Tiberon Welcoming Gala
The music flows effortlessly from the instruments to the front of the Gold-silk covered room. The room is filled with Random nobles from Tiberon, all dressed in their newest and Finest. There is a dance floor in the half closer to the orchestra, and a long table at the other half. Her Majesty, Queen Rebecca Sits at the head of the table awaiting her Date to return with her punch. She is dressed In a long red & black gown, bordered with silver silk. her long brunette hair is wound up the back of her head in a french tiwst, and 4 or 5 silver necklaces hang at different lengths on her neck. she rests her forearms on the edge of the oak table and glances around with a slight smirk on her face, watching the festivities of her friends, & Neighbors.
The Resurgent Dream
09-12-2004, 08:16
Frederick returns, handing Rebecca her punch. "It does look like everyone is having a lovely time, Your Majesty."
Rebecca Smiles softly, and nods, offering him a chair at her right. " It does seem that way, doesn;t it?"
The Resurgent Dream
09-12-2004, 21:32
Frederick sits with simple grace. "Quite. I was thinking it might be wise for Tiberon to exchange embassies with Bilbtoria. There is a chance our kingdoms will be getting much closer and...even if not...relations never hurt anyone."
A slight smile touches his lips as he ponders. "I would like you to meet Agwene, after the war, of course. I'm certain she'll like you. The entire empire should be in a rather jubiliant mood in any event, having gained victory over Aoibhell and her dark armies."
With a light sip of his punch, Frederick turns, examining each of the dancers in turn. "Perhaps, once more into the breech...?"
nods in Agreement " I think the trading of Embassies would be a excellent Idea... I'd love to meet Agwene afterthe war..." sips her punch delicately.
The Resurgent Dream
10-12-2004, 01:33
Frderick nods. "I'm glad. I do believe you would like her. She is not that much older than you, at least not in apparent age. In reality, of course..." He allows himself to trail off, shrugging oh so faintly. "I do believe she will be...accepting."