A Nation is reborn
12-12-2004, 06:15
9 Visionary officials from the The now long defunct Confederacy of Irish-Germanic States escaped death during the corperate takeover and nuclear civil war that ruined their country. The decided to rebuild from the ashes. After many months or orginization and rebuilding the Confederacy is reborn, with only a few million people of the once 2.24 billion person population remaining. It is runied country, but the 9 visionaries belive that it will work. A stronger, safer, and completly free state will emerge from the ashes. Long live the confederacy!
May the Red hand always protect us.
OOC: Somehow when the servers changed out many months ago i lost my one year old nation. Now that ive finally gotten over that whole thing, im starting anew. Basically Coperate civil war embroiled my old country and the whole thing went to hell...nukes and such. Thats all for now much more about the re-birth to follow :)
Der Angst
12-12-2004, 11:28
ooc: You can request ressurrection of your old nation, ya'know... Getting Help page and all.
13-12-2004, 00:21
OOC: Nah i sorta like starting over.
The new capital of Kutnah Hora was just a collection of low lying red roofed buildings. Their white stucco walls were scared black with near misses from heavy weapons. The cobbel stone streets were in many places still strewn with ruble. Surrounding the capital building, which was really just an oversized town hall, were many small goverment offices and buisnesses. After the last corperate war the buisness of the country could be closley controlled. The council of 9 sat in their semi-fortified conference room. Today they were drafting plans for the rebuilding of jeagerburg a small town 45 miles down the road from Kutnah Hora. Next to the capital it had one of the largest populations. An electric tractor hummed along outside the building as Kaptan Ferguson the minister of defense left the conference room and stepped out into the cold air. A few tech-workers strolled by leaving one of the last computer producing factories in the whole country.
Furguson was joined by Petr milalova and John Beck the labor secretary and the secretary of state respectivly. The three good friends walked down a small alley and stood looking out at the brilliant sunset. After a long hard day trying to rebuild the country the three thought back to the old days.
5 years ago their country had been a power house. Its population was brimming, its land was being expanded into the sea, and its technology was beyond the reach of many nations. The Irish Germanic states had an nuclear aresenal of over 500 warheads and the ICBMS and missiles to deliver them anywhere. 1 million of its people lived in space and grew food to support the growing country. The quality of life was high material wise, but a growing rift between reality and the money induced hyper reality threatened to tear the country apart. Eventually the fattened corperations attempted a coup, war broke out, the streets were lawless. No one fought for their own ideals only the money. Eventually the nukes were stolen, and in a last act of desperation internal nuclear war broke out. So little was spared, only the vast areas of farm land were completly spared. Millions of squar miles were scorched and irradiated. Every major city except for the port of Arvasuan was razed to the ground. Out of the ashes of this dibilitating holocaust came the visionary 9. They were not high level people in the former goverment but that all could tell what had gone wrong. After 4 years of near anarchy, under a combined platform of force and people's rights, the 9 were able to establish themselves and the dominent power in the regions still functioning. The Irish Germanic colonies in space remained independant and the Port of Arvasuan kept most of its power. After another 6 months though the new system proposed by the 9 made enough sense for both entities to rejoin at least symbolically with the last remaing republic "schoenburg".
While goverment had been established 5 years of near total anarchy were hard to overcome. Many of the 20 million survivors were not for the new goverment, and many didn not even know that it existed. Outside influence was also a problem with many agents attempting to take over sections of the country.
Amidst the backdrop of continuing confusion and strife, the visionary 9 had to begin to rebuild the country. And up to this point they had done very very well. Centers of technological development were being built, roads were being re-established and built. Farms were starting up again, in order to decrease the trade deficit with the space colonies. A military was being made to expand and control areas not under the 9's control. A diplomatic corp was being trained and equiped for diplomatic missions. Also goverment help programs such as social security and welfare and housing began to grow as a new tax system was created. Finally a civil protection group was created, including EMT's Polis, and Firefighters. Much progress was being made but the country was far from done. At least in many areas there was a positive attitude about the reconstruction.
Much was left to do, but an upward trend was emerging. Just that day the sec. state. had sent out a message asking for forieng loans and low intrest rates
13-12-2004, 00:25
***International Communication***
Please, respond if you are interested in offering Schoenburg low interest rate loans in order to help us rebuild our country...
Aid packages as well as advisors are also welcome.
Please note however that subterfuge will not be tolerated, this is our country and we expect to keep control of it.
John Beck
Secretry of state, Schoenburg
+close communication+
13-12-2004, 00:43
Based all over Schoenburg in 4 major bases are
1,500 man home guard
the are transported in a grand collection of customized and armored vehicals.
8 Tiger II tanks are still serviced by the commands. Most AT weapons and AA weapons are outdated. But many ad hoc and slap together creations as well as a relativly steady flow of R&D money keep the goverment forced one step ahead of many militias.
Besides the police force there are two other groups of auxiliary troops
200 man capital guard---> also special forces (best equiped troops in schoenburg)
1,000 on call reserve militiamen
534 sailors based in Arvasua
they command
1 minelayer
3 patrol boats
1 destroyer
note- most of schoenburg's technological power is based in this branch of service
In shrevtown
there are 200 airmen based at a jet port.
15 are pilots
they command
5 turboprop 67-B ground attack planes
3 transport planes with two pilots each
1 cargo plane that takes 4 pilots
3 lynx jet fighter/bombers
All branches of the service suffer from problems of supply and logistics as no major production centers exist for weapons at this point. The military can only really be used for internal work against unruly people at this point. :(
14-12-2004, 03:00
A brief economic guide to the country.
The goverment is currently reciving money through a rapidly expanding tax and Toll system. which includes;
Income Tax
Property Tax
limited goverment sales tax
Road Tolls in certain areas
Tarrif on imported manufactured and tech sector goods
Excise Tax on all drinks.
Despite stringent measures runaway inflation is still rampent.
A triving black market exists
In many areas no trade takes place and most towns have reverted to an almost feudal system of trade and bartering.
Avasuda is the only major area of commerce in the whole republic, major inssurance and investment firms still work out of the port. However these corperations are severly limited by an untrusting public.
Encoded Transmission to the Visionary Nine
From: Edolian Ministry of Foreign Relations
“We were greatly disturbed by the civil war that broke out in your once powerful nation and now wish you and your people the very best. We believe that the war was a prime example of the evils of unchecked capitalism, and hope that in the future, your nation will take on a more democratic and socialist route, and we are pleased to see that you are moving in that direction. We would be interested, however, in taking an active role in the development of Schoenburg. Therefore, we wish to offer a deal, the details and exact terms of which can be negotiated. We would like to enter into a free-trade pact with your people. The only exceptions would be Edolian goods that are either illegal in your own country, or whose import would threaten local economies. In exchange, we are willing to provide an injection into your economy of up to 币150 billion (one hundred and fifty billion SUMUs [some $10 billion]). This money would come in the form of Edolian workers and architects, who would help to rebuild a new capital city, possibly in the Edolian style of large skyscrapers in a regular grid, as well as rebuild your national infrastructure. In addition to this service, we would be quite pleased to help found a new Edolian-style university in your nation that would help to train a next generation of Schoenburger leaders. Our only other condition for this aide would be a public and private commitment towards democracy and socialism.
We hope that our two nations can come to an agreement and that we continue on a path of peace and friendship.”
Matthew von Pickett
Minister of Foreign Affairs
15-12-2004, 04:05
***International Communication***
To: Edolia
From: The Republic of Schoenburg
The republic is willing to engage in your deal. We thank you greatly for your generosity. We are also highly encouraged by the willingness of other socialist democracies to come to our aide. The 10 billion$ will be incredibly helpful in the further reconstruction of our country. In regards to the construction of the capital city the placement of this will be decided at a later date, the university would be established there. We belive that the establishment of strong socialist roots within the new capital of Schoenburg will help make sure that the evils of runaway capitalism will never show themselves again. The visionary 9 have and always will be dedicated to raising up the common person before making money.
We wish to propose one more condition, if it is not too intolerable. As our military is not strong at this point, we ask of you for a treaty of protection. If we are invaded will you come to our aid?
[people first]
+close communication+
Encoded Transmission to the Visionary Nine
From: Edolian Ministry of Foreign Relations
"We are extremely pleased to hear that your view in regards to our suggestion is amiable and we hope that something can be worked out. However, I wish to clarify that our 币150 billion will not take the form of pure cash as such an injection into your economy would result in massive inflation. Instead, only a small percentage will be placed into the Schoenburg economy, and the majority will go towards the rebuilding of infrastructure. Edolian architecture emphasizes tall buildings to conserve space and minimize travel time. Although in our nation, whose population has recently surpassed 3.5 billion people, it is obvious why this would be necessary, we do not believe that in your relatively small country, the large skyscrapers that are found in the Scarlet Empire would be the most efficient use of resources. Therefore, if your government agrees, a team of architects can be brought together to devise an alternate city plan, most likely involving buildings of perhaps ten stories, rather than the one hundred stories normally found in Edolian buildings. The Edolian education system is one of the very best of the planet, and it is because of our devotion to learning that our people, taken as a whole, consistantly score in the 99.9th percentile for intelligence rankings, as conducted by the United Nations. We hope that a university founded in the Edolian style will help your people reach similar levels of intellectual might. In regards to your request for protection, the Scarlet Empire cannot make a full commitment unless certain other conditions are met, including an agreement to consult with Edolian representatives on any major military action by the Schoenburg armed forces, and the assurance that free democratic elections will take place within the next two years. We eagerly await your response and once again hope that our two nations can move closer together and strengthen our bond of friendship."
15-12-2004, 17:37
^Closed doors comm...
We agree to your terms of protection. And we promise to not engage in any pre-emptive wars, and to consult you when considering any military action defensive or offensive while under your protection. We will also hold the free elections within one year. However for the elections to take place several things need to be accomplished. These are in order of importance; The writting of the constitution,the repairs of most of the infastructure, and the completion of the goverment buildings in the capital city. In regards to the actual election, sufferage will be universal and the transition will be smooth. As we speak representatives of the people's transitional goverment (PTG) are canvassing the still inhabited areas of the country. As voter registration and polling is set up we will inform you. Besides your architects and construction workers we ask that you send a cadre of election moniters in order to make the elections more viable. We look forward to your continuing support, and know this; when we are stronger and re-built we will be one of your strongest allies. Thank you again, but now we must go several militia units are attacking a recently set up polling station in the south.
THe visionary 9
15-12-2004, 17:39
Voter Regstration: 6%
Militia attacks: 4 recent attacks along the rins corridor. Two attacks were against a polling station.
Major improvements:
Days till election:
Encoded Transmission to the Visionary Nine
From: Edolian Ministry of Foreign Relations
“We will be quite pleased to supply election specialists who will help make sure that your transition to democracy goes smoothly. We only quite recently had one of our own elections, which come once every five years, so many specialists are currently underemployed. We are also slightly disturbed to hear of attacks by rebel forces within Schoenburg. Although we are not in a position to take full military action and crush the rebel troops, we would not be adverse to supplying and training a division of Schoenburg troops. The Edolian military is not large, but we make up for it with some of the most rigorous training and advanced weaponry in the world. We hope that our advantages can be applied to you. A second, longer report of our actions will be sent within the next few days [hours RT] in which we will go into greater detail on planned actions that we will take in regards to your developing country.”