six million ones, where wars can't instantly degenerate into godmoding fields of manpower.
10-01-2005, 04:12
Which is why I miss it.
I could go into a whole 'we have been denied our birthright!' speech...but Im too lazy and my wrist hurts :P
10-01-2005, 04:12
*bursts in to tears* Oh God, What have we done! Where is the NS i know and loved!

I think the way to sort this out, is if everyone starts fresh. Every nation should be deleted, and we should all start with new nations. Little six million ones, where wars can't instantly degenerate into godmoding fields of manpower.
There are a lot of us who would be very irritated if you did that, specifically people like me who have only just come into their own in RPing.
10-01-2005, 04:12
yeah I miss the Imperialism wars. It kinda just got sad now you try to just declare war on a person now and for some reason over 10 nations just happen to have a million troops stationed in the country being invaded.
10-01-2005, 04:13
Indeed. Starting with you, eh Bob-bob?

I can see what you're saying, DGNT. We didn't know what we had til it was gone. Come back, harmless n00bs! all is forgiven!
10-01-2005, 04:13
*bursts in to tears* Oh God, What have we done! Where is the NS i know and loved!

I think the way to sort this out, is if everyone starts fresh. Every nation should be deleted, and we should all start with new nations. Little six million ones, where wars can't instantly degenerate into godmoding fields of manpower.
(I miss double, triple, and quadruple posts as well...they were fun)
We should ask the mods to go and deat everybody :)
10-01-2005, 04:14
Perhaps i should start a new Earth. Earth Imperialism! Where everyone just attacks everyone. No alliances allowed!
10-01-2005, 04:16
No, alliances were fun, just small ones. Big alliances of a hundred 3-billion nations ruin things, but six five hundred million nations are fun :)
10-01-2005, 04:16
Indeed. Starting with you, eh Bob-bob?

I can see what you're saying, DGNT. We didn't know what we had til it was gone. Come back, harmless n00bs! all is forgiven!

No, it would be a simultaneous delete. It can’t start with anyone.
10-01-2005, 04:16
Haha, these kind of threads of been going on since the beginning of NS. It's alwasy "the end," but then there are still great RPers like Azazia and Schultaria Prime and new situations and traditions arising.
10-01-2005, 04:18
Haha, these kind of threads of been going on since the beginning of NS. It's alwasy "the end," but then there are still great RPers like Azazia and Schultaria Prime and new situations and traditions arising.
No, Im not saying that NS is 'ending' Im just saying that the overall quality seems a bit...worn. And its natural to reminice(sp?), AND I MISS THE NOOBZIES!
Camel Eaters
10-01-2005, 04:24
Hmm. What if we just started acting like it. You older guys would have to go first of course just going on killing rampages amongst each other. Then the young ones would do that as well. Until the NS you knew and loved came back let's just have one more world war then. DGNT vs. Bob-Bob. And drag every single alliance you can think of into it.
10-01-2005, 04:25
I had forgotten about Jono Land...
Hes my favorite n00b :)
10-01-2005, 04:28
Earth Imperialism, JOIN NOW!!!!
10-01-2005, 04:49
I miss the Super Dreadnought wars. Where every established nation started designing or snapping up super dreadnoughts then attacking one another with them or threatening each other.

I think IDF and Doujin came to blows at one point during that.

I know I started trying to figure out a torpedo to counter the things that was not nuclear, but that failed. However, I and many others learned all about the weaknesses of big, super dreadnoughts becuase of feedback from that thread. And thus ended the chapter of prolific super dreadnought bulding.

Oh, and there was a natural disaster phase. that was fun. But too many volcanos...
10-01-2005, 05:46
Superdreadnaught wars? Dang. Those things sound like a serious waste of money. Just use nuclear subrocs on superdreadnaughts. :D
Borman Empire
10-01-2005, 06:02
I was only around to see it a little bit before it completely dried up. But I didnt have it at the time (I've by some stroek of luck managed to pull it off several times since I was of size) teh ability to invade and enslave smaller nations, just for land. Or if they did something you dont like you tell them to stop. They call soveirgnty (Horribly mis-spelled I know) and you invade them.
10-01-2005, 06:07
I miss staying up all night plotting and planning when WW4 and WW5 broke out. I swear, best time on NS ever.
10-01-2005, 06:12
Remembering the legendary Melk/Siri pairing offs... The wrath of the Siri whenever an elf was abused... Remembering all those people who you first RPed with and then you sigh when you realise all the Former Greats are now inactive...

The Archives have some of the great RPs... But most have been lost to the sands of time.
10-01-2005, 06:39
I miss one player: Klamath. The Uberspammer.

I miss one aspect of NS: Large alliances that actually followed through on threats to kick ass.

I miss two types of players: the n00b that would enter, cause a stink and leave and the n00b that entered, was hilarious and then left(EG: Rockaway Beach and StupidWhiteBoys)

I miss one weapon: Nukes! When was the last time I saw a nuke attack? Rockaway Beach nuking StupidWhiteBoys! That is sad. Really sad.

The one war I miss(and never saw): The Amerigo Slave War. It was the first one. The great one and was probably lost in the first purge. Which is a sorrowfull thing.

The two forum aspects I miss: The top poster lists. I was number 27 before the switch. the otehr is the greatest thing that happened to the old NS: Forum 7. The RPer's General. BRING THAT BACK! I DEMAND IT! :mad:
10-01-2005, 06:41
Just for you Crimm, for old times sake!

Here's AMF instructions for how to go to war:


First, shave a weasel. Then, run around your backyard naked while rubbing blueberries on your nipples and screaming like a madman. Then, buy 100,000 moist towelettes and donate them to charity. Once you accomplish this objective, your next mission will be given to you.
10-01-2005, 06:42
The two forum aspects I miss: The top poster lists. I was number 27 before the switch.

I was #5.
10-01-2005, 06:43
:eek: I forgot that even existed. Damn... that's another thing. If not for the "Greatest Quotes" thread, most of the funniest lines would be gone forever.
Lessr Tsurani
10-01-2005, 06:48
*Crys* I miss the ravings of Seph, Hartia, Fascists White states and other such Halarities. I miss the old boards, the ones where you had more then F*cking half an hour to post IF THAT! Sure it was pron to crashes but really it was good. I miss the Space tech nations, the ESUS banging on any starting allience at all, and other such stuff. BRING IT BACK!
10-01-2005, 06:50
The ESUS is still around. It doesn't bang on other alliances as much because most of them don't want to fight an alliance of that size.
10-01-2005, 10:49
I don't think I've been here long enough to get that nostalgic... yet.

However, I will be saving more threads.
10-01-2005, 11:05
I want the terrorists and credonia back damnit, it was always fun as hell to see him rage and rant at new terrorists. I have a good RP going on but no one is interested. Everybody is busy with their own things, not interested in new stuff.

And I want to see FWS again how he flies his nation back to 1993 or his alpha-omega bomb or how he reached 2000 posts in one month, replying to everything about him. Not to forget his darling hendrik rhodes character.

You, it kinda sucks to say when you've seen all the effort they put into jolt but I still miss the phpBB forums. The only real NS forums where links to nations were in the profile. This style still hurts my eyes. If you haven't seen the old forums then you haven't seen the real nationstates.
GMC Military Arms
10-01-2005, 12:30
Reminiscence: 'To harbour fond memories of imaginary times past.'
Total n Utter Insanity
10-01-2005, 12:41
I want back slow and crappy forums that didn't load for 23.5 hours of everyday and when they did you discovered you fifteenhundred posted.
The Most Glorious Hack
10-01-2005, 14:24
Reminiscence: 'To harbour fond memories of imaginary times past.'
And let's not forget:

Nostalgia: "Remembering yesterday's prices while forgetting yesterday's wages."

As for the Amerigo Slave War, meh. I remember when it was dug up, and I read it. Overrated. It wasn't bad, but no better or worse than most of the serious threads in the Archives.
Der Angst
10-01-2005, 15:04
The one war I miss(and never saw): The Amerigo Slave War. It was the first one. The great one and was probably lost in the first purge. Which is a sorrowfull thing.Ummm... How do you know it was great when you never saw it? Do you always believe the rumours?

Post 1!

Post 2! Just one minute after post 1!, the 'content' being a single line with no relevant information whatsoever.No wonder you managed #5 for most posts, really...
GMC Military Arms
10-01-2005, 15:24
At a risk of belabouring a point;

The first time I saw one of these threads was a couple days after I joined. They were wrong then. 'They' still are. A lot of the stuff listed so far only seems good with ultra rose-tinted spectacles or has only ended because people are too lazy to keep it going.
Borman Empire
10-01-2005, 15:45 he flies his nation back to 1993...

I wasn't here to see that, but the person who told me about Nationstates told me that story. In all honesty, that was a big reason I joined, to see stuff like that.

And wasn't it 1994?

If someone could get the link to that...I'd cry. But I just can't find it.
10-01-2005, 15:47
I agree with GMC... let's not get too carried away.

Ok, I was there during Amerigo. That was probably one of the first RPs I got involved in. It was... good. It was fun. But c'mon guys... it wasn't divine :p There are a lot of RPs that have been since and are going on now that dwarf Amerigo by comparison. Seriously.

Bah... it was freaking amazing!!!

Happy? ;)
10-01-2005, 15:52
I wasn't here to see that, but the person who told me about Nationstates told me that story. In all honesty, that was a big reason I joined, to see stuff like that.

And wasn't it 1994?

If someone could get the link to that...I'd cry. But I just can't find it.He is deleted so you can no longer search for his name. I believe AMF made quite a few posts in those threads, perhaps you should search in that direction. In II that is.
10-01-2005, 15:59
I think rather than gripe and moan about "there hasn't been a good RP since Amerigo," the better thing to do is to just get in and write the best RP you can write. If you want to RP a war that doesn't end in a flamefest, pick someone you respect OOCly and work out a thread where the two of you declare a war. If you want it to be one of those epic struggles people talk about in years to come, get other people you respect and trust not to ruin your RP to join in and go at it from there.

I don't believe that every single detail of an RP needs to be ironed out before it begins, but some groundwork is essential. Yes, there will never be another Amerigo Slave War. That was a unique thread with its own history and its own set of ramifications that affected the players and the roleplayed countries. But if you put the work and effort into telling a story and you RP it well enough, perhaps your thread can have its own unique spot in NS folklore.
Borman Empire
10-01-2005, 16:02
He is deleted so you can no longer search for his name. I believe AMF made quite a few posts in those threads, perhaps you should search in that direction. In II that is.

If the person who told me the story was correct AMF made more than a few. Based on what i've learned and been told this is what happened. Someone who was there cna correct me.

-FWS threw AMF's name around and used it to threaten other larger nations
-AMF sent sentinels to 'protect' from the invaders that would coem to FWS's shores
-the sentinels gathered as much of the populace up as they could, locked them in a building and burned it
-FWS then teleported his entire nation back to 1994 where they made contact with the primitive peoples of that time.

Ill try that.
Santa Barbara
10-01-2005, 18:14
I think mainly, Dongonearther is relating the changing perceptions of NS for the individual player over time, not so much the major changes of NS. There ARE still new players, there are still n00bs and a lot of the other things, like small alliances. You just need to shift the focus of your perception on these new things and with new, not old eyes and you will see not so much has changed without.

I notice the Amerigo Slave War became "more good" as time went by. At the time it happened I only barely noticed there was a thread about it. There were lots of other threads. But the way I hear it now it was the thread to end all threads, an amazing pinnacle of NS wartime experience...

I miss the way certain things hadn't quite 'concretized' in the RP and gameplay circles, though.
10-01-2005, 18:23
Was there ever a time when Automagfreek, no offence to him/her, wasn't surrounded by mobs of either fanboys or wannabe challengers?

Has he/she ever ever been beaten?
GMC Military Arms
10-01-2005, 18:26
Was there ever a time when Automagfreek, no offence to him/her, wasn't surrounded by mobs of either fanboys or wannabe challengers?

Has he/she ever ever been beaten?

There was that time he got stomped into the ground and his whole nation sank into Hell, he promised never to return, and then he came back a couple days later twice as powerful...
10-01-2005, 18:52
I think what I miss the most was the ability to get RPs going immediately, without 50 odd bumps. I've got a horrible feeling that I'm looking back with rose-tinted glasses, but I always remember that RPs would nearly always get off the ground, regardless of who you were or if anyone knows you.

Nowadays, you've got to be one of the revered RPers or bump everything to heck before you can expect one or two people to show an interest. For instance, the very first RP I was in was probably the best one I've ever taken part in. People would just join and give it their all. Now, the big war RP I'm doing with Falastur has got... wait for it... a whopping 4 people in it! (Seriously, I need more people to join in to keep it going. Keep an eye out for "Dregruk Goes Too Far". I'll be doing a recruitment drive on IRC tonight, too.)
10-01-2005, 18:58
Candian 944, No noe else rembers him, but we had a good time together, I was a little 300 pop nation and I decided to take on Pantera who was a huge 600 pop nation. Luckly (For me) he didn't kill me. Oh and the Aust-Elvindom War was fun.
10-01-2005, 19:07
Was there ever a time when Automagfreek, no offence to him/her, wasn't surrounded by mobs of either fanboys or wannabe challengers?

Has he/she ever ever been beaten?
AMF beaten. Can't say I remember such an act. I do remember the great cold war between him and Steel Butterfly for months though.

But back then, I was too busy stepping on people I didn't like and having great fun with my 10% military I really couldn't afford. ;)
10-01-2005, 19:08
Nowadays, you've got to be one of the revered RPers or bump everything to heck before you can expect one or two people to show an interest.I think it depends on a number of factors. Story RPs or "background RPs" or whatever you want to call them usually don't amount to anything unless you're one of the elite RPers that everyone likes. There are some exceptions when I saw one or two other RPers post ICly in a thread (namely, the thread where I established a Naval Museum), but for the most part, people want to see action.

Another problem may be the number of similar threads to one you may be planning. Either it's one of a million similar genocides at best or viewed as a simple copycat of another thread at worst. In both cases, those may or may not get off the ground with bumps out the yazoo. It took about two or three IC posts and perhaps one or two bumps in my Presidential Kidnapping thread, but when it took off, it had several countries involved. Sometimes you luck into a thread that works. When I posted a thread about executing a 15 year old for first degree murder, it almost immediately had several IC responses and it became almost too fast for me to follow at times.

One other thing to bear in mind is that sometimes, people are heavily involved in their own storylines that they can't RP in others. I'm currently in a war RP that is heavily involved, so other possible storylines are suffering as a result. Additionally, I'm not as likely to get involved in another RP until the war thread ends.
Huzen Hagen
10-01-2005, 19:09
Well from when i joined i feel it scertainly gone down. For one i definatly miss the terrorists, the hlf blowing up 20million of his own peopel to get at a few thousand soldiers. People used to not care too much about attacks on there nation as there would be a merry war but now nobody want sto rp terroists attacks. They have som eof the biggets scope for orgininality. Everyone one must rememebr OMG terrorism!
10-01-2005, 19:11
Well from when i joined i feel it scertainly gone down. For one i definatly miss the terrorists, the hlf blowing up 20million of his own peopel to get at a few thousand soldiers. People used to not care too much about attacks on there nation as there would be a merry war but now nobody want sto rp terroists attacks. They have som eof the biggets scope for orgininality. Everyone one must rememebr OMG terrorism!
They where my troops! 'm still angry about that. then we signed an allince and I attacked Credonia, resulting in a war which had nothing to do with Credonia, he didn't lose a citizen (After the inital attack) but around 400 million people died in.
10-01-2005, 19:16
Terrorism? Not only do I remember it, I was one. Sorta.

The short lived and unliked(by anyone, including me) Anti-Terror Terrorists. Basicly a ripoff of my favorite movie, Swordfish, taken to the next level and starting out with a black market nuke going off. Boy, oh boy did I get yelled at for a three hour old terrorist nation setting off a nuke. Even by the guy taht said "You can get anything on the Black Market, if you have enough cash."

I let it die a few days later as it was crappily made and everyone hated it. *shrug*

ANd, for the most part, I'm not looking back with rose tinted glasses. I know that if I had the old ways back I'd be bitching about them and wanting this way. But that's human nature. We want to possess the proverbial cake and we want to consume it as well. The only thing I really, really want is Forum 7. That place was just plain cool. No downside to it, unless you count the Mod Temple threads.
10-01-2005, 19:19
ANd, for the most part, I'm not looking back with rose tinted glasses. I know that if I had the old ways back I'd be bitching about them and wanting this way. But that's human nature. We want to possess the proverbial cake and we want to consume it as well. The only thing I really, really want is Forum 7. That place was just plain cool. No downside to it, unless you count the Mod Temple threads.
Yep, I want Forum 7 back to.
10-01-2005, 19:37
There was that time he got stomped into the ground and his whole nation sank into Hell, he promised never to return, and then he came back a couple days later twice as powerful...

Really. :rolleyes:

I LOVE how you elitist NS forumers keep twisting the story, and yet again I have to defend myself.

Ma-Tek and Sentient Peoples were using tech that was far superior to mine, and after a massive orbital campaign they basically told me I was fucked and to deal with it. I don't play that game, and without a chance in hell to defend myself, I ignored them. The IC result was that my nation went to 'Hell', and I promised I'd never return to the NS forum.

Please GMC, get your facts straight. It's funny how almost a year and a half after that happened you people in NS still won't let me live it down.
10-01-2005, 19:39
No wonder you managed #5 for most posts, really...

Do an author search. Most of my posts are RP or RP related. :rolleyes:
10-01-2005, 19:39
I agree. People are very reluctant to go to war with nations over 3 billion pop, and the old smalll alliances have grown with their nations into huge alliances with massive influence. In fact, I'm creating a new nation right now, starting over. I'll keep McLeod03 for a while, but from now on, I'll have a brand new nation to use.
10-01-2005, 19:39
Terrorism? Not only do I remember it, I was one. Sorta.IMO, the problem with terrorist countries on NS is that an overwhelming majority of them are poorly planned or conceived, and a lot of them don't bother to contact the player that's supposed to be the victim.

From there, it goes into threads where they're just a glorified "I blew up a shopping mall and killed ten people and all my guys escaped and you can't find me or stop me." One of the few exceptions to this rule is Jaxusism when he RPs his Jaxus Nine group. He does a number of things differently: 1) He contacts the "victim" OOCly to get permission; 2) He works out the details and lets the victim choose targets and edit for realism; 3) He finds out information to be used for the planning; 4) He has some of his men captured or killed; 3) he threatens countries that try to help.

He hasn't yet done an RP of a failed terrorist attack, but it's not from lack of effort. (He and I were trying to plan one in Sarzonia that failed, but we were having IM problems).

Anyway, I even tried my hand at being a terrorist twice: Once when there was a nuclear threat at the U.N. building and they needed someone to RP the terrorists. Another time when I RP'd the kidnapping of Sarzonia's president. I think for someone who normally doesn't RP terrorism, I didn't do too badly.
Sirens of Titan
10-01-2005, 19:58
(...)Everyone knows how Ma-Tek handles people who don't follow his timeline or technology. You don't have to do an in-dept search in his post record or be some kind of Dec 2002 forum god who read every single post here to know that.
Western Asia
10-01-2005, 19:58
Really. :rolleyes:

I LOVE how you elitist NS forumers keep twisting the story, and yet again I have to defend myself.

Ma-Tek and Sentient Peoples were using tech that was far superior to mine, and after a massive orbital campaign they basically told me I was fucked and to deal with it. I don't play that game, and without a chance in hell to defend myself, I ignored them. The IC result was that my nation went to 'Hell', and I promised I'd never return to the NS forum.

Please GMC, get your facts straight. It's funny how almost a year and a half after that happened you people in NS still won't let me live it down.

I'd have to agree with you, AMF...that thing was a serious wankfest and worthy of ignoring. It is remembered as the only time AMF came close to defeat, but the RP failures of those involved on the other side (repeated, bad, and numerous) were more of a cause for that RP's failure than anything else.

- The old GDODAD...not the new, barely active, or 'revived' version(s) but the old one. Those of you who've been around remember it well...they'd randomly decide that a small country "deserved invasion" and would subsequently INVADE the country (after much off-site forum debate), openly godmod (at least it was openly), and send in massive fleets. Why do I miss them, in spite of all of the headaches they caused (underwater bubble, etc.)? Because they at least were interested in keeping things lively...annoying, sometimes, but lively.

- Fun wars. Aside from the Amerigo Slaver War (which was decently good, although far from the best war RP, IMHO) there was the Arani War, the RF-GDODAD wars (WW3->WW(X+1, as X->inf.)), the Palm crisis, the RGGA attacking former allies to defend financial interests...and then disbanding over it, the numerous intrigues and lively players.

- Funny n00bs. The ones that would appear with "invisible tanks," "n00kz," and other such paraphanelia and would start to sell a ripe old age of 3 hours. The ones that would propose "uber-dreadnought" battle ships and would, rightly, be reminded of the numerous structural impossibilities (the more recent "superdreadnoughts" are no better, although more popular).

- Pre-Mod-dom and its subsequent collapse. The days before Mods...ah...when we wanted them so damn badly (AND NEEDED THEM!). I remember the first mod elections, which, as expected, turned into a balance of IC powers and OOC egos along the lines of political and social alliances within NS at the time. The initial satisfaction (quite unmatchable nowadays) of seeing the first uses of the ModBomb.

- The I.G.N.O.R.E. Cannon. When that great, free, monstrosoty was introduced...and the subsequent use of I.G.N.O.R.E. tanks, I.G.N.O.R.E. SpecOps assaults, and I.G.N.O.R.E. bombs.
GMC Military Arms
10-01-2005, 20:08
I LOVE how you elitist NS forumers keep twisting the story, and yet again I have to defend myself.

Wait...Since when do myself and the couple of others who remember / care represent the whole NS forum?
Dread Lady Nathicana
10-01-2005, 20:20
Yes, I do miss some of the posts that got deated in the purges, but only because at least 2 of them were some of the better interactive writing bits in this long storyline, and rather important for the history and development with it, but hey. It happens.

More importantly, I miss a lot of the players that have either gone on to do other things, or just quietly faded away. Lots of the folks that helped me get my start here on NS are no longer around, or never RP anymore, which is a shame. SilverCities, Gothicum, Haraki, Alhana Catherine, even that damn Slutbum Wallah who pops up every now and then but never seems to finish it out. There is a plethora of others, but those are some that stick out in my mind.

More recently, I really miss the crew that played the Holy Vatican See. Those folks were a seriously talented class act. Here's to hoping all is well with them, and that their absence is not for the causes I've feared.

It isn't the things I miss, it's the people. *lifts a glass in remembrance*

--Nathi's Player

As an aside on the whole AMF thing:

The entire incident was an embarrassment, or at least should be, for most involved. I remember - I was trying to help and pretty much got told to take a hike. That's when I finally threw up my hands and just walked away. Ma-Tek was being an unreasonable git, AMF was getting hounded on all sides and lost his temper again ... it was an utter wankfest of magnificent proportions all around. And frankly, it's best left in the past.

I also take issue with the 'elitist' bullshit. It exists all over. You can find it on any of the forums here if you look for it. Pardon whilst I get Daoist with you, and introduce the mirror concept. We reflect back that which we are shown.
Five Civilized Nations
10-01-2005, 20:27
Many of you claim that n00bs don't exist anymore, but what of the existence of nations, such as The Fedral Union, who claimed first a population of 2 trillion than a population of 50 billion? What of that? What of the existence of other nations that refuse to allow their units to take even one hit or be defeated?

And DGNT's comment that all the good RPs are closed, is just nonsense. Some of the best RPs that I've seen since I began on NS in June 2003 are freeform and open RPs based in future and/or fantasy tech.

In addition, the issue that every nation in the past was not a ripoff of some stupid science fiction television show or something else, has no basis. It is clear and evident that many nations were based off of something. However, there exists bastions of nations that make things up, i.e. create their own units, draw them, and research new things, such as Kotterdam and New Empire's railgun firing submarine and other unique units.

Finally, can we not let bygones, be bygones? The past is history, allow it to be buried. Your beliefs that the past should be resurrected is just absurd and completely wrong.

Time has passed and although things may not have gotten better, they have changed. Accept it and all of you will be better people for it.

~YiYang, 5CN's player
GMC Military Arms
10-01-2005, 20:37
However, there exists bastions of nations that make things up, i.e. create their own units, draw them, and research new things, such as Kotterdam and New Empire's railgun firing submarine and other unique units.

Woo, convergent evolution...I've had railboomers for quite a while.

Finally, can we not let bygones, be bygones? The past is history, allow it to be buried. Your beliefs that the past should be resurrected is just absurd and completely wrong.

Pretentious counterpoint is that 'those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed forever to repeat them.' Not that it has any particular relevence here, but still.
Five Civilized Nations
10-01-2005, 20:46
Pretentious counterpoint is that 'those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed forever to repeat them.' Not that it has any particular relevence here, but still.

You're misunderstanding my point. I meant that we should allow the past to recede away. I never said that we should not absorb the lessons that the past possesses.
10-01-2005, 20:56
Wait...Since when do myself and the couple of others who remember / care represent the whole NS forum?
He said the Elitist NS Forumers. Not the rest of us. Just because a person is elitist doesn't mean they are in charge of a group of people. They just hink they represent a great many...
GMC Military Arms
10-01-2005, 21:02
He said the Elitist NS Forumers.

No, he didn't.

It's funny how almost a year and a half after that happened you people in NS still won't let me live it down.

Now, let it go, it's really not worth stressing over; I wasn't aware that that affair was basically AMF ignoring the thread. <Stands corrected, and all>
Dread Lady Nathicana
10-01-2005, 21:20
Curious, now that this has gone completely off topic, Sarzonia ... since when is anyone, moderator or no, not allowed to voice an opinion here on the forum? I don't see him flaming or threatening - unlike some.

Suck it up and deal, people. And for the love of God or whatever higher power you may or may not revere ... please. Keep on topic, and move on.

--Nathi's Player

(who really wouldn't miss all this sort of bullshit fading completely away, thankyouverymuchdrivethrough.)
Santa Barbara
10-01-2005, 21:59
Well when I said things got "concretized" I meant that the NS culture has evolved, just like any other culture, and acquired traditions. It's also somewhat divided along the lines of the older "generation" and newer generations, with the older ones gradually dying off and sometimes burning brighter still with fewer competition. But it's not strictly agist, it's also a factor of activity and influence, the leaders of culture so to speak.

Anyway, it's arguments like this that are a symbol of it, you might even call it decadence. "NSers versus IIers," though a hot OOC debate these days (between some people anyway), was a total NON-ISSUE up until, relatively recently.

There are a lot of little things like that, in terminology as well as what the "public reaction" in roleplaying and gameplaying circles will be to certain stimuli. For example, when I first started roleplaying, on NS, I sent forth my "Mutant Clone Jump Infantry" (and idea I still think is awesome) divisions and no one seemed to really care. It wasn't quite that there was more godmoding in general back then, it was that the social mechanisms for constraining and punishing and indeed, defining it, hadn't been formalized. There was really more you could get away with - it was more of a free roleplay zone than now because the rules (social rules) were less defined back then. And different, I think.

And before there were calculators! Ah! That was teriffic, because unfortunately or not calculators become an "authority" to refer to, and because they're not perfect or fair or concurrent with NS mechanics (particularly UN rankings) it can cause more sticky situations as far as roleplay concerned. Nations didn't have "budgets" (which the players who shop at storefronts now sometimes tend to treat as entirely cash-budget for acquisitions), it was just generally assumed that nations with better economies could probably afford more shinies than those with poor economies, and leave it at that. Of course that doesn't mean calculators increase numberwank, necessarily, it means calculators formalize a NS [sub?]culture. Along with a lot of other things.

11-01-2005, 00:06
To be perfectly honest, I remember the small RPs the best.

Anyone who was there to read the Chimaean-Clock Hill war (I know LE playing a small part... if memory serves) would know what I'm talking about. Despite Portentis being a pedantic git and getting it wrong, it was good fun. And the subsequent nuclear exchange between Rastonia and... another Baron nation was impressive, too.

Then there was the... three Hrstrovokian RPs I was involved in; two to put down separatists, one involving their annexation of neighbouring lands. Boroglia, if I remember correctly. That was great too.

And of course the takeover of Colombia by FARC :p

Ahh, no-one remembers the small RPs.
11-01-2005, 00:52
The top poster lists. I was number 27 before the switch.

And Roania was first on the list as I remember.
11-01-2005, 03:25
More importantly, I miss a lot of the players that have either gone on to do other things, or just quietly faded away. Lots of the folks that helped me get my start here on NS are no longer around, or never RP anymore, which is a shame. SilverCities, Gothicum, Haraki, Alhana Catherine, even that damn Slutbum Wallah who pops up every now and then but never seems to finish it out. There is a plethora of others, but those are some that stick out in my mind.

It isn't the things I miss, it's the people. *lifts a glass in remembrance*

--Nathi's Player

*cries in memory* Those were some great players. Haraki, Ruhr, Xanthal, Danzi, Wallah, Daezeman, and who could forget Nik? Those were the times of really great RP players. Sure, the forum might have crashed like hell, but all of the threads were there. (Well, before the purge, anyway.) The Fourth and Fifth World Wars, the GDODAD-UNAOTO tensions, the Steel Penis thread...

Maybe I'm just scared and confused after all of these changes (which, unfortunately, coincided with the one time I became inactive for two straight months, meaning that I had no clue what was going on when I came back...), but I kinda liked the feel of the old forums, too. Especially the fact that you could go directly onto the forums... you didn't need to log in on NS first. Maybe it's just me.

Still, that's not to say the new things aren't great, either- they're excellent. But that's another topic for another time...

-The Tib/Altea Complex
Borman Empire
11-01-2005, 04:30
Well here's another n00b, Here (
Dread Lady Nathicana
11-01-2005, 05:34
Yo, Tib - you can log on to the forums direct on Jolt too, so you know. Top right hand corner. I know, because there's been a couple times it was the only way I -could- get on. Hope that helps. *smiles*

And yeah ... crazy some of the threads we've all been in over the past wow, almost two years for me. You know, I still ic'ly have an autographed picture of Nod's leader, Kaine? *grins* OH I miss teasing the GDODAD boys and joking back and forth with them. I'm trying to remember which one of them responded with, after seeing a sigpic, "But you're too sexy to be a dictator!".

Hey, no need to fear change. Change happens. Adapt and live, or grow stagnant and die, so they say. Here's to remembering the past, and moving on with the present and future.

--Nathi's Player
11-01-2005, 05:48
OOC: The dinner.

Come to think of it, there were three dinners extensively played out. The second one was largely forgettable. Psychotic queens just aren't my cup of tea.

But the third dinner...

Ahem. Anyway. The third dinner had a lot of detail that is now sadly missing. I wish it hadn't been lost.
11-01-2005, 07:36
I miss... being able to post on teh forums and being able to sit wif mah RP buddies and talk stuff out at our leisure.

I guess I miss being inAustralia.....*sobs*
Der Angst
11-01-2005, 11:42
Ma-Tek and Sentient Peoples were using tech that was far superior to mine, and after a massive orbital campaign they basically told me I was fucked and to deal with it. I don't play that game, and without a chance in hell to defend myself, I ignored them.You mean the incident when you had like five allies floating in orbit, defending you? While you were offered a chance to keep the whole thing non- spacedy? The very same incident half a dozen or so nations came by using the conventional (wet navy) way? When you complained that 'Being stomped by a dozen nations is just no fun'? The same incident that started because everyone was pissed of by you doing exactly the same with New Sparta or whatever his name was?


Ah, good, just needed to clarify. And its a mood point, really, so long past us...

Post TWO! This time 2 minutes after post one!My point stands. But hey, you're getting better. Now, the moment you learn to reply to several players in one post, I will actually be impressed...

Ahem. But enough hijacking, really. I'm almost feeling bad. As such, a sad on topic excuse for this post:

I miss being completely new and actually taking part in mutual 'I have better stuff' wankfests.
I miss my ludicrous grammar/ spelling (Well, it's still bad, but not as bad.)
I miss making stuff up without doing the slightest bit of background research, resulting in absolutely ludicrous results.
I miss ripping off any- and everything I liked, no matter what the source was, or if it would actually befit my nation.
I miss being a little child clinging to the leg of $NS_Player_with_oversized_Ego instead of doing what I consider to be sane.
I miss, errr... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I like NS as it is, apart from a few cosmetic problems, but they are secondary.
11-01-2005, 15:40
Anybody here remember M-pire and puppets? THAT was a n00b. But then, he got better, and I sort of liked him before he quit. He was sort of like Sephrioth with better spelling and modern, I think. The big thing, was that his nation could move back and forth between the moon. Instantly.
He dodged glassification several times that way :P

And of course, Anti-Terror-Army. The n00b who could spell. He was fun.

JonoLand, Lima Beens, Generic N00k states, I miss them all.
They gave NS charecter.

What I meant by new players was this:
New players you could distinguish from old players. I am willing to be that alot of 'new' players these days are puppets from old players. The NEW new players dont act new because they see nobody ELSE acting new.
Except the n00bs, but generaly most people have the basic intelligence needed to see that thats NOT the way to act.
Damn...I have school now. See you all in six hours. If my internet decides that it can load the search page now.
11-01-2005, 17:48
Remembering the legendary Melk/Siri pairing offs... The wrath of the Siri whenever an elf was abused... Remembering all those people who you first RPed with and then you sigh when you realise all the Former Greats are now inactive...

The Archives have some of the great RPs... But most have been lost to the sands of time.

Aye... ain't that the truth. Who here remembers when we all looked at the one billion nations and went "they're huuuuge..." *raises hand slowly, popping arthritis pills all the while* Damn... AMF, I remember the GDODAD... GOD... UNAOTO... that was soo fun. Constantly being afraid of getting blasted to death. Constantly plotting against Russian Forces... that was sweet.
11-01-2005, 18:06
Aye... ain't that the truth. Who here remembers when we all looked at the one billion nations and went "they're huuuuge..." *raises hand slowly, popping arthritis pills all the while* Damn... AMF, I remember the GDODAD... GOD... UNAOTO... that was soo fun. Constantly being afraid of getting blasted to death. Constantly plotting against Russian Forces... that was sweet.
Yep, rembering when I actually looked up Pantera, and found out how big he is and immedietly doing everything that I could to say sorry....
11-01-2005, 19:26
You mean the incident when you had like five allies floating in orbit, defending you? While you were offered a chance to keep the whole thing non- spacedy? The very same incident half a dozen or so nations came by using the conventional (wet navy) way? When you complained that 'Being stomped by a dozen nations is just no fun'? The same incident that started because everyone was pissed of by you doing exactly the same with New Sparta or whatever his name was?


Ah, good, just needed to clarify. And its a mood point, really, so long past us...

I've explained this until I'm blue in the face, but no matter what I guess you will always hold your own side of the story. It's quite sad how this apparent grudge you have against me just won't seem to go away. If you are on this supposed 'high ground' over me, then why can't you simply drop this? Why the hell do you feel the need to rub my face in the fact that that was the first thread I ever ignored? Other players can ignore threads for whatever reason they want, but oh no, we mustn't let AMF do it. :rolleyes:

Seriously DA, get over it already and stop hounding me about it. It's very sad how you cannot drop this and leave it in the past. It's almost obsessive.

My point stands. But hey, you're getting better. Now, the moment you learn to reply to several players in one post, I will actually be impressed...

Cool it with the condescending tone, you're not impressing anyone.
11-01-2005, 19:56
Uh... guys? This is supposed to be about remembering NS of the past. You all want to argue about AMF, go make your own thread that will probably be locked for flamebaiting. Before this one is...

And you know damn well one of you is going to get pissed at some point and start the flames. I predict... five more from each of you, then it all goes to hell. So stop, as I'd rather you not bring back the days of Marathon.
Five Civilized Nations
11-01-2005, 21:44
More importantly, I miss a lot of the players that have either gone on to do other things, or just quietly faded away. Lots of the folks that helped me get my start here on NS are no longer around, or never RP anymore, which is a shame. SilverCities, Gothicum, Haraki, Alhana Catherine, even that damn Slutbum Wallah who pops up every now and then but never seems to finish it out. There is a plethora of others, but those are some that stick out in my mind.

It isn't the things I miss, it's the people. *lifts a glass in remembrance*

--Nathi's Player

SilverCities is still around, she just doesn't post anymore, since she hates the new forums. She's mainly active on Fool's Paradise: HERE (
11-01-2005, 23:17
Was there ever a time when Automagfreek, no offence to him/her, wasn't surrounded by mobs of either fanboys or wannabe challengers?

Has he/she ever ever been beaten?

I've never heard of AMF being beaten, too many scary torture chambers. I'll never forget the one about the criminal who killed women and then chopped their heads off and wore them as a mask. Damien Dreadfire took him to the chamber and had his executioner pry his nails off with a spike. Then he dropped a cheese grater from the ceiling and grated all his skin off...blech. Delete that part there if it violates the TOS.....

Although I did come to a truce with Melkor once....the guy I was allied with never showed up, so we ended the deal. I was probably going to be beaten though.

I miss the link on the bottom that said "Return to Jennifer Government: NationStates"

I miss before founders were around because you actually had to think before electing a delegate.

I miss learning about RPing instead of teaching about it.

I miss actually being part of a big RP that actually comes to a conclusion.

(Note that the date of join on my prof is wrong, due to a mistaken modbombing, my actual join date is in my sig. I'm BIG)
12-01-2005, 00:24
Well... another thing I miss.... having never heard of Rezo ;-P

Just kidding folks, just kidding.

What I do miss is when I said to Silver Tutle, "Though my nation is small I may be able to help." "Dude... 500 million is not small"

Those were the days, when at five hundred million you wern't that small.
Dread Lady Nathicana
12-01-2005, 00:43
SilverCities is still around, she just doesn't post anymore, since she hates the new forums. She's mainly active on Fool's Paradise: HERE (

Well, that doesn't help me much, does it? That's the point after all, boyo. I miss the rp's -here-. Too damn many offsite forums to keep track of that way. I've got my hands full as is. While I have no problem with them, mind (got two alliance ones after all) ... you get the pic, neh?

I remember before the end, we did try to get together a bunch of us for an outing rp, but no one finished posting. Thread just sorta died - long before the forum switch. Ah well. Got no problem with the forums m'self - after all, they work.

--Nathi's Player
12-01-2005, 01:05
I loved some of those threads, my newbiehood has vanished forever.

Damn you Dont. You make me want to cry.

(Anyone wondering, this is AO)

Comone, people. Lets have another World War. We knew how fun those where :p

But seriously, I need a n00b to drop my Bunny weapon of d00m on....or Crimmonds gonna hurt me >_>
El Sentiel
12-01-2005, 01:23
I miss being a young niave nation in the middle of space far far away from earth.

I miss waiting for the forums to be kind enough to let me read some of the quality RP that were going on.
The Ex-SLAGLands
12-01-2005, 01:49
I miss selling pudding.

Sometimes. ;)
Five Civilized Nations
12-01-2005, 02:00
Well, that doesn't help me much, does it? That's the point after all, boyo. I miss the rp's -here-. Too damn many offsite forums to keep track of that way. I've got my hands full as is. While I have no problem with them, mind (got two alliance ones after all) ... you get the pic, neh?

--Nathi's Player

Yeah, the offsite forums have been really hectic… For a while, I’ve been juggling seven forums in addition to this one and that sucks… Then I dropped two like a hot potato.
Dread Lady Nathicana
12-01-2005, 02:22
I miss selling pudding.

Sometimes. ;)

I wasn't gonna do this, 'cause I know he doesn't like hassle, and I don't wanna guilt him, but ... even though he's still around, as we see, it just ain't the same.

I miss Slaggy.
Atlantian Outcasts
12-01-2005, 02:24
I miss selling pudding.

Sometimes. ;)

*fires soda bomb*

...The more things change... ;)
13-01-2005, 00:29
Yo, Tib - you can log on to the forums direct on Jolt too, so you know. Top right hand corner. I know, because there's been a couple times it was the only way I -could- get on. Hope that helps. *smiles*

--Nathi's Player

I tried it doezns of times. Never seems to work... maybe it's just my computer.

*kicks computer*

Anyone remember the whole Bubble thing? That thing was great...
13-01-2005, 03:27
Just when we thought they no longer existed! :eek:

Attention all nations. The mighty NYT democracy known as Selmarte will never be pushed around :mad: . Thus, as my first act as its leader, the following announcment

We have nucular weapons trained on every city in every nation in the world. Submit to us or face annihilation

...gee, that was fun! :)
Wait, no, we mean it :mad: submit or suffer :upyours:
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 03:32
Just when we thought they no longer existed! :eek:

You will give me the link.

13-01-2005, 03:42
Just curious, why was this moved to NationStates?
13-01-2005, 03:55
I miss hearing abotu GODAD (sp) it's been so long i cant remebre how to Spell it now...
Northern Nation States
13-01-2005, 03:59
If the person who told me the story was correct AMF made more than a few. Based on what i've learned and been told this is what happened. Someone who was there cna correct me.

-FWS threw AMF's name around and used it to threaten other larger nations
-AMF sent sentinels to 'protect' from the invaders that would coem to FWS's shores
-the sentinels gathered as much of the populace up as they could, locked them in a building and burned it
-FWS then teleported his entire nation back to 1994 where they made contact with the primitive peoples of that time.

Ill try that.

I saw that one! I think it's still around but I can't remember the name, it pops up in the most recent posts every once in a while but never seems to grow any longer
13-01-2005, 04:23
I miss everybody submitting UN resolutions whining about the Atlantic Alliance. And back when the NPO was invading all the other feeder regions. It was annoying at the time, but at least we had to stay on our toes....
Steel Butterfly
13-01-2005, 06:05
I'm actually pretty happy with the state of NS right now. My Character and Plot - Oriented RP's are kicking ass, Jolt is a much better forum, and I'm still here after nearly two years.

The only thing I miss is politics. It's gone. I still remember rising to the public head of the GDODAD and then betraying them when they wouldn't follow my charter and chose Lord Christopher Scott's instead. I still remember when AMF and I were blood we're good buds. I still remember Midnight and Garrison II's Omnicaust. I still remember when I could wave the GDODAD banner and nations would tremble in fear, obeying my every order. I remember when sanctions and war meant something. I remember when being one of the first far-future tech space nations meant that I was original and creative.

So basically international politics are gone...but I don't mind as much...because mine are scripted in character RP's...and turn out a lot better anyhow.
Steel Butterfly
13-01-2005, 06:08
Yeah, the offsite forums have been really hectic… For a while, I’ve been juggling seven forums in addition to this one and that sucks… Then I dropped two like a hot potato.

There's another thing...I remember making the GDODAD forums on invisionfree...starting a trend still around today.
13-01-2005, 09:08
Comone, people. Lets have another World War. We knew how fun those where :p

They were damned fun. You need to have the politics and growing tensions between the two or more powers to make it a really good RP, though. Because "We're declaring war on XYZ because we can" isn't quite as entertaining as last minute emergency summits trying to avoid the war.
13-01-2005, 11:46
What do you mean that the old posts have been deated? I've found this

That's a post from April 02. And for you young 'uns who want to see some über-godmodgasm, here is FWS goes back to 1994 (

It's all there people, it's all there, thanks to the Jolt Archives (
Draconis Nightcrawlis
13-01-2005, 14:49
April 02? I thought the site started in November 02.
Sirens of Titan
13-01-2005, 17:07
What do you mean that the old posts have been deated? I've found this

That's a post from April 02. And for you young 'uns who want to see some über-godmodgasm, here is FWS goes back to 1994 (

It's all there people, it's all there, thanks to the Jolt Archives ( started in April '02, NS in November '02. How posts about onlin gaming got into II is a mystery.
GMC Military Arms
13-01-2005, 17:54
What do you mean that the old posts have been deated? I've found this[...]

That post would appear to have been moved to II from one of Jolt's other forums for some reason, it certainly doesn't belong here, and predates the NS forums which were at the time on a completely different server anyway. NS was purged several times on the old server to keep it running and as far as I'm aware those threads are gone.
13-01-2005, 19:01
eh, erm, damn.

You can shoot me now.
22-01-2005, 03:08
Good to know my rep. isn't all bad.
22-01-2005, 05:52
They were damned fun. You need to have the politics and growing tensions between the two or more powers to make it a really good RP, though. Because "We're declaring war on XYZ because we can" isn't quite as entertaining as last minute emergency summits trying to avoid the war.

Oh yes, World Wars were always fun...last one I remember was a planned assault against Melkor Unchained and the rest of Arda. Me (at the time I went by the nation of Neo-Wu) and Automagfreek spearheaded the northern assault.