NationStates Jolt Archive

Target: Londo Bell (Closed Space RP)

Five Civilized Nations
04-01-2005, 22:02



--Two months ago--
In the corporate headquarters located atop one of the tallest mountain on the Five Civilized Nations capital world of Cala, the chiefs of the Helisa Corporation sat in conference discussing the latest strikes against their transports in the Sol System.

"This is preposterous... For the last six months we have lost fifty-three vessels to self-styled space pirates. Who has the guts to attack us?"

"Mr. President, I believe that I know who the perpetrator of these dastardly deeds is..."


"The man's name is purportedly Londo Bell...a former Commander in the Combined Five Civilized Nations Navy. He was honorably discharged after the ESUS-Shivan Conflict. According to our contacts, Londo Bell has recently purchased a Meteor Mark II Blockade Runner/Assault Ship."

"The military sold him a ship!?!

"As you know sir, the Meteor Class warships are considered obsolete. The military consider all warships in good condition as surplus warships and they have been selling them to independent buyers..."

"And why do you think he is the man?"

"His parents, Michel and Aviva Bell, were the majority shareholders of this company, living on Krona Colony. After a disastrous accident at our experimental facilities on the Krona Colony, both parents were killed by the ensuing firestorm. Immediately afterwards, afraid of reprecussions, we sent an assassin to kill Londo's elder brother, Schiff Bell, a scientist that had barely escaped from the Krona laboratories. Londo Bell has been holding a grudge ever since..."

"Well put a bounty on his head. I want him dead, and I wanted that to occur six months ago..."

"Yes sir."

Transmission to all Bounty Hunters:

Target: Londo Bell, aka Kip "Anvil" Bell
Bounty: 10 million Nus (about US$ 40 million) dead or alive
Vessel of Choice: The Nightmare


Kip Bell, aka "The Anvil," aka Londo Bell, sat quietly on the bridge of his Meteor Mark II Class Blockade Runer, thinking. It had been years since the death of both his parents and the murder of his brother. Years spent with his anger simmering beneath the surface. Years that he spent contemplating his revenge. As he slowly exacted his revenge destroying all Helisa Corporation shipping, Londo found that aged vengeance was so sweet...

With deft movements, Londo guided the helm to a new heading, setting a course towards the Draconis Nightcrawlis colony of Tortuga, intent upon refitting his warship and for the first time in months, interact in a social manner with others while also gleaning information about new Helisa Corporation shipping schedules.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
04-01-2005, 23:25
Fenris Elfchilde sat quietly in the modified Tel'Tak Cargo Shuttle he used as his ship, going through the many bounty offers that had come his way. After skipping some rather dull offers, a rather interesting one caught his eye. A target, one Londo Bell, aka Kip "Anvil" Bell, with a excellent reward.

“We have our next target Talia,” he announced.

Talia Silvairelia was Fenris’ accomplice. Though they were both elven they were of a very different type, Fenris was what was referred to as a drow elf, Talia however was a dark elf. The difference was a drow was often beige in skin colour with black eyes, a dark was often grey with red eyes. In Draconis Nightcrawlis, dark elves were rare and particularly feared by the human citizens. Another difference between the pair was the fact that Talia hardly talked. Her reply to his announcement was to give him a cold glare. Fenris knew exactly what that meant as he warmed up the shuttles engines.

“To Tortuga we go,” he said. “Always someone with information to a persons where abouts there.”
Yafor 2
04-01-2005, 23:39
Priviteer and self-styled Yaforite space captain Jordan Al'Kamor gazed out of his LMV "Saracen." "Saracens" were the only Yaforite fleet transgalactic battleships sold to priviteers and Jordan, son of a rich family, seized the oppurtunity. Priviteers were little more than pirates, government sponsored bounty hunters, who plagued other battleships, while carrying a letter of marque. 25% of their earnings went to the Yaforite government, a venture that greatly increased the Yaforite treasury.

Jordan checked his screens. A huge steel claw reached down to the astroid. "Yes, yes!" he thought, "We've got it!" The astroid had a large deposit of Chrononite, a rare metal that was in short supply. Millions could be paid for it as it was vital in making many types of lasers. It would be profitable venture for both the government and him.

Still rejoicing, he heard the odd beeping noise that signified an incoming transfer. Walking over to another screen, he read it. "Hmm, a target" he thought and readied his ship. They would get the 40 million USD for this project.
Newbish Delight
05-01-2005, 01:06
Deep, deep within a large nebula lies the Goblin Lands, a system with ten planets that spread out in a long line, moons orbiting around them. The strangest thing about the Goblin System is that it is infused with Da Powa, also known as Goblin Magic. The effect of the numerous spells is that the system cannot be found except by those who know the route there.

Upon the fourth world from the sun is Goblin City, a sprawling industrial mass that lurks like a shadow, like a worried mismatched being, like a goblin, over the entire planet. The City's crowning achievement is The Tower of the Goblin King, a mighty piece of architecture carved by the best of Goblin artisans over hundreds of years. It rises into the sky, towering over the rest of Goblin City like a dagger stabbing into the endless expanse of the sky. Blaconies jut from the broad edges in graceful sweeps, and defensive platforms lie along its edges in ever-viligilant stewardship. It is truly rare among Goblin creations in that it is well built, graceful and functional.

At the tip of blade is the Hall of the Goblin King, King Titegrip Da Supa Da . Da King sat upon a great throne fashioned from the weapons and riches of the enemies of Goblindom, usually achieved by sheer weight of Goblin. He was armoured in gold-chased black, with his great blade [I]Sylkslyzer sheathed before him in its golden sheath set into the floor. His hands rested upon his knees, back straight as one of the last of the Great Goblins, not a lil'un, soso'un, big'un, cunnin'un, black'un or even Supa'un Goblins, but one of the Great Goblins, smarter than a man and stronger, wiser than many of the elder races, but still with some of the unfortunate predelictions of Goblinhood - such as an obsession with everything shiny, a really peculiar accent, and having to rule a race mostly consisting of four and a half foot short green...things with less style sense than a magpie.

He gazed down upon the Goblin Commodore of Da 'Ammer Scwod, one of his better 3-ship teams.

"Shinvort Clap. Gobbo-Commodorr uv da CGC. Oi az a noo job fer yez. Sum peepolz caulled Foive Cvlized Nayshuns abou' dis lad caulled Londo Beyll. Nuw, I wantz ye ta nab 'im an' is shyp - dun matter iff'n e doize or iff'n 'is ship guzz boom, but oi'd rarder dat dey waz reeznabli intact. Roite?"

Commodore Clap, Goblin Commander of Da Applorz, and Goblin Leader of Da 'Ammer Scwod for the Combined Goblin Collective United Navy was upon one knee before his King, eyes upon the floor, but his voice was not humble - the King and he were old friends, and his kneeling was more for ritual sake than anything else - it was customary to kneel before a Goblin host, as it signified that you did not want to eat any of their food (except for Crizpy Tings, which were actually rather good) as you considered it dangerous - something taken as a great complement by the chef.

"Moi King. Oi iz mozt appy ta take da job, wass da bownti?"

"Da bownti iz ten millionz (datz an fousand toims a fousand, an 'coz youz an eddoocated Gobbo youz noz wot a fousand iz) ov deyr moneiz. Datz eyti-millyun CGC Speshul Shiny Tings. Az uzual, alf will bee yer wagez, a tenf eech fer yez Gobbos, an firty puh-sent fur Goblin City. Dat guud?"

"Dat guud, Boss-King. Oiz will comb bak wid im ur widout im, ur I wunt comb bak."

So saying, the Goblin Commodore rose, bowed formally to his King, and backed out of the great doors to the throne room.
Lunatic Retard Robots
05-01-2005, 02:04
The RGSV Not In Love, a ship designated Type K independent cruiser, exits hyperspace not far from Tortuga colony. A relatively large and heavily armed vessel, the cruiser is on assignment, chasing a group of bounty hunters who abducted a certain RGF freighter captain.

Knowing that Tortuga is popular with criminals and 'shady-types' in general, there would be a high likleihood of finding who they are looking for.

Captain Zimbra Byrne surveys the ships parked in orbit on the 3-D tactical plot.

"Here it is," he says, and the AI fires the cruiser's oversized thrusters.
05-01-2005, 08:22
Selks walked through the ship reviewing the data slate he'd just gotten from Doc the communication's tech. Passing a few marines and crew members he stepped up to the bridge door and pressed open. "Hey Boss, I got a job for us and this ones hot." Selks stepped through the door and found Captain Nukari sitting in his command chair studying a holographic map of the Quro Sector.

Selks came and stood next to the captain's chair. "Sir, here you are." He put the slate next to Nukari and then stepped back. Nukari looked up from the map and studied the slate.

"How long ago?"
"It was sent 3 hours ago, we recieved it just now."
"Get Doc on the horn and tell him to send a messege to the contractor telling them we're on the case, then get Demitrus down here."

Selks left the bridge to relay the messeges. Rei sat back and rubbed his eyes, tired from the last mission they had been on, ferrying cargo ships through dangerous shipping territory. Shaking his head he leaned forward and closed the map and called up the holo net on his display and started searching through for any sign for his newest prey.

He finished just as Selks stepped through the door followed by the hulking fram of Demitrus. He smiled at the old warrior. He was glad many times over that he'd saved the marines from their fate.

"You called Captain." Demitrus nodded his head in salute.
"Yes I did, we have a new contract," Nukari said and handed Demitrus the data slate. It looked small in his ham sized armoured fists. The grand master nodded. "My boys gonna have something to do this time?" He was smiling at the prospect, he and his men always looked foreward to battle.

"Yes your men will be serving a purpose other then loading cargo for once. We're going to the Space Port Tortuga, find what we can from the low lifes. Your men will be guarding the ship, you expect action just like last time we were there." Demitrus smiled.

"Very well Captain Nukari, I'll go an inform my men." The hulking grand master left leaving Selks and Nukari alone.

"Selks, you will do your usual job as well." Selks nodded. "Get the rest of the crew up here. We're leaving now."

Within minutes The Shroud disapeared into hyperspace.
Newbish Delight
05-01-2005, 16:22
Stayshun Bluddiguud, High Orbit over Goblin City

...Commoddorr, youz iz cleer fur eggsit...

Clap pulled back the throttle, pressed the various glowing buttons on his dashboard and slid open the engine ports. Supa-Dupa Fewl, the best available in all of Goblindom, hissed through into the engine systems, ignited and activated the standard engines, sending Da Applorz rocketing out of one of the many space stations that orbited Goblin City.

To his right was Swozzi in his ship, carrying the most powerful weapon in the Scwod, something that he had installed against the advice of all the technicians and engineers who worked with Da 'Ammer Scwod. The Supa-Mega-Mega-Dupa-Zzzap-Gun. It was fully capable of destroying ships much larger than Da Bryleeant, but Clap and his "Kroo" shuddered at the thought of Swozzi in control of an SMMDZ-Gun. Claps shrugged philosophically (something rather hard for a Goblin to do), and loks out of his left cockpit window at Bouns' little Nifty Ting that buzzed happily alongside Da Applorz. Now there was a Gobbo with potential.

Clap switched on the "Chattin' Thingy" and spoke to the two captains.

"Roight Ladz, yez nos watt we'z doin, so lez ged on wid it. Dem udder 'unter chapz frum udder plazes iz all guin ta da same plase. So ledz go dere, sneak aroun' a bit, and den grab diz Beyll-Boy frum under dere short, squidgy nozez!"

"Roight Boss!"


Clap pressed some more buttons, and turned a dial or two for good measure. Sure enough, Da Supa Engines kicked in and, with a train of blue light (not strictly necessary, but Goblins take every opportunity for fun-looking effects) vanished into FTL, shortly followed by Bouns and then Swozzi, who was busy kicking his machinery to get it to work.

Space above Tortuga, Draconis Nightcrawlis Colony

"Dis is Gobbo Commoddorr Shinvort Clap, uv da CGC. Oi iz wreckwestin' puh-mis....purrmiss...orfority ta land. Der iz free shyps, an ayteen Gobbos 'ere. We az come fer tradin', refittin' and so-shull-izin' wiv uvver ladz. Dat 'kay?"

Clap leaned back in his Supa-Big Captain Chair and waited for a reply, his engines gently groaning over, various interesting sounds coming from the machinery, and faint gurglings coming from the piping. He reached to one side and grabbed his Supa-Big Captain Mug of Olliwog's Shroom Beer (Lite) and took a healthy swallow. It was light stuff, only thirty percent proof, but he was not daft enough to drink proper stuff while flying. He'd had to search Swozzi's ship for drink before leaving though - fool of a Gobbo always tried to drink Da 'Ard Stuff before trying to land.
05-01-2005, 19:56
Sky Cadoy woke, dazed, as a button on his ship's control panel beeped loudly. It was the Trasmission button. He pressed it.If this is another suspicous husband asking me to check on his wife, He thought, I'm out of this job for good. He listened carefully to the message. Finally, a good job-This would net him enough money to retire early.

Sky powered up his ship's thrusters. The Lucid Star stood stationary for a moment, then entered the slipstream of space. He hurtled towards the place every good bounty hunter should go on the start of a job: Tortuga space port. Sky always went there before a job; the place was ridden with useful contacts. He would have to get there quick; Sky knew that with such a big bounty on Londo Bell's head, a multitude of hunters would be searching for him. It would be a race against time to see who claimed the kill.
05-01-2005, 20:43
Selks walked through the dirty streets of Tortuga, dodging a swaggering drunk who went by singing some drinking song at the top of his voice. He was careful to keep his hand on the hilt of his energy blade. Never could know when a pick-pocket might try to lighten your pockets of money. The large moldy buildings almost crumbling, several displaying large neon signs of women and drinks.

Selks walked into The Kantina Xenos, were he was to meet his contact. Walking through the swinging doors he glanced around. A large fat man stood behind the counter cleaning a dirty glass with an even more dirty rag. Different beers and drink taps were behind him. A few humans sat on stools in front of it, some having a conversation with the bartender. A Tallaxien in his trademark blue fighter suit was sitting at table deep in thought while playing Cabbas with a Bothum, its tentacles slopping into the table and disturbing the cards occasionaly. Several other figures sat around at tables, the light was dim in the sides and corners of the bar.

Selks stepped up to the bartender. "Give me a Daqui, no dust." The bartender looked at him as if he'd disturbed the work of a priest as he sat the glass down and pick up another one and stepped up to a tap and filling the cup with the blue liquid, but not adding the red cubes of freezing secquis, which gave the drink even more power.

Giving it to Selks and collecting three credits the bartender went back to his rag and cup and took to talking with the men on the stools.

Doing as he'd been told he walked to the back of the bar area and found a vacant table. A second stood beside it. Following the instructions he'd been told he sat down and faced the wall, at the same time loosening his energy balde in it's scabbard for a fast draw. Slowly he sipped on his drink, wrinkling his nose at the first sip then reajusting to the taste he took a deeper drink.

He heard the chair behind him being pulled out from under the table and a person sitting down in it. He had the impulse to turn around but knew if he did, he'd loose the information he needed.

A deep, almost venomous, voice started talking. "Don't turn around. Did you bring the money?" In answer Selks slowing pulled out, showing he was doing nothing that could be mistaken for an attack, a large plesti package packed full of credits and slid it along the floor behind him. He heard it being picked up and looked through.

"Good, now for my part of the deal, the person your looking for, Londo Bell, is at my last report from my sources in the western quadrant of Five Civilized Nation's space. About three planets in the area, not many ports but plenty of moons to hide around in, thats about all I know. And I can promise you that not many people know that, I myself only know because he smuggles for me every now and then." The voice stopped talking. Selks pressed the stop button on the recorder hidden in his jackets pocket, then slowly turned around. The table behind was empty. Draining the last of his drink he stood up and then walked out of the bar.

Heading back to The Shroud he delivered the recorder to Nukari. 31 marines stepped off.

Within the hour they were back in hyperspace heading toward Five Civilized Nations western space area.
Five Civilized Nations
05-01-2005, 22:02
(OOC: FYI. The Five Civilized Nations resides in the Leo I Star Group focused primarily in the Galaxies M96 and M95. From my memory, Tortuga is M66.

For info on the galaxies, go here (


As the Nightmare slowly cruised through space, heading ever closer to the Draconis Nightcrawlis planetary colony of Tortuga located in the M66 Galaxy. As the vessel cruised from the M96 to M66, Londo Bell slowly pondered his course of his action and the wisdom of travelling to Tortuga. Since the intervention of a Excalibur Class Strike Frigate in an attempt to capture a notorious space pirate, the administration of the colony had deteriorated. Now, it was nothing more than an outpost for Draconis Nightcrawlis vessels and a minor backwater refuelling station.

The space around the colony was a nightmare for navigation with the strewn ruins and wreckage of over a dozen merchantile vessels as well as the remnants of an antique Five Civilized Nations Ra Cailum Class Battleship. On the surface, the colony was a hornet's nest of pirates and buccaneers and a safe haven for anyone running from the law or hiding from bounty hunters, especially after the incident of an infamous Draconis Nightcrawlis pirate...

For Londo Bell, Tortuga would have been the perfect location to hide and base his operations from. Ever since the bounty on his head from the Helisa Corporation first came out, he had been on the run. The government forced to decide from one of its major corporations and a loner mercenary, had no choice but to turn a blind's eye towards the entire incident, ignoring Londo Bell as he ran, hunted by Helisa's hired mercenaries and bounty hunters. It was clear to eveyrone that Londo Bell was going to be captured and killed... But remarkably, Londo Bell had eluded and destroyed the first batch of bounty hunters, killing most of them and scattering the survivors. Although buoyed by the unexpected victory, Londo Bell knew that he had a long road ahead of him. It was clear that his chances of eternally eluding his opponents were going to be slim indeed.
05-01-2005, 22:06
"Welcome back 'Heart..." Sha'Do, The ShadowDancer's avatar, stopped in mid word at the black look her capatin gave her, as the security dock closed behind the tall, black robed figure. That Perigrine did not immediately drop her veil made her displeasure even clearer. Sha'Do sighed silently. Five years was nothing to a cybernetic life form such as she, but she felt that Perigrine should be able to accept the old familial forms of address once more. However, her captain was nothing if not stubborn. After a second Sha'Do resumed

"Was President Jones able to give us any additional information concerning this Londo Bell?"

A a barely there fractional shake of the head had the avatar frowing.

"But her ally, the Lady of Cats Keep, was able to provide more information" The subvocalized growl gave Sha'Do additional insight on Perigrine's sour mood. The Nietzschean Omega did not like in the least having to deal with beings that had abilities not quantifiable by rigorous scientific methods.

"They suggest that we should 'hie thine selves to that ragged edge of civilization known as Turtle'." Perigrine paused for a moment then continued, her voice drier than a desert "It was made abundantly clear that they felt most besmirched to have to provide that information"

Sha'Do couldn't help a snort of laughter at Perigrine's tone "We know where to set course for then. However it is better than even odds that an ex Commander in the Combined Five Civilized Nation's Navy, who has managed the purchase price of an ex military vessel, even one considered obsolete, would eventually turn up at Tortuga. Especially on with such a bounty on his head."

Perigrine dropped her veil and with a tug and a shake of her head dislodged her head wrap. Bright auburn hair, plaited tightly into a long heavy braid fell nearly to her knees as she strode throught the ShadowDancer and on to the command deck.

"Clearance to depart the station has been granted, outbound lanes are clear as of this ...mark" The ship's hologram announced as Perigrine slid into the master pilots couch.

"Take yourself out" Perigrine requested as she began reviewing the navigational data and star charts. She'd been to Tortuga before, but seldom enough that she would be cautious about the decission points. ShadowDancer was the only ship that used the quantum strings that were called SlipStream in this Universe. There were no 'well worn with use and time' pathways in here. That made for occassionally dangerous piloting.
Lunatic Retard Robots
06-01-2005, 03:10
After recovering the captain in a bloodless operation-it turned out that he had been left tied up in an abandoned wreck-the Not In Love considers returning home, its task done.

The ship heads into the debris fields, and takes to monitoring the multitude of ships coming in and out of the colony.

However, word had arrived that 5CN was looking for a certain criminal, Londo Bell, who had quite a price on his head. Captain Zimbra Byrne asks the crew their opinion, and it is agreed that, should the wanted pass by, they would attempt to question him.

With an extensive ship database, it shouldn't be too difficult to indentify Londo's ship. The RGF had not performed decades of almost random customs patrols for nothing, as now the fleet has a good library of the priavtely-owned vessels around in the Galaxy, although with new ships being bought every minute, it is not possible to keep track of everyone.

The major terrorist groups, smuggling rings, bounty hunter groups, and general criminals are watched closely by numerous Q-ships, equipped with a fair weapons load and good sensors on top of their cargo capacity.

Tortuga probably houses quite a few men wanted by the RGF for one offense or another, from human trafficing to spice smuggling. However, Zimbra is not about to come close to the planet, and elects to keep his ship hidden, waiting for an oppourtunity to present itself.
06-01-2005, 08:21
"There nothing here!," exclaimed Selks. He sat at his post looking in the scopes and finding no traces what-so-ever. They had been searching the part of the galaxy where their source had told them that Londo Bell would be but nothing, not even an adandoned base. Nukari sat at in his command chair, chin resting on his folded hands.

"Selks, get on the comm back to Demitrus. Tell him that the package was not delivered. He is to search out the informant and exacute him." Selks nodded at the captains order and went over to the comm.


Demitrus, this is base, package not delivered. Search out informant and execute.

-Messege End-

Demitrus read the messege that appeared on his net pad. Punching in an afirmative, he stood up and faced the 30 other marines around him. They had remained back on Tortuga on Nukari's orders, in case such a thing happened.

"Alright marines! You have in your comm pads the map of Tortuga and a glowing red dot on it. Thats the target, green dots are your fellow marines and yourself. Find the dot and put a bullet in him."

"YES GRAND MASTER!" The troops were jubilant as they filed out of the docking area and started into the city, bent on finding the informant, clearing a large path through the streets in their hulking 7 ft armoured forms.
Newbish Delight
06-01-2005, 13:41
High Orbit, Tortuga Colony, Draconic Nightcrawlis

Clap sat in his Supa-Big Captain Chair, drumming his long fingers on the arm as he waited for a reply. Then he stopped, and puled up an image-screen, scanning through the report he had been given on Tortuga's defense systems.

"Writtin by...Swozzi. Roight."

He sighed and pressed the Big Green Button that activated his ship's wide-range scanners.

"No Oybytil platfirms. Roight."

He gently pressed the Big Blue Button, turned a few dials, and spoke on the inter-ship radio.

"Bouns, youz is ta 'ide in da debree an' see oo turnz up, roight? Swozzi, ye'z commin' wid me."

So saying, he slapped the Big Red Button and Da Applorz zoomed down into the atmosphere of the colony, Swozzi following while Bouns' little ship hid itself in one of the larger debris fields.

Tortuga Colony, Draconis Nightcrawlis

Da Applorz landed well - even gracefully, which is quite hard to do in a CGC vessel. The same could not be said of Swozzi's ship, which did not so much land as collapse onto the landing strip. Miraculously only four or five bits broke off.

The Goblins and their crews hopped out of their ships, leaving a single Goblin inside each to guard it. It was a surprisingly effective method of protection, much better than one would expect - leave a Goblin by himself in his Boss's ship in a strange place (preferably with all the important systems locked) and he begins to get paranoid. If anyone comes too close to the ship for the Gobbo's comfort, the turrets get to have fun.

Clap led his Goblins into the city proper, each of them carrying more weaponry than they weigh. The Goblins held themselves proudly as they worked their way through the crowd to one of many informants scattered throughout the galaxies who earned a portion of their living through Goblin gold.
06-01-2005, 17:56
Demitrus walked through the streets with 1st squad (10 Marines). They'd located the informant inside a building on the cities out-skirts. So far the only activity that the grand master had detected was a few small transports falling to the outer frindges of the town,not caring even though they landed where he was going.

As they walked in formation they came to a round-about in the streets, in the center was a beheaded statue. Just coming down the street oposite from them was a large group of what looked to Demitrus like walking snot balls. They had long ears, greenish skin, had busted up rusty looking weapons, and had very large noses. The only thing he'd seen uglier was when he'd fought Orks in his younger years. These were obviously some smaller cousin to the giant muscled brained Orks he knew of.

When they started passing by the group, one of his men accidently stepped on the foot of one of the green things. It started jumping up and down in pain and yelling at the top of its voice. It's fellows stopped and turned to face the group of marines. To someone watching this it was almost comical. 7-8 ft armoured giants standing next to 2ft green blobs. Height and power not withstanding the whole group of them looked hostile to them and some of them started arguing amonst themselves, making jestures towards the marines then at the still yelling one.

Not knowing what was exactly happening Demitrus got on his vox and called all the other squads to his his position, then told his own squad to unlatch their bolter guns just in case. Then looked down again at the still yelling green mini-ork.
06-01-2005, 18:28
Deeper into the system of Tortuga Colony than either Perigrine or Sha'Do would have liked, space went momentairily wierldling as quantum strings stressed and ruptured with an eldrich blue lightning. The ShadowDancer erupted from SlipStream and the tear sealed behind the starcraft as instantaneously as it had formed.

"We're deeper in the system than normal!" Sha'Do's comment was not strictly necessary as she brought up active shields and began to manuever to avoid the not so virtual nightmare of the debris field. Finding a relatively clear zone the ShadowDancer went dead in space while the sensor suites took updated readings on the permutations in the wreckage and the positions of the CoreWorld's ships. It took but a few minutes to update her data, and to urge a tired Perigrine to her cabin. Only an organic could pilot the SlipStream, and it left them exhausted.

"Wake me in four hours, Sha'Do" Perigrine was asleep before her head hit the pillow. The lights dimmed and soft harmonies filled the small cabin. ShadowDancer was trying a new tonal composition in hopes that her friend's sleep would not be wracked with nightmares.

Keeping one eye on Perigrine, the starcraft headed smoothly though debris field. After speaking with the starport administration and gaining clearance, the trim crescent moon shaped craft made a flawless landing at her assigned landing pad.
Newbish Delight
06-01-2005, 19:45
Swozzi had gotten his foot squashed. Then he had started screaming about it. Clap groaned inwardly, and started screaming right back at the irritating, full of himself, useless, pointless and above all irritating Goblin.

"Youz shut up now, roight?"

He turned back to the rest of his "Kroo" and yelled at them to shut up. In response most of them pulled out their guns and aimed them at the armoured Marines standing in front of them, it was a strange co-incidence that all of Swozzi's Kroo (with their rusty weapons) were at the front, and the ones operating advanced guns, carefully oiled and maintained, were at the back taking careful aim.

It is always important to remember, when around members of the Combined Goblin Collective, that not all Goblins are incompetant and stupid - just the vast majority. Clap and his Kroo - which consisted entirely of Cunnin'un Goblins - were part of the small minority, and were famed throughout all of Goblindom for the many alterations that they had made to Da Applorz, and that was certainly not the limits of their talents - as the myriad of exotic wepaons testified.

Swozzi's Kroo, however, were definately part of the majority. Thus far they had not even realised that the Kroo of Da Applorz were fully intending to use them as fodder. Swozzi himself was still hopping on one leg, cursing loudly.

Clap idly backhanded the arrogantly irritating Goblin to get him to shut up, and twirled Da Big Yellow Dial on his armour, his Kroo followed suit, and was/were soon encased in crackling yellow energy. Personal forcefields? Impressive technology for a Goblin, but not exactly the best tech of its sort. Regardless, it was very different to the protection given by the armour of Swozzi's Gobbos, which basically consisted of bits of scrap metal thrown together.

Clap walked forward, looking at Demitrus (having rightly guessed that he was Da Boss of the Marine Scwod), he drew himself proudly up to his full height and stared dead ahead at his belt. He looked up, and up, and up a bit more until he was looking at the Marine's helmet.

"Wot did yer lad do dat fur, den? We iz ladz ov da Combined Goblin Collective, not sum kinda back-aztral scum, we is Nebula scum, roight? We'z from Goblin Sitay, not some kinda stoopid Wagg. We iz cunnin', not fuggish like da bigga ladz."

There was a chorus of agreement from the CGC Goblins behind him, although a couple of Swozzi's Kroo don't seem to know what a few of the words mean.
06-01-2005, 22:49
Demitrus was about to answer when he noticed that his other two squads had entered the round-about from another side street, behind the group of goblins. He subvocalised on his vox to his other squad leaders, to keep the goblins from hearing. 'Get your men fanned out and into a good position, train your fire on the group of small green things in front of me.'

He then looked down at the goblin who had a small glowing shield eminating around him. It was still talking away in what was barely understood Common. He subvocalised to his own squad, ' When I move, fan out left and right and fill these punks with lead.'

"I'm sorry, did one of my men hurt your friend there little buddy?" Smiling Demitrus pulled out the Mellinium sword and brought it crashing down faster than anyone could react.

The Mellinium sword was an ancient artifact that was handed down through the ages inside Demitrus's Marine Chapter. It its self had legendary magical properties, some which had saved Demitrus's on several occassions such as helping his behead a Talaxed Devourer(Elephant sized organic armoured creature), and he had used many time since.

The shield barely stopped the sword and the goblins skull proved even more so inaffective.

Within a heartbeat of him killing the leading goblin his men from both sides of the round-about openned fire, the bolt rifles going fully automatic, tearing the flimsy goblin armour to shreds.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
06-01-2005, 22:58
Fenris stepped out of the landing centre and into the central square of the colony. The sun shone brightly above as it always did in Tortuga DN. As usual the central square was full of traders spread out in front of the proper shops. The elf’s eyes turned to the hills where the governors palace and the colony’s research centre. Beyond that was the dense jungle. Aside from the odd seedy tavern down a back streets, the colony was clean and a very beautiful place to be.

“Come Talia,” he said, “Let us go and see Esmerelda.”

Talia stepped from the shadows and scowled, she hated bright weather. Down one of the back streets, they found ‘The Kings Head’ and stepped inside. There were the usual clientele inside making a racket, behind the bar was a rather ugly, fat woman.

“Hello… Esmerelda,” Fenris said.

Talia stood silently beside the door watching a man who was stood near the fireplace talking to a few others. He reminded her of a wanted poster she had seen of the infamous Captain Darkholme.

“What do you want Fenris?” the landlady asked.

Fenris narrowed his eyes at her. “I need some info on one Londo Bell, aka Kip "Anvil" Bell,” he demanded.

Esmerelda leaned over the bar. “I’ve heard that name spoken here,” she said. “If it is the one you are seeking then he is here in this colony, but you will not find him in my tavern.”

The elf scowled and turned away. Together with his co-pilot, he went to search for anyone who could give them the exact location.
Yafor 2
06-01-2005, 23:02
Jordan Al'Kamor's dark lidded eyes gazed at the screen in front of him. Pressing a bright red button, he observed the reaction that the screen made. The Whereabouts of this Londo Bell were displayed upon the flat suface. Not the exact whereabouts, but the general area around. It was all that the privateer needed. Now he knew, knew for a fact, as the detection system was never wrong, that this Londo Bell was in Tortuga Colony.

"You!" he shouted at a crew member.

"Yes, sir?" The frightened man responded.

"Get the ship prepared. We're going to Tortuga Colony!!" The other man alternatly nodded and bowed as he submissivly exited. Jordan often inspired fear into his compatriots. Now, however, the privateer looked anything but scary. A wolfish smile dotted his features. He would get the $40 million!!!


The ship effortlessly sped between debris in the feild. Jordan was an expert pilot and was used to tight corners. Though debris fields didn't exactly count as "tight corners", Jordan found it easy to speed between them. As said earlier, he was an expert pilot.

A particularily large rock immediatly appeared on his screen, jumping out from the debris field. He swiftly turned, but for some unnatural reason the rock followed his. Ducking an weaving between garbage and more rocks, the privateer was followed by the space boulder. Risking many things, his ship did a U-Turn and the laser cannons fired. The boulder disintagrated. He stopped, looking around him. Near was a ship on a landing pad. A twin crescent moon shaped ship.
Newbish Delight
06-01-2005, 23:27
The Goblin's anti-otherpersonplayinghischaracterwotisalsoknownasgomod Supa-Big Captain Shield shuddered, emitting a high keening noise as it deflected the blow, sending a massive electrical charge up the Marine's blade, at the same time that the other Goblins unleashed a massive bombardment of firepower into the squad in front of them, before scattering. 3...

A few of Swozzi's Kroo were unfortunate, getting themselves killed when their guns misfired, or when the Marines opened fire. The various crackling energy shields, on the other hand, managed to deflect most of the shots, dropping only one of Clap's Kroo. 2...

Possibly unnoticed by the Marines were the compact but powerful packages of high-explosive stuck onto the armour of some of the Adeptus Astartes warriors by the fleeing Goblins. 1...


Regardless of whether or not the explosives worked, most of the Gobbos had vanished into various bolt-holes that presented themselves, grumbling about "no-guud-fer-nuttin umie gitz", and regrouped some distance away around Clap. Where there had been ten Gobbos, there were now five - Swozzi (who had survived, somehow), Clap (who was pretty much indestructable anyway) and three of his Kroo. They quickly devised a plan, and scattered once more.

One of the Goblins appeared just within sight of the Marines with a surprised noise, before darting away from them.
07-01-2005, 08:34
OOC: Newbish Delight, your dued is dead. No way in hell on a cold day that your iny shield could have blocked the Mellinium sword. I even posted in the OOC thread that that was one of Demitrus's main weapons. Its a power artifact, some goblin made shield (no matter what you call it) is gonna stop it. And more than half your crew is dead right now from bolter fire from two directions. I will however concede that a few of my men were blown by sticky explosives. But 'Clap' is dead with a cut though the middle of his head.
Newbish Delight
07-01-2005, 12:50
[[Thrashia, a "minor character"'s (your phraseology, not mine) main weapon against my main character's main defence. Also bear in mind that Clap's gear is not the usual low Goblin standard, as I have stated several times, Calp and his crew are part of the small minority of skillfull Goblins...they do know what they are doing. Also bear in mind that these are -not- related to the Goblins/Grots in Warhammer, which you seem to be comparing them to, there are some similarities yes, but they aren't the same.
Check in the OOC thread]]
07-01-2005, 14:24
OOC: Fine point, but my men still strafed your position with about 30 heavy bolter rifles.

Demitrus flew backwards, the explosion sending him sprawling. Three of his men, their armour blown open, were lying one the ground with blood flowing out. The goblins themselves had run. Quickly Demitrus voxed his other two squads who were still operational and told them to keep them cover, and take position at all the entrances to the round-about.

Grunting in pain he stood up. He noticed a piece of metal was lodged in his left shoulder, it looked like a piece of his men's armour. He pulled it out with another louder grunt and held his hand to stop the blood flow. Pulling his squad together and calling the other two squads back to himself they continued onto their objective.

After another 5 hours they had stormed the informants home and killed him and his family. He lost another two men to large bolter sentry guns. The five dead bodies were taken back to the hanger, their gene seeds taken out and put in Demitrus's collection holder.

With that done he sent a report back to Captain Nukari.
Newbish Delight
07-01-2005, 17:16
[[Bolters rather than heavy bolters? (I do play WHFB, 40k and Gothic, and am well aware of what Marines can do)]]

The Goblins had retreated some distance from the roundabout where the shooting had taken place, with of Clap's goblins discovering that he had lost a leg and not noticed. He was sent back to Da Applorz with Swozzi and another crewmember, leaving Clap and another of his Kroo to find their informant.

The CGC Goblins were now trying to keep a lower profile, with the Commodore trying to work out why the strange armoured 'umanz had tried to kill him and his Kroo. He shrugged on the basis that humans were peculiar anyway, and kept moving.
08-01-2005, 06:30
ShadowDancer noted the arrival of a starship who's hull configuration was somewhat similar to hers. Part of the AI kept continual security vigilance about her 'self' while other parts of her attended to other mundane concerns. She was also aware of the not too distant sounds of combat. A small, stealthed drone was lofted from its concealed houseing and on silent antigrav went to gather additional information on the fracas and those involved in it.

Perigrine awoke refreshed and fully rested, before the ShadowDancer could send her hologram to wake her. By the time Sha'Do had finished prepareing a quick meal for her, Perigrine had showered and changed into fresh robes. She reviewed the additional information, that the drone had gathered, while she ate.

"No sign of Londo Bell, and no ship in port that match the description of his either. There are other places to land though..." Perigrine finished the last of her cha "I'm going to take a look around." She grinned at the avatar "Sha'Do, go have fun"

The avatars answering smile was wicked. Sha'Do had been created to break and enter cyber systems, and she enjoyed nothing more than a good round of cryptotrawling. It had only taken her a week, after their abrupt and unwanted arrival, to discern the variants in programing used in this universe. There wasn't a system that she'd encountered that she couldn't have giving her their deepest darkest in no time. "Drain, strain, discard the dross, and keep the platinum....Are you still intent on your course with Londo Bell?"


"You know the 10 million NUS would be more usefull"

"Yes but partnering with him will be more fun." Perigrine looked at her old friend soberly "I've been grieving for five years. There wasn't enough left of the Osiris for any one to have survived. There's nothing to try and 'get home' to, not that any of our attempts have succeeded. And in this universe no one tries to kill me 'just' because I'm a Nietzschean."

Sha'Do nodded. In their home universe, often the general concensus was 'kill on sight' when it came to Nietzscheans.

"It's more logical to aid Bell than hunt him. He's more useful as an ally than the Helisa Corporation would be, and Duncan would have approved." Perigrine continued, as Sha'Do nodded again. The tall Nietzschean stood, arranging her headress and veil for the outing

The two departed the ShadowDancer and went their seperate ways. "Keep in touch" Perigrine sub vocalized as she tested her implanted communicator once she was out of sight of the ship.

"I'm safer than you" Sha'Do replied, the grin in her 'voice' coming clearly. "Remember some of those involved in the fighting earlier are still about and we still don't know why they started fighting."

"I'll stay clear of either group, mother hen" Perigrine subvocalized a soft laugh, then turned her attention to clearing the star port's administrative center. Once that was completed she made her way quickly towards the city proper. The times she had been here before she had spent mostly in the seedier area of the city. That would be the best starting place to look for Londo Bell
Five Civilized Nations
08-01-2005, 16:44
(OOC: Guys. There is a reason an OOC thread exists...)
Yafor 2
08-01-2005, 19:03
Jordan Al'Kamor's bugging devices had settled on the moon-hulled ship and he had listened to the conversation.

"No sign of Londo Bell, and no ship in port that match the description of his either. There are other places to land though..."

"Drain, strain, discard the dross, and keep the platinum....Are you still intent on your course with Londo Bell?"


"You know the 10 million NUS would be more usefull"

"Yes but partnering with him will be more fun."

"It's more logical to aid Bell than hunt him. He's more useful as an ally than the Helisa Corporation would be, and Duncan would have approved."

It was then that Jordan turned off his bugging devices and let them float back to the ship. He had all the infomation he needed. One who wanted to ally with this Londo Bell! It was a perfect way to find the target.

Slowly his ship ghosted down to the platform. It was not too large so the landing athorieties did not notice it. It settled down and a small ladder snuck down to to the ground. Jordan came down it and set off on the trail of one named Perigrine.
Wandering Argonians
09-01-2005, 00:26
Kelstar Nightfang rested peacefully in the pristine silence of his fighter cockpit, amidst a soft classical melody... The beeping of his messenger console roused him, without looking he activated it with a clawed finger. A holographic message screen appeared, from which he pressed several more holographic buttons in sequence to allow himself to access his personal mailbox...

'Hmm... A bounty... Basically a crude word for a contract of elimination against a single being...'

His internal speech halted as he finished the message...

'It is high-paying... The target looks like a real challenge... I will accept.'

With a few more swift keystrokes, the message screen vanished, replaced by the figure of Marake Kettich, his Argonian intelligence officer...

"Draw any information on any sightings of the man in the data file I'm currently sending you. Then have a team assembled & ready to depart..."

The holographic figure, a tiny miniture of the actual person, nodded...

"A simple task, boss... His ship's ID signature was last sighted around Tortuga, in DN space. I'll have a team meet you there, and have a landing site prepared. There will be a cleaner team on standby to be dispatched when you're done. Good hunting..."

The holo de-activated, and Kelstar keyed in the 'Tortuga' location into his navigational computer. Moments later the stars outside of his canopy stretched into lines, sending him into hyperspace. Kelstar closed his reptillian eyes once again, resuming his meditation...

Hours Later

The lines of hyperspace returned to the tiny pinpricks of light they once had been. The landing sequence was automatic, so it left Kelstar free to select a weapon loadout for his new mission. A few keystrokes on his holopad brought up a small screen displaying tiny pictures of the weapons currently stored in the weapons locker behind his cockpit, between himself & the engines. With a clawed finger he selected the MP5SD5/45 submachinegun as his primary CQB weapon, then an R93 Assassin Model for a back-up sniper weapon. The Deathwraith standard sidearm was already on his person, minus the surpressor which was on the outside of the holster. The added length would have made it impossible to draw from his semi-seated position in the cockpit.

The mid-sized Mako fighter settled down next to four others, forming a perfect pentagram on the landing pad. The cockpit retracted, allowing the overhead arming system to hand him the MP5SD5/45 he had chosen. Weapon in hand, he departed the fighter. The cockpit closed a moment after his reptillian feet made contact with the concrete landing pad. Standing beside their ships & completeing the pentagram, where his associates, a curious mix of Humans, Argonians of two breeds, and an elf. Despite intergalatic regulations, the Deathwraith Assassin group was not an equal opportunity employer. Clothed in black tactical gear that hid everything but their race, in the case of the Argonians. Each carried the same weapons as himself: The large standard-issue SMG & the surpressed Glock of matching caliber. Without speaking, they departed the landing pad for a second hanger that Kettich had hopefully reserved, containing their logistical & intelligence needs. There they would wait, and possibly carry out lower-priority assignments for the local criminal bosses to pass the time.

Kelstar was again assured that he had chosen the correct profession... and that he enjoyed it a bit too much...
09-01-2005, 03:18
Nukari sat in a lawn chair next to Selks in the shade of his ship. They watched as Demitrus was puting his men through training exercises, which he constantly had them doing. It amused Nukari to watch.

"Do we know of any new contacts?" Selks was still watching as Demitrus threw one of his men over his shoulder and then bowled over a second in hand-to-hand combat practise.

"I already have another, more reliable source." Selks looked at Nukari expectantly, waiting for more information but obviously he wasn't going to get any so he leaned back in his chair.

"So far my new source has said that Londo Bell has put up shop in a new town....this one." Selks jumoed foreward quickly and stared at Nukari.

"Why didn't you say this before!?"

"I have my reasons and besides Demitrus has put Davydoz ( onto it, he's the best sniper Demitrus has, he should be able to track down at least find Bell's lair."

Selks nodded, but didn't like it. 'Then again,' he thought,' Nukari is a puzzling commander, never expressing his reasons until they come through.'
09-01-2005, 08:02
*The ship that laid bugs on us has landed and this is the male that departed* ShadowDancer contacted her avatar over their private, encrypted frequency and sent an image to Sha'Do. Her external security had detected the 'bugging' devices and had tracked them back to their origin point. She had briefly considered just activitaeing her skin field and overloading the devices circuitry, but knew it would be better to know as much on the potential opposition as possible.

*I'll let Peri know once I've picked him up* Sha'Do replied to her sisterself as she changed course to begin shadowing the one who would be trying to trail her partner

Perigrine moved smoothly through the populace thronging the cityscape, creating no breaks in the usual patterns and flow of traffic. None noticed her as they went about their normal concerns, and those watching for such disturbances would see nothing out of the ordinary.

ShadowDancer set about returning the 'favor' done by what the database listed as a LMV-243 "Saracen". "Bug me will you!" Her hologram snarled as she set about connecting undetectably with the Saracen's systems.
Yafor 2
09-01-2005, 14:26
Surprisingly, the ship's systems were unprotected. Except for a small message that appeared on the screen.

You are now under survellience by the Government of Yafor 2. Prepare to be destroyed by her fleets.


Jordan Al'Kamor was a famed privateer. It was all too lightly, he thought, for the opposing ship to find the fact he had bugged them and send pictures of him and hack into his system and whatnot. He didn't care. Without him, his ship was little more than a robot. That was one reason the Yaforite government had started to sel such ships. They were awsomely powerful...when a skilled commander was at their head. Otherwise....

Jordan immediatly discarded his disguise that he had worn coming down the ladder. He couldn't afford having been seen in his true face, so he donned another disguise. Now he looked like an old man smoking a pipe. A fitting move to be in disguise, he thought, has he followed Perigrine.
09-01-2005, 18:22
ShadowDancer's hologram grinned as the message from Yafor 2 appeared on the screen. That meant she had entry into the entire Yaffor governmental systems. Ruthlessly she slid past what protections were in place and began downloading. *Sha'Do have you located him yet?*

*No, but give me some time. How's it going?*

*Those idiots! They let me into their entire government cyber system. It's taking a little time, as I'm working around their defenses rather than just bulling through* ShadowDancer replied as she closed the tap loop that would place any trace backs on the Scimitar. 'Let Yafor look for one of it's own privateers.' she thought as she continued plundering the Yafor's data base.

Perigrine had reached the less savory environs and soon was entering 'The Kings Head' tavern. Taking unobtrusive but thorough note of the various customers, their placements and dispositions, she approached the bar. No one currently there matched the descriptions of Londo Bell, but perhaps the bar keep would have some information. She had never met the heavyset, very plain woman named Esmeralda, but her name had been mentioned as one who often had good information, for the right price of course.
Yafor 2
09-01-2005, 20:40
Guillermo Vicente looked over his computer screen in Ajer. A red line of "intruder into the system" flashed over the screen. The Chief Minister of Yafor 2 cursed. Jumping to the side, he pressed the "lock-down" button. The system flashed off, then on again. The tracer showed a ship. Picking up a cyberphone, he dialed the number. It was Jordan Al'Kamor's ship. Guillermo Ruthlessly grinned. Someone extermemly clever and evil had tried to frame the privateer. Now they would pay. Their ship was already under surveillence. 20 Black Myrmadions rose from the area and sped away, to Tortuga. HE felt bad for the hackers.


Jordan Al'Kamor followed Perigrine. He entered the shop and sat in a corner to "smoke his pipe". Heavy smoke rings rose into the air. His eyes stayed on Perigrine. She was doing his searching for him.

OOC:The codes toe the "lock-down" system are just about untraceable so.....
Five Civilized Nations
11-01-2005, 22:02
Like a wraith, the Nightmare slid out of hyperspace and into realspace at the age of the Tortuga system. As the Minovsky FTL drives shut down, replaced by powerful sublight drives, the Nightmare unobtrusively began to approach the Draconis Nightcrawlis colony of Tortuga, weaving its way past the wreckage of an antiquated Five Civilized Nations Ra Cailum Class Battleship, named the Verdun, destroyed in a space battle over fifty years earlier. With deft movements, Londo Bell piloted the Nightmare smoothly through a gaping hole into the hangar of the battleship.

As the Nightmare stopped, ensconced in the hangar of the wrecked warship, Londo swiftly deactivated all nonessential systems, leaving only the life support, scanning, and AI systems on. Standing up from his command console in the heart of the Nightmare, Londo Bell stretched, soothing his aching muscles.

As the blood flow resumed, Londo walked slowly towards the small hangar of his ship. After climbing several sets of ladders and walking through some corridors, Londo arrived in a small hangar containing only a pair of vehicles. One of them was a custom, heavily-modified mobile suit, Londo's personal combat mech. The other was a small one-man blockade running shuttlepod.

Swiftly, Londo donned a pressurized flight suit before he climbed into the shuttlepod. As the Nightmare's hangar doors opened, Londo activated the shuttlepod's thrusters, easing the tiny vessel out of the hangar of both the Nightmare and the battleship.

Slowly, the shuttlepod weaved its way through the other wreckages and towards Tortuga...
Draconis Nightcrawlis
11-01-2005, 23:09
Fenris sat down on a bench in one of the colonies parks and looked toward the sky. "You know what Talia?" he began. "I don't believe that our target is even here."

Talia just silently stared at him. She had already killed a couple of people whom she believed were lying to her so far today, she looked forward to another.

Fenris' eyes moved from the sky and looked dirctly at his partner. "Evidently I think we should pay Esmerelda another visit."
12-01-2005, 03:41
ShadowDancer's hologram bared her teeth in what was no smile at all. On Yafor the button depressed smoothly, the light's flashed as they were supposed to....and nothing actually happened. An A.I lives at far faster than the speed of mere human thought, and Yafor's system was under ShadowDancers control. The data was not that interesting , or profitable, so the AI slid untraceably out of Yafor's cybersystem...with one small change to the out going orders. The Black Myrmadion's order were changed ever so slightly.

The Black Myrmadions were ordered to destroy the vessel under surveillence - The Shroud, commanded by one Captain Nukari. ShadowDancer had chosen the The Shroud and it's captain because she did not like bullies, and from what her drone had reported of the battle and the involved group's subsequent actions...the Captain and his subordinates were prime examples of the breed


Sha'Do could not locate any matching the holo that her sister self had sent her, but Perigrine had picked up a tail. A elderly appearing man, but he moved far too fluidly, the clothes just weren't right, and her sensors could clealy see that the pipe clamped between his lips wasn't flaring hot like a pipe being truly smoked would. Sha'Do followed him into the 'Kings Head', as she contacted Perigrine on her implanted, (encrypted, private frequency), communicator. *Peri, I hope you've had a chance to get some information already. You've picked up a sniffer, may be two.*

Perigrine gave no indication that she had recieved the communications, but she subvocalized a reply *Not yet. Can you keep the nosey busy?*

*When can't I?* Sha'Do cut the transmission and with a saucy roll of her hips sauntered over to the "old" man with the pipe as he sat intently eyeing Perigrine.

"Hi Handsome. Old before your time?" She gave him a winsome smile as she sat across from him, effectively 'pinning' him into the corner. Sha'Do liked dressing...eye catchingly, and her perfume suited her perfectly. Not over powering but subtle musk notes. "I think not...."

(ooc- no the pistol is not drawn )
12-01-2005, 10:54
Selks ( looked up as a not unatractive woman came through the doors of the bar. He was already on his third drink but he knew when something fishy was about, especially when she took a seat next to a person who was obviously in disguise. Adjusting his sword hilt some-what he took out a small spider-comm and activated it. The small metalic spider shook itself and then crawled down Selks leg and the crawled onto the floor, and slid up the table leg of where the "Old Man" and the atractive woman sat. Selks pressed his comm bead, and began to listen.

-"Hi Handsome. Old before your time?"
Yafor 2
13-01-2005, 03:26
Jordan Al'Kamor's eyes grew wary, though it was not visible out of his disguise. He ignored the other, until she grew annying and wearisome. He politely nodded at her, a vague look that was as if he had better things to do than to look at her, as he did, such as obseving Perigrine. It was more important that he found out this 'Londo Bell's' location than talk to a lady. He slowly moved away from her.

He moved up to behind Perigrine, his eyes withered and old. "Excuse me, but with the amount of strange outlanders in the city...I've never seen you before."

In Hyperspace

The Black Myrmadion squadron flew through hyperspace, fast and furious. However, a message soon appeared on their screens, they were to proceed to Azaha, instead of Tortuga. The reason was the Black Crusade by the Chronosian servants of Chaos. That was more important that some stupid privateer. As one, they moved away.

OOC:Tanera, I was smoking the pipe.Remember the smoke rings? That was a bit of an auto, but I don't mind. Also, Thrashia, Jordan is master of disguise. He is not "obviously in disguise." I don't mind Tanera's thing but that is and insult!
13-01-2005, 06:13
*Incoming annoyance Peri* Sha'Do commed as the 'old man' shrugged her off. She'd gotten close enough though to get a good reading on her medical sensors. His disguise was admirably well done, save for the fact that there are certain telltales that just couldn't be hid from a medical scan.

No, the 'old man' wasn't. His biometrics were those of a young man, in good physical condition....and she had them on file now for comparisons in the future. Now that he'd accosted Perigrine, she would be about her original assignment.

*No need to be gentle, Peri, he's no where near as frail as he looks* With that Sha'Do stood gracefully, and quietly exited the tavern. Her next stop, Tortuga's cybersystem.

Perigrine didn't bother to respond to her partners communication, but unnoticedly her hand slid into and back out of a specific, print locked, belt pouch. A fragile capsule, barely 8mm in diameter rested, near invisibly, between two fingers. Within it were millions of nanobots, designed for injestion or inhalation and when either occured unconsciousness would follow within a few minutes. Perigrine would use them on the 'annoyance' if she had too. They would not affect her, as her own inborn nanosuite would co-opt and reprogram them.

Perigrine took a sip of the drink that Esmeralda had just set infront of her before turning to the not as elderly-as-he-appeared man. Her voice was as cool and remote as the look in the amber eyes she swept over him, taking him in thoroughly. "So?"
13-01-2005, 08:27
OOC: Sry man, but Selks is a paranoid bastard, he could tell if your characters not as old as he seems. Other than that, he doesn't know anything.


Selks stood up and drained the last of his drink. Taking a firmer grip on his sword he walked back out into the street and then voxed Nukari about what he'd heard from the two strangers. Nukari would know what to do with the information. Slowly he drew out his black cloak and walked back to The Shroud.
Yafor 2
13-01-2005, 22:53
Jordan Al'Kamor withdrew his hands deep into his "old man" robe and felt his laserblade there. With it in his left hand(he was ambidexterious) he moved it, and his hand, forward. He knew that the other posed a threat, though he didn't know how, it was just a sixth sense(one he trusted-it had got him out of trouble countless times), and so he was prepared. Feeling it's handle, he felt calmer and reasurred.

"So?" the other said to him in a cool, unconcerned voice.

"I just menat's been quite a whiile since I moved here. It is remarkable that I haven't seen one like you in 40 years." His voice could have fit perfectly on an old man.
Wandering Argonians
15-01-2005, 00:42
The intelligence team had already gotten their hooks into the local DataNet, allowing access to recent arrest records, profiles of docked vessels, as well as numerous other handy things. Kelstar's assault team would remain in the area until Bell's location was triangulated, then they would delpoy via anti-gravity speeder to the site to carry out the hit. They where swift, silent, and deadly... The only sure way to survive was to simply keep moving, keeping the highly suspicious-looking team of tactically-garbed assassins from assaulting your position from all angles. The secondary option was easier to evade, a simple sniping from long range. Option two was backed-up with a footman, armed with a surpressed handgun to finish the job if the sniper was unable to aquire the target or missed for whatever reason...

The current footman was Jekel Slipstream, a competent assassin with a perchant for knives. He wore several types attatched to his uniform, which consisted of black fatigues combined with body armor of the MKIII level for both ballistic & bladed attacks. The unsurpressed .45 Glock hung in the left-handed hip holster like all the other Wraith members, the silencer in a seperate sheath on the outside of the holster. Jekel's current task was to gather additional non-electronic intelligence, or in layman's terms he was to socialize with the local populace. The Argonian entered the local spaceport cantina, drawing a few looks from the patrons... Few people had ever seen an Argonian, of any breed. His race was usually reclusive & distrustful of technology. Jekel clung to his heritage through his skill with a knife, a skill Argonians master at a young age. The natural killer instinct of his race combined with their predatory nature & senses made them excellent hunters, something that Jekel believed gave him an edge in his profession.

He seated himself beside an older-looking gentleman at the bar... Oddly, he didn't smell old... Their was a certain scent that came with age, a musty aroma that this man lacked. Jekel, ever watchful, kept his senses alert. His posture, dress, and manner where that of an aged human, younger than he, perhaps around fifty. Jekel was around 83, barely in his prime in his predicted lifespan of 200 years...

He ordered a glass of water, he could not afford to let alcohol dull his senses, lest he expose himself for a pre-emptive strike from his organization's intended target. Remebering his mission, Jekel turned his lizard-head in the old man's direction...

"You are a local, are you not?"

Jekel's voice was heavily accented, sounding like a Germanic Arab with a handful of gravel lodged in his throat...
Five Civilized Nations
15-01-2005, 01:18
(OOC: Um... WA... This is technically a closed thread with a signup... But as long as you promise to keep track of the thread as much as possible, I'll let you join.)


Slowly, the shuttlepod carrying Londo Bell began to descend through the atmosphere. As the pod's outer layer reddened from the heat and friction, Londo Bell skillfully kept track of the vessel's progress as well as occasionally firing the multi-directional vernier thrusters to make minute adjustments in the vessel's descent.

Within minutes, the shuttlepod cleared the atmosphere. As the pod continued to descend, Londo Bell quickly activated the pod's atmospheric manuevering thrusters and extended the pod's manuevering fins and began to pilot the pod towards Tortuga's docking bays.

When the pod approached the docking bays, a tightbeam communications was activated with the docking facility's communications and control tower.

This is Tortuga docking facilities to approaching unidentified aircraft. Please transmit your interstellar registration codes and the intent of your visit to Tortuga.This is shuttlepod SRJ-98912-PK4, registered to the Five Civilized Nations Cala Naval Yards. My name is Kip Bell, 2nd Lieutenant in the Combined Five Civilized Nations Navy. My intent to visit is mainly to visit some friends.Acknowledged. You are cleared for landing in Bay 56.

When the communication ended, Londo slowly brought the shuttlepod to the indicated docking bay. When the pod descended into the bay, three landing struts extended, taking the weight of the vessel.

Londo Bell had finally arrived at Tortuga, the remote Draconis Nightcrawlis colony . . .
15-01-2005, 10:22
Perigrine moved the glass away, letting the straw slide out from under her concealing veil. Turning slightly so that she faced the 'annoyance' in a straighter line, she took her time answering, letting the silence stretch.

A reptilian evolved sentient entered the Kings Head, and settled at the bar- a member of a race she had never encountered before. Perigrine did not let it distract her, but part of her was aware and factored the new arrival into her internal 'sitrep'.

The newcomer spoke, adressing the 'old man'.

Now that she could, and would, continue to avoid answering the question. Perigrine smiled inside and turned back towards her drink. Though her attention never completely left the 'old man' who had acccosted her,she noted the tone of voice and posture of the lizard headed alien- unobtrusively observing for cues to it's intent.

Tortuga Spaceport Administrative Center

Sha'Do found a vacant console in the guest facilities. Provided so that visitors could access data about various of Tortuga's resorts and other amenities, she would use it instead as a conduit into the much vaster Tortuga Governmental system. In moments she was rummaging skillfully through the system, avoiding or simply overriding the alarms and protections.

Then she smiled at the latest data feed from Tortuga Control.... One "Kip Bell, 2nd Lieutenant in the Combined Five Civilized Nations Navy"...Kip 'Anvil' Bell was an established AKA for Londo Bell. Target aquired. She took note of the landing bay assigned to him and the other pertinent data.

Running a quick check to see if any one else was cracking the system, the Avatar frowned as she came across tracks - skillfully done indeed, but not those of another AI. No, those signs were those left by the slower working organics. Sha'Do began backtracking to try and discover who the others were.
Yafor 2
15-01-2005, 15:14
Jordan cursed under his breath. The other(Perigrine) had escaped from hi. And now, a strange lizard thing was annoying him. The privateer sighed and repeatedly told himself not to get angry. Maybe this creature would have information. And maybe pigs would fly. It had been a long day.

Jordan Al'Kamor's deep black eyes swept over the lizard. "Yes, I am. And if you are asking for a mand named Kip Bell, no I haven't seen him. Everyone is asking me that question. Who is he, anyway?" With those words, Jordan Al'Kamor moved out, his old-man shuffle plainly evident.

Jordan headed out. He knew certian people in the Tortuga Colony governemnt who could, and would, tell him if Londo Bell had arrived yet. He sped his pac as he discarded his disguise in one sweeping movement, disdainfully. He was glad.
15-01-2005, 15:16
The young man ran through the ship, his sand colored hair flying everywhere as he ducked and dodged his way through marines, equipment, and such on his way to the bridge. Coming to the bridge door he slammed the open button and came charging in.

"Commander Nukari Sir! Sir, I just discovered something-" the boy froze. Nukari was standing next to him with one of his las pistols out and pointed at the young boys head.

"Jason, next time you come barging in like that I may not be able to stop myself from pulling the trigger. Now what it it you found?" NUkari reholstered his pistol and sat in his command chair.

Jason was breatheless for a minute, he'd come within a inch of death, he knew that for certain.

"I found...I found a new log in to the system and gained access to most of Tortuga's data-net. And a ship just landed, from the space under Kip Bell, 2nd Lieutenant in the Combined Five Civilized Nations Navy. In Bay 56." Jason breathed finally after spouting that all out.

Nukari nodded. 'Only 23 bays away from here, about 3 minutes walk...,' he thought to himself. He turned to the young hacker and smiled. "Good work Jason, tell Demitrus to get two heavy weapons squads ready on the double and to be formed up by the ramp, then get Selks there too."

Jason smiled and saluted Nukari, and quickly left to follow his orders. Nukari sat and once again wondered why Five Civilized Nations would want with an ex-employee. Shrugging he got up and put on his prized leather long coat and grabbed his other pistol holster. Walking out of the bridge he headed to the ramp.
15-01-2005, 19:22
Part of Sha'Do paused and sent a quick communication to Perigrine as the rest of her continued backtracking the hack she'd found.

*Peri, our boy has just arrived. One Kip Bell, docking bay 56*

*Headed that way. Have ShadowDancer send up her spy again. I want that bay under surveillance.*

ShadowDancer had the small drone launched from it's concealed housing and maneuvering towards bay 56 almost before Pergrine closed contact

Perigrine smiled behind her veil as the 'old man' left in a huff, and silently thanked the lizard man with a barely noticeable wink of an eye. She took one last leisurely sip from her drink and exited the tavern. A shrug of her shoulders settled her robes about her, as moving briskly the Neitzschean castaway headed for what she was sure would not be a peaceful rendevous.

Sha'Do frowned to herself as she found evidence of more outsider invasion of Tortuga's cyber system. A minor portion of her began following the new leads, as she noted what data the earlier intruders had scoured and the location of the terminal they used to enter the system. There was an odd 'feel' to the work, definitely organic but not human thought patterns behind it.

The new lead led the Avatar to The Shroud and a crew she'd already taken a dislike to. Commander Nukari would find his ship ...rebellious, once she was through with it. Contacting her sister self she sent specification for a specific phage to be sent to The Shroud, with instructions for it to be multi routed through several 'cut outs'. It would take them days to trace it back, once they managed - if they could- retake The Shroud's system

Sha'Do disengaged from the terminal and left the Port Administration. Perigrine would need her as back up, and besides it had been awhile since she'd been in a fire fight. Cheerfully she unobtrusively checked the various weapons she carried.
Newbish Delight
15-01-2005, 21:30
Clap had (after many arguments about directions, locations and just who the hell their contact was anyway) managed to find his contact, speak to him, and learn that Londo Bell was actually on Tortuga.

So it came to be that the Goblins scurried back to their ships, locked them very securely (Goblins are good at locks - they like picking them, so locksmithing has become something of a profitable industry in Goblin City), and headed back toward the area where it seemed that every bounty hunter in the colony was going to.

This time, however, the Goblins (loaded up with more weapons and the remainder of the crews - the Goblin who had lost a leg now on a quickly made prosthetic and enough painkiller to floor an even bigger Goblin) were being a bit more sneaky that before, with a single Goblin scouting ahead, being carefully unobtrusive.

[[Sorry about the sketchiness of the post]]
15-01-2005, 23:02
The marine squads had taken up the best defensive positions they could find up and around the docking bay. 6 Heavy Bolters, 10 Hellfire-bolters, and 4 bolter rifles armed by the best of agumented warriors were ready and waiting. Demitrus himself had the Mellinium Sword out and ready, along with his favourite bolt pistol armed with detination rounds, stood in his own defensive area.

Nukari and Selks walked into the bay. A ship, Five Civilized Nations's model, sat in the bay. A down and ramp was open and several people were walking about with equipment and supplies, loading and unloading metallic boxes. Nukari walked up to the man who was directing the offloading of the boxes.

"Hello, I'd like to speak with Kip Bell please." Nukari decided it wouldn't hurt to be nice. Then he subvocalized to Demitrus.

'Demitrus, I want nothing coming in and nothing coming out of this docking bay, order your Captain Garus to get his three squads of bikers ready for emmediate action. On a side note have your entire Chapter get battle ready, but get the bikers ready now.'

'Affirmative sir.'

Selks stood besides Nukari watching around as more men brought out more boxes, and then looked back at the man Nukari had asked. He had quick intelligent eyes. Selks decided he would be paranoid and readied himself to unsheath his energy sword as fast as his body could allow(which was eye blurring to most humans) and put his feet apart.

The man who Nukari had asked turned to him.

"You want to talk to Bell huh?"
Wandering Argonians
15-01-2005, 23:57
The intel team had a hit... Bell was in bay 56...

Quickly, quietly, silently, the assault team departed. Intel had discovered a series of covert entry points in the form of vent ducts. The entry was made slowly, unobserved. Five assassins took up positions behind dense packing crates, cloaked in shadow. Weapons where leveled at the boarding ramp.

The plan was simple: Cut Bell down as he exited the vessel, then withdraw to the staging area the same way they had entered...
16-01-2005, 04:21
ShadowDancer relayed the assorted information her nigh invisible drone was sending to Perigrine. It looked as if half the population of the colony had decided to encamp themselves in and about bay 56... However it was mainly the crew of The Shroud...but the aliens they had encountered earlier were also closeing on bay 56. It was hard to tell if they were there to return the 'favor' from the prior altercation or if they were after Bell as well.

Perigrine noticed a small transit warehouse - it's roof would provide an excellent view of both the entry way and the interior of Bay 56. High ground was always preferable...Quietly she made her way to the far side, hopeing to find a maintence ladder to the roof.. Bell's ship was being invested by a large number of openly agressive and armoured individuals, more were heading in the direction of....

*ShadowDancer when that phage Sha'Do wanted is ready -send it. Also I want a nano 'bomb' dropped on that ship as well, infect their drive system.* Perigrine ordered and the A.I. began readying another drone, this one loaded with billions of offensive nanites.
16-01-2005, 10:43
Selks felt it before he heard it. The man was still standing there like he didn't know what we were talking about. As they had waited for a reply he had sensed movement. Selks had spent seven months within a blackened dojo ( learning the arts of a silent attacker, and new just as well when one was on his tail. He hadn't lived as long as he had by not being careful. Without looking at where he knew someone was hiding he subvocalised to Nukari.

'Sir, I believe there is a surprise waiting for us, 4'o-clock of our position, hidden.'

'Your sure?'

'As sure as I'm sure that my name is Selks Tekeda. I think were not the only ones looking for Bell.'

'No shit. Keep an eye on it, and get your energy sword ready.'

'Already am sir.'


Nukari cocked his head to one side and again asked the man. "Hello, I'm Captain Rei Nukari, I'm from the Tortuga Landing Control and am needing to speak with Mr.Londo Bell, where can I find him?"
Yafor 2
16-01-2005, 16:27
Jordan Al'Kamor was in a bad mood. It had taken him 4 hours to convince the landing officials that he was Bell's cousin and that Bell's wife was pregnant and at home, and that he wanted to surprise Londo, though the last part had been true. He was now in the guise of a Professor Filibarius, who was actually his uncle.

His uncle had been an odd man. He was Jordan's favorite reletive. The Professor rarely left his chemical laboratory, where he did top secret work on biological weapons for the government. This was a disguise he COULD take, since his uncle wouldn't mind. Which was a good thing.

As he neared the gate, complete with his false ticket, he noticed an unusual amount of activity. He wasn't the only one waiting for Bell. He gripped his laserblade even harder. If what he thought was going to happen, he would need it. And he was very accurate in telling the future.
Wandering Argonians
16-01-2005, 18:35
The tension in the air was thick enough for Kelstar to cut with one of his knives... Each assassin knew what Bell looked like, they knew their orders, and their aim was sure enough for Kelstar to bet on, if he had been a gambling man...

Back in the Cantina...

Jekel was slightly annoyed by the human's manner towards him...

'Disrespectful softskin... I should flay the flesh from his fragile bones...'

His violent train of thought sped off into the dark abyss that was the mind of Jekel Slipstream, known to INTERPOL as 'The Quiet Butcher'... The assassin toyed with the rubber-inlaid grip of a nasty-looking survival knife as he turned the many methods of killing over in his scaly head, his fin-ears twitching with anticipation as the form of the old man disappeared around a corner.

His silent alert system began to vibrate, rousing him from his rather violent daydream... It meant Kelstar's team had begun an assault operation & that he was to stand by for further orders... They came a moment later. The words 'HANGAR 56' where displayed in glowing green block-letters on his personal communication device, a combination of a cellular telephone & a palm-pilot.

The Quiet Butcher moved in the direction of the bay, his clawed hand now lingering around the grip of his sidearm...
16-01-2005, 21:28
Perigrine gained access to mostly flat roof of the transit warehouse via the expected maintence ladder. Midway up she had paused for a second to leave a series of minute electronic 'sentry fields' - tiny devices that if their data web was broken by the pasage of a physical object, would send alarm to her bracer. She didn't like leaving her back uncovered.

The small lip at roofs edge would provide just enough cover for her, and a quick leopard crawl brought her to her selected vantage spot. Flexing certain muscles brought down her visor and enhanced even her Neitzschean vision. Another pattern of flexes and Perigrine was listening on the audio stream of ShadowDancer's spy drone.

A green light flashed once on her bracer as Sha'Do reported that she had found a favorable position

*Good. Stay Sharp* Perigrine sobvocalized as she drew her custom designed force lance and set it's twin out for ease of change off. Then she set about setting the force lance in it's most effective and dangerous mode. The targeting reticule landed briefly on the back of massive man with an unusual sword, then on the other armoured figures. Now the forcelance's computer - and it's effectors had preset targets, allowing Perigrine to have most of hr attention elsewherre if need arose.
17-01-2005, 04:56
OOC: Not to be rude and spoil anything Tanara, but my men aren't just standing around with their backs turned outwards. They are sitting behind barrels, bricks, bags of stuff, and all sorts of cover. So...your thing with the targeter on Demitrus's back is kinda far fetched. And hes not on the roof either, but in the main entrance area to the bay, up top is half a squad of my men becuase they are the best sharp-shooters. You can have the targeter on one of their helments or arms, cuz thats most likely all thats showing.
Five Civilized Nations
18-01-2005, 22:55
Sitting aboard the shuttlepod, as he slowly powered the vessel down, Londo Bell inexplicably shivered, some sixth sense tingling. His eyes hardening, Londo stared out of the shuttlepod's cockpit window, staring out at the gathered and hardworking uniformed ground crew as well as the presence of armored marines. Upon closer examination, Londo noticed the insignia upon their lapels. It was clear that they were not Draconis Nightcrawlis marines.

With fury, Londo guessed the reason of the existence of unknown marines in Tortuga, a relatively minor Draconis Nightcrawlis colony. Shaking his head in disgust, Londo quickly and as unobtrusively began powering up his shuttlepod, first activating the life-support and computer systems, leaving the generator and engines last . . .

As a safety precaution, Londo also activated a pair of computer-controlled anti-personnel cannons mounted with 75mm explosive rounds. On the bottom of the shuttlepod, a pair of panels opened and the defensive weaponry lowered and swiftly targeted the two marines in the open. The guns however did not open fire, but waited for the marines to act . . .
Wandering Argonians
19-01-2005, 02:46
Kelstar gave a quick handsignal as he ducked behind his packing crate... Bell was no fool, unlike the armored soldiers that had also entered the hangar. His men would remain concealed until the cannons retracted, or Slipstream contacted him with a positive ID...

Outside the Hangar...

Jekel Slipstream observed the situation through the open hangar door... Kelstar's team wouldn't open fire with that kind of firepower that close. Procedure was that he would send a signal when Bell exited the ship, so that the assault team would know when it was safe to fire. If the cannons did not retract, it would be up to Jekel to finish Bell...

The assassin quietly screwed the surpressor onto the end of his Glock, slinking back into the shadows to peer around the corner at the shuttlepod...
19-01-2005, 04:20
Something had changed. Neither Perigrine or ShadowDancer's spy drone could see exactly what but the second set of players in the game had reacted to something. The surveillence drone had caught their movements, though the heavily armored troopers from The Shroud, and their commander, had not yet reacted to what ever was occuring.

A flicker of movement, at the corner of her eye, brought part of her attention to the deep shadows outside the hanger. Was that the reptillian evolved alien she had seen in the Kings Head? The well hidden figure was barely discernable even to her superior senses and she was not certain.
19-01-2005, 07:30
Selk's saw the pod mounted cannon. And decided he didn't want to be in the open.

"Sir, do you see-"

"Yes, Selks I see it."

"What are we going to do?"

"Withdraw. I'll be moving my pieces back from his side of the chess board this day." He subvlocalized to Demitrus, 'Demitrus I want you to get your boys off standby and back to our docking bay.'

Without waiting for a confirmation he turned and strode out into the street with Selks following. Within a few minutes Demitrus and his three squads followed.
20-01-2005, 18:20
Perigrine watched as the massively armoured troopers and their Commander withdrew. The slight feeling of relief was mitigaed by that fact that the second facti9on had not left

*ShadowDancer, put a hold on that phage and nano bomb, but see if you can safely maneuver the 'eye' to see more of the shuttle.* Perigrine sub vocalized

*Sha'Do can you moved position to see the area closer to the hanger doors. I'm catching some vague movement there but the angles wrong.*

*Boss, I'm going to have to move the eye very slowly, it's not totally invisible to the old 'mark one, mod one'* ShadowDancer returned and began to edge the small drone down.

*It's going to take me a minute or two as well Peri* Came from Sha'Do, as she began to carefully leave her position and move in closer
Wandering Argonians
22-01-2005, 02:12
Jekel risked a quick peek around the corner... The weapon pods where still deployed... He cursed quietly & settled in for a waiting game...
Yafor 2
22-01-2005, 02:35
Jordan stepped forward. "I believe you know me, Professor Filibarius? I have a top secret weapon for your nation from Yafor 2..." His voice trailed off. He did actually have that wepon and it's delivery was important. He wasn't lieing here.
31-01-2005, 12:26
Rei Nukari ordered his men onto The Shroud and into space. Once they exited Tortuga's gravity field they jump into hyperspace, heading back to Thrashian space.

Hovering in space where the the Shroud had been, slowly spinning in space, was a wante poster of Londo Bell.

OOC: Consider this my exit from the rp. Nice rping with you all, seeya in the funny papers.