NationStates Jolt Archive

Nactal Rising [FT, Semi-open]

13-12-2004, 06:48
Nactal has always been a nice planet; its soft pinkish blue skies wiped with white smears of cloud always left an impression on the many offworlders I’d met. From its vast oceans to its snowy peaks nestled within Terran Pine forests, Nactal is truly one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. The tranquility and beauty of this place had endured through planetary wars and an imperial takeover. No one would expect the thing that would shatter that tranquility forever to come from those who claimed to love Nactal the most.

The Penguenians had come twelve years ago and invited us into their Empire, and offered my father – then the elected Administrator of Nactal - a Patents of Nobility if he surrendered the world willingly to Imperial rule. No one really wanted to swear fealty to their Emperor – Raziel – but father didn’t have very much of a choice; all he could think of was the wellbeing of his people. Although many voices cried out to resist and have our world die in a blaze of glory and defiance, or more appropriately from the Penguenian’s Atomic Destabilizing Flux-Arc Cannons, he surrendered to them. At that moment he ceased to be Administrator Urilean Yore and became His Imperial Magistrate Urilean Yore, Duke of Nactal, Under-Protector of the Nactal system.

Over the years to follow, most Nactalians came to admit that the admission into the Penguenian Dominion had turned out for the better. They had increased the standard of living for the lower and middle classes significantly, provided free healthcare to all, started massive public works projects, and numerous other things. However, their most gracious gift was an autonomous self defense fleet of two hundred ships; a unique, majestic fleet commissioned specifically for the protection of the Nactal system. The unfortunate thing was, though, only most Nactalians accepted the Penguenians, and most is defiantly not all.

Former Vice-Administrator Victor Pinde, a fat little man who had been my father’s friend since they were students in the same university, had also been offered a Patents of Nobility when the Penguenians came. Although he and my father were the best of friends they disagreed on how to best protect the people. Disagreements were usually welcome between the two, they felt they provided each other balance on critical issues, but this time the disagreement was far too serious to simply come to a middle ground on. Victor refused the patents, and continued to call for the “great struggle” to continue and that he wouldn’t turn away from the people of Nactal in this “time of need.” He was ordered to be executed by the leader of the Penguenian temporary authority under one Grand Admiral Nicholas Myers, but my father pardoned him upon his ascension to nobility. The last words spoken between the two amidst stern and shameful tears were, “You should have let them kill me, my greatest friend,” and, “This I know, but my heart would never allow it.”

My father paid with his life, and damned the lives of billions of Penguenians and Nactalians, all for his mistake of allowing his ‘greatest friend’ to live. Nactal didn’t deserve what would happen from this seemingly insignificant act of kindness, but the events would happen regardless. I am Viscountess Elirea Yore, and this is the story of Nactal’s End.

OOC: After I get the groundwork laid out, this will become open by request. I will put a note after the first few posts are made that the RP has become open, then TG me with a character you'd like to play. Your character can be a hero and do all that cool heroic stuff, but nothing will change the outcome of my story. If no one shows interest in RP, I'll continue the story anyway for my own satisfaction. All of this is subject to change though.
15-12-2004, 06:44
Nactalian Fleet Completion Celebration
The Imperial Ministry Building
Deltann, planetary capital of Nactal
7:31:42 PM, Day 15, Month 4, Imperial Standard Year 863

“... and this day marks a great turning point in Nactal’s history, my friends!” continued Urilean Yore energetically from the podium on the stage erected in the massive threshold hall of the Imperial Ministry building. Through the vaulted glass ceiling the countless stars of the heavens’ field shown down brilliantly upon hundreds of dignitaries, officials, and Nactalian elite who filled the room, seated around large tables with the finest settings in the galaxy. “Today Nactal’s fleet has been completed and commissioned and today we can finally claim our rightful place as one of the official nations of the Penguenian Dominion!” Outside the building, millions of Nactalians cheered their leader as they watched him upon the massive screens put up for this occasion. Multicolored lights placed around Deltann’s white buildings emphasized the crowd’s excitement as they changed hue with the deafening roar of the citizenry.

Beneath the streets, countless more toiled against time, carefully placing explosive charges on the low ceilings of Deltann’s ancient, derelict aqueducts. There was no cheering below, only silence, aside from the vibrations of the multitudes above. These were the men and women of the Black Dusk – a revolutionary group on Nactal – whom had planned for this night for the twelve long years since the Penguenians had defiled their precious planet, and society.

Yore’s grandiose address to his people continued uninterrupted, while the Nactalian and Penguenian fleets watched from above. All two hundred Nactalian vessels were complete, and magnificent ships they were. Armed with the latest Penguenian technology, even their makers would have a hard time defeating them.

Grand Admiral Nicholas Myers, who had commanded the invasion force and administrated the occupation of Nactal, had already signed the documents officially admitting Nactal into the Dominion. He had always hated admitting new planets into his Emperor’s domain. Filth is the only word he used to describe non-Penguenian humans, although he always showed them the utmost respect in their presence. Accompanying his stay had been a small contingent of Penguenian warships that included two carriers, many destroyers, as well as a single dreadnought. Myers found it unfortunate that they didn’t have to be used once throughout the Imperialization. All that he could think of as he stood on the command deck overlooking the beautiful planet below was the Penguenian fleet’s departure in four hours.

“... and that, my friends, is why we must stay united,” Yore concluded somberly. The crowds inside the Ministry as well as in the streets began with a hearty applause. That applause quickly escalated into a massive uproar of joy and pride; pride in their planet and pride in their people for coming this far in the galaxy. Before the Penguenians came all Nactal had been was a backwater world on the edge of known space, now the system had become a sprawling trade hub where beings from across the universe came to vacation, do business, and stage for exploration into the uncharted regions of the Great Abyss.

The screens high above the streets faded from the camera fixed on Duke Yore to the symbol of Nactal, with the Imperial seal embellished upon its center. The citizens below still cheered and some began to dance, gossip, and order the free food that was being distributed from the many celebratory kiosks that the Penguenians had provided for the occasion. Inside the Ministry the Penguenian Honor Guard symphony began to play the Nactalian Planetary Serenade ( for the honored dignitaries, and for all those outside to celebrate to the tune of. Unfortunately for all in Deltann, this was the event that had been chosen by Victor Pinde to signal the beginning of what would become known as the Night of the Black Dusk.
15-12-2004, 07:01
There was a part of me that felt that I should be celebrating with the rest of my fellow Nactalians, rather than pretending while my comrades in arms did the same so that those below were assured secrecy. Secrecy was always the most important thing, but after that night we wouldn’t have to remain secret anymore.

One thing I remember most about that night was that the Penguenians threw a damn good party for all of us ‘loyal citizens of the Dominion.’ They served finest foods, drinks and had the coolest trinkets, all for free. They made the beautiful white city of Deltann even more beautiful. It almost made me think twice about being a member of the Black Dusk – almost. General Pinde made sure we all knew that all of it was just a vein attempt to turn ‘dissenters’ into their lapdogs. So? Where do you want me to start? Ah! I know. I was in the streets of Deltann, amidst the great celebration...

Nactalian Fleet Completion Celebration
Near the Imperial Ministry Building
Deltann, planetary capital of Nactal
9:08:29 PM, Day 15, Month 4, Imperial Standard Year 863

“Remmy!” called a familiar voice through the crowd, “Over here, Remmy!”

My name. Someone was calling my name. I looked to either side of me through the masses of celebrators, but I couldn’t match the voice to any face.

“Hey Rem!” cut another familiar voice cut through the noises of the celebration, “Turn around, you shakka!”

I smiled and turned on a heel. There, as I expected were Izak and Iilly smiling back... in the uniform of an Nactalian Naval Defence recruit. The few seconds of joy from seeing my oldest friends was quickly ruined by that detail.

I had known Izak and Iilly since we were all six years old, now all nineteen we attended the University of Deltann together. Izak had always been the leader of our triad, tall and handsome he’d won Iilly’s heart before me, but I never held it against him. Then there was Iilly, sweet Iilly, that girl had it all; looks, smarts, wit... Izak and I had always constantly competed for her attention, and she knew it. It was kind of like a game between us all.

“What’s with the uniforms?” I asked, hoping the answer was different than what I knew it would be.

Iilly giggled, “That’s a silly question Remmy, I think you know the answer.”

“Yeah, Rem, you should jo-“ Izak began, rethinking his words as Iilly nudged him, “Ehh... let’s go see the Imperial Ministry and listen to the Duke’s final speech of the night,” he continued, adding, “Oh and we hear it has the best shakking* decorations, food, and all that good stuff, and the Penguenian Colonial Marines are guarding it to boot!”

“All right,” I replied, “I’ve never seen a Penguenian hag**, and I’d like to see one before they’re out of here.”

Izak glared at me for a few moments before Iilly piped up again, she always knew how to break icy situations, “You know, Remmy, I hear they’re even more beautiful than me,” a wicked smile appearing on her face as she said it.

“Bah! We all know that’s not true, right Iz?” I snapped cheerfully as I began to walk in the direction of the Ministry, Iz and Iilly at my heels.

“Right, Rem,” he paused, “Just try to lay off the Penguenians, you know they’ve done this planet good.”

“Whatever, Iz, whatever.”

... and so we walked to the Ministry building. I recall hoping to get to throw some food at one of the Penguenians, or insult them in some great way, but I never did. The three of us just kinda reminisced about all the good times we’d had, had our own little celebration that all of us could enjoy. They knew I was in the Black Dusk, and I knew that they hated me for it, but for those fifteen minutes or so, we were the best of friends again. It wouldn’t last though... because they’d die soon. I’ll tell you about it some other time, okay? Now get out of here, you annoying little shakk, before I do something irrational...

*Fun Fact: Shakk is a Nactalian curse word. Works the same was as fuck when dealing with suffixes.
**Fun Fact: The Penguenian military is sexually segregated. Only women serve in the Marines and National Police, while men only serve in the Navy and Tactical Fighter forces.
OOC: Accidentally posted in the wrong order the first time! Oops! This is now fixed.