Landing Made[ATTN Europa]
Europan Space
The lone Largentian fleet had the moon in its sights. They carried all the things the new civilian population would need to survive. They sent a message ahead to the moon to warn it that they were a friendly expedition.
To: Sketch Prime and any other Europan Governments
From: Operation Exploration HQ
We wish to infrom you that we do have some ships touching down at the south pole today. This is mainly a civilian population. However, they do have a small force with them. They will be claiming the south pole region. This will reach about 60 degrees latitude all the way to 90. We wish to have peace with our soon to be neighbors. We have no violent intentions.
Europan Surface
The civilians and the small military force touched down. They used air dropped equiptment to begin building their homes. They were using advanced construction equiptment and so their buildings would be ready soon. Military officials also directed the creation of the military base on the south pole. It was lightly armed but did have servalence equiptment capable of detecting incoming ships.
Luckily they had towns created for the 1 million people who made the move by nightfall. They were mainly scientists and engineers getting the territroy ready for everyday civilians.
By nightfall they also had droids, troopers, and some tanks setting up guard towers at the 60th parrallel to show the land was claimed. They hoped their new neighbors wouldn't act hostily.
The transmissions received were routed through the Sketchian communications network to its appropriate destination - the ministry of foreign affairs, DiploCorps. There it was analyzed, although given the shortness of the message, there wasn't much to interpret. The senior analysts were somewhat cross however, being that the southern hemisphere of Europa was far out of Sketchian jurisdiction; as per the old treaty stipulations made long ago with the Kaenians. There wasn't much Sketch could do about this new.....neighbor. At least they were as far as way can be. As a whole, the DiploCorps of Sketch tended to dislike others being nearby; the few exceptions existing being made under less than ideal circumstances. There was even a case some time back where Sketch had threatened an international scene if the intruders didn't "get out of the backyard". Such actions have earned the DiploCorps a less than likable reputation among the diplomatic community. A reputation the old guard seemed to enjoy; harkening back to the isolationist days, before Sketch had decided that friends, after all, were good to have.
It didn't help much when a junior analyst pointed out that Largent, was in fact, hardly a stranger. Although Sketch had long since deprioritized NSearth as an important diplomatic avenue, the empire still maintained a region that many nations called home. Largent just happened to be one of them. A brief review of the history revealed that Largent may not be so bad afterall - always ontime with the dues (back in the early days of feudal policies), strict compliance with military protocals (designed to prevent usurpers), and all around good neighbor. Of course such policies have long since been removed, but the action was there. Stipulations that most nations would've balked at; quietly taken into stride. It helped that the Sketchian government guaranteed protection, but still, it was unsually to see such trustworthiness.
Perhaps it would be good to have at least one neighbor that wasn't simmering with indifference, or worse. A message was sent out to the Largentian fleet. It contents were friendly, suprisingly friendly, given the historical Sketchian attitude towards those approaching Europa. Yes, good neighbors are hard to come by.
To our good friends, the Largentians,
Welcome to Europa. It is a bit colder here, but at least there's elbow space and a clear night sky no? We hope that you'll enjoy our hospitality here on Europa as you did at AZN Pride on NSearth. Don't hesitate to contact our foriegn affairs office at Sketch Prime should you need anything.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DiploCorps
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Scketch Prime
From: Colonial HQ, New Largent
Its good to be here. Indeed it is cold, but then again so are many other places and it looks like we will just have to adjust. We thank you dearly for your hospitality, it is all too hard to come by these days.
The officers at HQ shook their heads in puzzlement. "A freindly Scketch?" They saked each other. Soon however they turned to more important matters, their own new nation.
So far they had constructed and somewhat fortified ten 'cities'. Although they made for whimpy cities. They hoped that by the end of the year New Largent would be not only a major industrial and economical center, but it would be home to a noticable percent of Largents population. They had more than enough resources to make this dream a reality, it would just take some serious work.
BUMP-Just so all other Europan residents get a glimpse at this.
From elsewhere on the surface of Europa, of black rock, splintered against the cooling rays of a distant Sol and white, blanket-like snow these new intruders were detected and consequently puzzled over. With no announcement did they claim intentions before entering the Jovian System, flaunting the authority of the Jovian League as though it served both purpose and oppertunity to circumvent, to ignore.
The vast datanodes of the communication librarium, whose multi-faceted intelligences consistantly and with passionless zeal recorded and logged all incoming and outcoming transmissions to the Europan holdings of the Serene^Union, contained no Largent transmission, for none were forthcoming.
Indeed only once a presence had been established, without due consultation, did not a communique per chance, but a notification of intent. This did not sit well with those whom took upon their shoulders the great burden of leadership fel. Action was swfit.
Immediately, observing from the cold depths of the void, the massive form of the First Solarri fleet negated inertia, and traversed the short distance from Illarian^Jovia to the southern pole. Largent vessels undoubtedly stood in orbit, unloading and continuing to establish a presence.
Europa, a world whose serene calm betrayed a history rich in suffering, and death. For beneath the shifting ice and silence, an untold number of Kaeneians remained in eternal slumber. Savagely struck down by the very foe who now shared this moon of Jupiter. Indeed this was now in the past, consigned by treaty, and time, to nothing more than rememberance.
But such unacceptable transgression without even first informing could not be tolerated. As such, a simple yet direct statement was quickly transmitted .
"Acting on behalf and on the divine will of the Serene^Union of Kaenei, I Kristilanna Lgealis, Overseer Aengelis formally request an explanation into your unauthorised landings on the southern pole. Your failure to inform both the Serene^Union, and the Jovian League have not been ignored. Consequently, we require an immediate halt to colonisation efforts, pending a full diplomatic exchange.
You know not the history you destroy with every footstep."
Der Angst
11-12-2004, 12:46
ooc: Grr. Argh. Saw this one AFTER the Io thread. Where my post is now... Ludicrous. Ahum. Well... Anyway.
Ivanova sighted, softly. Yet, she decided that the Kaeneians, already being in a far better position to deal with this issue than she herself was, would be quite capable of handling the matter.
Two quick messages were sent, one to the Kaeneians, with the basic content that 'The Provisional Government of Jovian Angst would of course support Kaenei, in accordance with the mutual treaty between the former DA as well as with th Jovian League charter, and generally follow its decisions', and another one to Largent, informing it about basically, well, the same.
Now, to get some food, then sleep, and then, perhaps, something done.
"Acting on behalf and on the divine will of the Serene^Union of Kaenei, I Kristilanna Lgealis, Overseer Aengelis formally request an explanation into your unauthorised landings on the southern pole. Your failure to inform both the Serene^Union, and the Jovian League have not been ignored. Consequently, we require an immediate halt to colonisation efforts, pending a full diplomatic exchange.
You know not the history you destroy with every footstep."
Our landings were not completly unauthorized. We did contact Sketch and discussed our possible presence on the planet. We talked over our military on the planet and decided on how we could come across as peaceful.
Although we don't really see a point to it, all colonization has been temporarily halted. We have prepared a delegate to be sent to you at your request. They can arrive at any time.
Kristilanna allowed the Datanode to fall with subtle thud against the desk below. Slowly she turned, to address the silent envoy who awaited her muttering, pondering and ultimate decision with practiced silence and purity of purpose.
"The envoy of Largent makes a glaring omission..." Began The Overseer, "He neglected to inform the Serene^Union. Our holdings on Europa are extensive, and Sketch at the last point of my knowledge was not the appointed negotiator for this world of ice and rock."
"Ensure the first Solarri Fleet is well positioned should we require them. Prepare an immediate counter-message for the Largent. We cannot, and will not allow such mindless damage to the environment of Europa without due care and consideration given to those who would seek home here."
Datanodes were exchanged, interlinked and transmitted. Redundancies were computed and analysed, and future technique refined as a result. The final end product of this process, a single message to those who without legality sought to entrench themselves to the Southern Pole.
>>>Transmission to: [Largent coardinational centre] VIA {Trium DataNetwork[s]} <<<
||From: Llarian^Jovia Europa, Diplomatic Juncture C/o WorldDisc Transmission Redundencies||
||Re:Unlawful landings. ||
Your failure to contact the Serene^Union, and as an extension the Jovian League whilst negoiating with the nation of Sketch is utterly unacceptable. As a result, you will immediately prepare to remove all traces of Largent technology and installation from the surface of Europa pending your full and proper application for legal residence.
Already you tread amongst the very bones of our people, consigned to a cold and freezing after-death so that those sorrounding might look upon the ice and know true absolution. It is strongly recommended you proceed within our guidelines. Deviation is not encouraged. Diplomatic pursuits may be hastened once your people and activities are confirmed as limited to orbit.
Kristilanna Lgealis
Aengelistorium Dominica, Protectoresse of Kaeneian assets on Europa.
The Most Serene^Union of Kaenei. (
One moment you request an exchange of delegates and the next you demand we leave. We are not sure what you will want next. We also fail to relize that while Sketch welcomes us you demand we leave, what gives you more of a say than he? However, we will apply for legal residence. For now we will clear somethings out but it would be completley impossible to remove everything only to move it all back later if our application is accepted. We still are unclear as to what "history" we are destroying.
Kristilanna turned to the envoy once more. His featurs were impassive, pale. It was not his place to provide opinion, or solace. Alone stood the Overseer in matters concerning Europa at a level this important. She was left with sole authority where the Aengelistoria Dominica could not truly understand, given distance and isolation. With a sigh, she completed reading the Largent response.
Wearily, she begins her own appropriate transmission. Yet even as her fingers with practiced dexterity dance across the keypad, with subtle meaning and powerful counternance, high above the snow, and ice words transfer into action. Those vessels of the First Solarri fleet ordered to do so converge on the Southern polar limit. Though they remain a respectful distance, their attention is clearly focused upon the dwellers below, whom transgress upon the snowfields without due respect or pity.
>>>Transmission to: [Largent Diplomatic Command] VIA {Trium DataNetwork[s]} <<<
||From: Llarien^Jovia, Diplomatic Juncture C/o WorldDisc Transmission Redundencies||
||Re: Immediate Withdrawl.||
The Serene^Union of Kaenei does not grant Sketch the authority to decide those who land on Europa without first discussion and lengthy screening. The domain of Sketch does not hold sovereign power over this world of splintered rock, and freezing white. Seeking and accepting welcome from them does not constitute permission. You have utterly failed to seek guidance from the people of Kaenei, or the Jovian League. You take upon yourselves a vital strategic position on this world, and expect to be greeted.
The history of which you neither understand nor repsect is complicated, yet for your benefit I shall explain. For many decades ago, did the people of Sketch and Kaenei do battle. For did Sketch brtually murder millions of citizens of the Serene^Union within the blink of a solitary eye. Countless vapourised and cast into dust and nothing by the power of weapons best targeted at entire worlds rather than points of life amidst a vast ocean of freezing death.
With fury we did respond, landing here upon Europa with our most powerful armies and abilities. Here did many more fall, never to return to Solarri, or their home cities or again serve the Union to the best of their abilities. Left here to decay with the passage of time. Joined by allies, did the Serene^Union push back the borders of Sketch, and wreak heavy vengence. And now, after a time was peace restored, and Sketch made to pay for their honour devoid attack.
So it has been, with Europa a graveyard on a scale that defied belief. Where great swathes of the ice represented the deathcries of a thousand, a hundred thousand, a million Kaeneian souls. Crooked mountains of the blackest rock impromptu tombs to declare for those that watched the final resting place of those that would gladly die to see further the honour of their bretheren.
Yet you land now, without consideration. Your machines churn at the ice, and snow. You foul the most honoured in their final rest, disturb spirit and remains. You seek to plunge your hungry maw into the mantle, and rape Europa of precious resources. This will not be toleraed, this will not be allowed. You have transgressed on many boundaries, and yet still we are tolerant.
You will remove the entirety of your people from the Southern Polar region of Europa. You may, for now, leave facilities standing. They will be returned in due course if you cannot provide for their transport. Note we will not be so civil if you continue in your refusal to acknowledge.
The Serene^Union does not welcome you to share the eternal grief of this world.
Kristilanna Lgealis
Aengelistorium Dominica, Protectoresse of Kaeneian assets on Europa.
The Most Serene^Union of Kaenei. (
Santucci nodded as he read the message. He cared, he really did, but he was in a tight position right now. Still, he typed his message in return.
I understand how you feel. We were not aware of this resting place. It is true though that we do not have the economic ability to completly clear all our buildings off of Europa. We are, however, clearing all the people off as I said before.
Still, Largent has greatly depleted resources to get thus far and ther would be an uproar in the Largentian government if I were to return there saying that we were on top of a grave yard taking up musch of the moon and had to return home.
I understand your position, now I ask you to understand mine. We are willing to move to a new location if you are willing to help us and cooperate with us.
As far as not contacting you goes I was not informed as to your territories on this moon before we landed. All we were told was that you were in the south and Sketch was in the north. Since Sketch was putting pressure on us we decided it best to go as far south as possible so that there would be no confrentation between us.
Unfourtunatley we landed in probably the worst possible spot and we do apologise for it. However, I must still insist that if we are to pack up and move that you aid us to some extent for we haven'tthe resources to do it on our own.
Those in power were not shocked. Such an emotion was entirely human, that a chain of events not precisely expected could result in a complete lack of contingency plan. Indeed, such an outlook could rapidly lead to serious problems amongst the higher levels of goverment the Serene^Union so relied upon for smooth transference of will to action, thought to provoking movement.
On Europa, Kristilanna represented this sole higher level of goverment. Indeed, where Terra allowed luxurious debate, and reasoning the Overseer relied only on her own ability, and intelligence. Though often complimented, this did not sit well with her. Better to dilute your own influence than gather all power only to ultimately see yourself fall before a solution you cannot on your own solve. Yet now, she had no other option in order to solve this Largent paradox.
She duly scripted a reply suitable to ensure the people of Largent would once again observe Europa from orbit, to watch, but never walk. To see, but never touch. Such was the way it would be. No concessions, no alterations would be permissible. Such was the harsh, if direct policy of the Serene^Union of Kaenei. Much remained outside this problem to correct. The Overseer had mcuh work that as yet remained unchecked and unnoticed. She could spare no longer to personally intercept and coardinate the effort remove Largent. She hoped, beneath suppression and obvious training, that this would finally see her will done.
>>>Transmission to: [Largent Diplomatic Control] VIA {Trium DataNetwork[s]} <<<
||From: Administration One, Diplomatic Juncture C/o WorldDisc Transmission Redundencies||
||Re:Immediate Withdrawl | Final Notification||
The fact of your inability to leave the surface of Europa unaided has been taken into consideration. As such, any structures remaining on the polar vector after your departure will be dismantled at no additional charge to your people, and transported for your acceptance. Further, in order to ensure a prompt departure you will be supplied with a limited quantity of your preferred choice of fuel. No further concessions shall be warrented nor entertained. With the transferral of this notice, the Serene^Union makes it clear further no renegotiation is permissible. You will now make all speed to depart for orbit, and once clear transmit a full complement of structures and equipment remaining behind and in need of transportation.
Let it be known you are now educated on the tragedy of Europa.
Kristilanna Lgealis
Aengelistorium Dominica, Protectoresse of Kaeneian assets on Europa.
The Most Serene^Union of Kaenei. (
ooc: make note that I never "gave" permission for Largent to occupy the southern end of Europa. I merely stated that his actions were of no concern to me so long as they did not encroach upon my territories. Although I must admit that it is with no small IC delight that our roles are revered this time - with you getting "bent out of shape" and me being the more benign appearing party ^_~
*an intelligence officer looks on with a smug grin while twiddling his thumbs in an innocent fashion*
The transport ships landed one after the other. One landed in each town picking up its residents. All the ships were packed with any structures they could fit. All they left behind were the scores of small huts they had no use for. Governor Santucci was the last to go. He took one last look at the moon before leaving it forever.
He soon sent a message to the Kaenei government informing them of the thousands of huts they had to leave behind.
He also sent a message to Sketch Prime thanking them dearly for their hospitality even if it was the only hospitality he had seen since arriving.