08-12-2004, 06:23
The Storn Archipelago is an island cluster located to the west of the European mainland, south-east of Greenland and south-south-east of the Excalbian Isles. The area is fertile, and mineral rich, with the largest island, West Storn, located in the far west of the chain. The rest of the chain runs north-west to south-east, with the tip being anchored by a ridge of uplifted basalt. Several major fishing grounds provide extensive yields, and recently discovered oilfields in close proximity to South Storn raise the potential for extensive exploitation and development in that field.
The region’s combination of fertility and mineral wealth has lead to very large populations, and that in turn has lead to conditions exceptionally conducive to economic development, with primary, then secondary industry developing to very quickly. Coupled with the predominantly pro-market policies of regional authorities, the area has come to enjoy very high and sustained levels of economic growth. This has developed an environment in which business and economics plays a very key role in government direction.
But it goes further than that and the Storn Archipelago features a very unique state, where corporations actually form the government, rather than simply influence it. This "stockholder democracy" is notable for the way in which corporations directly control large areas within North Storn in what amount, essentially, to independent territories within that states. And not simply economically, but socially, culturally and militarily. Law and order is provided by private security firms which are, in turn, owned by the corporations which control the region in which those security firms hold jurisdiction. Foreign investment and import is strictly controlled, with the enormous V-MilTech conglomerate being the only foreign corporate body with any substantial stock interest in North Storn, and even then only by virtue of its being able to blast aside all established trade barriers with weight of currency. V-MilTech is also, currently, the only foreign entity in control of areas within the stockholder democracies. Other notable corporations in North Storn include Zantiu, an investment and manufacturing firm, Genomix, which specialises in medical and genetic research, Datadyne, North Storn’s largest info-tech company, and Ur-Allon, the corporation that reaps the rewards of North Storn’s extensive uranium deposits. These corporate quasi-states are frequently in financial, and sometimes physical conflict, over disputes at the periphery of their areas of primary commercial interest, such as banking, stock options, consumer goods and retail. Covert warfare, “innovative counter-competitive policies” and price wars are commonplace. Indeed, hostile take-overs in North Storn are about as hostile as is likely to be seen.
In the areas of North Storn outside direct corporate management, the veneer of civilisation falls away rapidly, with life expectancy falling by 30 years. This is due to a combination of abysmal hygiene, complete lack of services in any shape or form, soaring crime rates and a total absence of social order. Overcrowding in these parts of the country is a serious problem. These are also, perhaps predictably, the parts of the country where the major corporations obtain the majority of their labour force.
The Storn Archipelago also includes two far more politically centrist states. First amongst them is the Principality of Erukush. The Principality is notable for being the sole hereditary monarchy in the archipelago, and is, paradoxically, the most socially minded state in the region. Erukush has a justified reputation for social equality, and this has generated more than a little hostility with its neighbours, who view the Principality’s willingness to regulate business with a great deal of suspicion. If it weren’t for the highly factionalised nature of the region’s politics, the chances of that friction developing into actual conflict would be quite high. Nonetheless, the Principality manages to maintain a decently sized economy, and maintains a fair and balanced judiciary, fairly middle of the road foreign policy, and trends towards toleration in its citizens’ domestic lives. Travel restrictions in place make entry to and from the Principality a little harder than the average. The Erukushi intelligence network is the most extensive in the region, and its influence, coupled with the sometimes machiavellian outlook of the Erukushi authorities, has gone a long way towards maintaining peace in the region, particularly when it comes to curbing North Storn based corporate ambition and Lyran militarism. Erukush features a unicameral parliament, presided over by a theoretically unrestricted monarch.
The Varessan Commonwealth is the second centrist state of the archipelago, and is far and away the largest state in the region. Varessa is, in addition to being the largest state geographically, also the engine of economic growth, with its multi-billion strong population being by far the most lucrative market available for most forms of consumer goods. Varessa traditionally is internationally neutral, and domestically laissez faire, which creates an environment which is very appealing to investment. When the size of the domestic market, and strong, stable central government are factored into the equation, the dominance of the Varessan economy becomes easy to understand. The Commonwealth’s enormous annual budget is focussed primarily on defence, and, when coupled with the private sector’s world-benchmark information technology and software networking, the Varessan military is one of the very few militaries on the world that is able to pay a very large portion of its own bills. When the production costs are poured back into the community, by way of the extensive Varessan domestic military-industrial complex, the net cost to the Varessan economy is, in actuality, very small. Varessan military technology is world leading, and the profits generated by V-MilTech, in its capacity as the corporate arm of the Varessan Defence Force, could, and sometimes does, purchase small countries outright. Varessa’s Head of State, the Chancellor, is also the Head of Government, and leads the government by way of non-individualist, party-based preferential election, with the government itself established in the lower house of a bicameral legislature.
The last nation of the Storn Archipelago is another unique entity. The Protectorate of Lyras could, quite feasibly, be mistakenly termed a highly militarised state. That would be incorrect as Lyras is not so much a state with a military, but rather military that owns a state. The Protectorate utilises universal, 100% conscription, with its entire economy and infrastructure geared towards maximising military strength. Non-combatant roles that do not, directly or otherwise, service the military are not permitted. Military units perform traditionally “civilian” roles, such as food production.
Training is begun from the moment an infant is born, which occurs, in and of itself, to an approximate schedule. Women are provided contraceptives, and are directed to use them, save when a cohort is ordered to reproduce. The resulting clutch of children is the nucleus of another training unit, which is a common long-term means of increasing the establishment strength of the Protectorate. Those born with incapacitating birth defects are either sold overseas, or utilised for medical research.
Preventative medicine, notably immunisations, and disease treatment are not part of the Lyran medical system, although that service is permitted for foreign dignitaries. Most of them, however, prefer to use the facilities within their embassies. Injuries and infection are treated as per international norms, but the health system is designed to foster the gradual strengthening of the Lyran gene-pool.
The government raises all children with the educational end-state being the most effective soldier or officer possible for the service branch they are selected to go to at the completion of their training. Principles of honour, duty and sacrifice for the Protectorate are inculcated as a matter of course. Training in minor infantry tactics is standard, compulsory, and is regularly reviewed and/or revised. Weapons and ammunition are standard issue to Lyran citizenry.
Disputes between parties that are not resolved amiably can be, and usually are, resolved through trial by combat. Fatalities are common, and accepted. If the person is not willing to put their life on the line to resolve the dispute, then they obviously don’t feel strongly enough about it, and their opponent, who obviously does, is entitled to it simply because of the strength of his determination. Lyras’ people are barcoded, and the legal system is swift, and (brutally) efficient. The right to privacy is not considered. Personal property is a tenuous proposition, and granted solely as a reward for service to the Protectorate.
Every man woman and child is placed somewhere on the very unusual Lyran rank system, the lowest rank, tellingly, being “Noncombatant”. No differentiation is made on the basis of sex, sexual preference or race. Lyras is perhaps the most brutally direct example of a Darwinian meritocracy seen. Nevertheless, the work ethic of the populace, inculcated as it is, high mineral wealth and very strong central government ensures that Lyras is seen as a superb marketplace for any given product that can actually fight its way into the state, and Lyran government contracts are immensely sought after. The Protectorate’s highest level of government is the “Executive Command Staff”, and is made up of the 9 senior figures of the Lyran state, including the holder of Lyras’ most senior office, Warmarshal of the Protectorate.
Any IC or OOC comments are welcome. Posted with the permission of all of the above nations.
The region’s combination of fertility and mineral wealth has lead to very large populations, and that in turn has lead to conditions exceptionally conducive to economic development, with primary, then secondary industry developing to very quickly. Coupled with the predominantly pro-market policies of regional authorities, the area has come to enjoy very high and sustained levels of economic growth. This has developed an environment in which business and economics plays a very key role in government direction.
But it goes further than that and the Storn Archipelago features a very unique state, where corporations actually form the government, rather than simply influence it. This "stockholder democracy" is notable for the way in which corporations directly control large areas within North Storn in what amount, essentially, to independent territories within that states. And not simply economically, but socially, culturally and militarily. Law and order is provided by private security firms which are, in turn, owned by the corporations which control the region in which those security firms hold jurisdiction. Foreign investment and import is strictly controlled, with the enormous V-MilTech conglomerate being the only foreign corporate body with any substantial stock interest in North Storn, and even then only by virtue of its being able to blast aside all established trade barriers with weight of currency. V-MilTech is also, currently, the only foreign entity in control of areas within the stockholder democracies. Other notable corporations in North Storn include Zantiu, an investment and manufacturing firm, Genomix, which specialises in medical and genetic research, Datadyne, North Storn’s largest info-tech company, and Ur-Allon, the corporation that reaps the rewards of North Storn’s extensive uranium deposits. These corporate quasi-states are frequently in financial, and sometimes physical conflict, over disputes at the periphery of their areas of primary commercial interest, such as banking, stock options, consumer goods and retail. Covert warfare, “innovative counter-competitive policies” and price wars are commonplace. Indeed, hostile take-overs in North Storn are about as hostile as is likely to be seen.
In the areas of North Storn outside direct corporate management, the veneer of civilisation falls away rapidly, with life expectancy falling by 30 years. This is due to a combination of abysmal hygiene, complete lack of services in any shape or form, soaring crime rates and a total absence of social order. Overcrowding in these parts of the country is a serious problem. These are also, perhaps predictably, the parts of the country where the major corporations obtain the majority of their labour force.
The Storn Archipelago also includes two far more politically centrist states. First amongst them is the Principality of Erukush. The Principality is notable for being the sole hereditary monarchy in the archipelago, and is, paradoxically, the most socially minded state in the region. Erukush has a justified reputation for social equality, and this has generated more than a little hostility with its neighbours, who view the Principality’s willingness to regulate business with a great deal of suspicion. If it weren’t for the highly factionalised nature of the region’s politics, the chances of that friction developing into actual conflict would be quite high. Nonetheless, the Principality manages to maintain a decently sized economy, and maintains a fair and balanced judiciary, fairly middle of the road foreign policy, and trends towards toleration in its citizens’ domestic lives. Travel restrictions in place make entry to and from the Principality a little harder than the average. The Erukushi intelligence network is the most extensive in the region, and its influence, coupled with the sometimes machiavellian outlook of the Erukushi authorities, has gone a long way towards maintaining peace in the region, particularly when it comes to curbing North Storn based corporate ambition and Lyran militarism. Erukush features a unicameral parliament, presided over by a theoretically unrestricted monarch.
The Varessan Commonwealth is the second centrist state of the archipelago, and is far and away the largest state in the region. Varessa is, in addition to being the largest state geographically, also the engine of economic growth, with its multi-billion strong population being by far the most lucrative market available for most forms of consumer goods. Varessa traditionally is internationally neutral, and domestically laissez faire, which creates an environment which is very appealing to investment. When the size of the domestic market, and strong, stable central government are factored into the equation, the dominance of the Varessan economy becomes easy to understand. The Commonwealth’s enormous annual budget is focussed primarily on defence, and, when coupled with the private sector’s world-benchmark information technology and software networking, the Varessan military is one of the very few militaries on the world that is able to pay a very large portion of its own bills. When the production costs are poured back into the community, by way of the extensive Varessan domestic military-industrial complex, the net cost to the Varessan economy is, in actuality, very small. Varessan military technology is world leading, and the profits generated by V-MilTech, in its capacity as the corporate arm of the Varessan Defence Force, could, and sometimes does, purchase small countries outright. Varessa’s Head of State, the Chancellor, is also the Head of Government, and leads the government by way of non-individualist, party-based preferential election, with the government itself established in the lower house of a bicameral legislature.
The last nation of the Storn Archipelago is another unique entity. The Protectorate of Lyras could, quite feasibly, be mistakenly termed a highly militarised state. That would be incorrect as Lyras is not so much a state with a military, but rather military that owns a state. The Protectorate utilises universal, 100% conscription, with its entire economy and infrastructure geared towards maximising military strength. Non-combatant roles that do not, directly or otherwise, service the military are not permitted. Military units perform traditionally “civilian” roles, such as food production.
Training is begun from the moment an infant is born, which occurs, in and of itself, to an approximate schedule. Women are provided contraceptives, and are directed to use them, save when a cohort is ordered to reproduce. The resulting clutch of children is the nucleus of another training unit, which is a common long-term means of increasing the establishment strength of the Protectorate. Those born with incapacitating birth defects are either sold overseas, or utilised for medical research.
Preventative medicine, notably immunisations, and disease treatment are not part of the Lyran medical system, although that service is permitted for foreign dignitaries. Most of them, however, prefer to use the facilities within their embassies. Injuries and infection are treated as per international norms, but the health system is designed to foster the gradual strengthening of the Lyran gene-pool.
The government raises all children with the educational end-state being the most effective soldier or officer possible for the service branch they are selected to go to at the completion of their training. Principles of honour, duty and sacrifice for the Protectorate are inculcated as a matter of course. Training in minor infantry tactics is standard, compulsory, and is regularly reviewed and/or revised. Weapons and ammunition are standard issue to Lyran citizenry.
Disputes between parties that are not resolved amiably can be, and usually are, resolved through trial by combat. Fatalities are common, and accepted. If the person is not willing to put their life on the line to resolve the dispute, then they obviously don’t feel strongly enough about it, and their opponent, who obviously does, is entitled to it simply because of the strength of his determination. Lyras’ people are barcoded, and the legal system is swift, and (brutally) efficient. The right to privacy is not considered. Personal property is a tenuous proposition, and granted solely as a reward for service to the Protectorate.
Every man woman and child is placed somewhere on the very unusual Lyran rank system, the lowest rank, tellingly, being “Noncombatant”. No differentiation is made on the basis of sex, sexual preference or race. Lyras is perhaps the most brutally direct example of a Darwinian meritocracy seen. Nevertheless, the work ethic of the populace, inculcated as it is, high mineral wealth and very strong central government ensures that Lyras is seen as a superb marketplace for any given product that can actually fight its way into the state, and Lyran government contracts are immensely sought after. The Protectorate’s highest level of government is the “Executive Command Staff”, and is made up of the 9 senior figures of the Lyran state, including the holder of Lyras’ most senior office, Warmarshal of the Protectorate.
Any IC or OOC comments are welcome. Posted with the permission of all of the above nations.