The Foundation of Xrypti
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 7/21/09 A.NS 13.49
[latitude, longitude, date, Anno NationStatius, Military Time]
It was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. All was calm, as far as the Pacific went. There was no land in sight, absolutely nothing to disturb the waves, going wherever they would go.
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 7/21/09 A.NS 13.50
The magma constricted. The tectonic plates, deep below the sea, ground together with a ferocity never witnessed by man. The resulting earthquake sent shockwaves pulsing through the ocean, and sent a massive tidal wave toward Japan. [OOC if anyone wants to RP that they can…] And a mountain rose to greet the midday sun.
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 7/21/09 A.NS 13.56
It was over. The earthquake, which had measured 9.8 on the Richter Scale, had brought a mountain from the abyss that towered 3,000 feet above the waves that now crashed at its volcanic shore. For it was volcanic…
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 7/21/09 A.NS 14.03
An eruption shook the sea. Lava rocketed skyward, then fell to sizzle in the water. A second earthquake brought a rocky plain to surround the mountain for miles surrounding it.
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 7/21/09 A.NS 14.28
Another earthquake and eruption made more islands appear around it. The landscape was shaping up.
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 7/21/09 A.NS 23.59
A final eruption makes a huge crater in the top of the mountain, which snow is falling upon. Smoke belches once, and then the mountain is silent, never to regain its voice for several thousand years, except for occasional smoke clouds.
8.38 N., 111.54 E. 7/22/09 A.NS 7.00
“This is the place.”
Many hundreds of years ago, a once-great nation dominated a planet far out in what we call Sirius. It had many so-called puppets on earth. But when a comet had struck Sirius D., all civilization was wiped out there. The best and brightest minds had made their way back to earth, where they had tried to regain control over the puppets. But they insisted on their own way, and thus had fallen into anarchy and ruin. Seizing upon the fall of Alphanasia, they made their way into the Spratly and Paracel islands, and decontaminated the radiation. And there they, the 80 best from that far-off nation, which no one dared mention by name, remained, with the heir to the crown tentatively carrying on the dynasty. They kept their ways in seclusion until now, known only as the Alphanasians, and were content to guard the military secrets of that former country. They always believed that someday, they would possess a land once again. For hundreds of years they had multiplied, the brilliant minds of 80 becoming the brilliant minds of 5 million.
Now ******* [name withheld for time being], the Emperor of these people, with the same name as the original emperor, was saying to them all:
“Go. This land is our land. This is not anyone else’s land. This land was made for you and me. Prosper, my children. Make us great once again.”
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 7/31/10 A.NS 12.00
So for a year they had labored. They had crossed the depths of the sea in military helicopters, not too bad a feat for what few they had and how many they were. The mountain now was changed. An earthy soil covered it. More soil had filled in parts of the ocean. The 247 square miles of land were being built upon. A manufacturing powerhouse had already been created.
“Make us great once again”.
Thus was the beginning of the Holy Empire of Xrypti [pronounced CRYPT ie], less than three months ago. And as the words of their ruler had spoken, these people would become great, and a place in history would be forever theirs.
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 11/23/10 A.NS 17.38
Yet as soon as everything had begun, tragedy struck. The aged Emperor, whose line was traced back to the Byzantine Emperors themselves, fell ill. Despite all the advanced technology carried from the stars, the doctors cannot save him. Hark! He, on his deathbed, speaks to his four sons, gathered around him.
“Athanasius, you, my eldest, be strong in what I and your beloved mother have taught you. To you I leave the throne, and these people. Watch over them, and prosper, and guide them in the ways of Jehovah your God, and my God, and their God.
Timotheus, you, my second son, be strong in what I and your beloved mother have taught you. Do not cause strife among your brothers, but support your elder brother. To you is left the development of these islands, this land so important to us, as the land of Canaan was to our spiritual forefathers. Make us rich, make us strong economically. Yet do not be greedy, but remember the poor, and give to them when it is needed. Let Jehovah your God, and my God, and the God of the Xryptians be with you in all that you do.
Thomas, you, my third son, be strong in what I and your beloved mother have taught you. Use your talents for good, and not for evil; keep peace among our people. To you I leave the care of all our people’s knowledge. Use it for the benefit of all of us. There is power in the knowledge of our former people, who not even I dare mention by name. Power can be used for good, or it can be used for ill. Use your power, and your knowledge, in the way you know Jehovah your God, and my God, and our people’s God would want you to.
Constantius, you, my youngest son, be strong in what I and your beloved mother have taught you. Keep check of your temper, and do not let it get hold of you. You all your life have been fascinated by weapons of war; now make good use of that. To you I entrust the development of a military for the Xrypti people. Use heavily Thomas’s knowledge, for as I have told him, it is powerful, much more powerful than you think. And in all things be peaceful, not aggressive; fight only when attacked, or defending the Faith. And in all you do may Jehovah your God, and my God, and the God of our people be with you.
O Jehovah! I lie here so close to You! Receive me, Jehovah, in the name of your Son! Watch over my sons and my people!”
So saying, he died. Timotheus XXVII, loved by his people, passed away on this day, forever to be mourned. It now remains to be seen whether his sons will obey his last wishes, or will they fight in a contest for absolute power?
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 11/24/10 A.NS 8.00
At 8.00 sharp, the entire population of the country was in the streets, mourning the late Emperor as he passed. For once they took a break from developing the island, for previously they had not stopped save on the Sabbath. And no sooner had he been placed in the earth, than Athanasius was crowned Athanasius VI, Emperor of the Xrypti people. His first act of state was to proclaim that day a day of mourning, and send all people to their homes. Then he retired to the Palace, to meet in closed council with his brothers, and plan the course of the Country for the next period of time.
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 11/24/10 A.NS 10.32
[OOC: Athanasius Timotheus Thomas Constantius]
[Four brothers sitting at table in Palace]
Brothers, our father is dead. If we want his nation to succeed, we must not fight with one another. We must respect his last wishes; I as emperor will remain in supreme command, but I will give you a free hand in what he has assigned to you. Have you any suggestions for me?
Get an Empress.
Very funny. One does not run out and “get an empress” willy-nilly. One must think of the succession. Anyone have any REAL thoughts?
To start with, give us as powerful of an economy as you can. A strong economy is vital to the success of our nation.
Indeed, an army marches on its gasoline tank.
Precisely, which bring me to my next point. I had meant to tell this to our beloved father two days ago, when it was discovered, but he fell ill…
We all know. Pray what is so interesting?
You know this island we are on?
Of course I do.
The volcano?
I don’t want to play 20 questions. What is so important?
Well, within the volcano is naptha, large amounts of it. We could easily extract petroleum from it. It is the first step to success! I have already planned the location for the refinery.
Yes. Construction, in my opinion, should begin as soon as possible.
Our father put you in charge of this. Do what you will.
It is my opinion that we should become a naval power. Air and land do not make much sense, considering the location of our nation.
You request a naval yard?
That would be helpful. Also, Thomas will have to provide me with the blueprints for naval vessels, and search them for good designs, and see what marvelous things he can develop.
I can do that. But one thing I want is a university.
Speak to the Pentus Group [the construction company], they’ll build one for you.
With your blessing?
With my blessing.
*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*
Well, continue these discussions. It seems there is a public issue I must deal with. Somebody is corrupting values and I need to write a law.
How horrible!
[EXIT Athanasius.]
I probably ought to get going, too. The terraforming of the island cannot wait, even on a day of mourning. And then I have to survey for more natural resources…I saw something that looked like titanium. And then there’s a city to build and all sorts of things like that.
Have fun…I know I wouldn’t. I’m going to go study some technological papers.
[EXIT Timotheus and Thomas.]
You all forgot one thing. The downfall of those that were once, and still are, our enemies. Beware…your days are numbered. You cannot escape us now.
[OOC...comments WOULD be appreciated :rolleyes: ]
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 2/7/11 A.NS 18.56
The snow raged around the mountain peak at the center of Xrypti. It had been dubbed Timotheus Peak after the late Emperor. Below, the lights of the capital city of Mocaireus shone out with all their glory, the Palace gleaming like a diamond held up to the sun. It was up here that Thomas, third son of Timotheus XXVII and brother of Athanasius VI, sat within the National Observatory, goggles securely around his eyes, gloves around his nimble fingers, and brow furrowed in intense concentration.
The Mocaireus Institute had been dedicated on the first of the year, but Thomas had found it increasingly not to his liking for his many biology and chemistry experiments. It was too noisy, and too many people visited. He preferred his private room here on the third floor of the observatory, where there were only ten people working, and nobody was likely to find him. Now, insert Specimen C, and soak the seed in the brine, and…
So much for nobody finding him… “Yes, what is it?”
Somewhat taken aback at the sharp reply, the aide replied, “Sir, dinner is ready, sir.”
“Ohhhh.” Thomas enjoyed his meals, perhaps more than the average person ought to. He was the largest of the brothers. “I’ll be right down.”
The aide went off to get the wine, and Thomas said to himself, “Now, that seed was supposed to soak for five minutes…and dinner will take at least an hour. And I don’t want to take it out now…I’ll just extend the experiment a bit, and soak it for as long as dinner takes.” Pressing a button to make a timer go on after the five minutes were up, he went down the staircase to the dinner hall.
This was no cafeteria; of the ten workers at the observatory, one made dinner for all of them. Marcus was a good cook, and perhaps all of the workers now enjoyed their dinners a little bit too much; but Thomas especially did.
“Nice storm we’re having.” It was one of the telescope operators.
“Yes, quite a nice storm; most of the sky is obscured.” It was the other one.
Marcus came in, deftly balancing the chicken in one hand and the salad in the other. Behind him came another worker, carrying the rest of the food. The steaming platters were placed on the table and Thomas said grace.
We need not describe the dinner as it might make the reader hungry. But as it drew to a close, three tones sounded – the doorbell. Someone was quickly dispatched to answer it. In a minute he returned – it was a messenger from the Emperor. Thomas was needed at the palace. “And he says also, turn your communicator on!”
Sighing, Thomas made his way to the transporter tube and pushed the P button. Within minutes he was in the Palace of the Emperor, and being directed towards the meeting room.
The situation was thus. A patient lay sick at the Arrow Hospital downtown. She was suffering of cancer and would die soon. She and her family requested a law that would legalize euthanasia.
“Euthanasia!” Constantius sputtered. “Our forefathers always rejected that! Why is it coming up again?”
“The ungodly never stop. I though we had eradicated them all before.” Timotheus answered.
After some hours of discussion and poring over the Scriptures, it was resolved to pass a law forbidding euthanasia, with backup from the Bible while deporting the family of this woman to somewhere else.
As Thomas made his way back to the observatory, he suddenly thought of the seed. It hadn’t been an hour – it had been four! “Wonder what happened to it.”
He climbed the stairs to the laboratory two at a time, and entered just as the clock was hitting 4.10. He quickly pulled on his goggles and gloves and pulled the tulip seed out of the brine.
Huh, he muttered. Thomas carried it downstairs and outside. Marcus was there. “Sir, what are you doing?”
“I genetically modified this seed so that it resists cold and can grow in the volcanic rock. But I soaked it too long in the brine. I wonder what happened…”
Thomas dug a small hole in the rocks, and tossed the seed in. He shoveled rock over it. Nothing happened.
Hmm, interesting, he muttered. Then he picked up a handful of snow and tossed it on the spot. Nothing happened. Thomas bent over, and stared at the place where he had planted the seed. “Well,” he called out to Marcus, “I guess we leave this here over the spring and see what – OOF!!!”
For the flower burst out of the soil with a speed never seen before. Like the ancient fable about Paul Bunyan’s cornstalk, it rose with tachyon rapidity and lightning growth, disappearing into the clouds above. The stem widened, and had it not been for memory, it would have been unable to discern from a tree. The flower, when opening, had hit Thomas full in the face, and he now staggered around with a bloody nose. Marcus, meanwhile, was edging away from the ever-widening trunk. “Sir!” he shouted. “Sir, if that doesn’t stop growing it will smash the Observatory!”
“I know, I know!” shouted Thomas angrily. “But there’s nothing exactly that we could do about it!”
A root suddenly protruded from the rocks below and wiggled wildly for a few seconds, then was still. The stalk, noted Thomas’s mathematical mind, was slowing its growth at an exponential rate. Within 15 minutes it was at a halt. Less than ten feet remained between it and the observatory. The storm still raged with all its fury, but something was missing.
Thomas suddenly realized that the nipping cold was no longer present. He felt as warm as he would inside the Observatory. Quickly stepping forward, he brushed the tulip stem with the back of his hand. It was hot to the touch. What next, he thought? This flower is radiating heat, of all things. And it’s changing the snow into rain, at least for 30 feet next to it.
Thomas grabbed the binoculars from his pocket and pointed them up at the sky. It looked…blue? I thought this was a snowy night?
“Oh well, tomorrow is forecasted to be clear. We can see what happened then. I just shudder to think what might have happened had we soaked it overnight.”
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 2/8/11 A.NS 5.08
Thomas always awoke meticulously at 5.30. It had gotten so that he did not need an alarm clock anymore. Thus, when he awoke, he automatically assumed it was 5.30. He dressed and went outside to see what had happened the night before. Hurrying down the stairs in his excitement, he tripped on the third from the bottom and hit his nose on the floor.
“Botheration and a half! It’s bleeding again!”
“Yes it’s me, are you up Marcus?”
“Sir, it’s bad enough you wake us up at 5.30 regularly with your antics, but this is 15 minutes early!”
Fifteen minutes early?
He took a quick glance at his watch. The chap was right! It was 5.15!
“How’d that happen? I never get up early! This is the first time I’ve been off schedule for eight years!”
“Don’t ask me sir, just keep it down, OK?”
“You don’t want to see what happened with the flower?”
“The flowe – oh! Yes sir, I’ll be right up sir.
“You don’t have to overdo the ‘sir’ Marcus.”
“Yes sir!”
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 2/8/11 A.NS 5.21
It was a clear, crisp day. The last pink rays of dawn were disappearing from over the ocean. Thomas again took out his binoculars.
“What is it sir?” Marcus immediately took out his binoculars. “Wow!”
“I see, sir!”
“And it’s glowing!”
“I know, sir, just as if it were – ”
Marcus stopped in his tracks, as it were.
“Just as if it were radioactive!” Thomas finished for him. “Marcus, run in and get my Geiger counter!”
“Yes, sir!”
Within thirty seconds Marcus was thrusting it into his hand. It was chirping madly.
Thomas slowly approached. The chirps intensified. He walked up to the immense tulip, and touched it to the stalk.
“Good,” Thomas said. “It’s not so radioactive as to be dangerous. Marcus, do you – ”
*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*
“Ay, my communicator. This is why I like it off. Never a quiet moment!”
It was John Nilsui, director of the Institute. “Sir, there’s this immense tulip up there on the mountain, are you safe?”
“As you can see, John, I am perfectly fine.”
“Good. I think we have some faulty equipment, though.”
“Yes, all our Geiger counters are going off. Not too much, but from everywhere in the building we get a little pickup.”
“Nothing to worry about, John, I’ll fill you in later. So how’s – ”
John flashed out of the communicator and Athanasius flashed in. “Thomas! I have excellent news! We don’t have to deport Miss Tialigny’s family anymore!”
“We don’t?”
“No! The cancer mysteriously disappeared! Overnight!”
“Incredible!” Then Thomas’s eyes bugged. “Athanasius! I bet it has something to do with this radioactive flower we have here!”
“Radioac – Thomas, what are you talking about?”
“Look out your window! Can’t say more right now! I GOT to get a closer look at this!”
Thomas quickly pushed the OFF button on his communicator before his brother could say anything more. “Marcus! You have the helicopter here?”
“Yes sir, I d – you mean you want to take a look at it, close up?”
“Yes I do, Marcus, let’s go!”
“But sir, it could be dangerous!”
“I don’t care, let’s go!”
“But sir, you’ll miss breakfast!”
“No buts! Let’s go! That’s an order!”
“Yes, sir!” Marcus answered with a frightened expression on his face. That was the first time in his life Thomas had considered something more important than a meal.
16.95 S., 113.24 W. 2/8/11 A.NS 5.48
Ten minutes later they were high aloft in the helicopter, specially outfitted with all sorts of Thomas’s technological gizmos. The flower rose high into the air, almost as high as the mountain itself. The early morning sun reflected off of its blue surface brilliantly.
To cure cancer – that was incredible, though Thomas! Timotheus probably has all sorts of plans already for a tourist business. Wait, Timotheus doesn’t get up until 8.00. So much for the peace and quiet. I guess we could move the observatory to the other side of the mountain. It’s not as if the flower will help the view of the sky any.
Thus was created Xrypti’s most famous landmark, Thomas’s Great Flower. From all around the world people swarmed to get near it’s healing rays, which were later found out to be derived from a new element created in the seed, with atomic number 209. A great start for a country!