NationStates Jolt Archive

The more things change....(closed) ATTN:Mirfak

Atlantian Outcasts
08-01-2005, 05:22
OOC: DNS, if your reading this, this takes place either before our RP....just so your wondering how The Olympia is in two different spots at once.

One large starship, an older Titan class battleship, slid through subspace, in a jump node between Sol and the Xanthal capital system. Its mission? A re-establishment of ties between the two coountries. Former allies in the long-forgotten Demon war, Atlantis had desided it was important to....check up on their old aquintences after comping out of Isolationism a mear few months ago.

The ship, the flagship of the Atlantian fleet, the Olympia mk.2, flew out of a blueish psudo-wormhole that was the enterence to the jump-nodes....and subspace itself.

"Approching Xanthal homeworld" said Xol.

Xol had a look of puzzlement on his face "Sir....I'm not reading anything. No radiation, no life planet..."

"What do you mean, "No Planet"?" asked Commander Vega "There has to be a planet. Things that size don't go missing"

"I know sir, but....look for yourself"

Vega got out of his seat, and looked at the control panel. He was right. As far as the computer was conserned, they where in deep space.

"...The Hades?" he asked himself. He thought for a moment, then issued a new command "Sing, take us to Than. That was the next most populated world"

"Yes sir" The communications officer said. She set a new course for the closest node, and slipped through....


The Olympia approched the next system, its scanners on full blast.

"I'm detecting something" said Xol "The system appears to be intact, and..."

"We're getting an automatic hail from some bouys nearby" said Sing.

Vega stood up "Whats the message?"

Sing listened for a moment "Sir....we don't want to go in there"

"Why not?" asked Vega.

Sing looked at him "They're threatening to destroy us if we go in any further"

The science officer, Rathma, sniggered "So much for a welcome wagon"

Vega was compleatly confused "Something big must have happened. Lt, take us to....the only other Xanthalian system we have recorded on our database. Take us to Mirfak"

"Wasn't that just a colony?" asked Xol.

"Yes" said Vega "But its the only option we have. And I'm not going home until we have exausted all possible options"

"Spoken like a true commander" Xol joked.

Vega smiled "Damn strait"

The Olympia vanished though yet another Jump-Node....


The Atlantian flagship once agian flew out of the blue Jump-Node, and slowed down, back into normal space-time....
08-01-2005, 05:38
If they expected another round of the unexpected, the crew of the Olympia is disappointed. As they pass the outer reaches of the system Mirfak is as it ever was; if busier. Of the four planets, only the third is habitable. The planet shows signs of having endured at least one major conflict in recent history, but whatever reasons were behind it seem to be resolved now. Vessels of several national and corporate origins move freely about the system and its few space stations. There is a notable absence of defense forces, but what few dozens of armed vessels there are take rapid interest in the intrusion of a capital ship into their system. Among the obsolete ships that move to stand between the Olympia and Mirfak III, only one seems to be modern, and reads as follows: Gel class assault ship: MCL-SG01. This ship moves to the front of the congregation and hails the intruding Atlantians in galactic standard. "Attention unknown vessel, you are violating the territory of the Dominion of Mirfak with an armed warship. Stand down all weapons and state your purpose."


Gel class (assault ship):
The Gel is the foundation for the Labule's defense forces, excelling far beyond galactic standards in speed and maneuverability. It compensates for its weak shields with two highly accurate laser cannons, which it uses to shoot down enemy projectiles and weaken the shields of enemy starships. Its main weapon is the powerful forward-mounted antiproton cannon, used primarily for offensive purposes. The Gel carries no hoksas, making it more defensively vulnerable in planespace.
(Shown with nose in closed position.)
Dimensions: 60x20x25 meters.
-Powerplant: One substance/antisubstance reaction chamber (150 petawatt output).
-Ion engines: combat speed 20,000 km/s, maximum speed 100,000 km/s.
-Planespace speed: about 500,000,000 c. relative to normal space maximum.
-Maneuvering thrusters: turn radius at maximum combat speed 150 meters.
-Fuel capacity: 5,000 liters.
-Fuel range: about 20 days normal operation, 5 days combat operation.
-Complement: 30 crew, 1 AI.
-Laser cannons (total 2, rating 3):
--Dorsal: 1 (180˚ X-axis rotation, 360˚ Z-axis rotation).
--Ventral: 1 (180˚ X-axis rotation, 360˚ Z-axis rotation).
-Fore antiproton cannon (rating 3).
-Shield power rating: 2.
-Armor power rating: 2.
-Onboard/Detachable vessels:
--1 Calicke.
--5 Weko.
Atlantian Outcasts
08-01-2005, 05:44
The crew looked at each other. Dominion of Mirfak? Something was seriously wrong.

Vega replied " is the Atlantian flag ship "Olympia". We seem to be lost. If you could please direct us to Xanthalian space, we would be most eger to be on our way"
08-01-2005, 05:56
The captain of SG01 cannot help but laugh. Quickly regaining his composure, he speaks lightly. "With all due respect Olympia, you're about two and a half centuries late. The Socialist Republic disappeared with the Aellis System when they surrendered to the Abh in 2603. It's 2836 now. If you feel like being overrun by an intergalactic empire, you're free to go looking for them in Abh space. Of course it'll take you a few centuries to get there, but hey." He pauses and, greeted with stunned silence, switches to a more concerned tone. "Are you honestly telling me that you missed all this?"
Atlantian Outcasts
08-01-2005, 17:30
"Two hundered and fifty years?" Vega took a moment to digest the information "But...Atlantis went into isolationism only fifty years ago...and Xanthal was still around..."

Sing looked at the dates. 2603? 2836? By a terran date on Earth, it was only 2005....

So, did time really mean nothing? Did different flucuations in time exist? She took a while to try to understand the meaning of life while Vega talked.
09-01-2005, 00:00
The Mirfakan commander doesn't respond, instead repeating his previous request. "Drop your weapons and state your purpose here. We cannot allow you to remain in our territory with an armed starship."
Atlantian Outcasts
09-01-2005, 19:33
The crew looked at themselves. Was this what was left of the Xanthal republic? After a few moments of conversing with each other, Vega turned back to face the screen.

"We wish to establish relations with.....who ever you all are"
09-01-2005, 22:56
"That's fine, I'm sure, but you'll need to speak to the government office to arrange diplomatic clearance. We can give you further instructions, but I must insist that you take all of your weapons offline before you come any further."
Atlantian Outcasts
10-01-2005, 03:21
Vega sighed, and thought for a moment, then turned to Xol. "take us to yellow alert"

"Yes sir" said the officer. All weapons where shut down, but sheilds remained online.

Vega spoke agian "We're listening"
10-01-2005, 15:14
The Mirfakan ships move to surround the intruder in an escort formation and guide it into high orbit of Mirfak III. The captain of the Gel transmits the contact frequency for the government's foreign affairs office and instructions to ask for diplomatic clearance.
Atlantian Outcasts
10-01-2005, 23:37
The instructions where downloaded into the Olympia's computer, and where almost immidetly put to use. The codes where sent down to the planet on the recommended frequency.

Attention Mirfak III: This is Admiral Vega, of the Atlantian flagship Olympia. We are interested in establishing ties...or re-establishing ties...or whatever with whoever you call yourselves"

Rathma smirked "Ya, that was proffesional sounding"
11-01-2005, 00:49
A reply is recieved almost immediately from the office, which has been waiting on a transmission since the invader was first detected.
"Dear Sir:
Thank you for your interest in opening diplomatic relations between Atlantis and Mirfak. Your request for diplomatic clearance will be processed in the coming days, and notice of approval or rejection will be sent in three to five days. In the meantime, you are encouraged to read through our national factbook ( to gain a solid understanding of our nation before formal contact is made. Should your request be approved, our ambassador will do the same for you.
The Mirfakan Office of Foreign Relations"
Atlantian Outcasts
11-01-2005, 03:33
Vega sighed "Oh Gods, I hate answering machines"

"Well...we have several days" said Sing "And the factbook has basicly anything we need to know about their culture..."

Rathma chuckled "Let me guess, you want to shop"

"So?" asked Sing, slightly offended.

"How about it, sir? I say we go mingle for a bit" said Xol.

Vega smiled "Aw, what the hades. We can all use some shore leave. Sing, send a message to the capital requesting permission to land on the planet"

Sing smiled and nodded, and procedded to do so.
11-01-2005, 14:56
The government representative they speak to quickly refers them to a landing control center at the city's main spaceport, after informing them in an annoyed tone that it wasn't the government's business to regulate travel on and off the planet, so long as no weapons were brought in without liscense. The spaceport's control center inquires as to the ship type landing, then assigns them an approach path and landing zone after explaining that there will be a nominal fee of $1,000 a day for ship storage and security, as well as the protection of the spaceport's insurance policy.
Atlantian Outcasts
12-01-2005, 01:51
"$1,000? Per ship?" asked Xol "Well, I've seen higher, so no big"

"I'll get the shuttles ready" said Rathma, getting out of his chair.


About 20 minutes later, around five Scarab class Shuttlecrafts entered the Mirfakian atmosphere, headed for the landing zone, with all communication frequencies on. The shuttles where on Green alert with sheilds dropped.
12-01-2005, 02:08
They land without incident on a private field. There is no one there to greet them; just a high chain-link fence around the field and a computer terminal beside a locked gate that politely requests in as many words a credit card number or other equivilent billing method that ensures the spaceport owners will be able to collect their payment no matter what becomes of their customers.
Atlantian Outcasts
12-01-2005, 02:18
Achillies, the security officer, looked at Xol "What the Hades is a 'Credit Card'?"

Xol shrugged "You got me. Try giving it cash"

"Where? All I see is a bunch of buttons" said Sing.

"Then press random buttons!" Xol replied.

"Wait. I think I got something" said Vega, typing in his Debit Card number. Hopefully that would work.
12-01-2005, 02:30
The computer responds by printing a receipt (a long one, with numerous disclaimers and liability guidelines at the bottom) and unlocking the gate. It also spits out a card that can be used to get back into the field when the crew wishes to depart. Outside the fence is a series of walkways leading to the main terminal, and more branching off to join with roads, for those who do not have business inside. Jin Rin City is off a mile or so to the south. Bridging the open field in between is a wide highway, where buses, cars, and taxicabs are making frequent trips back and forth. It appears that there is no real option of walking the distance.
Atlantian Outcasts
12-01-2005, 19:27
Achillies look slightly discusted "I thought these guys where Socialist"

"If this is socialism, I'd hate to see capitalism" said Sing, heading off towards one of the paths.

"Well, no one ever said vacationing was easy" Rathma followed Sing, and was soon in turn followed by the others.

There where about twenty-five of them in total. five from each shuttle craft. They slowly made their way into the main terminal through the walkways, hoping to find a better way into the city inside.
12-01-2005, 23:08
The terminal is a mass of people, all going in different directions. Various signs (most printed both in Mirfakan and Galactic Standard) point out immigration offices and other government offices, ticketing counters for various passenger and cargo carriers, information booths, bathrooms, and vague maps and directions on how to get from the terminal to any particular field. Most of these have horrendously long lines, and the noise of the people and machines inside coupled with the cars and air- and space-craft outside makes it difficult to hear one's own thoughts, more so the words of others. One hurried passenger collides with Rathma, shouting a rude-sounding "Olinios dondios cil est voy, onyu!" as he rushes on out the door.
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 00:57
Rathma had a rather nasty look on his face. He called back at the man, even though it was too late "Ya...same to you...jackass...."

"Ok...I'm not getting that whole 'rest and relaxation' thing" said Sing.

Xol looked at her "Good, glad I'm not the only one"

"What?!" she yelled


Vega turned around and walked out the door. The others looked at him and followed. Other groups remained at the terminal. Others, all in groups of five, followed Vega. They looked at the street. Some of the groups started looking for cabs.

" what?" asked Xol. Only he, Vega, Rathma, Achillies, and Sing where in the group now.

"Now?" Vega repeated "We try to get a cab"
13-01-2005, 01:04
There is no difficulty there. There's a whole line of taxis parked in front of the terminal at any one time. As one might expect, ferrying passengers back and forth between the spaceport and town is great business. One of the drivers waves them over. Identifying them as foreigners, he uses sloppy Galactic Standard to speak to them. "You new to Mirfak, people?"
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 01:11
vega responded in the same Dialect. Not that he was very good in GS, mind you. Atlantian ships had a translator, and he usually used English when talking to Terran nations.

"Yes, we are. How much to get to city?"
13-01-2005, 01:27
The driver smiles. "For you, your friends, twenty dollars to edge city. I can be charter, drive you around for visit. Fifty dollars an hour for that."
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 01:31
Vega held out his debit card "You take debit?"
13-01-2005, 01:36
The cabbie takes the card, laughing. "You really new here, you are. Hand card around so easy, it get stolen. Be sorry then, you will." He ducks into his car, revving the gas and laughing. "Like this! Easy! No refunds here!" He unlocks the doors. "Lucky I nice. I treat you good, as real guests, eh? Get in, I show you the city!"
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 01:39
A little uncomfotrable now, Vega and the others climbed in, and closed to door behind him.

Sing looked at Vega "No offense sir, but you suck at talking. Let me take over"

Vega grinned "You got it"

"So" said Sing to the driver "What is there to see here?"
13-01-2005, 01:44
The car heads off down the highway towards the city, speaking as properly as he can. "Here is a lot to see. Are you here for business or pleasure?" He chuckles, handing back Vega's card. "If you are here for business, I know many shady people who like trusting customers."
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 01:47
The five looked at each other, looks of uncertianty on their faces.

" We're here for pleasure" said Sing, looking back at the cab driver.
13-01-2005, 01:49
The driver nods. "I could have told you before. Are you looking for fun, or to shop?"
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 01:54
"We're here for...." Sing thought to herself "Both" she said, smiling. The others rolled their eyes.
13-01-2005, 02:03
"Then what you need first is quinaults. Hard money doesn't let people take more than you want to give." He pauses, then adds, "Unless they are armed." He shrugs. The city is a patchwork of highrises, mansions, and slums. The economic status of each section of the metropolis is evident by its appearance. Once they get downtown, the neighborhoods give way to government buildings and corporate offices. The cab pulls in front of a small booth and gets out, speaking briefly to the man inside. He then turns to Vega. "Give your card me. How much money you want?"
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 02:06
Vega looked at Sing "150 each" he cautiously handed his card to the driver, but being ready to either tackle the driver or bolt out the door at a moment's notice.

"Right" she looked at the driver "$150 each"
13-01-2005, 02:10
The cabbie chuckles at her caution. "Now you are smart." He goes to the booth and transacts his business. He comes back, passing out Q200 to each passenger and returning the debit card. "Now, what you want do first?" he asks as he returns to the car.
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 02:15
"Well....what is there to do?" asked Sing "What are the major sites?"
13-01-2005, 03:02
The cabbie looks perplexed, then snaps his fingers. "Delal Jin Rin, that is place. Biggest mall in city. Buy lots nice things!" He begins driving again.
Atlantian Outcasts
13-01-2005, 03:42
The rise to the mall was uneventful. Well....except the fact that They where all squeezed together tightly.

Upon arriving at the mall, the five got out of the cab.
13-01-2005, 17:38
The cabbie tells them he will wait with his car for them. Almost none of the signs in the place are readable for the non-Mirfakans, but the stores in the seven-story complex are simple enough to figure out. The language of price tags and money are universal here. The variety of establishments is vast, and one can buy virtually anything, from toys to furniture to houses, from insurance to food, from clothing to pets to servants. This is Mirfak's high class capitalism in practice, decked out in lights and glory for all to see in this giant shopping center.
Atlantian Outcasts
15-01-2005, 00:18
"Posedion" Achillies cursed under his breath "Its like a space station....with even more lights!"

"This is..." Xol stumbled to find a word "This is....I....I don't even know what this is..."

"So many stores...." Sing looked around like a child on Christmas day "So little time...." she sped off like a bullet towards the nearist store, vanishing in the crowd.

Vega's mouth was hanging open "So much for socialism"

Rathma nodded "You can say that agian...."
16-01-2005, 00:08
The crew are greeted by many people in the stores, and are able to enjoy a mostly-pleasant atmosphere. The people of Mirfak seem to be happiest when they're shopping... or selling things.
Atlantian Outcasts
16-01-2005, 05:10
Although Sing had ran off, the rest of the group remained together.

(OOC:....So...shall we have something happen now?)
16-01-2005, 06:06
OOC: You asked for it.

IC: On the second floor, outside a particular hobby store, Sing comes upon a young woman being beaten by two men. A few people watch from a distance, the rest ignore the scene. Obviously, no one wants to intrude. As she comes closer, she can take in the full scene. Scattered on the ground about the woman are dozens of small phamplets written in Mirfakan. The larger of the two men is yelling at her in a questioning tone. "Quel est cil be, eh? Dond bi cil posilios teli?" he demands, indicating the sheets. The woman falls to her knees and closes her eyes, speaking resolutely.
"Watashi ast nil owarios cil." The man, seemingly enraged by this, kicks her down on her face.
"Owarios!" he screams. "Owarios ut watashi edilios tekken cil kirios!" He resumes kicking her with the help of his partner, periodically repeating his demand, "Owarios!"
Atlantian Outcasts
16-01-2005, 20:20
OOC: w00t


Sing looked at the others just watching. "What the Hades are you people doing?! Help her!" She rushed in and tried to pull the attacking men away.

"What are you doing?!"
16-01-2005, 23:48
The leader turns on her, pushing her back and leaving his partner to put handcuffs on the bruised woman. He eyes the foreigner suspiciously. Anyone who was watching before quickly leaves, wanting nothing to do with this. The man pulls his wallet out of his pocket and flashes a badge, speaking in perfect Galactic Standard. "I am Kellen Anari of the Mirfakan National Security Agency. This woman has been distributing literature criticizing the leadership of our esteemed leader, Alphin Kolani; a grave crime. Who are you and what makes you think you can intrude on our interrogation?"
Atlantian Outcasts
19-01-2005, 00:20
Oh shit....

Sing looked a little sheepish.

"Uh....heh....I'm uh, Sing...and uh...heh..." She gathered up her courage "What ever happened to the right of free speech?" she was sweating, and trying hard to hold her ground.
19-01-2005, 02:26
The man raises an eyebrow. "Freedom of speech cannot extend to criticism of the government. The people must have confidence in their leaders. If people like that," he indicates the woman, "are allowed to spread their message of dissent, then more will turn against the established institution. Mirfak has known enough chaos, enough war. No matter your origin, you must understand that the Kusakal Gimesi Bule is here to protect the people at large. To do that, it is necessary that some suffer. Our directive is to confine that suffering to as few people as possible." The man thinks for a moment, then looks the foreigner in the eye. "I'm a reasonable man, Sing. Seeing as you're obviously just visiting here, I'm not going to arrest you for obstruction of justice. I must insist that you be on your way, however. And do not interfere with KGB operations again. Not all of my colleagues are likely to understand your position as I do." He waits silently, his gaze intense, daring her to argue the point.
Atlantian Outcasts
19-01-2005, 04:05
She took a second to think up her reply "But..." she said, still thinking. She was saved, however, by Vega. He had noticed the commotion and walked up.

"Whats going on here?" he asked, partially defensive of Sing, and partially curious.
19-01-2005, 15:41
The officer and his partner both let their hands move to their sidearms. He speaks into a wristband communicator. "Putalos mata-abna-elna hasti plutoal transal Nanosha's." Kellen's eyes narrow even further, ready to fight. "You two need to walk away now. Otherwise I will have no choice but to arrest you for interfering in KGB operations."
Atlantian Outcasts
20-01-2005, 00:35
Vega was extreamly puzzled "What the...I was just aking what was going on!" He looked at Sing "What have you done?"

She smiled sheepishly as re-enforcements arrived. Vega's glance at her was one that said "You suck"
20-01-2005, 01:32
The officer cocks an eyebrow. "Five seconds to walk away. I don't want this to be a problem for you. Four. Three..."
Atlantian Outcasts
21-01-2005, 03:39
Vega looked at Sing as the countdown continued. Just before the other guy reached zero, Vega grabbed Sing by the arm and slolwy started to walk away. He looked back at the officers face one last time before finally moving off.
21-01-2005, 14:26
The officer sighs. "Political liberals..." He turns back to his partner, waving the reinforcements away. "Nosen eshios. Zek ast dol uk to termal." With that, they depart with the woman they've captured.
Atlantian Outcasts
23-01-2005, 19:31
"What the hell where you doing?" asked Vega, as they walked off.

"I was defending someone's freedom of speech. Don't you dare tell me that you arn't slightly disturbed by everything here"

Vega sighed "Your right...but that dousn't give you the right to mess with the local authorities. We don't have dipomatic immunity at the moment."

Both stopped and looked at each other. "Should we end this "shore leave"? We arn't having any fun, and I somehow doubt anyone else is" said Sing.

"...Alright" Vega said after a moment of thinking "We'll go. We'll just wait for the official message from the government. You try to contact everyone, and I'll get in touch with the ship"
24-01-2005, 00:49
OOC: If this moves things along too fast, let me know.

IC: The trip back is without incident, and the group returns to their ship. A few days later, they recieve a message.
"To the esteemed representitives of your Holy United Federation of Atlantian Outcasts:
Congratulations on being granted provisional diplomatic clearance by Alphin Petrovich Kolani. Your clearance entitles you to a single diplomatic visit by three or fewer of your nation's representatives with full power to provisionally negotiate and accept a treaty and any other agreements regarding your nation it may be deemed prudent by the Alphin to present before them. These representatives must give twenty-four hours notice before their visit, and are not permitted to travel in an armed craft or carry any arms or other technology with them with the sole exception of recording devices, which Mirfakan authorities reserve the right to confiscate at any time for any or no given reason. Your representatives are fully bound to Mirfakan law while in our territory and will be taken into custody if they commit any offense. Any deviation from the above protocol will result in immediate termination of your diplomatic clearance and the return or incarceration of your representatives.
With respect and regards,
The Mirfakan Office of Foreign Relations"
Atlantian Outcasts
24-01-2005, 03:17
"Hell no. I am NOT going back to that place, you can't make me" Vega folded his arms.

Senator Andromada rolled her eyes "Oh stop whining. I need someone with me there...and I don't exactly get along with any of the other Senators"

Vega sighed "Alright....fine. But you owe me"

"Like what?" she asked.

He smiled "Seat belts"

"Seat belts?" her eyes had a look of puzzlement.

his smile grew wider "For my chair. On the Olympia"

Both burst out laughing.


Olympia, once agian entering Mirfakian space

It slowed to a stop right outside of the jumpnode, as a small Scarab shuttle, disarmed (at least until they got back to the ship), headed for the planet. Xol opened a comm channel and sent the message to the government.
24-01-2005, 03:27
When they arrive they are greeted by a Mirfakan KGB agent, who leads them to a black limousine. After they are seated comfortably, the car departs the spaceport. The agent, a middle-aged woman, politely asks the senator if he has any questions before they arrive.
Atlantian Outcasts
24-01-2005, 04:14
OOC: Um...Andromada's a girl, not a guy :p


"No, I think I have everything I need to know for the meeting" she said, as they approched the meeting site.
24-01-2005, 06:49
OOC: Whatever. My bad for not paying more attention.

IC: They pass through security checkpoints and exit the vehicle outside a large two-story building with archetecture not unlike that used in the twentieth-century United States capitol. Their escort tells them that this is the Office of Foreign Relations, the headquarters of Mirfak's diplomats and foreign representatives. They are led through the mansionlike lobby and down several hallways to a small meeting room, where they are seated and left with two KGB guards, who stand silent and motionless against the far wall. A few minutes later, a tall, slim man in his late thirties enters the room. The two guards stiffen their poses and move their right fists over their hearts in salute as the man walks to the foreign representatives. His blue eyes are keen, seeming to observe every detail of his surroundings. His thin lips are framed by a well-groomed mustache and beard, and his sharp, protruding nose completes the picture as he extends a long arm to the senator. "Senator Andromada, I presume. And Mister Vega." He nods in the commander's direction. "I am Petrovich Kolani, Alphin of the Dominion of Mirfak. I welcome you to my world."
Atlantian Outcasts
25-01-2005, 00:25
"Thank you" said Andromada. She met his hand with hers. "I belive we have a lot to talk about"
26-01-2005, 00:40
The Alphin takes his seat before replying, "Perhaps we do, Senator. Since you initiated this contact, it is up to you to tell me what you would like to come from this meeting."
Atlantian Outcasts
26-01-2005, 03:34
"Yes, I belive we did" Andromada sat down "We are interested in re-establishing ties with you. We where origionally going to do it with Xanthal...but with that political entity where the most freindly faction we could find. Prehaps an...well, we don't like to call them "alliances", thats too much of an Earth term...a freindship"
26-01-2005, 15:41
Kolani looks amused. "Xanthal was paradise, Senator. Don't associate us with them." He examines the representative. "What would you propose to be the terms of this friendship?"
Atlantian Outcasts
28-01-2005, 05:42
"You know, the usual. Trade, mutual defense, the promise not to attack one another..."
28-01-2005, 17:51
The Alphin smiles. "Mirfak has a policy of free trade. You need no friendship or treaty for that. Also, our Labule has neither the capacity to attack your nation nor the ability to assist in its defense. If we sign any such agreements, it will be your people who sacrifice for us."
Atlantian Outcasts
29-01-2005, 07:07
"I see" Andromada smiled, trying to think of something else to say. But there was nothing. She had come here all this way to just be compleatly blown off. She took a deep breath, and folded her hands "In that case, I belive this meeting won't accomplish anything. We will keep you on our contact list, and see if any relations can be improved whatsoever as time goes on"

She stood up, her smile fading "I regret to say that this has been the least conductive meeting I've ever attended. And I've attended alot of APTO conferences"

She turned around, and motioned Vega to follow her. She looked back at The Alphin, a sad look in her eyes "We'll show ourselves out. Good luck to your nation"
29-01-2005, 07:14
Petrovich stands. "Just a moment. Bear in mind, Senator, that I value any friends I can make among our galactic neighbors. Simply because there exists no basis for a treaty does not mean we cannot stay in contact, exchange ambassadors, and establish embassies. You said you wanted a friendship between nations; I offer you just that."
Atlantian Outcasts
29-01-2005, 07:30
Andromada's head lifted slightly higher. "We can accept that"
29-01-2005, 08:08
Petrovich Kolani smiles broadly and bows gracefully to his guests. "Well then, with that you are dismissed." He switches to Mirfakan as he opens the door for them, speaking nobly. "Vo alphai watashal. Zekal belal suiton helen pajios totios. Farewell my friends. May our good relations last forever."