OOC: Future Tech Questions
20-12-2004, 21:23
Ok, I'm an FT nation, and besides having to just say I have laser type rifles adnd such; and not having to use pics from starwars; I was wondering if anyone can give me a site or sell me some ground weaponry.
If you like to use blaster rifles then i have a couple designs for you.
20-12-2004, 21:39
Actually, there are several designs for laser weapons, or you can make your own using DoGA. I definitely advise using DoGA when designing ships.
Try typing the words "laser pistol" or "laser rifle" into Google and seeing what comes up.
20-12-2004, 21:42
could you explain what DoGA is?
Recently, I created a rather strong automatic assault rifle with built-in targeting computers and constant stats of the gun and visible stats on specificly targeted units.
It uses a new type of ammo that is filled with not just gases for the bolt, but also a quick absorbing coolant to prevent overheating. The ammo is 30mm long and reletivly thin to allow more space for more rounds. Each cartrage holds 50 rounds and 6 cartriges can be placed into 2 containers that are strored on the sides of the rifle. The containers are closer to the rear of the gun to make it more rear heavy and hopfully easier to hold.
The gun can be set to either let the rounds fall onto the ground or fall into a small heat-resistant storage container where they can be dumped out later to reduce mess.
Please respond,
Commander Andy of the Andians
20-12-2004, 22:16
could you explain what DoGA is?
DoGA (http://www.doga.co.jp/english/)
If you want good future-tech weaponry and other stuff, look no further than Pale Rider Arms (http://s6.invisionfree.com/International_Mall/index.php?showforum=128). I update PRA all the time, and I'm currently specializing in ground weaponry, although my starships are no push-overs. Hope to see you in my storefront! [/shameless plug]
The International Mall (http://s6.invisionfree.com/International_Mall/index.php?act=idx) does have an awful lot of good FT stores, so checking them out might be a good idea. Good luck!
OOC: Some very good advice I've heard from excellent players is to try not to describe your tech too much. You want laser rifles? Use laser rifles. Don't make a big deal out of it, and don't make it the focus of your role-play. How powerful are they? Don't fret about it; if they seem a little weak, use enough of them to get the job done.
Make the story about your imagination, not about the coolest toys.
21-12-2004, 04:20
That was the best advice I've heard all day. I hate it more than anything else when someone types along these lines:
Bob clutched his T42 advanced semiautomatic fusion powered plasma emitter, with high resolution sight and targetting laser...
It takes away from the story. A lot.
Sorry about the random rant, but there you go.
21-12-2004, 04:24
I only say the official designations of the guns and ships because that's what the people of my nation commonly refer to and think of them as. If a certain soldier thinks of his gun more as "Lucy" than as "plasma rifle," then obviously you should refer to the gun as "Lucy."
21-12-2004, 04:30
Well, aside from the confusion garnered by:
Bob fired Lucy into the crowd
I'm all for that, so long as the official designation is short. Rather an Abrams Tank than an Abrams M1 main battle tank (MTB) or whatever.
21-12-2004, 04:30
Everything you could possibly need.
You dont have to register to post, even.
21-12-2004, 04:38
Well, aside from the confusion garnered by:
Bob fired Lucy into the crowd
I'm all for that, so long as the official designation is short. Rather an Abrams Tank than an Abrams M1 main battle tank (MTB) or whatever.
Or the misinterpretations garnered by:
Bob stroked Lucy, making sure she was well oiled, before taking aim with her barrel.