NationStates Jolt Archive

Mercury and Erosion of Order

Seraphim Military
07-12-2004, 03:38
He drew himself up - in power, in place, secure, though he was not.

From his chair he commanded the full armed forces of the Joint Interplanetary Legions, (minus a battlesquadron or two ( The punches of buttons had long passed into dim archaic memory. His will alone compelled the execution of his orders. Policy was formed in his powerful mind, and flowed downward to the tens of millions under his command. His body was the JIL, and he could have chosen to feel, with sensations akin to pain, the recent loss of assets in the Fourth Imperium ambush - had he desired it.

But the High Imperator had known it was coming, and had prepared himself for it, not a lot of effort but an inkling, and so he sensed the occurance, and knew it for what it was, but felt no pain or sorrow or sense of loss. It had been necessary, as a maneuver to gain him the credibility of accident, the forced sense of helplessness which would drive men, compell them, to follow his leadership.

So too, he had known of the Fourth Imperium - more than anyone could have suspected. Through them he had gained power; as a potential with high intelligence and intuition, they had approached him with the usual deal - serve them, or be eliminated. On that day, so far ago in his youth that he could no longer imagine the ordinary man he had been up til then, he had accepted. On that day, when the Order itself had not been so much as a dream in the eyes of those who ruled the mighty nations of Earth, he had been invested into a purpose, a higher calling. Somehow, they had known, and had prepared him to rise, to succeed, and forge a new future from this purpose.

That future was now.

The worlds of Steel Butterfly were embroiled in civil conflict, and aloof from issues of the Sol sector. Clairmont, the Fourth Imperium's desired target, was now without help or hope. Mallberta had dissolved, Eizen had withdrawn, and Santa Barbara was torn apart with civil wars of it's own. One by one the nations of the Order seemed to fade - but not before the tax collectors had made their rounds.

Over the years, the CSF budget had waxed and waned, but through it all, a small percentage - a tiny fraction of the vast sums of resources poured into what was ostensibly the common defense of all - was allotted to the future.

And now the mighty machines of war could sustain themselves without the Order nation's continued resources. With the loss of hundreds of ships and thousands of fighters among the still-rich mineral resources of the asteroid belt, a further burden was released. The might of the JIL had never yet been extended for defense of any nation, but rather for the self preservation that only a single, unified organism can possess.

He had played the part of the pawn of Das Sketch and the Seraphim Order, as soldier boy to act after their tedious sermonizing. He had played the role of agent of the Fourth Imperium, to aid them through inaction in their foolish vengence mission. Both roles he had played successfully and well, and so too it would have to be with his next, and last.

As the ships of the Joint Interplanetary Legions - vast in number and sheer in size - gathered, a new, sovereign power arose in the Sol System. The High Imperator of Mercury would now obey no other authority.

[OOC: No blaring trumpeting announcements, no declarations of independence. However the JIL has effectively been severed from the command chain of the Order's bureacracy, with many of the CSF bureas (intelligence, resources, etc) following suit. I haven't portrayed it, but you can be sure there's a high-powered internal marketing/propaganda/purging effort going on within the JIL ranks. Ground forces are heading for transports, it appears the entire JIL is in the process of packing up all Earth and CSF assets and heading for Mercury.]
The Caloris Basin
07-12-2004, 08:47
Ruth noticed the ships first, of course, but she quickly relayed the information to Elijah. He was more than a little concerned about the military buildup on his front stoop, but as long as they didn't interfere with his trade or other buisiness, he didn't have much room to complain, he supposed.

Still... quite worrysome.
07-12-2004, 10:23
*Tagged* It will be interesting to see where this off-shoot goes.
07-12-2004, 16:46
Back on Sketch Prime [Europa], the intelligence agencies were in an uproar. Not only had they not anticipated something like this happening, they had no assests in place to deal with it. Intelligence officers scrambled, agency directors fretted, field operatives ordered to do shakedowns. There wasn't even an attempt to conceal the internal crisis, there was no time for that. Everyone was doing everything they could do in anticipation for the inevitable purges that were to follow. Heads were going to roll, and lots of them.

The military wasn't much better off either. As the strong arm of Sketchian policy, it was their job to counter this kind of threat. The threat of the combined rougue military might of several nations. The current JIL assests easily outnumbered those of Sketch ten to one, and there was no telling how deep the treachery ran. While the military high command was sure that the Sketchian troops would resist the mutiny, there was no guarantee that a difference could be made. If a coup could be executed this smoothly and quickly, without signs, who knows how far the high imperator's influence reached.


In her audience chamber, Lady Jagara calmly attended her bonzai tree. Before her stood a lone man, one who's future was clouded at best.

Would you care to eplain this to me director Law? I am most interested to know how and why this has happened.

Director Law, overseer of the many intellignece agencies in Sketch wrung his hands nervously. There wasn't many things that could make an intelligence director nervous, but a personal audience with a very angry and upset Das Sketch was most definitely one of them.

M m m'lady, it appears that the high imperator from Santa Barbara has decided to mutiny and claim the Order military assests as his own. He is currently fortifying his position at Mecury.....

I already know that director Law. If I wanted a military update, I would ask the defense minister or one of my generals. I want to know why we have not forseen this.

W w we did not anticipate the likelyhood of a betrayal on such a scale. The high imperator had already been cleared by several agencies including those of the Order, Steel Butterfly and Santa Bar.....


Oh dear, did you see what you made me do?

M m'lady?

Do you have any idea how long it takes to grow a bud on these plants? Much less a branch. They take forever to cultivate. One wrong move and you'll spend years fixing it. Your services are no longer needed Mr. Law.


Rose, dispose of the trash.

But m'la *urk*

The protestations of the ex director of intelligence were cut short as Rose surgically slid a stiletto blade between his thrid and fourth vertebrea, cleanly severing his spinal cord. His body slumped instantly, and the wound, so small to begin with, was virtually bloodless. In a show of strength that belied her demure appearance, Rose quietly removed the body from the room.

With almost a look of regret or sadness, Lady Jagara took one last look at her bonzai. Years.....


Tell me, is it ready?

King Solomon is still under construction, but they rest of his demons await your bidding m'lady.

Good, have the fleet readied. I want them brought to the edge of the system. We'll not show our hand yet. I want to see what this high imperator thinks to accomplish.

As you wish m'lady.


Hours later, on the edge of the Sol sytem, a mere FTL jump away from Mercury, dozens ( of ships began emerging from hyperspace. Carefully hidden from prying eyes up until this point, the ships representing a whole new level of Sketchian military might. Designed specifically for the task of destroying fleets, the ships were slick and efficient; sparing no room for useless items such as ground assualt units. Bristling with weapons, the vessels sported massive mass driver cannons whose performance had been tested ( earlier on Sketchian holdings at Mercury.
Seraphim Military
08-12-2004, 02:34
The military had been fashioned after the constituent paradigms of the Order nations; especially the technologies and tactics used by Sketch, Mallberta, Steel Butterfly, Santa Barbara and Clairmont. Indeed, it was staffed by the men of those countries who had volunteered or otherwise found themselves in military service.

The Order had not grown so long that a new culture could form, and so the CSF leadership tended to simply segregate the troops and officers of the JIL by their background. They wore the same uniform, obeyed the same drill and trained together, but during lunch and in the hours before 0600, they clumped together according to the well documented roles of human society. Native language, common ancestry, similar political views were the glue that bound units.

The CSF, as a whole, was a massive military institution with stunning levels of bureacracy. The JIL alone was a body of over 87 million individuals. There was only one High Imperator - or, as was commonly believed, zero High Imperators (for the name and character was said to be a fiction) - but there were 32,383 Imperators.

These were the equivalent of Generals, but only a rare few had any sort of combat command duties. Some were appointed to desk jobs; the necessary component of any military and especially this one, handling untold terabytes of information and paperwork each day. Some were appointed for reasons of political necessity; no Order nation, it turned out, wanted to be 'mis-represented,' even in a strictly nonrepresentational international military body. Some merely filled up space; a nameless officer of a largely nameless organization.

Beneath the rank of Imperator, there were still a quarter of a million whose ranks prevented them from tactical responsibilities. Although names were sometimes heard from these ranks - recently, the name of Core Commander Broadstreet, for example - most were anonymous.

And then the men. In the whole CSF, hundreds of millions - not counting the nationals, the ones whose flags showed the home country, who sullenly watched as the JIL lead the entire military in glorious independence.

Some were instantly woo'd by the intense, precisely-targeted ad blitz. Purchasing power reigned supreme. No other military pay could hope to equal their own. Loyalty was the way of riches and success; disloyalty was returning home, a cut in pay at best - death at the worst. Others were motivated by the propaganda, in various forms, and instilled successfully with feelings of love for and obedience to the JIL, the High Imperator, or their immediate companions and officers.

Others weren't convinced, and would have to be dealt with. Two battlesquadrons of powerful opponents had been eliminated already, by the Fourth Imperium directly. Many more awaited. Mercury was to be the Trial.

The battles were not fought in space, though. Not the true battles. It would start in the CSF command centers, the mixed national/JIL operations networks where the High Imperator's command was only nominal at best, where key points of the upcoming campaigns would be decided. The battle for hearts and minds was of utmost importance, and it had begun long before the High Imperator had begun to - enact the mission - execute his Purpose.

The High Imperator considered. The Sketchian forces were arriving; that was to be expected. But would they attack? Probabilities shot across his mind. In the end, probabilities didn't matter - as the old saying went, something will either happen or it won't. One must be prepared for anything - the High Imperator, coldly grinning, considered that he had.

The Fourth Imperium was coming, and it would deflect his former allies long enough to establish his Purpose. By then, the hearts and minds of lesser mortals would cease to have importance.
08-12-2004, 03:06
[tag-I hate to do it, but I don't want to miss this]
Santa Barbara
08-12-2004, 03:07
Another day. Another military rebellion.

Marcos Fernando shook his head, frustrated. Things had gotten rather bad, in a startingly short amount of time. It was as if the only way for the world to go to hell during Abadas's reign was slowly, so slowly and subtle that Marcos Fernando could only just get a handle on things before replacing the former President.

And now, in his shoes, the world crumbled - all too fast for him to prevent. He had inherited a disintegrating empire. First Noachia, Buelo; and then the commander of the Mars Fleet, Vojska. Both had gone rogue, and the situation had allowed tyranids - Marcos Fernando knew of the name, since he'd studied the histories of nations who'd encountered them - to invade Mars. By the time Buelo had issued a surrender - and a loyal Internal Intelligence Agent had retaken command of the Mars Fleet and re-established communications - it was too late. Noachia, with it's millions of Santa Barbarans, was almost wholly lost.

The only defense against the alien menace was elimination from orbit, he was certain. He was also certain the Mars Fleet could accomplish it - it was a major function of the ITDO policy, after all.

If only troubles came not in battalions, but singly.

Marcos Fernando, acting President of the Corporate Federal Republic of Santa Barbara, had recently received the news. The entire JIL, it seemed, had rebelled. Clairmont was being invaded by another invading alien force, and would surely fall. Santa Barbara itself was under threat, and with previously loyal allies now turned against one another, it was time to re-shift the policy of the nation.

First, there was the Order. He would withdraw at once. He had considered the High Imperator - what was his name again? - to be loyal, but, in retrospect, he realized that such measures would have been impossible. To ask a single man to remain true to vague internationalist idealogies, and give him such power as to control the solar system with -

He shook his head. Maybe withdrawing wouldn't be a good idea. He needed to reaffirm that this wasn't his betrayal, that he too was betrayed. The nation was in danger because of it.


He could glass the surface - but then what? With the tyranid infestation destroyed or nearly so, the other nations of Mars would finally grab the territory. There was no one left to defend it on the surface; the miles of trenches and fortifications, the weapons installations, the bases - all ruined, or would be after the kind of bombardment necessary.

Worse, the Mars Fleet would then be out of munitions. They were JIL warships themselves; the best ships in the entire ITDO, easily capable of taking on all the others. That power was now sorely needed for defense of the homeland, and defense of Santa Barbara's allies. The support mechanism for re-arming the entire fleet might not be existant a few days hence.

Sadly, as he flipped through the report screens concerning his inherited empire, he realized that the CoFedCo might not, either.

He made a call to the ITDO command - Santa Barbara was abandoning Mars.
08-12-2004, 03:53
Somewhere in Vrak…

Translated from Vrakian.

-The forces in New Shiron are positioning themselves to augment the natives in a second line. Early reports indicate that….

Breep! Breep! Breep!

-Now what?

The ultra secure channel linking the Vrak Military High Command with the Order of the Seraphim spewed out a message. The High General looked at it and went white.

-By Bok’s maw…

A flip of a switch and a nearby plasma screen was unveiled, displaying the message contents. The rest of the walruses froze. After a minute, someone coughed.

-We have been betrayed! The High Imperator!! Intelligence Director? What do you make of this?
-Hmmm, well. We didn’t plan on this. Mind you, we didn’t have much input on the structure of the JIL either. It’s quite a coincidence that Clairmont is being invaded and JIL forces have gone to Mercury.
-What of the SOE on Mercury?
-They are due to report in within an hour. Still, the SOE node here does have its own timetables and…
-Well, not anymore. Bring the SOE node in Vrak to heel…now. They are to fully comply with our directives. What are our options?
-Our resources are stretched. The theatre in Clairmont now looks more troubling than ever…considering that the JIL is effectively out of the picture. However, the New Shiron theatre is…well…going better than expected. It will be a slaughter, but early estimates believe that especially with LOW gravships that victory is possible.
-And what of this High Imperator?
-Frankly, there is nothing we can do. Vrak has always been lagging far behind other Order members in regards to technology.
-Hmmm. It seems that our long-range plans for the complete military overhaul just got shorter.
-What of our citizens currently on Mercury?
-Oh yes. Well, we don’t know their loyalties right now. If they decide to join this “Imperator” [the walrus spit on the floor] then they are not Vrakians.
-They may not have a choice either.
-True. To minimize this, Jump city traffic is to be halted immediately. Divert all Bolden traffic away from Mercury. As well, contact Das Sketch and find out what they are planning. I have to contact the King. This could very well push him over the edge.
-Does he need to know now?
-What makes you think he can’t find out? It is our duty, although I fear what he may do.
-Very well, we also need tactical data concerning Clairmont. There is also an option of bringing in other FKC states into the fray, providing that they are willing to commit themselves. It's not their fight so I don't know how it will go over. But, and this is another slight possibility, we could see if we can acquire some equipment from LOW, Midlonia, DGNT, Dukratus, and perhaps Auz. I believe those are the most advanced FKC states.
-Well, it's possible. But again, we are dealing with time here. It may not make much if any difference now. But in the future, yes. It will indeed.
Steel Butterfly
08-12-2004, 05:12
[OOC: For reference to the events that I speak of, please follow this link (]

Dave Bivens struggled with his tie. The battle raged far away and yet its proximity seemed much closer. He had lost a friend to time, a companion to life, and a few pounds from stress. Staring down upon the uneaten meal, a blinking red light caught his eye.

Touching his fingers together before him in mid air, he traced the shape of a box with his hands and nodded his head. In front of his eyes appeared a viewscreen as well as the message recieved. Pointing at it and touching the hologram, Bivens opened the report, a face showing up on the holographic screen.

His first reaction was disbelief. Quickly his mood shifted to anger...not a raging emotion but one from the realitization of stiff irony. This Order, the very alliance which attempted to support the corrupt, murderous government from which Bivens had rebelled against...was now facing a rebellion of their own.

Cursing his tie and throwing it aside, he sat down and poured himself a drink, pondering his reaction. After all, the Empire had pulled out all of its Seraphim Military Support when the war showed it wouldn't be easily won, so in reality Bivens had little to worry about. Neither men nor politics tied him to this Order, a crutch of the former regime.

No, he would not send a response. He was not about to get involved. He had a war that needed winning, a home that needed rebuilding, and a people that needed reuniting. Long ago the Empire formed a policy against the Sol system. Perhaps they did something right after all...
Dave Bivens
President/CEO of Bivens Co.
Former-Viceroy of the Planet Bivens
Acting Emperor of the Orion Sector
Steel Butterfly
08-12-2004, 05:52
Sejanus beconed the aid towards him with his eyes. The glare they emitted was one of arrogance, one of beauty, one of power. His associates would be arriving shortly and lo, wouldn't they be in for a surprise.

Time after time he still managed to amaze himself. Not only did he manage to rise to power just as his neighbor had fallen, collapsing upon itself, but now all former allies of that neighbor were thrown into chaos by a militant on a power trip. Vanity, he mused, reflecting upon himself as well as the High Imperator, was his favorite sin.

Yet this is the universe they lived in, he chuckled. You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God... and where can you go from there?

No, Sejanus thought to himself. It was better for those who were gods to be god, and those who were men to stay men. There would be failure involved in this conflict, there always was. Either the High Imperator would fail on his quest for power or the Order would fail on its mission of unity.

Now, as his aid stood before him, intoxicated by the look in his eyes, a look like none other, Lucius Castor Sejanus was content for the time being. The troubles were so far away...and he had enough of his start. He took the willing aid by the hand and led her to his bedroom. He did his best thinking on top, and as Praetor, he was on top of the world.
Lucius Castor Sejanus
Former Director of Intelligence
of the former Steel-Orion Empire
Current Praetor of Thrakkon,
A sovereign planet on the Orion border
08-12-2004, 07:35
[OOC: This is SB, tagging with el puppeto just in case it gets involved. Oh, and if you don't want the sigs or the pics, you could have just asked me to remove them.]
08-12-2004, 21:56
Robert Fyre read the accounts with a dangerous look in his eye. Only a few truly knew what that look meant, and it’s meaning scared them. It normally meant the Grand Overlord was angry, and wanted to spill blood.

“This is outrageous! We make our donations to supply the JIL, and these fools put it in the hands of a disloyal, treacherous betrayer?”

“No one saw this coming, Robert,” said Lara Topaine, head of the Cspallan Intelligence Service, “Us included. And we did background checks on the man, too. I don’t think anyone could have foreseen this.”

“Well that’s damned helpful now, isn’t it?” He fell back into his chair. This was very troubling. He knew well that the JIL could smash Cspalla and spit out the bones if it wanted. Cspallan defense depended often on sheer size: they held so much raw power, few nations had enough force to even consider an attack. But the JIL….the JIL could attack him. What’s more, Cspallan citizens served in it! Well, that would have to be addressed.

“I’m going to issue an order. Any Cspallan citizen aiding this upstart in any way will be charged with ultimate treason.” Ultimate was the highest in Cspalla’s degrees of treason, and the sentence was always death, normally in a very messy, painful, and public way.

Melissa Fyre, Chief Diplomatic Officer, nodded. “Good move. Any real effect it has aside, that’s a great public position to take: total intolerance.”

High General Tinmar Ko‘lan, commander of the military, was not so sure. “We may not want to make an enemy of this independent JIL, at least not yet. That kind of strength is nothing to play with.”

“I’m not to worried about that. I don’t see an offensive on Cspalla as very likely for them, and if they did we would know soon enough to call in some help,” said Lara Topaine, in an almost dismissive manner.

Robert was not as cavalier about it, but he did agree with her. “I’ll have the statement soon. Melissa, you will see to it that is it well distributed internationally. We won’t have anyone saying they didn’t receive it.

All Cspallan citizens serving in the Joint Interplanetary Legion, be advised: that force is considered by the Grand Dominion to have entered a state of rebellion. Any participation in the aforementioned organization will henceforth be viewed as working against the Grand Dominion, and thus result in charges of Ultimate Treason. Cspallan citizens within the Legion are instructed to cease working within it’s command structure and return to Cspalla. Any citizens with information or material related to this rebellion will be rewarded.

Robert Fyre,
Grand Overlord of the Grand Dominion of Cspalla
09-12-2004, 00:57
Admiral Sirat, you understand what is required of you?

Yes m'lady. We await your command.

The JIL is comprised of nationals from all the Order members, including ourselves. It is a shame to bring death to our own, but I would rather see our people repented than manipulated by traitorous hands.

We will do what must be done m'lady.

Good, see to it that the traitor gets his just reward.

Yes m'lady.

His hologram fading from the view of Lady Jagara, Admiral Rune-Sirat ( gave an inaudible sigh of relief. Of all the high command, he alone may have been the only ones immune from the fallout. Having been the sole commander incharge of creating the new Sketchian fleet, he had been in isolation from nearly all the politics swirling around the empire. While not a political powerplayer in practice, he nonetheless saw the wealth of oportunity presented to him. Although the odds seemed insurmountably arrayed against him, success brings with it a guarantee of glory. Should he crush the insolent whelp of the high imperator, Das Sketch would be graciously indebted to him; such would be a coup in of itself.

But first he must succeed. He mused over the tactical information arrayed before him. A mere seventy-two ships versus the hundreds of the JIL. Granted the Sketchian ships were far more advanced, but the sheer numbers easily made up for that shortfall. The only chance he stood was the unlikeliness that all of the hundreds of thousands of personnel within the JIL were in cooperation with the mutineers. With so many species and so many cultures, it was highly improbable that more than a small fraction were actually actively in mutiney. The rest were most likely following orders, not knowing better because they weren't told otherwise. Like all military organizations, good soldiers did what they were told first and questioned later; if at all. Such was particularily true of Sketchian soldiers, blindly obedient to the last. That could pose a problem. Who would they listen to? A commander on site, or an anonymous voice telling them that they were being manipulated. Needless to say, either way, the soldiers were now tainted, whose loyalty would be forever in question.

And so Admiral Rune-Sirat decided to launch a propaganda campaign to soften the JIL. Best to play upon the inherent paranoia of the Sketchian people, to drive deeper the wedge of distrust for outsiders. Although a much more open and accepting society nowdays, a deeply ingrained psyche of xenophobia remained within the Sketchian people. While Sketchians comprised of just a fraction of the JIL, a breakdown in command and communication could prove to be sufficient to ensure mission success.


Order military encryption L1 Gamma 00 White

To: All JIL receiving stations
From: All Sketchian SDF communications stations
Subj: Traitor in the midst

The high imperator, a Santa Barbaran, has seen it fit to betray his fellow soldiers. He has abandoned his comrades on the battlefield and recalled the JIL fleets from engaging the enemy. A traitor of the highest order, the high imperator has joined forces with the Fourth Imperium in attempts to usurp the power of the Order. Das Sketch demands the immediate stand down of all JIL forces and the surrender of the traitor. Failure to comply will result in the destruction of all resistance and the the classification of all muntineers as class A traitors.


Blame a single entity, and the rest will find it easier to surrender themselves. While the high imperator was certain to have communications lockdown, it is unlikely that all low level communications could be intercepted and destroyed by his agents. All that is required is a seed of doubt, and the shadow shall cloud the mind. Now all Rune-Sirat could do was wait, and hope that the others have plans set in motion as well.
09-12-2004, 01:04
Sketchian diplomatic encryption

To: Order member military liason(s)
From: Sketchin SDF
Subj: action against the JIL

The Sketchian SDF space assests are massing at the edge of the Sol system to mount an offensive against the JIL mutineers. The coordinates are as follows: [xx,yy,zz]. Your actions during this crisis will not go unnoticed by the Holy Order of Sketch.
09-12-2004, 14:47
Somewhere in Vrak...

Translated from Vrakian.

-Well, our senior key has made the appeal in Parliament.
-It's slim at best. It is not the fight of the FKC but rather just ours.
-True, and I don't expect any to respond, especially with the situation in Neo Tyr and New Shiron. Not to mention other internal affairs.
-Indeed. But we had to try.


L6 Alpha 100 M/G Black

To: Das Sketch
From: Vrak Military High Command

We have made an appeal to other, more advanced FKC states. However, we are doubtful that they will get involved. We have begun to…purge undesirables.
09-12-2004, 14:48
The First Space Lord read the message transcript line by line very carefully, allowing the meaning behind the words sink in fully. An offensive against the mutinous JIL elements at this time, and as if the Fourth Imperium was not enough. But, bringing the JIL back in line might be the only hope that Clairmont had in succesfully holding back the Fourth Imperium assault, and he had to grasp onto every chance he had.

He laid down the datapad, and turned his eyes to the tactical hologram. Punching a few commands to the remote control, the hologram changed from displaying the Earth sector, to potray the entire solar system, drawing up the positions of the Sketchian Fleet, the mutinous JIL elements and the CSN forces. The outset of an offensive against the JIL did not look good. As it was, the JIL forces outnumbered the combined CSN and Sketchian forces by a good margin. When yet taking into account the fact that if the remains of the CSN Home Fleet were depleted too heavully in the coming hours and days, it would all be pointless anyway since they would not have the numbers to mount up an effective resistance, despite the two expeditionary fleets heading home at the very moment.

Simply going thru the entire JIL was therefore simply impossible, an all out war against their combined forces would serve no other purpose than decimating the very forces that could still be used to save Clairmont, dooming Clairmont to annihilation in the process. It had to be a surgical attack, while simultaneously eroding the JIL from the inside, attempting to make the mutineers hesitate in their conviction. And then, strike off the head of this Rebellion.

But it was easier said than done. Finding the High Imperator was the next best thing to impossible, and Caparelli was certain that the man had fortified himself extremely heavully and chosen only those who he trusted utmost to protect himself for the task. Even if the most optimal and best of the choices could somehow be accomplished, it would nevertheless be a bloodshed of unimaginable proportions, and it would not be the only one.

He picked up the datapad again, now transcripting a message of his own to it.

To: Sketchian SDF Command
From: Admiral Caparelli, CNO Clairmont Space Navy
Subj: RE: Action against the JIL

Message Begins

Altough the hour is grave for our nation, and every single ship in our disposal is badly needed in preparation for the defense against the impending assault, we shall provide whatever assistance we can in bringing the JIL back in line. You can expect assistance of two Battle Squadrons of our Home Fleet, and one of our Supermonitors.

Message Ends

Dyelli Beybi
10-12-2004, 23:22
(OOC: Hi everybody, hope nobody minds overly me getting involved, I was invited in by Vrak when he called for aid from other States in the Federation.)

Provincial Ministry of Defence, Cyro

Dyelli Beybi was, population wise, the third largest State in the Federation, she also had a sizeable and well equipped military, however she was in no way prepared for a war in space. She had a space dock with half a dozen FTL exploration vessels and a few squadrons of experimental 0-G fighters, and a few rail guns and other unpleasant surprises... just in case Menelmacar came knocking... but that was about it.

As The Honourable Mr McGee, Provincial Minister of Defence, read over the notes he had been given, the more he inwardly cursed the Keys who had agreed to get Dyelli Beybi involved in this ridiculous war. They were doomed. Hopefully though, whoever it was they were fighting would decide that being as Dyelli Beybi was only getting involved in a supporting role, they weren't actually worth invading afterwards.... God he wished the High Chancellor was here rather than off on some junkett in North Germania.

McGee's office was fairly standard for Dyelli Beybi, it was in the Parliament precinct, with one wall being nearly entirely window, overlooking the river. The other three walls were oak panneled, while his desk was finely polished walnut. He folded the papers he'd been reading in front of himself, "Right Gentlemen, a very in depth report, there are two things which concern me though."

Seated opposite him were two Commisaars, dressed in field grey uniforms, they shared a glance before returning their gazes to the Minister, "Number one." McGee began, "We have no transports to take our boys and our trucks over to where ever the Vrakians want them... and number two... Jesus, I've forgotten... oh yes.... number two, if we send our trucks and tankers over there we won't have a logistical train in the Motherland if someone decides to attack us."

"DBFC Automobile informs us they can produce 100 trucks and tankers a day." one Commisaar put in quickly, "And have the potential to go up to 1,000 if they get all their facilities running, but that could take some time, the facilities have been down for some time and they'll need an OSH certificate for the ones that were down.... and we can always mobilise Police and Militia if we end up having to deal with another war in the Motherland."

"Right." McGee nodded, he was still getting the idea Dyelli Beybi was stretching itself too thin, "Contact the Vrakians..."


To: Vrakian High Command
From: Dyelli Beybi, Provincial Ministry of Defence
Subject Logistical Support
As mentioned, Dyelli Beybi is willing and able to supply logistical support for the Vrakian campaign overseas, however we are somewhat lacking in military transports due to the Neo Tyr situation. It is possible to comandeer merchant marine ships for this venture, however this move would be highly unpopular, as such we request that, if at all possible, Vrak or another Allied faction aid in the transport of troops and vehicles to the area.

Signed with the Greatest respect
Commisaar S. Reilly
Provincial Ministry of Defence
11-12-2004, 08:42
ooc: not a problem Dyelli Beybi. However, since I believe you plan to assist in the ground campaign; which takes place in Clairmont, I recommend that you move the above post to . This RP is dealing with the Order's betrayal by the JIL and is thus, primarily spaced based.
Dyelli Beybi
14-12-2004, 03:30
OOC: Ah cheers, Vrak just directed me here
14-12-2004, 04:41
OOC: I was mixed up. I'll post on the other thread too, Dyelli.
Seraphim Military
01-01-2005, 18:39
Suddenly, a booming voice can be heard on all the audio data receivers on all the ships of Sketch's fleet.

Das Sketch, sole ruler of Sketch, wishes only to maintain that rule. You see he cares nothing for the Order, or for the Legions willing to lay down their lives for the Order! He mobilizes against us, his own warriors and generals, against these very legions whose bodies still drift in the asteroid belt, who defended Sol against invaders!

He calls us traitors and has us fighting amongst ourselves - this is his goal! While you do his dirty work, the Fourth Imperium attacks! While you are acting as assassin, Steel Butterfly collapses! Das Sketch is the traitor, not the High Imperator!

Survival is at Mercury, not treason!

Join us at Mercury, and we will hold our own against the enemies within, and without! Survival is at Mercury!

Redemption is at Mercury!

The ideals and values of the Order of the Seraphim live on, now, only in the Seraphim Military!

The Order lives on at Mercury!

The message repeats until the transmission is blocked or the receiver(s) shut down.
Austar Union
03-01-2005, 06:26
OOC: Hey, I was invited to here by Seraphim Military so, Im not exactly sure whats happening here. Seems like he's tired of being played pawn of the rest of the Order, and hes in rebellion. Anyone care to elaborate? If there is no actual rebellion happening, then please ignore this post, because it is based upon the assumption that there is.

Darkness had filled the vile chambers of which the Lord resided within. And a dim light, perhaps provided by means of candle flickered just softly from the walls, providing what highlights were needed for one to exist here. Clicking now echo'd through the halls, signaling a presence unlike that who sat on the high chair of death and absolution. He stirred, and his eyes with the ability to pierce the darkness around, could just make out a figure on the approach. Not like himself, but a humble servant, more likely human.

The servant fell on his knees as he drew closer, the clicking of his hells stopping immediatly, "Master, I have come to report to you news of the utmost importance."

The creature stirred, his fist clenching in anger of disturbance. He had been resting, and now awaken was not pleased with such a rude entrance.

"What this this information fool?!" he exclaimed with bitterness and an echo of rage.

The small man shuddered, the cold pierced much further than his own skin, the very presence of this being had created it so, "I apoligise Master. Lord, forgive me. Its about the Seraphim Order. We have resources indicating that the military branches have now seperated from their ranks."

"Very well," responded Indigo, who was now less tempered, "Go now, I will consult the oracle for more information. As for now, continue you monitering. You have done well, and this may benefit us greatly."

And as the man bowed in respect and left, Indigo could only consider the possibilities of such an idea. Indeed, if the Military had left the Order and was plotting in rebellion, it may open the window of opportunity the nation had been waiting for. Perhaps this was the time to concentrate on all operations regarding Mercury. For now though, he would perhaps meet with the High Imperator, for to understand the situation he had to truly talk with those involved.

TO: High Imperator, Serephim Military
FROM: Lord Indigo Blue, Supreme Ruler of the Blood Dynasty, Austar Union
SUBJECT: A meeting with you perhaps?

It had indeed been brought to my attention of an active rebellion within the ranks of the Order of the Seraphim. And this gains my concern, considering I have diplomats at the moment within the halls of the MercuryBase which this order does have. So I may be able to react, or even not react appropriatly, it may be my, and your worth if we can arrange a meeting between our diplomats, or whomever you choose to discuss exactly what is happening in this increasingly disturbing situation. You may even find this could benefit you and your hopes of seperation from this Order you rebel against.

I look forward to your response as soon as possible. Thankyou.

Lord Indigo Blue
Supreme Commander of the Blood Dynasty, Austar Union.
Seraphim Military
04-01-2005, 19:40
TO: Lord Indigo Blue, Supreme Ruler of the Blood Dynasty, Austar Union
FROM: High Imperator, Combined Seraphim Forces
SUBJECT: RE: A meeting with you perhaps?

The rebellion you speak of is no more than an internal revolution, a revitalization of the Order's core values. Our rennaissance, if you will, is centered around Sol and specifically, Mercury, and so your concern is understandable. Your diplomatic envoy remains safe in our custody and is free to return at any time.

You should know that this change in dynasty may prove more beneficial to you than the Sketchian dominated bureacracy, though I make no promises.

We are currently coordinating our Contact Agency with former Order bureacracies such as the Seraphim Order Embassy to create a diplomatic functionality; however, in the meantime, why not discuss negotiations as we are now? From one ruler to another, with the fate of Mercury on the table.

The High Imperator

[OOC: Yes, there's a rebellion; the military arm of the Order has basically broken away and is creating its own military state on Mercury. Of course the entire military is not united in this... as you will see... however we've also roped the S.O.E in the form of Ambassador Kril Buy, into working for us. So if you want to RP the actions of diplomat Amanda and continue along those lines you can do that too.]
The Caloris Basin
07-01-2005, 09:30
Elijah sighed, adjusting the volume of his speakers. This new... thing certainly was loud. He was more than a little concerned about the new developments. He'd had to have to defend his claim against such a large military. He could hit targets in space (and tear them a new proverbial asshole), but he was pretty sure he'd be overwhealmed. If there was victory, the best result, by far, would be Phyrric.

Still, best to be prepared. He started his defences on a testing cycle, and set to making sure the anti-matter generators from Absolute Light were online and full operational. The anti-matter generators were horribly inefficient and took forever to build up a second charge, but they generated Hellish amounts of energy, which is what he needed to fire into orbit.

At any rate, he sent updated orders to Ezekiel. Things were brewing.


Ezekiel blinked as the new telemetry streamed in. Well, this was the sort of thing he was paid for, so there was no need to beat around the bush. He straightened his tie, and made his way over to the Seraphim embassy in Brahms, softly singing to himself, "Momma said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this, my mamma said..."
Seraphim Military
09-01-2005, 20:27
The CSFCA module-constructions had all the marks of regular Seraphim Military decor, style and grace; which is to say, very little of any of those qualities. At least, to Kril, it seemed so, until he actually reached the office of Imperator Venakis, and he was surprised to see paintings hung on the walls, and a nice rug (could that even be a Vrakian design?) in the open center of the office, before what looked like a real wooden desk.

Venakis himself stood when Kril entered - the officers behind him departing at a nod from the Imperator.

"Kril! Greetings!" he boomed. His deep voice had traces of an accent or style, familiar, though Kril couldn't quite place it at first.

"Come, sit, make yourself at home. Can I offer you anything to drink?"

Kril sat down warily, not sure of what to make of the entire situation yet. But, he knew he had to keep his options open. "Yes, please. Some water."

...and, of course, he had to stay alive.

Imperator Venakis signalled with a hand-device, which was followed by a pleasant sounding beep and the door opened automatically. A small server bot entered the room, carrying several glasses on its flat, circular top. He took two glasses and applied them to a dispenser, offering a now-filled glass of water to the wary Kril.

Kril watched attentively as this happened, stealing glances around the office and desk for signs of Venakis's personality which could be useful. He got the overall impression that the Imperator was a complex man, but one who had his duties and priorities firmly set.

"I was told, Imperator, that you had a new assignment for me?" He gulped the water down quicker than usual and nearly began to cough, which produced a small smile from the looming Venakis.

"Indeed. You'll find it most similar to your previous work, actually," he said while Kril inclined his head respectfully. "Water is actually quite a favorite here on Mercury. I imagine you are still feeling a bit confused by all the sudden changes? It's much more claustrophobic here than back in our homeland."

Kril was taken aback. "Our homeland"? Kril switched to Vrakian.

-You are Vrakian like me?

The Imperator switched smoothly to Vrakian as well, succinctly answering the question.

-Indeed I am. Why, is that so shocking? We were both members of the original Order.

-I wasn't aware that we rose up this high in their ranks. And would actually take this step. You do know know that we are traitors to the King? We can never see our families again.

-I understand that's generally the case. But that was the King's decision... influenced though it was by the commands of Das Sketch..

-How do you mean? Our liege has never seen fit to be influenced by others. What exactly are you saying?

-Our liege? Oh, I have been away so long. I've forgotten just how new you are here. The King - and I have no quarrel with him or the homeland - is nevertheless under the sway of Sketch. He is merely implementing Sketchian policy.

Kril tried not to let his amazement show, but decided it would be prudent to stop this line of inquiry and focus on more immediate matters. Still, he filed it away at the back of his mind.

-Well, if you say so, Imperator.

"I do say so," came the reply, now in standard english. "And from now on, your orders are to implement not Vrakian policy, nor Sketchian, but those of Mercury! Speaking of which...

He paused to fumble through some files on the spatious desk.

"The Mercury Policy is thus: Defense, Stability, and Development, in that order."

Kril switched back to English and repeated the words, slowly forming them as he spoke, "Defense. Stability. Development."

"Good. That's the idea. We can sacrifice development for stability, or stability for defense, but defense - survival - is our prime goal, especially now. Your mission is to help us survive by garnering help in any form, from the Hack's colony on the Caloris Basin. I believe you've previously negotiated with them...?"

"Indeed." Kril thought momentarily of the plots the Order members were hatching. "Ah, yes. I did talk with Elijah. Rather brief but some headway was made. The CSFCA has an embassy there and also a neutral meeting place...Panmunjeon."

"Elijah, that was the name. Panmunjeon. Quite so. You'll be heading to Panmunjeon. Primarily we will want some sort of basic nonaggression or peace treaty, if possible, we would want a defensive alliance, for a unified Mercury."

Kril shook his head slowly. "I don't know if Elijah is interested in forming closer relations with us. Our presence on Mercury makes him uncomfortable as it is. A non-agression pact might be possible."

He suddenly wished he had all his notes with him.

Imperator Venakis nodded. "You should stress to him that we are not the old Order, which was essentially a glorified Sketchian military alliance. We have dissimilar policies and needs. Perhaps that will help convince him of the mutual benefit of closer relations, since we are here to stay."

"...Of course, you shouldn't push for a defensive pact at all costs. If a mere peace treaty or N.A.P is all we can get, that is more desirable than nothing.."

"I don't know if he will see it that way. I need some kind of carrot."

The Imperator frowned, considering things. Kril hastily continued.

"...then again, it is hard to understand what Elijah is after. He... it... er... whatever... seems content to be left alone and continue his research"

"Research and isolation may well be your carrot," Venakis concluded. "We can certainly guarantee, if he wishes, all sorts of research time. We have many ships which could bear his research teams safely to any location. Then there is the possibility of trade. And, with us in power, we will certainly leave the Caloris Basin untouched - the same is not necessarily true of Sketch."

Kril thought about the last statement. He wasn't sure if this was entirely true even now, but he kept that to himself. "I can arrange another exchange with Elijah."

Nodding thoughtfully, the high ranked CSF officer switched into Vrakian.

-You should know that the High Imperator has no plans to attack or otherwise harm our homeland - or any Order nation.

Kril visibly relaxed at those words, spoken in his familiar tongue. A thought occurred to him, not terribly pleasant:

-But that means he may be seeking friends in previously uncharted territory.

Kril had some guesses as to what 'friends' these could be, but he wasn't sure if he should voice them or not.

-Yes. Friendship and peace are part of stability, which is our second highest priority. They contribute to our survival, which is defense, our highest priority. Therefore, we desire no war, though Sketchian command is obviously pushing for one.

"To dissuade Sketch," Kril said carefully, in English again, "then the Imperator would look to ally with those Sketch is at odds with the most, or those whom are already allies. Yut...or Metus. I can't see any others." He felt that he overstepped his bounds with the last statement, but couldn't restrain his doubts.

"Bilateral relations are better than multilateral ones, as far as the H.I is concerned. We don't wish to directly antagonize Sketch by allying with his enemies, nor do we wish to 'go over' to anyone's side," the Imperator replied, somewhat stuffily.

"I...see. The Caloris Basin would be a good step," he agreed. "What of this Austar Union?"

"Quite so. The Austar Union will be our second step. However, that assignment may or may not get passed to you."

Kril nodded. After all, Venakis was probably testing Kril's own loyalty at this point. It's what he would do.

Venakis lifted a glass of water to his lips, quietly taking a sip. "Depending on your performance, you may do well on Mercury." Then he switched to Vrakian again.

-And if we can manage peace with the Order, with Vrak, there is the possibility that oneday you may bring your own family to our new home of Mercury.

Kril managed a smile, but deep down felt that the odds were slim. Vrak was notorious for how it viewed ones that betrayed it.

And he wondered if he could ever leave...

"So, are there any other questions? We don't want you to go into a diplomatic zone without a clear understanding of our foreign policies."

Imperator Venakis, if he noticed Kril's inner torment, did not address it directly.

"Defence. Stability. Development. I believe I understand. I will perform to my outmost to secure an agreement with the Caloris Basin." Buy took a sip of water, managing a greater degree of control than when he first came to Venakis' office.

"Good man! I understand you received a fief..." (He glanced at another
file.) "Looks like several thousand acres... and in a potential Industrial Profit Zone as well. Not bad. One day we will develop that land, just as now we must develop our foreign relations." He stood up, smoothing down the frumples in his clean Imperator's uniform.

"I understand you Imperator." Kril stood up as well, his silvery hair looking decidedly thinner.

The officer nodded formally, offering his hand. "I wish you the best in your endeavors, and look forward to our next meeting."

Kril Buy shook the hand firmly and said, "So do I, Imperator. I shall do my best."

A brief, clearly unpracticed smile, then the Imperator released the hand and was gesturing in the direction of the door. "The officer outside will take you to your air-transport."

Kril left, and already mentally began to plan the meeting with Elijah, wondering how to best approach that... thing...
Santa Barbara
26-01-2005, 16:44
"The Corporate Federal Conglomerate is no longer of the opinion that membership in the Order of the Seraphim is of any practical military or economic benefit to the nation. Indeed, cost-benefit analysis has revealed that the Order of the Seraphim's military has been little more than a heavy burden on CoFedCo military expenditures, posing more of a threat than a credible national or international security.

"Although we hope to maintain trade and friendly relations with members of our former alliance, as of this message, we can no longer continue to present Santa Barbara as a member-state of the Order of the Seraphim."

M. Fernando
Corporate Federal Conglomerate
Santa Barbara
27-01-2005, 08:44
There was an uncharacteristic silence within the power structures of Sketch after the latest CoFedCo announcement. Where one would normally expect a flurry of activity and blusterous announcements; as so typical with any sort of affront to the state's "honor", there was an unnatural lack of any response. Truth be told, such an announcement had been expected for quite some time. The CoFedCo was in disarray, on the verge of imploding in a final paroxysm of anarchy and chaos. It was only a a matter of when, not if, the powers who struggled to control the remains of Santa Barbara would choose to sever extraneous ties. Apparently the goverment felt that they could handle the social breakdown on their own, or perhaps they were simply wary of the consequences of calling upon the experienced social engineering techniques of the Sketchian government. Whatever the reasoning, it was obvious that all politically acceptable routes have been closed. It was now time to treat the matter with a more direct approach.

For some time the government had been keeping a close eye on the economic situation ( within the CoFedCo. In fact, the ministry of finance was already deeply embroiled with what can only be described as a stockmarket brawl for control of certain TNE companies. So far operations had only been marginally successful, with a large portion of controling share in MHG. But that was about to change.....

In the meantime, although not exactly in strict accordance with general policy, the Santa Barbara issue was set aside. Notably, no longer was it considered a CoFedCo, or even a government problem; it wasn't expected to last much longer. The rogue JIL on the other hand was becoming increasingly urgent and annoying. Not only was it a very public embarassment, it was a very real threat. With a large portion of the ships still unaccounted for, and the Mercury assests firmly within the ex-high imperator's grasp, the rogue JIL was a force to be reckoned with. Top of the line warships didn't come cheap, and much of the resources came at the expense of national defense budgets; which, belatedly, no longer seemed a very wise decision. While not entirely defenseless, this did mean that the Order nations, or what was left of them, were sorely under-equipped to deal with the situation in the preferred method - shoot now and negotiate latter. Especially given the fact that half the Order was still recovering from the exhausting Steel civil war AND dealing with an invasion on the Star Protectorate. No doubt a well coordinated betrayal and strike on the part of the ex-high imperator and the invaders, although still unconfirmed by intelligence; contact with either party was still limited to shoot-to-kill.

An ultimatum had been delivered, but it was highly unlikely that the rogue forces were going to simply surrender. Neither was it likely that the Sketchian fleet assests were going to strike at Mercury. As much as the powers would like to purge Mercury of the traitors, the fact remained that they had the upper hand. And they knew it. Stretched too thin and too far, each crisis was going to have to be dealt with one at a time. Reconsolidation; if the Order can survive this, it can survive anything. Time was always on Sketch's side, now was no different.
Austar Union
27-01-2005, 11:27
Perhaps, Sketch had failed in keeping the Order within his grasp. Now a runaway force, it seemed as if the great Seraphim was nothing but a rook, a player in this game of war, and power. Yes, maybe this could be an eternal future, however it seemed unlikely. Dynastys, empires, and great armies would rise and fall like lightning; perhaps faster. This was an eternal world with eternal possibilities, and not one had the power to prevent such a notion. Not even Indigo, who was fabled as the greatest ruler of Austar Union.

As he sat on the high chair pondering at the situation before him, Indigo smiled when the oracle had reported that one by one, the Order was falling to pieces. And although the leader of the military had become quite rouge in appearance, he was rather friendly toward Austarian interests. Perhaps this would be the time of striking, to the heart of the Order when defenses were at their weaknesses.

OOC: Yeah, thats enough for now...