NationStates Jolt Archive

United League of Nations

12-12-2004, 00:51

I am inviting all nations to join the region of the “United League of Nations”. This region is a region which welcomes all nations, all governments, and all people. The ULN lets its constituent governments rule their nations as they see fit. The region has a House of Senators and a Security Council which are mandated with upholding the ULN's stability. We are currently creating a regional map and regional website. We already have a regional private forum created specifically for nations in the “United League of Nations”.

The United League of Nations is a relatively new region; however its creators have had much experience in forming several other active regions with populations of over 250 nations. The United League of Nations is strongly committed to creating a good and active role playing environment. We will achieve this by continuously proposing new ideas and attracting active nations.

We hope you can join us in the United League of Nations and help us make this region the most active and fun region in the entire Nation States World.

Join: United League of Nations