12-12-2004, 20:14
OOC: This thread will not be done in an OOC manner. All of the info below info is available IC-ly. However, this is also directed mainly at the NS crowd.
I prefer not to get ignored because someone labels me as a wanker and godmodder without first finding out that I have only won one engagement in my nation's history, or that the said 'win' has cost me a very big chunk of my fleet and was pre-arranged.
On with the show...
Point-singularity cannon
Point-sincularity cannon (PSC) are designed exclusively for anti-supercapitol ship combat. They are mounted on the Storm dreadnaughts and the Hood destroyers. A PSC fires a small singularity, which has an approximate damage diameter of ten meters. That radius expands with each ton of matter consumed, but only large craft such as Dreadnaughts or supercarriers have enough mass to allow a singularity to expand significantly. it is not known whether or not any shielding can effectively block a PSC, and current Weyrean tactical manuals reccomend that a ship simply drop shields and let the singularity pass through it in order to diminish the amount of energy it consumes from ship shields.
A PSC cannon can fire once every ten minutes, on average. New PSC have a 'reservouir' containing up to four point-singularities, which allow the weapon to fire rapidly for the first few moments of battle. The PSCs slow rate of fire, high power requirements, and ineffectiveness against anything smaller than a battleship, make it useless in most combat situations. Because of the PSCs size, the craft carrying it has to point almost directly at the target in order to hope to score a hit.
Hyperfusion missile
Hyperfusion missiles are designed for on-contact kill. They carry powerful thaumaturgic warheads that can devastate an unshielded craft. Powerful tachyon drives, combined with coilgun launch tubes, allow the missiles to achieve high velocities before impact, but cause problems at long distances due to relativistic time distortion. Maneuvering thrusters allow the missiles to evade some counterfire.
The missiles’ peudo-intelligence guidance system is capable of peforming evasive maneuvers, and even picking new targets, but cannot recieve new orders from its launching craft. The size of the missile makes it an attractive target for 'smart' interceptor missiles. The warhead's guidance package can be jammed or confused by countermeasures. Jamming or confusing the missile's passive scanners forces it to switch to active systems, which makes it easy pickings for fast CIWS systems.
Lancer missile
These are essentially heavy particle cannon strapped to rockets. A Lancer gets to within several hundred kilometers of its target and fires a heavy particle beam, the backlash of which destroys the missile. Lancer missiles are significantly less powerful than hyperfusion missiles, and are prone to missing their targets. Their guidance packages are significantly less powerful than those of their hyperfusion counterparts. Cheap to build, they are fielded in large numbers in order to compensate for their faults.
Combat Drone Pods
These 'pods' are either towed by smaller craft or attached to the hull of larger vessels such as the Storm and Nox. Drones contain a heavy-duty drive and an advanced pseudo-intelligence system, surrounded by a rack of low-yield missiles. Accelerating at much faster rates than crewed craft, they can rapidly close in on enemy cessels and deploy their missile payloads. Because of the smaller range, the missiles are significantly reduced in size and can expend their fuel reserves much faster, allowing them to achieve much greater velocities than missiles launched individually from craft.
Because of their relatively large size, drone pods present easy targets, and can even be hit by sufficiently-accurate anti-ship weapons. Like hyperfusion missiles, combat drones cannot recieve new orders from their mother ships, and rely on their opseudo-intelligence guidance to get them to their targets.
Wave Motion Cannon were developed from subEtheric weapons designed to kill demons. They fire projectiles containing pure thaumaturgic energy at one twentieth to nine tenth the speed of light. Increase in velocity means a reduction in thaumaturgic mass, meaning that the actual power of the projectile depends entirely on the net amount of energy within it. Since a WMC draws its power directly from the vessel's firien cells, which also power craft's shields and most essential systems, no craft can sustain a heavy rate of fire for long. While there is no theoretical limit to how powerful a round from a WMC can be, the resulting backlash ensures that no vessel can safely fire its WMC at ‘full power’.
All WMC have three settings. The kinetic setting fires a basic subEtheric slug at a target, and acts as a standard ‘solid’ round. The high-explosive setting causes the round to go off at a set distance, engulfing the surrounding area in a ball of energy. The flachette setting causes a round to turn into a cluster of high-velocity shrapnel that can shred apart parasites and missiles. Because the energy in a WMC round, including the velocity, stays the same, a high-explosive round has significantly less on-point power than a kinetic round, and a flachette round may not even harm large craft.
Smaller brothers of the full WMC, the repeating Wave Motion Cannon take on parasites and enemy missiles. They cannot even dent the armor of most larger craft. Like the WMC they have the three basic settings – kinetic, high-explosive, and flachette. In heavy combat, rWMC are prone to overheating. Proximity blasts can rapidly increase an rWMC's temperature, and short out its superconducting circuitry and thaumaturgic systems.
The Reason gatling is designed for smaller ranges than the rWMC. It fires a stream of subEtheric rounds at any target within its range, and can shred an unshielded parasite in under a second. Shielded craft are relatively safe from Reason cannon, delegating the gatlings for predominantly anti-missile work. Like rWMC, Reason are dependent on low temperature to function at peak efficiency.
OOC: To be completed
All craft hulls are polarized in order to protect vessels from spacial radiation. As an additional benefit, this poarization can counter plasma-based weaponry, including HEAT-type projectiles and charged particle weapons. Since energy for polarization is drawn from firien cells, a ship CO has to balance between protection, energy for drives, and power for WMC batteries. A kinetic or explosive projectile can destroy the polarized outer layer of the craft's armor, leaving it open to damage by energy weapons.
Ion shields
The main shielding on a Weyrean craft consists of two magnetic bands, which contain a cloud of ion particles. Projectiles pass through the outer layer with a high positive charge, and are deflected by the negative band. Large objects that cannot be deflected in this manner have to be evaded. This shielding works on most objects.
Each deflected particle takes away ions and draws power from firien cells. Under a heavy barrage, the shield weakens to the point that it cannot ionize projectiles enough to make them deflectable. This shield, s a result, is succeptable to saturation fire. Firther, the design of the shield requires it to be flashed for kinetic and missile batteries to fire, which leaves an opening of several seconds for enemy projectiles to get through. SubEtheric cannon rounds, such as those onboard WMC, are not highle affected by this shield. Scanners become less effective, since the shield bubble blocks significant amounts of radiation. Antenna trails can be extended outside the shield to counteract this interference, to an extent, but cannot match the power of unshielded scanner arrays.
Weyrean Star Destroyers4
Where I set down the rule of law on WSDs
Weyr has used ISDs for about ten NS years, and has never gone back to them since. OOC-ly, I refuse to use any more Star Trek, Star Wars, Honorverse, or other such tech.
Weyrean Star Destroyers were part of an 'Imperializt' fad that followed the conquest of Weyr by the Galactic Empire. They were based on the Imperator type of vessels, and were approximately one and a half kilometers long. Over forty were constructed over a period of ten years, and most were destroyed in a period of two hours in the 'last battle' of the Sith Wars, which destroyed the Rebellion for all practical purposes for at least a short period of time. No other types of Star Destroyers were constructed in Weyrean staryards.
Final Weyrean Star Destroyers featured several key differences compared to those employed by other entities. The primary bridge and secondary bridge had been shifted from the exposed superstructure and into the hull of the vessel. The marine and ground combat complements had been significantly reduced. Hyperfusion missiles had been added. TIE craft had been replaced with parasites of Weyrean design. CIWS systems such as flak guns, gatlings, interceptor missiles, and laser cannon have been added. The core has been replaced with Starfire fusactors. The hyperdrive has been replaced with a Translation drive. Increased automation has significantly reduced the normal crew complement. These modifications came only after the decisive battle of the Sith Wars, and were deemed to expensive to implement.
The use of WSDs is considered to be one of the worst decisions in the Star Guard's history, and the construction of the massive craft nearly bancrupted that organization.
Constructive comments and suggestions are welcome. More ships and weapons specs will be added later. (Read: when I feel that these ones are becoming outdated.)
I prefer not to get ignored because someone labels me as a wanker and godmodder without first finding out that I have only won one engagement in my nation's history, or that the said 'win' has cost me a very big chunk of my fleet and was pre-arranged.
On with the show...
Point-singularity cannon
Point-sincularity cannon (PSC) are designed exclusively for anti-supercapitol ship combat. They are mounted on the Storm dreadnaughts and the Hood destroyers. A PSC fires a small singularity, which has an approximate damage diameter of ten meters. That radius expands with each ton of matter consumed, but only large craft such as Dreadnaughts or supercarriers have enough mass to allow a singularity to expand significantly. it is not known whether or not any shielding can effectively block a PSC, and current Weyrean tactical manuals reccomend that a ship simply drop shields and let the singularity pass through it in order to diminish the amount of energy it consumes from ship shields.
A PSC cannon can fire once every ten minutes, on average. New PSC have a 'reservouir' containing up to four point-singularities, which allow the weapon to fire rapidly for the first few moments of battle. The PSCs slow rate of fire, high power requirements, and ineffectiveness against anything smaller than a battleship, make it useless in most combat situations. Because of the PSCs size, the craft carrying it has to point almost directly at the target in order to hope to score a hit.
Hyperfusion missile
Hyperfusion missiles are designed for on-contact kill. They carry powerful thaumaturgic warheads that can devastate an unshielded craft. Powerful tachyon drives, combined with coilgun launch tubes, allow the missiles to achieve high velocities before impact, but cause problems at long distances due to relativistic time distortion. Maneuvering thrusters allow the missiles to evade some counterfire.
The missiles’ peudo-intelligence guidance system is capable of peforming evasive maneuvers, and even picking new targets, but cannot recieve new orders from its launching craft. The size of the missile makes it an attractive target for 'smart' interceptor missiles. The warhead's guidance package can be jammed or confused by countermeasures. Jamming or confusing the missile's passive scanners forces it to switch to active systems, which makes it easy pickings for fast CIWS systems.
Lancer missile
These are essentially heavy particle cannon strapped to rockets. A Lancer gets to within several hundred kilometers of its target and fires a heavy particle beam, the backlash of which destroys the missile. Lancer missiles are significantly less powerful than hyperfusion missiles, and are prone to missing their targets. Their guidance packages are significantly less powerful than those of their hyperfusion counterparts. Cheap to build, they are fielded in large numbers in order to compensate for their faults.
Combat Drone Pods
These 'pods' are either towed by smaller craft or attached to the hull of larger vessels such as the Storm and Nox. Drones contain a heavy-duty drive and an advanced pseudo-intelligence system, surrounded by a rack of low-yield missiles. Accelerating at much faster rates than crewed craft, they can rapidly close in on enemy cessels and deploy their missile payloads. Because of the smaller range, the missiles are significantly reduced in size and can expend their fuel reserves much faster, allowing them to achieve much greater velocities than missiles launched individually from craft.
Because of their relatively large size, drone pods present easy targets, and can even be hit by sufficiently-accurate anti-ship weapons. Like hyperfusion missiles, combat drones cannot recieve new orders from their mother ships, and rely on their opseudo-intelligence guidance to get them to their targets.
Wave Motion Cannon were developed from subEtheric weapons designed to kill demons. They fire projectiles containing pure thaumaturgic energy at one twentieth to nine tenth the speed of light. Increase in velocity means a reduction in thaumaturgic mass, meaning that the actual power of the projectile depends entirely on the net amount of energy within it. Since a WMC draws its power directly from the vessel's firien cells, which also power craft's shields and most essential systems, no craft can sustain a heavy rate of fire for long. While there is no theoretical limit to how powerful a round from a WMC can be, the resulting backlash ensures that no vessel can safely fire its WMC at ‘full power’.
All WMC have three settings. The kinetic setting fires a basic subEtheric slug at a target, and acts as a standard ‘solid’ round. The high-explosive setting causes the round to go off at a set distance, engulfing the surrounding area in a ball of energy. The flachette setting causes a round to turn into a cluster of high-velocity shrapnel that can shred apart parasites and missiles. Because the energy in a WMC round, including the velocity, stays the same, a high-explosive round has significantly less on-point power than a kinetic round, and a flachette round may not even harm large craft.
Smaller brothers of the full WMC, the repeating Wave Motion Cannon take on parasites and enemy missiles. They cannot even dent the armor of most larger craft. Like the WMC they have the three basic settings – kinetic, high-explosive, and flachette. In heavy combat, rWMC are prone to overheating. Proximity blasts can rapidly increase an rWMC's temperature, and short out its superconducting circuitry and thaumaturgic systems.
The Reason gatling is designed for smaller ranges than the rWMC. It fires a stream of subEtheric rounds at any target within its range, and can shred an unshielded parasite in under a second. Shielded craft are relatively safe from Reason cannon, delegating the gatlings for predominantly anti-missile work. Like rWMC, Reason are dependent on low temperature to function at peak efficiency.
OOC: To be completed
All craft hulls are polarized in order to protect vessels from spacial radiation. As an additional benefit, this poarization can counter plasma-based weaponry, including HEAT-type projectiles and charged particle weapons. Since energy for polarization is drawn from firien cells, a ship CO has to balance between protection, energy for drives, and power for WMC batteries. A kinetic or explosive projectile can destroy the polarized outer layer of the craft's armor, leaving it open to damage by energy weapons.
Ion shields
The main shielding on a Weyrean craft consists of two magnetic bands, which contain a cloud of ion particles. Projectiles pass through the outer layer with a high positive charge, and are deflected by the negative band. Large objects that cannot be deflected in this manner have to be evaded. This shielding works on most objects.
Each deflected particle takes away ions and draws power from firien cells. Under a heavy barrage, the shield weakens to the point that it cannot ionize projectiles enough to make them deflectable. This shield, s a result, is succeptable to saturation fire. Firther, the design of the shield requires it to be flashed for kinetic and missile batteries to fire, which leaves an opening of several seconds for enemy projectiles to get through. SubEtheric cannon rounds, such as those onboard WMC, are not highle affected by this shield. Scanners become less effective, since the shield bubble blocks significant amounts of radiation. Antenna trails can be extended outside the shield to counteract this interference, to an extent, but cannot match the power of unshielded scanner arrays.
Weyrean Star Destroyers4
Where I set down the rule of law on WSDs
Weyr has used ISDs for about ten NS years, and has never gone back to them since. OOC-ly, I refuse to use any more Star Trek, Star Wars, Honorverse, or other such tech.
Weyrean Star Destroyers were part of an 'Imperializt' fad that followed the conquest of Weyr by the Galactic Empire. They were based on the Imperator type of vessels, and were approximately one and a half kilometers long. Over forty were constructed over a period of ten years, and most were destroyed in a period of two hours in the 'last battle' of the Sith Wars, which destroyed the Rebellion for all practical purposes for at least a short period of time. No other types of Star Destroyers were constructed in Weyrean staryards.
Final Weyrean Star Destroyers featured several key differences compared to those employed by other entities. The primary bridge and secondary bridge had been shifted from the exposed superstructure and into the hull of the vessel. The marine and ground combat complements had been significantly reduced. Hyperfusion missiles had been added. TIE craft had been replaced with parasites of Weyrean design. CIWS systems such as flak guns, gatlings, interceptor missiles, and laser cannon have been added. The core has been replaced with Starfire fusactors. The hyperdrive has been replaced with a Translation drive. Increased automation has significantly reduced the normal crew complement. These modifications came only after the decisive battle of the Sith Wars, and were deemed to expensive to implement.
The use of WSDs is considered to be one of the worst decisions in the Star Guard's history, and the construction of the massive craft nearly bancrupted that organization.
Constructive comments and suggestions are welcome. More ships and weapons specs will be added later. (Read: when I feel that these ones are becoming outdated.)