14-12-2004, 11:46
"I'm Bob O'Riely with Channel 4 News in the streets of Thrashia as all the citizens have come out to enjoy and cheer for the Emperor's birthday, and boy what a celebration-" Alabar turned off the screen and walked into Emperor Shadaum's study.
"My Lord, I am here to ask you to come and let me and your staff present you with your birthday present." Alabar saluted smartly. Shadaum looked up from his work and leaned back in his chair. Besides being of old age the Emperor still looked remarkably younger, almost 40 looking, which belied his old age entirely.
"O yes, I nearly forgot again. Its my birthday," Shadaum said, he gave a small smile.
"Sir, if you'll follow me I will take you to the veiwing platform." leading the way out of the study, past the Hall of Heroes, through the Throne Room, and onto a small platform that looked over a 20 mile area where citizens came for speeches or ceremonial occaisions took place. There already on the platform was Shadaums military staff. General Dankin (Infantry), Colonel Veers (Intelligence), Haut Hoffeilman (Secret Police), Vice Admiral Jurgen (2nd Mobilized Fleet). General Dankin stepped foreward and saluted. "Sir, for your birthday your staff along with the help of Admiral Alabar have made for you as a present a new grand army." Shadaum stepped up to the edge of the veiwing platform. The sight took his breathe away.
Regiment after regiement were stepping of their ships ( Marching in perfect cadence into files ( Already what looked like several hundred thousand where standing at attention ( The sight ( was indeed breathe taking.
Shadaum found his voice. "Were did you get such troops?" Alabar stepped up next to the Emperor.
"They are clones my Emperor, we took the fittest of the fittest of Thrashia's male population and took his DNA. With the help of my team of scientists we were able to create identicle clones, but even more enhanced for comabt, utmost loyal to the Emperor, trained in combat thinking, enough freedom of thought to adapt to changes in a battle, they are the ultimate army sire." Alabar smiled with pride as he described his creation. "With these clones sire we can have all our normal legions of men trained for the fleets, and let ground fighting to these clones as well as our battle droids. We are already in the process of making a clone from the DNA of our best fighter pilot in the fleet for improving pilots."
"How many have we here?"
"Here are assembled the first of many, 500,000 total." I already have cloning facilities ( set up all over the face of Planet Thrashia as well as in Space Station Crusader were from each one some 50,000 can be made each month. Each clone is fully developed within 9 weeks where they would stopp at "age" 23, which my scientists assured was the opptimum age of ability. Through their growing period all sorts of military training and tactics are drilled into them, some are selected for command training as well. At the moment though they are delegated to General Dankin who is incharge of all Thrashian ground forces."
Shadaum smiled...yes, he thought, this is my dream....soon...very soon..others will be relized as well. "Generals, Admirals, Haut and Colonel. I wish to express my greet like for the gift you have given me. We have some 80,000 battle droids correct?" Alabar nodded. "Then I wish for thier production to stop at once, send what materials were being used for them to the shipyards. I want those 80,000 installed as police forces for this city, I am now also disbanding half the Shock Trooper legions now to be sent back to training for space combat at once, and I am promoting each of you, Grand Admiral Alabar, Major General Dankin, General Veers, Haut Hoffeilman your funding will be increased, and Admiral Jurgen. I am glad for your inspiration and inventiveness. Now build me an army such as this world as ever seen!" Shadaum was elated by ideas coming through his mind of the possibilities. Once more he looked out over the now assembled troops. "TROOPS! TODAY IS ANOTHER GREAT DAY FOR THRASHIA!" Not a single clone soldier cheered, then as one they saluted. Alabar and the rest of the staff stood back happy with their promotions and glad to see the provesionalism of the clone army of not cheering like normal soldiers would.
"My Lord, I am here to ask you to come and let me and your staff present you with your birthday present." Alabar saluted smartly. Shadaum looked up from his work and leaned back in his chair. Besides being of old age the Emperor still looked remarkably younger, almost 40 looking, which belied his old age entirely.
"O yes, I nearly forgot again. Its my birthday," Shadaum said, he gave a small smile.
"Sir, if you'll follow me I will take you to the veiwing platform." leading the way out of the study, past the Hall of Heroes, through the Throne Room, and onto a small platform that looked over a 20 mile area where citizens came for speeches or ceremonial occaisions took place. There already on the platform was Shadaums military staff. General Dankin (Infantry), Colonel Veers (Intelligence), Haut Hoffeilman (Secret Police), Vice Admiral Jurgen (2nd Mobilized Fleet). General Dankin stepped foreward and saluted. "Sir, for your birthday your staff along with the help of Admiral Alabar have made for you as a present a new grand army." Shadaum stepped up to the edge of the veiwing platform. The sight took his breathe away.
Regiment after regiement were stepping of their ships ( Marching in perfect cadence into files ( Already what looked like several hundred thousand where standing at attention ( The sight ( was indeed breathe taking.
Shadaum found his voice. "Were did you get such troops?" Alabar stepped up next to the Emperor.
"They are clones my Emperor, we took the fittest of the fittest of Thrashia's male population and took his DNA. With the help of my team of scientists we were able to create identicle clones, but even more enhanced for comabt, utmost loyal to the Emperor, trained in combat thinking, enough freedom of thought to adapt to changes in a battle, they are the ultimate army sire." Alabar smiled with pride as he described his creation. "With these clones sire we can have all our normal legions of men trained for the fleets, and let ground fighting to these clones as well as our battle droids. We are already in the process of making a clone from the DNA of our best fighter pilot in the fleet for improving pilots."
"How many have we here?"
"Here are assembled the first of many, 500,000 total." I already have cloning facilities ( set up all over the face of Planet Thrashia as well as in Space Station Crusader were from each one some 50,000 can be made each month. Each clone is fully developed within 9 weeks where they would stopp at "age" 23, which my scientists assured was the opptimum age of ability. Through their growing period all sorts of military training and tactics are drilled into them, some are selected for command training as well. At the moment though they are delegated to General Dankin who is incharge of all Thrashian ground forces."
Shadaum smiled...yes, he thought, this is my dream....soon...very soon..others will be relized as well. "Generals, Admirals, Haut and Colonel. I wish to express my greet like for the gift you have given me. We have some 80,000 battle droids correct?" Alabar nodded. "Then I wish for thier production to stop at once, send what materials were being used for them to the shipyards. I want those 80,000 installed as police forces for this city, I am now also disbanding half the Shock Trooper legions now to be sent back to training for space combat at once, and I am promoting each of you, Grand Admiral Alabar, Major General Dankin, General Veers, Haut Hoffeilman your funding will be increased, and Admiral Jurgen. I am glad for your inspiration and inventiveness. Now build me an army such as this world as ever seen!" Shadaum was elated by ideas coming through his mind of the possibilities. Once more he looked out over the now assembled troops. "TROOPS! TODAY IS ANOTHER GREAT DAY FOR THRASHIA!" Not a single clone soldier cheered, then as one they saluted. Alabar and the rest of the staff stood back happy with their promotions and glad to see the provesionalism of the clone army of not cheering like normal soldiers would.