NationStates Jolt Archive

List of Nations' Web Domain Extensions (TLDs)

17-12-2004, 07:25
Just post what your web domain extension is. (i.e. ".com", ".xyz" etc.). Ones that are the same, you guys will have to agree over who gets it and who doesn't (excluding .com / .net / .org etc). The list is ordered by domain extension, not by country, so if your nation is Loserstan but your domain is .woo, look under W. TLDs are usually two to four letters long, so don't make anything like .crazyfoolzyah, because I won't post it. Also, if your domain extension has a meaning, feel free to post it and I'll include it. For example, .pc obviously stands for Pacitalia, but .rp stands for Republic of Pacitalia.

Itinerate Tree Dweller

Itinerate Tree Dweller

Itinerate Tree Dweller



.404 = Most Glorious Hack

.ab = Anubisyrria
.ai (et al.) = Adam Island
.bd = Bedistan
.bdi = Bedistan
.ca = Federal Republic of Canada
.caref = Californian Refugees
.ce = Canadian Union
.cie = Cielonia = Hogsweat
.cr = Cherry Ridge
.dg = Doublegrande
.etd (et al.) = Itinerate Tree Dweller
.eth (et al.) = Esth

.gg = Goobergunchia
.gmc = GMC Military Arms
.gpa = Pablicosta
.gta = Garnatopia
.hok (et al.) = Chainik Hocker
.hrl = Harlesburg
.ige (.fi.*, .org.*, .im.*) = The Merchant Guilds
.issl = Isselmere-Nieland
.itd (et al.) = Itinerate Tree Dweller
.jc = Jeruselem
.jew = Jeruselem

.k (.org.*, .min.*) = Kroblexskij
.kom = Komokom
.kt = Krytenia
.kzm = Kzuu Mai
.lo = Lovisa
.mfk = Mirfak
.mgh = Most Glorious Hack
.mi = Marshall Island [ = GMC Military Arms]
.mr = Moepoeia = Hogsweat
.nld = Isselmere-Nieland
.nm = Nova Mercia
.ns (.co.*, .gov.*, .mil.*, .edu.*, .net.*) = Ness Snorlaxia
.oli (.min.*, .gov.*, .fr.*, .lim.*) = Oliverry

.pc (.gov.*, .edu.*, .net.*, .inf.* et al.) = Pacitalia
.pca = Pablicosta
.rb = Roach-Busters
.rke (.sch.*, .ins.*) = Random Kingdom
.rki (.pub.*, .gen.*, .svc.*) = Random Kingdom
.rkp (.pub.*, .pri.*) = Random Kingdom
.rj (.kvm.*, .jsk.*, .asn.*, .esu.*, .he.*) = Rejistania
.rp (.gov.*, .edu.*, .net.*, .inf.* et al.) = Pacitalia
.sb = Starblaydia
.sbos = Steel Butterfly
.soe = Steel Butterfly
.srz (et al.) = Sarzonia
.td (et al.) = Itinerate Tree Dweller
.tus = This United State

.ukin (.gv.*) = Isselmere-Nieland
.wtf = Harlesburg
.wwa (et al.) = World Wide Allies
.ypd (.dom.*, .pcf.*) = Random Kingdom

Last Update: Letting people claim .com / .org / .net is silly ~ GMC
Itinerate Tree Dweller
17-12-2004, 07:38
.itd - Itinerate Tree Dweller
.td - Tree Dweller
.etd - Empire of Itinerate Tree Dweller







basically, any top level can have the .itd .td .etd appended to it.
17-12-2004, 07:53
Added. Thanks ITD. :)
Canad a
17-12-2004, 08:00
Ours is... .ca.... how creative, heh?
17-12-2004, 19:55
.srz is our nation's suffix. (OOC: It would have been .sz but that was already taken by RL Swaziland. And .sr is Serbia).

Businesses: .co.srz
Government: .gv.srz
Military: .ml.srz except the Navy, which is .nv.srz
Education: .ed.srz
Organizations: .og.srz
Information: .if.srz
Chainik Hocker
17-12-2004, 20:15
The Republic of Chainik Hocker

general: .HOK
commercial: .NET.HOK
government: .GOV.HOK
pornographic material: PRN.HOK (makes searching easier, also easier for elementary schools, offices, public libraries and so forth to block)
Military: MIL.HOK
World wide allies
17-12-2004, 20:21
The Jb states of wwa

Businesses: .biz.wwa
Government: .gov.wwa
Military: iaf.wwa (air force), idf.wwa (army), inf.wwa (navy)
Education: .edu.wwa
Organizations: .org.wwa
Information: .ifo.wwa

Thanks :D
17-12-2004, 20:39
the Kingdom of Lovisa

suffix --> .lo
Adam Island
17-12-2004, 21:10
.AI (general)
COM.AI (commercial)
BIZ.AI (business)
EDU.AI (educational)
GOV.AI (government)
INFO.AI (informational)
NAME.AI (personal)
NET.AI (networking)
ORG.AI (organizations)
SPORTS.AI (sports)

AI = Adam Island

(in rl those are taken. if that doesn't matter woot! if it does, then instead its .rai for Republic of Adam Island)
17-12-2004, 22:04 = Hogsweat, for .com. .net is just .net replacing .co.
17-12-2004, 22:43
All added. Thanks :)

By the way, (et al.) refers to your domain and the .com's and .net's also registered under your nation. So I still know and recognize that you have, but it would be under .xyz (et al).
17-12-2004, 23:56
kvm.rj (Government, also schools and universities)
jsk.rj (commercial)
asn.rj (organisation)
esu.rj (sport)
he.rj (personal)
17-12-2004, 23:57
.bd where available. Some citizens of Bedistan claim that suffix is already taken by a nation called "Bangladesh", but no nation of that name is recognized by the Bedistani government. Nevertheless, some purists insist on using .bdi instead. Note that .bed is specifically not used by Bedistani websites. ;)
18-12-2004, 00:53
Added Bedistan and Rejistania.

OOC: Btw, Rejistania, your NS language rocks.
18-12-2004, 01:38
Mirfakan websites use the following extentions on the Universal Information Network (internet).
Base extention: .mfk
Extentions: .ots (business), .yen (personal), .bol (non-governmental organization), .reg (governmental organization), .jil (educational).

Sample web address: uin.kusakalgimesibolkavik.mfk.reg
The Most Glorious Hack
18-12-2004, 07:23
Far too many to list, as people often like to set their own up. However, the two most frequently used are:

18-12-2004, 11:41
Businesses: .com.eth
Government: .gov.eth
Military: Army--> .hea.eth Navy--> .hrn.eth Air Force--> .haf.eth
Education: .ed.eth
Organizations: .org.eth
Information: .inf.eth

EDIT: forgot to say that "eth" stands for "Etthia",which is the esthian name for "Esth"
18-12-2004, 20:26

Added domain ext.'s - check list
05-04-2005, 13:01

Government site :
The Canadian Union
09-04-2005, 19:06

East Canada also reserves the domain .cu. You can add any top-level domain to either .ce or .cu
09-04-2005, 19:46
.sb (et al) = Starblaydia
09-04-2005, 19:52
We use .pca for general sites, but .gpa is used for Government sites.
Steel Butterfly
09-04-2005, 19:59
.sbos (Orion Sector - For civilian use)

.soe (Steel-Orion Empire - for government use)
09-04-2005, 20:02
.oli --> Oliverrian website
.gov.oli --> Oliverrian Governmental website
.fr.oli --> Oliverrian French Website
.lim.oli --> Limbrugidlian Website
Kzuu Mai
09-04-2005, 20:04
Imaginitively, Kzuu Mai's TLD is .kzm
Nova Mercia
09-04-2005, 20:07
Nova Mercia's code is .nm, however some Krytenian sites are registered here for tax purposes. The Krytenian suffix (.kt) has been used in place of a top-level domain here (eg. Southcove Tobacco's site, southcove.kt.nm).
09-04-2005, 20:07
.K - standard website
.org.k - state websites
.min.k - ministry website

Edit: hehe Mink
09-04-2005, 20:25
Updated. Bump
09-04-2005, 20:30
[ooc: Heh, I remember a thread like this nearly two years ago....]

Goobergunchia's TLD is .gg - for example, Wikipedia can be found at (

Donald I. Porcef
Minister of Commerce
Liberal Unitary Republic of Goobergunchia
09-04-2005, 20:35
OOC: Who would have guessed you would use Wikipedia as your example? :p

Added ya.
Random Kingdom
09-04-2005, 21:11
OOC: Is this real life? If so, and I doubt it is, then the below is absolute falsehood.

IC: Before the war on Farmina, the Random Kingdom TLDs were (and still are, at least for the time being):

*.rki = Mainstream Random Kingdom domain (RKI stands for Random Kingdom Internet)
*.rke = Random Kingdom Educational domain
*.rkp = Random Kingdom Political
*.ypd = Yggdrassil Public Domain (a site dedicated to mirroring unclassified Yggdrassil records) (For those who don't know, Yggdrassil was a network shared by all RK institutions to share technologies)

These are further divided by top-level domains:

.pub.rki = Random Kingdom Public Site (like 'PediaNet - Random Kingdom's answer to Wikipedia -can be found at (English) and (Veratanese)

.gen.rki = General Use Site (personal web sites)

.svc.rki = Service Site (commercial sites)

.sch.rke = School Web Page (sites used by primary and secondary institutes (5-15))

.ins.rke = Institution Web Page (sites used by tertiary institutes (16-19))

.pub.rkp = Public Politics Page (sites used for debate forums and poll suggestions)

.pri.rkp = Private Politics Page (sites used privately by government agencies, usually with protected areas)

.dom.ypd = Domestic Yggdrassil (domestic technology)

.pcf.ypd = Public Contributions Forum (exactly what it says on the tin)
09-04-2005, 21:15
No, these are domains as they relate to NationStates. So, really, Sarzonia could claim .sz, as there is no Swaziland in NS.
09-04-2005, 21:27

Government of Isselmere-Nieland


09-04-2005, 21:34
.dg for Doublegrande
09-04-2005, 21:37
.WTF ;)
Ness Snorlaxia
09-04-2005, 21:52
Ness Snorlaxia = .ns
Prefixes (as in .co.ns) = .co, .gov, .mil, .edu, .net, along with prefixes related to a state
09-04-2005, 21:53
Cielonia = .cie
09-04-2005, 22:56
Updated. Bump
Cherry Ridge
09-04-2005, 23:28
Cherry Ridge= .CR
10-04-2005, 07:18
Updated. Bump
24-04-2005, 07:01
24-04-2005, 07:38
Jeruselem => .jew (me me me first), .jc (for ...)
The Merchant Guilds
24-04-2005, 12:00
TMG's Web extension is: .ige

Additional (specific) Web extension: .fi.ige (Business extension)
Additional (specific) Web extension: .org.ige (Organisational extension)
Additional (specific) Web extension: .im.ige (Governmental extension)
This United State
24-04-2005, 12:09
This United State = .tus

Komokom = .kom ( heh )
Californian Refugees
24-04-2005, 13:07
With tens of thousands or more of nation-states, 2 or 3 letters is definately not going to be enough. The extensions should be memorable, IMO.
Californian Refugees= .caref
with all the normal prefixes accepted of course.
25-04-2005, 22:18
Four domain extensions:


Gdh= Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire (Government, military)
Gd= Grand Duchy (Organizations, Businesses)
Hts= Hamptonshire (Education, Government, Private sites, Information)
HL= Hamptonian League (Used by overseas territories for all web hosting needs)
Reploid Productions
30-05-2005, 07:42
Wow, been awhile since I saw a thread like this!

For my nation(s):
.srp = Shogunate of Reploid Productions. Most common one, usually in the format of
.aq = Shogunate Territory of Aquamarine. Most often in the format
.xrt = Shogunate Territory of Xertania. Usually .co.xrt format
Liverpool England
30-05-2005, 08:51
Liverpool England:

11-07-2005, 19:43

Space Force:
11-07-2005, 20:08
Elbogries is .ebg ... pretty sure it doesn't exist so...
12-07-2005, 11:21
I did a thread like this, ages ago... Most domains were three letters, including mine, which is:

12-07-2005, 12:48
Bettia's domain is .bt.
United Tribes Cacicate
12-07-2005, 13:00
Maybe .utc
31-07-2005, 16:14
The Stellar Republic of Arakaria would like to reserve .sea and .ara

.ara stands for Arakaria
.sea stands for the Stellar Empire of Arakaria
31-07-2005, 19:05
Druidans use .dr for their web domain extensions.
31-07-2005, 19:40
I'd like .hyp if possible
Kaze Progressa
31-07-2005, 20:03
.kp if available; .kzp otherwise.

Incidentally, there are 17576 possible three-letter combinations; a mere fraction of the number of NationStates that have ever existed, though likely more than the number of active RPers.
31-07-2005, 20:16
.gov.sgt (Sucellan Governance of Tannenmille Government)

.gov.suc (Sucellan System Government)
.gov.bel (Belenosian System Government)
.gov.ant (Antraeolian System Government)

.sgt (Sucellan Governance of Tannenmille)
.tst (Triune Systems of the Sucellan Governance of Tannenmille)
.gov.omg (Omnipräsent Spiongruppe, Tannenmillian spy network)
.bbq (Belenosian Banking Quorum)
.sgt.pts (Provincial Territory of Tannenmillian Saharistan)
.sgt.lss (Protectorate of Lower Sussex)
.sgt.dfr (Deutschefranzösisch Rheinland, the Global Anarchy territory of Tannenmille)

Businesses: .co.*
Government: .gov.* (only used for the .sgt.pts/.lss/.dfr/.tst TLDs)
Military: .mil.*
Education: .edu.*
Organizations: .org.*
Information: .info.*

So an educational website based in Deutschefranzösisch Rheinland would be:, if that's even possible.
01-08-2005, 00:25
Government: *.rp.syk
01-08-2005, 01:27
Kajal rather imaginatively gets *.kj. Bwahaha. Note, however, that any extensions won't correspond with the equivalent english phrase.

.ar - Tomb World Arasur
.dv - Core World Derivan
.kj - Core World Kajal
.lj - Core World Ljosal Dan
.sl - Core World Solanna

al.kj - Atla-Ljosa
at.kj - Atlan Risala, Atlan Technologies
.kr.kj - Kajur Risala, Kajur Design Bureau
.sk.kj - Soralla Kajur, Government of Kajal
.sm.kj - Soramar Mur Imperial Family

Kajali addresses are a little different than Internet fare, of course. SYSNET is based upon Subspace Transmission Protocol, or ZNAA in Riikan.

And, of course, they don't really comply with internet standards as we know them. While an address could be znaa://, it is more likely to read as, uh...


That address would also be the Kajali Ministry of War. >.>

aa. denotes normal data pathing - aaa. denotes that you're connecting to a SYSNET realm, and you will require the requisite equipment to visit, aheh... GLONET... or similar realms, to connect to a aaa. address.

aa. sites can be accessed by normal Internet on Earth, provided you have access to a Kajali subspace comms array. It does the translation between protocols on the fly for you. ^_^
Daistallia 2104
03-08-2005, 07:44
I did a thread like this, ages ago... Most domains were three letters, including mine, which is:


My first though on seeing this was "wow, somebody's really gravedigging!" :D

Mine, under Daistallia was .dai. And so it remains under Daistallia 2104 (same nation, different time).
03-08-2005, 21:54
Naleloospalakintulan web domain has been decided with the ever so un-predictable .na

If you could list this, it would be grateful. :)
The Candrian Empire
04-08-2005, 00:29
Dot Com Equivalency = .cod
Dot Org Equivalency = .aso
Dot Edu Equivalency = .ed.dce
Classified, Military = .mid
The Philosophes
18-10-2005, 02:05
Nomocratic Meritocracy of the Philosophes

General: .nmp
Commercial: .co.nmp
Other General: .net.nmp
Government: .gov.nmp
Education: .edu.nmp
Military: .mil.nmp
Present Day Comatica
23-10-2005, 22:14
.com equivalency--.cta
.org equivalency--.og.ct
.gov equivalency--.gct
.edu equivalency--.edct
24-10-2005, 00:18
Otagian Government: .otg
Pale Rider Arms Corporate: .qtz
Random Kingdom
09-11-2005, 20:31
Sorry to gravedig, but the RK TLDs are now .rk (common) and .rkg (government). The system was recently changed.
West Cedarbrook
09-11-2005, 22:14

OOC: Big surprise
Alexandrian Ptolemais
28-12-2005, 10:03
The Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais

.ap (generic)
.com.ap (commercial businesses)
.edu.ap (educational institutes)
.govt.ap (government organisations)
.mil.ap (military)
.net.ap (general)
.org.ap (non-profit organisations)
28-12-2005, 21:57

And, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but there is a list of these on NSwiki now, at Feel free to add yours there.
28-12-2005, 22:05
Swilatia has two tlds:

.swi and .sw
Catalunya i Llenguadoc
28-12-2005, 22:20
Catalunya i Llenguadoc have two domains too, one owned by catalan comunity and other owned by occitan comunity.

.ct Catalunya's domain
.ll Llenguadoc's domain


Tourism information of Catalunya i Llenguadoc's goverment

www.turisme.ct (catalan llanguage) TURISME
www.torisme.ll (occitan llanguage) TORISME

Firemen and Firewomen of Catalunya's i Llenguadoc goverment.

www.bombers.ct (catalan llanguage) BOMBERS
www.pompiers.ll (occitan llanguage) POMPIERS
Nexus Race
28-12-2005, 22:23
Nexus Race is .nex
28-12-2005, 22:30
Kyleslavia's Domain:

Northeast Florida
29-12-2005, 02:31
Northeast Florida = .nef
Northern Sushi
29-12-2005, 03:05
Northern Sushi- MyNS Network
.com.myns (company)
.gov.myns (government)
.org.myns (private organization)
.net.myns (network address)
.myns (general)

.sis (general)
.co.sis (company)
.mil.sis (military)
.s.sis (government services)
.p.sis (private)
29-12-2005, 18:39
29-12-2005, 19:35
The nation of Haraki uses .ha as a suffix for most addresses, and .gh, .com, .org and .net for specific things. Example: - Military - Government - Commercial - Non-profit organization - Network
www.thomasquinn.ha - General
Greater Jade
29-12-2005, 22:08
General TLD for Jade (Jáde) and Greater Jade (Stórjáde): .jade

Government (regerengë): .rg.jade
Ministry of Defence (fórsvarsregerengë): .fr.jade
Education (unnervisnenge): .un.jade
Academic (akademik): .ak.jade

Businesses (køberenger): .kb.jade
Organisations (organísenger): .org.jade


29-12-2005, 23:36
We have several:
.rl - main domain
.rol - secondary domain - not used much but registers on a few sites
Regional ones - established sometime in the 1990s due to the technogically advance population demanding them:
.fa - Farar
.nt - Natar
.so - Sioas
.sf - Safte
.ah - Ahias
This can be stand-alone (most used in Natar, and notably on the Natar Independence Party page at www.independencenow.nt) or used with .rl or .rol (i.e. - the alternate link to the Redmofo City football club page).
The regional or main ones can be also used with prefixes - and (* are good examples. .rol is not used in this purpose and domains like aren't acceptable - no more than two end prefixes.

*(OOC: This links to the actual RFA page)

(OOC2: May I make a suggestion? Only allow RL available ones - this would however cause .bd, .ca, .cr, .ht, .gb, .gg, .gh, .sb and .td's owners to have to change since those are occupied by Bangladesh, Canada, Costa Rica, Haiti, Great Britain, Ghana, Guernsey, Solomon Islands and Chad. It would help eliminate confusion, especially in the future - only one which could cause problems right now is Canada but that could change)
29-12-2005, 23:45
Rhursbourgs are the end taken form its offical Title - Wählerschaft und Königreich von Rhursbourg

goverment is reg.WKR
Business is zak.WKR
Minister of War is mk.WKR
Army is kwa.WKR
Navy is kmr.WKR
Airforce is luf.WKR
Education is aus.WKR
13-02-2006, 13:19
Base McPsychovillian sites use .ahp.mpv. Other suffixes include: .bus.ahp.mpv for a business, .edu.ahp.mpv for an educational institute and .maf.ahp.mpv for military use.
Drakonian Imperium
13-02-2006, 16:44
The Imperium uses the .imp TLD to signify any website hosted inside the nation.

Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
Irish Nations of Meame
20-03-2006, 23:26
Meame, Eranmane, North Cahalane, and Puppets of North Cahalane

Example Adresses:

www.meamegovernment.eranegov (government)
www.somelargecompanyinmeame.erabiz (Business)
www.anothercompanywithawebsite.eramcom (Commerical)
www.anorginisationthatusestheinternet.cahorg (Organisation)
www.anywebsitethatsomeoneownsthatisnotagovernmentbusinesscommerialororgainistionwebsite.meanet Other) (Other)
www.thesyndicatehelp.mearegion (Regional Website)

Thank you for your time.
Vuam and Isma
20-03-2006, 23:38
Vuam and Isma are proud to report that under IPV6 there will be an appendix code specific to Vuam and Isma :


For example, the web adress of the Vuam and Isma government will become soon www.govemt.vmia instead of
The Islands of Qutar
20-03-2006, 23:40
The Islands of Qutar has declared a nation code for the internet

21-03-2006, 02:33
.skb = Unrestricted TLD for Skibereen
.ifaf = Restricted to Military and Police
.skbe = Restricted to educational
.skbc = Restricted to Not For Profit Organizations Within Skibereen
21-03-2006, 05:38
Eh, why not?

21-03-2006, 05:42
I definitely need one of these, and mine is the best anyway. :p

Assington: .ass
21-03-2006, 06:24
Bazalonia uses the .bz root domain
and,,, .... etc

My Puppet Atheistic Right uses AR root domain
and the IRL UK method
21-03-2006, 16:32
Schiavonia here, with a .svo.

And our older puppet, Druida, with .dr, .ncd and .fcd. Anyone who knows Druidan history will know why.
The Archregimancy
22-03-2006, 04:53
The Archregimancy = .XB

Which is in fact the Cyrillic acronym for the Russian for 'Christ is Risen':

Христос Воскресе (Christos Voskrese)

This is one of those happy moments where the Cyrillic characters work in Latin script even though they don't necessarily represent the same sound [see also 'CCCP' - 'SSSR'].

As computers are exceedingly rare (not to mention more or less pointless) in the Archregimancy, there is no need for subsidiary domain extensions.

Use of the domain extension is essentially limited to those rare computers used for certain specific types of official communication between the Archregimancy and the Holy Empire, particularly as regards communication between the Holy Synod of the Archregimancy and the Patriarchate and/or the Archregimand and the Imperial Court.
Groot Gouda
22-03-2006, 16:48
The Glorious People's Republic of Groot Gouda uses .gd as TLD.

Furthermore, on behalf of the International Democratic Union I'd like to reserve ".idu" as a regional TLD.
22-03-2006, 17:49
The Allied States of Ropa-Topia use the following three TLDs:
.ut - for Uhuh-Topia; also used by Gnatanamo which is governed by Ariddia, especially but not limited to the second level domain .gnt.ut (which is just an alias for .gnt.ari though)
.ur - for Uhuh-Ropa
.rta - for government use only at the moment
22-03-2006, 18:18
CR Oscilloscopes
22-03-2006, 18:36
The Republic of CR Oscilloscopes wishes to lay claim to the self-explanatory .cro
22-03-2006, 23:19
Antrium uses the TLD .an.
23-03-2006, 01:37
The United Imperial Kingdoms of Macisikan uses .uik for sites in the UIK itself and .cov and .gme are used for sites in the Covenant and the Greater Empire.

Of course, any domain ending in those three TLD's (e.g. .gov.uik, .edu.cov, .com.gme) fall under the outline above.

-Secretariat of State for International Telecommunications, Ministry of External Affairs
23-03-2006, 01:40
Pythogrian sites are followed by ".pyth". It's overseas province (Mesiop Island) is ".mesi".
23-03-2006, 03:14
Since The Canadian Union no longer exists, Ceorana bagsies (claims) .ce
23-03-2006, 22:52
What else? Jonquiere-Tadoussac uses .jt as a tld. Also .iqc for it's colony of Ile Quebec and .ava for the Protectorate of Arvida.
17-06-2006, 18:05
Bostopia would like to take .bos
21-07-2006, 16:03
.sp - general
.co.sp - general
.gov.sp - government
.info.sp - National information service
The Weegies
21-07-2006, 16:15
.wg is the standard TLD for the Weegies - however .apr and .alc are frequently used as well, referring to the continents of Aperin and Alçaera respectively.
21-07-2006, 17:12
.tor for Toranat
21-07-2006, 17:15
21-07-2006, 17:27

except government departments which are .gov.mai
The Island of Ishtar
21-07-2006, 22:32
The Island of Ishtar uses the following tld: .ish
San Haven
21-07-2006, 23:02
.sh (.edu *.gov*.org & .net)

There are many other extensions out there in San Haven, but only the 5 above are used the most & are official!
Damned PoPer
05-07-2007, 15:21
Damned PoPer - .pop
Brutland and Norden
05-07-2007, 20:20
Brutland and Norden uses .nem (the Nord-Brutlandese name of the country; Norden e Marchòbrutellia).

Second-level domains should be used: (online selling place) (official website of the Nord-Brutlandese Air Force) (official website of the grant government of Borcenna) (official website of the Royal University of Brutland and Norden) (website of the Brutland Historical Society)
05-07-2007, 21:28
Our small nation doesn't fully utilize the world wide web at this time, but we would like to reserve for ourselves in the future the extension .prot for the Protectorate.
British Londinium
05-07-2007, 21:30
.bl (*.com, *.gov, *.net, *.edu, *.org, *.mil, etc)
05-07-2007, 21:56
I don't think this is being updated...

You can list your nation's TLD here (, however.
05-07-2007, 22:11
I don't think this is being updated...

You can list your nation's TLD here (, however.

Notwithstanding the above, the Commission for the Decision of a Recommendation Regarding the Temurdian Top Level Domain has in its final report recommended that The Federation of Temurdia adopts the use of the domain *.tem - may it thus be.

- The Temurdian Secretary of Communication and Oatmeal Mining.
British Londinium
05-07-2007, 22:16
I don't think this is being updated...

You can list your nation's TLD here (, however.

I would, but...can't.
05-07-2007, 22:19
I would, but...can't.

Ah, but that is surely because the server is being painted yellow as we speak.
06-07-2007, 00:10
General - *.bom
Military - *
Government - *
Education - *
Organisations - *
Bomblean Information Service - *
06-07-2007, 00:13
General - *.bom
Military - *
Government - *
Education - *
Organisations - *
Bomblean Information Service - *
Mad Chester
06-07-2007, 01:09
Mad Chester claims the suffix .mad

We've already got a sizable revenue stream from foreign webmasters wanting the suffix for their clever web addresses, like goingbloody.mad, starkraving.mad, magazine.mad and no.mad.
06-07-2007, 01:19
Our suffix is .ov ... not as lucrative as .mad, but we have many Russian clients at least, like sakhar.ov and kaspar.ov.
06-07-2007, 02:26

or for government sites...

06-07-2007, 03:13
The TLD for Cookesland is .csl (
06-07-2007, 03:21
.ine ( is Erusea's TLD...
06-07-2007, 05:42
The Internet country code top-level domain is .xn for Xirnium.
25-08-2008, 19:06
Punckeds have .pun
.(everythink what domain user want).pun
25-08-2008, 19:19
.uir is mine. Often preceded by .com. , .org. , or .gov. I will settle for .ui if I must.
25-08-2008, 19:26
.ken is Kenavtan.


West Zirconia
27-08-2008, 00:02
It could only be:


Still, the meeting that decided this lasted thirteen hours, by which time the tea-lady had negotiated enough overtime to afford to go to Candelaria for her holidays.
Blouman Empire
27-08-2008, 14:59
Blouman Empire: .be

The respective nations that make the Empire

Braxon: .br
East Bloumany: .eby
Eastern Bloumany: .eb
Fraycrant: .fy
Holchmain: .hm
North Braxon: .nb
New Regarmar: .nr
Promdrania: .pa
Regarmar: .rr
Truingren: .tn
Upper Braxon: .ub
Wedrom: .wm

While no longer offically a nation some websites still have this TLD in their address

Lower Wedrom: .lw
27-08-2008, 23:54
The Republic of Neo-Celts are proud to announce that our new ICC is
28-08-2008, 03:29

13-01-2009, 15:04


which is short for arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhh me hearties
13-01-2009, 16:42
Ours is .bip, named after our highly-developed region, The BIP.
Esperantujo 2
13-01-2009, 22:21
reg.eo2 (central government)
urb.eo2 (local government)
org.eo2 (mass organisations and political parties)
kos.eo2 (Space Program)
tur.eo2 (hotels and tourism)
hom.eo2 (miscelleaneous)
ler.eo2 (schools)
uni.eo2 (universities)
14-01-2009, 01:57
As a hangover from a recent regime, a few .ws domains still exist in Krytenia (mainly those registered in Starblaydia).
Fujisawan Territories
14-01-2009, 02:56
Fujisawan Territories

.uti.fjt (public utilities)
.iwo.fjt (Island of Iwosaka official use)
.sap.fjt (Island of Sapsaki official use)
.san.fjt (Island of Sanawa official use)
.aki.fjt (Island of Akihiro official use)
.oka.fjt (Island of Okazaki official use)
.jok.fjt (Island of Jokata official use)
.nar.fjt (Island of Narasaka official use)
14-01-2009, 03:37
Lurikastan: .lur

The Yorozuya: .ty

West Lurikastan: .wlur
14-01-2009, 12:05
Bazalonia Web Addresses...

National Root Domain: .bz
Iglesian Archipelago
14-01-2009, 22:17
Second level domains:


The TLD .ig was introduced in 1985, it's active, it's intended on the Iglesian websites, very popular in the Iglesian Archipelago, and there's no registration restriction, since it's free to register on a .ig site. Private citizens may register second level domains or, if they prefer, third level domains.

.ig stands for Iglésias, the simple name for Iglesian Archipelago.
Kingsley Bedford
15-01-2009, 12:18

government kingsley bedford


udr representitive offices (our region)
Edward City
16-01-2009, 06:57
Edward City: .edc

Second level domains:

* .com.edc - open to all applicants (intended for commercial entities)
* .nom.edc - open to all applicants (intended for personal names)
* .org.edc - open to all applicants (intended for noncommercial organizations)
* .gov.edc - for governmental entities
* .edu.edc - for educational institutions
17-01-2009, 08:21
.qzx for all but goverment sites
.qgv for Qazoxian goverment sites
18-01-2009, 05:14