NationStates Jolt Archive

"Special" Children School Opens. (Open RP, must consult me before joining)

Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 09:52
NOTICE: If you are a sensitive person, do NOT read this thread. If you choose to read and are insulted, you were warned, and therefore merit no rights to post OOC comments concerning your hatred and anger.

If you wish to join, no problem, just telegram me with how you want to join before you do and be approved. This is only for the sake of maintaining the RP and not having spam.

You can join and be a "special" student (this requires you to be serious and not an asshole, but you are allotted to have fun), the principle, a teacher, a lunchlady, or pretty much anything school related.

This is a nonserious RP, so just kick back and have. Although it is not serious, I do ask for some decency in your posts and respect to others. Enjoy and welcome to the "Special" School!
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 09:52
Lena smiled as she bent over, cutting the large red ribbon strung across the enterence to the school. The school has been opened! Finally a place for the "special" students of the world!
29-12-2004, 09:56
The bus driver of the little bus pulled up to the school just in time for the ribbon cutting ceremony.

"Ok children, walk carefully off of the bus; we dont want accidents on our first day!"

The children, having hopped off of the bus, went along their business of picking flowers and wandering while the bus driver drove away till the afternoon pickup.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 10:01
Lena smiled and extended her hand freely to the children. As head of the school, it was her job to see to it that the children were taken care of. She beckoned them into the new school, gleaming, and smiling at them gently.

"Come along children. Take it easy. There are cookies inside," she beckonigly spoke, trying to bring the children in, much as an owner would lead their pet dog with bacon.
29-12-2004, 10:02
After spending the morning listening to raffi, Jonny was eager to share the song with his friends.

Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Banana pone! HAHAH yeah! yeah! I like bananas yeah yeah!!!!
29-12-2004, 10:04
"Heywo Wena, my name is Yimmy!"

"Hi Jimmy, how nice to meet you! I hope we get to know each other during the year, but not too well!"

"Cya wayter, donkey gator."

And the boy ran off to do whatever these special boys do in the bathroom.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 10:07
Lena smiled as she watched the children run about, some hitting walls periodically, some stopping to try and tie their opened shoelaces together.

She loved the children, precious creatures they were.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 10:10
Carla sat at her desk awaiting the students. She brushed back her and smiled nervously, impatiently awaiting the class she would teach.

She wrote her name on the blackboard in big letters that spelled M-I-S-S C-A-R-L-A.
29-12-2004, 10:11
Jimmy felt better after blowing his dose.. er.. nose; and after forgetting to wash his hands, he made it to the classroom following the labyrinth of hallways.. which sadly only went in one direction, into his class.

"heywo teacher, my name is yimmy. i fink i fogot to wipe my dose and its icky again; pease, i need water from a font."

And Jimmy sauntered down the hallway, looking a bit confused; but happy with a finger up his nose the whole way.. singing 'Im a little teapot.'
29-12-2004, 10:12
Jake Smith had gotten up early to make sure the floors were all swept and clean the first day. He was fairly diligent, but somehow had the unfortunate luck to have gotten a job as janitor for a special-education school. He wasn't looking forward to it.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 10:15
Carla watched as "Yimmy," who her records showed to be Jimmy, walked down the hallway. She wondered if she should assist him to the bathroom. These "special" children often got lost and confused walking from room to room.

She headed out of the room, but stopped with a little girl fought furiously to open the door that was painted on the wall. She grabbed her hand gently as guided her into the classroom.

"Now now, here is the door," she patiently and softly spoke to the girl who stared amazed at the advanced contraption.
29-12-2004, 10:21
Upon returning to the classroom, again with his trademark stuffy nose.. poor boy.. Jimmy asked the teacher, "Whad do dose letters mead?"

"Im Miss Clara, how nice to meet you.. once again Jimmy. I hope you feel better, so precious."

"Mister Clawa? I want subthig to ead."

After giving Jimmy his kid-tested, mother-approved Kix; Jimmy proceeded to throw them all up on the new carpet.

"Sowey mister, I fogote to chew them mow slo; kidtestes, mom appwooved," he repeats for at least the 10th time.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 10:26
Carla used the small phone, placed high out of the reach of the children, to call the janior.

"Mister Smith, I am afraid we have a mess in room five. Will you be so kind as to come and clean it?"
29-12-2004, 10:33
While waiting for the janitor to come clean his mess, Jimmy proceeded to make quite the crust of.. well.. mucus on his sleeve. At this point it was becoming apparent that he was having difficulty breathing from the buildup.

"Now Jimmy, please breathe out of your mouth; we dont want you to choke do we?"

"Do, mister; iwl twy, my mom says dat I am hur pwecius sdnot facdory."

"I wuv you mister."

"Jimmy, now you know you cant use up all of my time now dont you? I have to go pay attention to the other students. Please wipe your nose. Ill come see you a bit later," and she smiled to show she wasnt upset.

Jimmy grew bored watching Miss Carla, so he decided to go off into a corner and attempt to play with a toy xylophone without removing his finger from his nostril.
29-12-2004, 10:35
When Jake entered the class room, the stench of vomit told him what had happened. He knew he was going to hate this job. He went to a supply closet in the hall and got a mop, with which he applied generous amounts of strongly soapy water to the carpet, after which he took out a shop vacuum to clean up the water. It was quite a chore, to say the least.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 10:37
Sarah sat at her desk, swinging her feet slowly, hunched over a piece of paper. Although her artist abilities excelled, she lacked greatly in the math comprehension and reading skills. She sat, tongue out and curled up touching her upper lip, as she drew a picture of a cat. She wore a pink dress for the first day and had had black hair that was tied into piggy tails.

She missed her mother, being away from her less then hour, and she missed her pet cat as well. Drawing a picture of her cat took her mind off her sadness as she sat there, oblivious to everything else but her drawing.
Good Children
29-12-2004, 10:42
The intercom blared the following message:

"Mister Smith! Would you please come down to the caferteria and re-mop the floor? The bug exterminator left quite a mess here. All these little cockroaches -- Yuch!"

Laughter in the classrooms amidst shrieks of "Here come to roaches!" abounded, as teachers throughout the school prepared their special students for the first day of this very special school.

"Damn," said lunchlady Marla. "How am I gonna get these pans clean before lunch? There's insecticide all over them!"
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 10:50
One of the children shrieked uncontrollably when he heard the word cockroach. Carla walked over to his desk. "It's alright child, they are not in the room. No more cockroaches, they are gone."

The little boy looked to her, determining to trust her or not, and decided to, with a faint smile, as he went back to trying to write his name on piece of paper.
Steel Butterfly
29-12-2004, 16:47
Jimmy felt better after blowing his dose.. er.. nose; and after forgetting to wash his hands, he made it to the classroom following the labyrinth of hallways.. which sadly only went in one direction, into his class.

"heywo teacher, my name is yimmy. i fink i fogot to wipe my dose and its icky again; pease, i need water from a font."

And Jimmy sauntered down the hallway, looking a bit confused; but happy with a finger up his nose the whole way.. singing 'Im a little teapot.'

[OOC: That might just be a nomination for post of the year...lmao]
29-12-2004, 21:53
The bus driver, a baggy woman in her later years who seemed to have smoke coming from every orafice in her body and a voice like granite, pulled up to the school at the end of a very long day with a crooked smile displacing smoke as always.

"Come on children, get on the bus," she said and then under her breath, "Damn kids, Yimmy is the worst.. I aint spending an hour cleaning up boogers again.."

The muttering trailed off into unintelligible words only she would know the meaning of as the children began filing onto the bus for the ride home.. luckily, there were no accidents on her bus route today, though a boy got off at the wrong stop and she had to take another hour out of her precious afternoon of, well, smoking cigarettes, playing bingo, and grooming her poochie, to return the boy to his rightful owners.

OOC: Thank you Steel Butterfly, I appriciate the compliment. Ill make another Jimmy post later today ;)
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
29-12-2004, 22:12
Carla and Lena returned home after a quick day that blew right by to their cozy homes and comfortable bedrooms. (Not together might I add.... ;) )

The alarm clock went off at eight in the morning and Carla crawled out of bed to begin her morning routine. Entering the school at nine she had an hour to kill before the students would start to arrive. In that time she set out little name tags for each of the students and prepared the back of the room for a game she had planned later in the morning.

Checking what was for lunch and snack, she headed to the cafeteria to inquire, chit chatting with the lunch lady for a bit of time. Finding she had only fifteen minutes left, she went back to her classroom, sitting behind the desk, and waiting patiently for what the children had in store for her today.
29-12-2004, 22:16
The bus driver woke up in the morning knowing that this would not be a good day. After starting the usual custom of chain smoking, she flopped into some old people in Florida clothes and started up ol' Yeller.

While picking up her rounds, the air conditioning on the bus broke and it became sweltering in the hot early September sun rather quickly. Immediately the needy Jimmy walked up to her, it was apparent that the heat was not boding well on his mucus problem.

"Misder bud dwivud, I deed a dapkid.. twixes awe fow kids, Im a widdle dea pud.."

As soon as the bus stopped the kids left for their classes and the bus driver went to the back to see if there were any messes made.

"Ahh crap, widdle Yimmy weft a widdle mess.. damn it. The whole backside of that seat is glazed. JAKE! Grab the hose, damn kid made a mess in here!" she said in that gravelly voice of hers.

And so the new day began.
Good Children
31-12-2004, 10:54
Marla awoke surprisingly well-rested and eager for the second day of school.
What seemingly began as a disaster was made quite well with the tenacious and thorough work of Jake Smith the school janitor. After he cleaned up in the classrooms he can down into the cafeteria and thoroughly mopped again the floors. Then Jake came up with the ingenious solution of simply rinsing the pans sprayed with insecticide and putting them through the automatic dishwasher. What a bright idea!

Though it is clear that Janitor Jake has a somewhat sour disposition for his work, nevertheless it is he who manages to keep intact the very vitality of this most special of schools. Or maybe Marla was just daydreaming that Janitor Jake Smith might indeed harbor some other desires beyond keeping ahead of the mess that this special school is especially capable of producing.

"Time to make Jake my special peach cobbler for his lunch today. I just hope he notices that I am making this menu offering just for him ;)" Marla hurried into the caferteria to get it ready for the special kids who are on the special school's free breakfast program.

Today's breakfast offering -- Cinnamon raisin danish tarts, Rice Chex cereal, whole white milk, fresh Georgia peaches.
03-01-2005, 21:49
Inside of Miss Carlas classroom a whimper could be heard.
Good Children
05-01-2005, 10:20
Marla returned for yet another day of lunch duty in this special school.
She had a look of disappointment when she opened the employee refrigerator.
"Jake didn't eat a bite of the peach cobbler I made for him."

Marla began setting out the lunch trays and the silverware.
After a brief bit of melloncoly, she brightened when she found a note for her on the employee bulletin board:

"Thanks Marla for thinking of me. Unfortunately I am very allergic to peaches -- I will break out in the hives if I eat them!"

Marla had made the connection she was seeking -- she now beamed :)
08-01-2005, 09:14
After cleaning up several messes, which Jake thought was an understatement for the kind calamities that he had had to deal with, he dragged himself down to the cafeteria and plopp tiredly onto a chair.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
10-01-2005, 20:51
Carla heard the whimper within her classroom, searching the children, she found the source of the whimper. Walking to the child, she slightly bent down to meet the child. "Now now child, what's wrong?"
10-01-2005, 22:00
I like fishaaaaazz!!! *The child is quite for a moment* My mommy told me that I need to do well in dere if I want to doe to da school that my brudder is at. But *wimpers* I cant even write the letter A *holds up a paper with a large F on it* *snot is starting to come form the young boys nose* Dont call me child my name is CHARLIE!!!
San Verdi
10-01-2005, 22:20
Miss Carla moved on to see what the next child was doing, he seemed to be using one hand to use his chest as a drum, and the other to fingerpaint a picture of pure horror....
11-01-2005, 15:17
James stepped into the classroom. He'd been granted a job as a teachers assistant for a year, and he'd been assigned to.... Carla. He shrugged and stepped into the classroom. He saw a woman an assumed it was her. He tried to play it cool, slouching against the wall, one hand against it. He removed the hand quickly when it became apparent that there was something greenish and slimey on it. Without asking too many questions, he walked up to the teacher and held out his hand for her to shake. He looked at the hand, and quickly held out the other hand instead.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
11-01-2005, 23:56
Carla shook his hand, greeting him with a smile. "Well, hello. You must be the assistant." She took a quick glance over the room. "This bunch is quite a handful, especially that little Jimmy. Keep a close eye on them. Mind watching them while I step out to the ladies room?"
12-01-2005, 14:20
"Not a problem Carla, none at all." James watched as she walked to the toilet, then turned his attention to the class for the first time. He shuddered slightly and sat down next to one of them. "So what are you doing?" The child appeared to have his finger stuck up his nose.
Good Children
15-01-2005, 05:01
After cleaning up several messes, which Jake thought was an understatement for the kind calamities that he had had to deal with, he dragged himself down to the cafeteria and plopp tiredly onto a chair.

"Wow! Janitor Jake looks beat -- and it is only mid-morning..."

Marla brings out a cup of hot coffee and a plate of windmill cookies to Janitor Jake.

"Having a hard day already, Jake? Here dear, have some coffee and cookies."
16-01-2005, 19:25
James gets bored and decides to go for a walk around the school. He locked the door so that the little tykes didn't try and escape, and left the key outside so that Carla could find it. His walk took him down to the cafeteria, where a janitor was being served by a dinner lady.
"So whats on the menu today?" He enquired of the dinner lady.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
17-01-2005, 08:02
Finally my internet is back! *does dance* Let the fun begin again!

Carla came back from the bathroom, contemplating whether or not she had left the door open, deciding that perhaps she closed it while she left. She twisted the knob, which to no avial, had turned. Frustrated, she stamped her foot on the floor, hitting something metal. She looked down to see the small key laying on the floor; grateful it had been left behind, she opened to door to the horror before her eyes.

Children stood with markers in the back of the room; pictures of horses with abnormally large heads and six legs decorated the walls; scribbles of a madman covering their arms and faces; desks covered in stick figures where both the females and the males had penises and giraffe sized necks.

The horror did not end there. Three boys were tearing apart little Sarah's drawings and using the fragments as confetti in the tea party they decided to play out of the books that had lined the book shelf against the back wall.

The chalkboard was covered in poor attempts to spell words like the, ant, fish, bird, cat, boogie, poop, and boob.

Amidst the chaos of screaming children, snot covered desks and hands, slober dripping murmuring children in the back, little Jimmy sat still, smiling at Miss Carla as she stood before then dumbfounded.
17-01-2005, 08:21
Amidst the chaos, Jimmy stood up as gracefully as a swan in a woodchipper, slipping on the mountain of snot which covered the spot around him.

"Hewo deatser, do wo wike da pwicdure I made woo?"

"Yes Jimmy, its very nice," she states hiding her horror after realizing that the picture is half marker, and half booger. She wondered if he could have possibly.. then in amazement.. how Jimmy could possibly make all of this snot.. it was everywhere!

"Ok, Jimmy, you need to go to the bathroom and clean up."

"Weee.. ofd we go do da bafwoob.. cad I dinkle pease? Mewissa dinkle in her pands.. hehe."

You see, Jimmy wasnt just any special child, he was the smartest in the litter, the only one with a shred of sense about him.. though it certainly didnt stop him from bumping his little head into the water fountain on his way in the adventure of making it to the bathroom to clean up. On his way, he stumbled into the nurses office, and finally got to meet the busiest lady in the school who helped him clean up.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
17-01-2005, 08:34
Nurse Betty looked up from the heap of paper work she was forced to deal with daily. She loved children, but ending up in this demented hell hole, was not in her plan. She was used to working in larger schools, where she could scout out the male teachers that were single, but this place scared off any sane man.

She sighed as she heard the little bell ring, which she had set up to ring whenever a child entered the room, so that she could guide them the ten feet from the door to her desk without them wandering about.

She looked up, her eye twitching at the sight of Jimmy. She had heard horror stories of him, the snot covered child. She stood up from her desk, monitoring him curiously, as she pulled her short skirt down some and adjusting her blouse. She walked toward him, kneeling before him, dawning the most pleasently masked of all smiles.

"And who might you be little boy? What's the matter? Miss mommy? Belly ache? Tissue?"
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
17-01-2005, 08:39
Picking up the phone, Carla called Jake.

"Jake......I.....big mess. Get here immediately. These much snot and marker," she panickingly breathed into the phone, baffled, and slightly irritated with the disaster area spread before her.

She wished that a fire drill would sound, just so she could get away from the sight, for just a minute.

Fire alarm!

But no.......I simply cannot. Oh, but how great it would be.....
17-01-2005, 08:48
Jimmy intristically knew he didnt like this nurse, but couldnt put a finger on exactly why.. though that might have been because his finger was busy doing more important things.

"By dame is Dimmy und I deed cleading, pease," young Jimmy said as politely and accurately as possible.

Something in Nurse Betty's eyes screamed for help before she responded, "Mmmhmmm... well, here's an idea, hop in that shower and we'll give you a spray down. Does that sound fun?"

Despite feeling a little like the elephant at the zoo, Jimmy was cleaned, perhaps more thoroughly so than he had ever been before; and returned to class, an hour later.. happy, having forgotten the ordeal and having recieved a lollypop, but with wet underwear and squeaky shoes.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
17-01-2005, 09:12
Nurse Betty collapsed back into her chair, grabbing a pen, filling out more paperwork describing the "patient's" condition.

"What the hell am I supposed to put? Covered in snot? Insanely pouring faucet instead of a nose? Over abundance of mucus? How the hell am I supposed to put a condition for a running nose?"

Frustrated, she picked up the paper and threw it away. "Jimmy was never here," she muttered to herself as she resigned herself to the mug of coffee before realizing the snot on her blouse from Jimmy.
17-01-2005, 18:12
James finished his walk and went back to the classroom. The scene that greeted him was beyond his nightmares. He took a step into the classroom, and slipped on some snot. He got up, saw what he'd slipped in and nearly threw up. His knees went weak and he sat down in the chair assigned for the assistant, only he couldn't remember her name. Someone had put gum on the chair. He sat down hard, and the gum stuck to him.
"Uuuh, Carrie? I think we have a problem. Not that I want to be picky, but I'd rather not walk around all day with a chair stuck to me."
17-01-2005, 21:34
*Charlie walks up to james stuck to the chair and starts to cry* "Estuze me Sir, you are sitting in my gum, I was saving that for later! *Walks away crying.*
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
17-01-2005, 22:08
Carla smiled as she walked over to James. She spoke softly, slightly whispering despite the hell of the classroom, "Hello James. My name is Carla; welcome. I see you have yourself a problem."

She could tried to stifle the slight giggle of amusement, allowing a grin to spread across her face. "These kids can be a handful at times. How bad is it?"
Good Children
18-01-2005, 07:54
Janitor Jake's pager was sounding just as Marla was about to sit down next to him to chat. His eyes rolled in resignation, then he got up and proceeded to Miss Carla's classroom.

Marla was satisified though that Jake had a moment of rest.
Yet she realized she has become obsessed with him -- she just realized that a little boy who came up moments ago had asked her what was for lunch today...

She not only ignored the child, Marla also had forgotten to set out the chickens from the freezer to thaw for lunch.

"Damn!," said Marla aloud to the now empty caferteria. "Just how am I going to get lunch ready on time now?!"
18-01-2005, 11:23
OOC: Can I be a kidnapper who hijacks the school bus in an attempt to ransom the kids, and gets driven completely crazy in the process?
18-01-2005, 11:59
"Well, I appear to be stuck to the chair, by gum. I think I disappointed one of those kids, apparently he was saving it for later."
He rolled his eyes and made another unsuccessful attempt to get up. He stood up with the chair and moved to one of the kids, who was holding a pair of scissors in his hands. He snatched the scissors away and used them to cut through the gum, ignoring the childs screams.
"Finally, thats better. Carla, that was it, I'd forgotten. Nice name."
25-01-2005, 13:30
Uuuh, bump?
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
25-01-2005, 17:05
Carla smiled pleasently, laughing inwardly that he had sat in some gum. "Those children bringing gum into the classroom......we ought to see to it that they do not do that anymore. Special children and gum predict ultimate doom."

She walked over to her desk, pulling out the lesson planner she secured in her desk. "Well James, I hope you know your ABC's. That's what's on the agenda for today."
25-01-2005, 20:12
*Charlie walks up to miss carla and says* "I know my ABCs lidsen, ABC..DEFGHIJ...KLMNO....QRSTU......VWXYZ. See i dot it!"
25-01-2005, 20:23
James grinned wryly, "Its ok to laugh. I would be laughing as well, if it hadn't happened to me. Besides, you're only young once. Thats very good Charlie" He said, turning to him, "only you forgot a letter between O and Q. Try and remember, what is it?"
25-01-2005, 20:44
*Charlie starts to cry* "No, I didnt! Its pee and its running down my leg!"*Charlie stands there looking at the teachers. Snot flowing out of his nose and a little yellow puddle forming beneath him*
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
26-01-2005, 19:29
Carla sighed, exasperated at the thought that she willingly chose this job. "Charlie, go to the bathroom. James, will you please call his mother? He needs a change of clothing."
27-01-2005, 16:04
James went away to the phone muttering to himself. "This job better pay well. Why didn't I do what my friends did and go work as a secretary somewhere?"
He reached the cordless phone, but as he took it off the wall the gum that had been connecting it stretched, finally a long thin strand of it broke off and stuck to his clothing. He groaned loudly and dialed the number for Charlie's parents.
"Yes, hello. We're calling from the childrens school, your son Charlie is enrolled here? Yes, he had a slight accident.... NO NO! Not that kind of accident, he's fine. I was just wondering if you could bring over a change of clothes for him, thank you. And one for me as well please. Thanks a lot. Bye."
He hung up and walked back to the classroom, trying to dislodge the gum on his leg, merely spreading it.
27-01-2005, 17:35
Charlie starts to walk out the door, stripping his clothes off as he went. By the time he entered the hall he was only in his underware. He looked around and took off running around the school screaming. "I have NOOOOO paaaaants!"
28-01-2005, 17:54
*James supressed a laugh as Charlie went running past him*
Uuh Carla, do you want to get him?
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
28-01-2005, 20:49
Carla frowned.....this job was much more then she had signed on to. She sighed and went out to the hallway calling Charlie. "Charlie, if you do not get back here, you will have to sit in the Principle's office," she spoke forwarning of the doom that comes there.
28-01-2005, 20:55
James walked next to Carla.
"You know, I'm not convinced that'll be very effective. I'll do it."
He ran down the hall, overtaking Charlie and lifting him up easily. He walked back to Carla with Charlie over his shoulder.
"Here you go, where shall I put him?"
28-01-2005, 22:23
*Charlie is screaming his way down the hall. He is picked up and walked back to Miss Carla kicking and screaming the whole way back**Charlie starts to cry while still over James's head* "I found that Pee again!" *A yellow stream is seen falling on James*
Outer Heaven MK II
29-01-2005, 11:15
A small Volkswagen beetle pulled up next to the school. Two people were in there. A tall, beautiful woman, a secretary, and a little six year old with long brown hair.

Both doors opened, and Matthew stepped out and looked at the school. His mother crouched and pointed.

"You'll be going there to learn."

Matthew turned to his mother.

"Will I-I, learn how to make my Subspace Drive there?"

His mother nodded smiling.

Matthew waved his hands about and ra-, make that stumbled quickly towards the large doors to the school. His mother chased him smiling.

Opening the doors, Matthew looked around. His mother smiled, and pointed.

"That classroom there Matthew has some people in, shall we see if we can find a teacher?"

Matthew nodded. His mother then looked at Matthew pleadingly.

"Could I hold your hand Matthew?"

Matthew shook his head.


His mother nodded.

"Okay, follow me then."

Matthew and his mother walked down the corridors, until they entered Room Five...
Outer Heaven MK II
29-01-2005, 18:14
30-01-2005, 19:29
James was just walking down the corridor when he saw someone enter room 5. "Hi, can I help you? My name is James, I'm the assistant teacher around here" And I'm also going insane He thought to himself.
Outer Heaven MK II
31-01-2005, 17:04
Matthew's mom smiled.

"Hi! This is Matthew..." She bent down, revealing some cleavage, thanks to her low cut top. "He'll be coming to this school. He's got Asperger's Syndrome, so he communicate to you by writing until he trusts you." She then winked at James.

"And I'm Heather."
31-01-2005, 17:08
"Ooooh, Aspergers syndrome, ok thats no problem. Thanks."
The hell does she think I am? A bloody doctor? I'm a kid who wanted to make some money.
He led Matthew into the classroom and shut the door.
"So Matthew, what do you want to do?"
Outer Heaven MK II
31-01-2005, 19:06
Matthew walked over to a table, took a pencil and paper, and wrote down in surprisingly legible writing: '1001 sheets of paper, an apple, a pen, and a room to myself, I don't like it here.'
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
31-01-2005, 20:32
Carla greeted Matthew, smiling pleasently, as always and took the paper from Matthew.

"Well Matthew, I can give you everything but the room. Sorry, but you need to be with these students; they are your classmates."
Outer Heaven MK II
31-01-2005, 20:36
Matthew took the paper, and wrote on it: "I don't trsut them, and they're covered in unhygenic things. Please, I'll even sit with the person in charge"
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
31-01-2005, 21:06
Reading the paper, Carla smiled gently and leaned down to Matthew, whispering.

"Matthew, I don't like it either, but we have to put up with it. Would you like hand sanitizer? I can get that for you."
Outer Heaven MK II
01-02-2005, 20:26
Matthew shook his head and wrote: "No thanks. I'll just sit at the front. Once I have my things please don't disturb me, what I'm doing is very important."
02-02-2005, 15:56
*James cocked his head to one side as they communicated*
Strange kid, in fact, a class full of them
Carla? You don't mind if I go outside for a smoke do you?
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
02-02-2005, 16:06
Raising her eyebrow to the child, she turned to James. "No, mind if I join you," she asked, exasperation settling in.
02-02-2005, 16:11
"Gladly, no problem at all."
He stepped outside and took a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it then took out another one and offered it to Carla.
"Those kids are driving me crazy!"
Outer Heaven MK II
02-02-2005, 16:14
Once Matthew got his things, he smiled, and sat down at the front. Instantly, he began drawing complex charts and diagrams, and writing down complex equations. A couple of times he threw some paper in the bin, and started again. He then wrote out some binary coding. Then, he took a little book and a magnifying glass from his pocket. Opening the book, he found a page, and using the magnifying glass, read it.
06-02-2005, 20:43
Just a friendly nudge and bump!
06-02-2005, 23:22
*Charlie starts to cry* "OWWW, Y did you hit me. IM tellwin my mommy that you Bumped me!" *Walks away*
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
08-02-2005, 00:15
Carla took it graciously, lighting it from Jame's lighter.

"You are telling me! These kids are something. God knows I love them, but there really is only so much your nerves can handle! And that little Jimmy........he's a trouble maker. Keep your eye out on him."

She took a drag on the cigarette, taking a momentary pause to enjoy it.

"So, what brought you here of all places?"
18-02-2005, 09:15
"Now that is a damn good question. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm on a gap year, and all my friends went to be secretaries or office boys at various places, I decided to be different. I was told there was a nice teacher here looking for an assistant, and here I am. They didn't mention the pupils, but now I see why."
He took another drag of the cigarette and released the smoke in a cloud which quickly dispersed into the air.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
23-02-2005, 20:42
Carla laughed, appreciating the company, preparing for the worst that would face them when they returned.

"So, did you check out the nurse yet? She is something else. I hear a lot of the male teachers stop by all the time, but I have yet to actually meet her," she spoke precariously, not really thinking much about anything. "I was thinking, perhaps we can take the children to the zoo sometime soon. What do you think?
23-02-2005, 20:50
"I like being different! I don't care what all the other men like, I take great pride in my good (in my opinion) taste in women."
He took another puff of smoke, and gently released it.
"The zoo might be fun yes, maybe we'll ask some of the kids what they want to do?" He thought for a moment then said "or maybe not, I shudder to think what kind of ideas they'll come up with."
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
23-02-2005, 20:53
Carla smiled pleasently, shifting her eyes to the ground slightly, feeling a little flush. Unable to clearly think, she nodded her head, and lightly spoke, "Yes, the littler terrors will probably ask to go to a strip club for all we know."
23-02-2005, 20:56
Raises his eyebrow as a mental image of little kids at a strip club pops into his head. "Now that would be funny! I was thinking more along the lines of:
So where would you like to go?
Ok, and after that?
To mummy!"
Sees her shifting her gaze and quickly asks "whats wrong?"
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
23-02-2005, 20:59
Quickly regaining composure, Carla looked at him and smiled, "Oh, nothing at all. Sorry, off in my own little world, the children will do that to you often. Anyway, I think you have a point there. I will get approval this evening, and make the necessary arrangements as well."
24-02-2005, 22:27
"OK then, shall we go back to the class then? I believe breaktime is over." He stood up and offered her his hand to help her up as well. "That new kid probably solved world hunger by now or something. Better go check on him I think"
01-03-2005, 08:52
ooc: As James approached the classroom, he bumped into the door.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
12-03-2005, 20:53
Carla walked quietly back to the classroom, her mind lost in the midst of deep thought. Engaged in thinking, she didn't pay attention to the placement of the doorway as she walked into the wall.

Startled by her own stupidity, her cheeks flushed as she looked at the laughing children. Quickly she walked to her desk and picked up a planner; browsing over the papers, acting oblivious to her slip up.
19-03-2005, 11:42
James smiled and walked in after her. "What did the wall ever do to you?" He asked her, an impish grin on his face.
He walked over to Matthew and crouched down near him. "So what are you doing there? Proved any famous scientists wrong yet? Solved any of the worlds numerous problems?"
Outer Heaven MK II
20-03-2005, 14:21
Matthew looked at James.

"No, I just made a computer that can hold a 500 terabyte memory."

Matthew then held out a wad of paper.

"I rushed it through a little. I need to see if the memory encryption for subsection-A of the super drive is correct. Also, I need you to look at the binary coding. The coding should equal a number equivalent to: 89739475829873342. And also, look over the diagrams for the computer, I need to see if everything's placed right."

He then dropped the paper into James' hands.

"Oh, I need it back in about...ten minutes. Thanks."

With that, Matthew picked up his 200th pencil (the 199 before it are worn out stubs littered around his desk), and got to work on making a subspace drive.

Bending space and time is all theoretical, and therefore, easy, I just need to find a way of making the nth dimensional portal stable...
20-03-2005, 15:36
James stood up with a bemused expression, surprised to find a big wad of paper in his hand. I thought I finished with the paperwork when I finished applying for university. Apparently not.
He thought for a moment, then pinned up the papers on the blackboard. "Right kids, todays challenge is this." He scanned the papers again. "True or false, and give reasons. The binary coding equals 89739475829873342. Is this sentence true or false, and prove it." He smiled and stepped back to let the kids see properly.
Outer Heaven MK II
20-03-2005, 15:40
Matthew sighed.

"Sir. I also asked you to look over the diagrams and the encryptions. If you want to put them up for these inferior beings to look at, fine, but if they damage them, then...then..."

Matthew eyes twitched, and a few veins popped out of his neck, but he regained his calm, and smiled at James, before getting to work again.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
20-03-2005, 21:03
"Snack time," yelled Carla, quickly stepping into the situation. This little Einstein was going to be a she thought Jimmy was going to be the problem.

She quickly retrieved a plate of cookies and crate of mini milks.

"Line up class," she ordered, trying to keep the class in line.

She gave James a weary expression as she handed out a milk and two cookies to each of the students.
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
20-03-2005, 21:05
Winking, Carla giggled to James, "James, I think you better get working on that code, you have," she glanced at the large clock on the wall, "only seven minutes left. Have fun!"
25-03-2005, 23:40
James whispered back to her, "I'll just work on the assumption that the kids smarter than me"
He took all the stuff he'd been given, and after giving a cursory inspection of each, he handed it back. "This all seems to be ok. Good job!"