NationStates Jolt Archive

Murmur's in the Ice. -Trying Again-

31-12-2004, 19:23
OOC: Probably shouldnt of posted in International Incidents, heh..

The Sun Glared Down Upon the Fourth Planet in The System, This System had held life, as it was known, but now, the one planet that had born its children, was cold, almost lifeless, frozen.

A Small Ship hovered across the frozen surface, ruins of a skyscraper making its appearance periodically, the ship dipped, into a chasm, Ruins spanning across it haphazardly, the ship continued its descent, Ruins gave way to light, warmth, a few flickers of motion, the ship made its way into one of the light giving hangars, setting itself down, its pilot made its way out, its cargo unloading, a frozen body, resembling a humanoid being.

The Pilot looked solemnly at one of its ancient creators, for that is what it was, For he was just a robot, no matter how many years passed and how much the A.I. developed, they all held the main core of programming held in the very first sentient robot constructed.

Serve and Defend.

So they Served, of course, they had developed beyond any scope first thought possible by their creators, when the Oceans rose, and Froze, and the creators began to die, or became frozen, held underneath the Ice, The A.I. were left, for Millenia, and their civilization ruled, but, they were built to defend, and they found who they could, no matter how meager the amount of people they found, they continued to search, just murmur's in the ice.

But, time had passed, the oceans were cracking, becoming liquid once more, The people alive were few, but there were many millions of sentient A.I., and they served those who remained.

This frozen body would be thawed, and it would join the 400 or so other surviving Palians.

The Ship hovered once more, its pilot letting its cargo go where it was to be thawed, his ship took off. Bound for another destination, in Millenia, only a quarter of the planets surface had been investigated thouroughly enough to Warrent A.I. in Palestar Central to search the rest of the surface for the creators.

The Ship hovered for many hours, setting down on thawing ice, near ruins once more, Its pilot stared inquisitively at the object before him, and he touched it, it unfurled itself, a small beacon protruded upwards, and transmitted, a bleep calling for aid in the void.

The Creators had sent but one ship in the time they had, holding but a Thousand Palians, and they had left a few beacons behind, but the A.I. had thought all of them had been lost.

This one remained, and began its transmission calling into space.

The Pilot did not understand what this was, panic set in upon him, maybe he had touched something the creator's did not wish him to meddle with.

He Boarded his ship and began his journey home, he had to report.

But for any ship wanting to pick it up, the signal was there.