06-12-2004, 19:08
[OOC: It's probably about time I took consideration of the actual physical layout of Kaenei. So this is as much a thread to remind me how Kaenei geographically looks as it is to inform all others. Also, as some of the more fact-finding observers will notice, The Kaeneian island sits upon the exact Real-World location of Greenland. I've obviously not gone to the extremes of claiming it for sake of NS competition, but should it be a problem, consider it north of Greenland.]
The Serene^Union of Kaenei is centered on the orb of Terra, third world from the star Sol, inside the planetary system of the same name, on the western spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It is a harsh landmass, quick to rise in blind, lashing anger and slow to warm against even the kindest efforts of considerate, and polite tenants. The island-mass designated as the primary border of Kaenei is some 2,166,086 Square Kilometres in size, comprising some eighty one percent ice-covered land. It lies precariously close to the chilling glaciers of the Arctic circle, and the near literal end of the Earth. It is a sweeping howl of furious snow and splintered, black rock.
Little stirs upon the cold surface of Kaenei, and native wildlife is rare. Isolated populations of Polar Bears, moving in small packs wherever sufficient Arctic populations of winter birds gather along with only the hardiest of deep-cold plants mean that there is relatively little green to break an impression upon the endless drifts of white. Occupying the Terran Human measurements of 72 00 N, 40 00 W The Serene^Union finds itself as isolated geographically as culturally, though as detailed in "A history of Kaenei", it is an isolation self-inflicted and greatly welcomed by all those whom live underneath the banner of ice, and rock.
Geographical Facts--
POPULATION 4.16 Billion.
CAPITAL CITY Solarri, see below.
OTHER RACE DISPERSION- 100% Kaeneian, non other races present.
CURRENCY Non-applicable, see "A history of Kaenei."
CLIMATE Arctic to subarctic; cool summers, cold winters.
TERRAIN. Flat to gradually sloping icecap covers all but a narrow, mountainous, barren, rocky coast. Large groupings of mountain ranges are spread liberally across the primary land mass.
NATURAL RESOURCES coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, molybdenum, gold, platinum, uranium, fish, seals, whales, hydropower, possible oil and gas.
NATURAL HAZARDS Grade one snow storms of frequent occurence and prolonged duration, [Old Kaeneian scale], continuous permafrost over northern two-thirds of the island.
The population of Kaenei is split between Seven primary centres of inhabitation, of which an eigth is discounted for reasons explained later, and for special reason. These cities, explained now in due course, are spread thinly across the expanse of mostly-uninhabitable land.
The city of Solarri, home to some seventy five million Kaeneians, is the capital of the Serene^Union. It is here that the Aengelistoria Dominica sits in judgement and decision over the four billion plus citizens of Kaenei, and utilising ancient and implicable powers, sets the Union on a course from which through great knowledge and wisdom, will bring safety, and security.
Solarri was site of the first Kaeneian landings on Terra. Selected for it's distance from the inclusive coastline of the island-mass, as well as considerable natural protection from massive glaciers, and an impressive natural ring-formation of mountains, it bore a startling safe point amidst blinding snow and howling, banshee-like winds. Deep within the city, to the point the Spire itself, home of the Aengelistoria Dominica stands, lies the most ancient constructions of the Serene^Union. Much of the buildings constructed here are not from mined minerals, but the dismantled hull and equipment of the great fleet utilised to transport untold millions from one small gleam of light across the ocean of space, to another.
The coardinating hub of Kaeneian goverment is controlled from the Spire, from which sorrounding the goverment centre, residential and commerical sectors are arranged so that the heavy industry and manufacturing vital to ensure the populance of the Serene^Union continue to receive the supplies needed for the daily continuation of their lives do not damage in turn their living conditions through pollution, or unsightly fumes. As is favoured in Kaeneian architectural circles, the tower is utilised again and again as a space-saving, and efficient method of maximising efficiency without in turn damaging asthetics.
The second largest city within Kaenei, and home to fifty million in populance. Byzantineri lies far to the South-West of the island-mass, the final pinnacle of civilisation before the freezing depths of the ocean take over from the equally cooling lands of snow and ice. Many hundreds of years ago, fear of discovery and persecution by the then-primitive Terran Human race were realised. Though technologically unable to compete, their superior numbers would lead to certain doom were they to be realised, steps were taken to rectify this.
A second city was founded as far away as possible from Solarri. To ensure that should either city be discovered and worse, seized upon, the other would endure and become the centre of the Kaeneian civilisation. Fortunately, such a radical plan was never implemented, but due to eternal vigilance, Byzantineri grew with suprising vigour, and though never challenging the splendour of Solarri, became much appreciated.
The architecture of Byzantineri waivers from more traditional Kaeneian tastes. A considerable "Gothic" element has seeped into the more stark and uninteresting psyche, creating a bizarre mesh of function and beauty that ensures relative uniqueness amongst the creations of the other cities of the Union. It is unknown why such bizarre tastes became adopted, though it is a common notion some unseen contact with Terran Humanity may have been to blame.
This city, of some twenty five million forms a three way line of civilisation across the centre of Kaenei. In line with the capital Solarri, it lies as an opposite to the smaller city of Xiana, to the North West. Khandrisii is a tale of mass migration. Following the foundation of Solarri, those charged with construction quickly realised that the rapidly burdening population could not be supported within the enclosed, near-claustraphobic trappings of the young capital. As such, a considerable number were relocated a small distance South East, to establish another point of exploration and creation. It is often joked amongst more liberal Kaeneians that the three cities; Xiana, Solarri and Khandrisii are so intrinsically linked that one might find only a handful of surnames in a combined population exceeding one hundred and thirty million.
Twenty million Kaeneians reside in this city, of which it's very function is against the vast accumulated experiences of the race as a whole. Xirithias is a town on the coast of the land-mass, and whose majority structure consists of an impressive maze of docks and processing facilities. A harbour many miles in size stretches along a relatively flat and consequently rare section of Kaeneian coastline. It is here that the restricted trade partners of the Serene^Union, of which they are few and even farther between, recieve their goods from this city. In turn, the extremely specialist equipment that is consequently purchased, will find a temporary home here, awaiting processing.
For a race whose virtually entire existance and experience dealt with the cold void between worlds, and stars, to find their day-to-day existance so influenced by the ocean, teeming with life and a virtual anti-christ to the very harshness that dominated so early life, is in the least ironic. Were Kaeneians famed moreso for humour, it might even claim to be amusing.
A mere ten million reside within the armoured walls of Fortuna, a slight comparison indeed to the eight times number teeming within the Capital. The city of Fortuna lies almost at the Eastern limit, sorrounding craggy, peaked summit and great, sweeping mountain. The entire city is built high within these mountain chains, with relatively little on flat, open ground save storage sections and the most basic automated facilities. From their considerable vantage point, a continous watch is maintained for violent or threatening behaviour across the silent sea stretching before them, though to this day not a hostile foot has set foot on the shore, or Kaenei as a whole.
From the ancient Kaeneian tongue meaning "Sunrise", Meridiaa is similiar in stature to the city of Fortuna, above. Records detailing the establishment of Meridiaa are incomplete, and as such it is extremely difficult to locate the primary reasons for establishing a Kaeneian presence so isolated to the North East of the land-mass. The coast was at this point reasonably well maintained by both Fortuna and the Northern Fortresses. It is known that at one point the population of Meridiaa was far more in number than present-day, where a mere eight million reside.
The city itself is different in construction to almost the entirety of it's inanimate bretheren. Great lakes are in abundance throughout this section of the land, and advantage has been gained. By constructing immense towers, similiar in design to the spire yet far less massive or ornate, the entirety of city function integrated and placed upwards from these lakes, a great many functions can be utilised at once. Thermal energy can be utilised by drawing cold water from the lake through turbines to generate the required amount, before being harmlessly passed outwards. Considerable foodstock can be gathered from the abundant fresh fish residing in the lake, and plantlife inhabiting the rim. Furthermore, many deep-water scientific experiments are carried out here, and some of the finest marine minds of Kaenei hone their skills in the renowned aquatic labs of Meridiaa.
The third of the supposed triangle cities, as referred to by native Kaeneians in the area, Xiana lies to the North-west, home to five million Kaeneians, and the smallest true city within the borders of the Serene^Union. It has been noted native Xianans tend to be extremely defensive of their culture and status, and though seem to soften to those hailing from Solarri, are notorious for their dislike of all things Khandrisii. Though one must consider underneath the aloofness and near-emotional-silence of Kaeneians, it is extremely difficult to identify this dislike.
In reality, Xiana as a city may soon vanish from accumulated maps and indicators. As population continues to fall, with the majority making the relatively short journey to Solarri for permanent residence, it is doubtful wether useful exportation of limited natural resources in that area can continue to supply reason to persevere classifiying Xiana as a city. It now faces relegation to major settlement status,
Northern Fortresses.
Not truly a city in any respect, but a vital part of Kaeneian psychology and early movements, and as such, worthy of mention. It is in reality second only to Solarri in terms of founding, and importance. For only months after the capital lay claim to ownership of all sorrounding, did a large party of Kaeneians move north, braving the biting, chilling rage of storms that proved all-but-impenetrable. For beyond these, lay the unexplored, and mostly ill-understood Northern wastes. A forest not of trees and shrub, but sky-spanning mountains of impressive height and mass. A chaotic strip of jutting, splintered rock that barred all further progress, and demanded respect.
Here, fortresses were constructed. Utilising techniques that would later make the unique city of Fortuna a reality. Directly into the very peaks of the tallest mountains, these stations, eyes to the massive Kaeneian body as a whole, watched the near-stillness of the Arctic circle. For it was here, that Kaenei feared most attack. The Terran Humans of the time now took in their stride advanced technologies that would make bypassing the Arctic circle a reality. Indeed those now took it upon themselves to cross it physically as challenge. It fell to these few souls braving the harsh elements to ensure none saw what they did not wish them to see.
Over a course of time, technology became such that the Northern Fortresses were no longer viable for their original purpose. The space age simply removed any practical purpose they once bore. And yet, they prospered. Now, those station sentires found themselves amongst the hardiest, and most efficient soldiers of the Serene^Union. Their unwaivering loyalty and drive, as well as determination quickly saw them tasked with training others in ability. So as it is to this day, that the Northern Fortresses are a military academy and headquarters. Where the greatest military minds of Kaenei meet, and discuss. Every Kaeneian military adept must take a tour of service, usually six Terran months, in the fortresses, to better understand their goal towards the survival of the Serene^Union and themselves.
[OOC: Comments appreciated.]
The Serene^Union of Kaenei is centered on the orb of Terra, third world from the star Sol, inside the planetary system of the same name, on the western spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It is a harsh landmass, quick to rise in blind, lashing anger and slow to warm against even the kindest efforts of considerate, and polite tenants. The island-mass designated as the primary border of Kaenei is some 2,166,086 Square Kilometres in size, comprising some eighty one percent ice-covered land. It lies precariously close to the chilling glaciers of the Arctic circle, and the near literal end of the Earth. It is a sweeping howl of furious snow and splintered, black rock.
Little stirs upon the cold surface of Kaenei, and native wildlife is rare. Isolated populations of Polar Bears, moving in small packs wherever sufficient Arctic populations of winter birds gather along with only the hardiest of deep-cold plants mean that there is relatively little green to break an impression upon the endless drifts of white. Occupying the Terran Human measurements of 72 00 N, 40 00 W The Serene^Union finds itself as isolated geographically as culturally, though as detailed in "A history of Kaenei", it is an isolation self-inflicted and greatly welcomed by all those whom live underneath the banner of ice, and rock.
Geographical Facts--
POPULATION 4.16 Billion.
CAPITAL CITY Solarri, see below.
OTHER RACE DISPERSION- 100% Kaeneian, non other races present.
CURRENCY Non-applicable, see "A history of Kaenei."
CLIMATE Arctic to subarctic; cool summers, cold winters.
TERRAIN. Flat to gradually sloping icecap covers all but a narrow, mountainous, barren, rocky coast. Large groupings of mountain ranges are spread liberally across the primary land mass.
NATURAL RESOURCES coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, molybdenum, gold, platinum, uranium, fish, seals, whales, hydropower, possible oil and gas.
NATURAL HAZARDS Grade one snow storms of frequent occurence and prolonged duration, [Old Kaeneian scale], continuous permafrost over northern two-thirds of the island.
The population of Kaenei is split between Seven primary centres of inhabitation, of which an eigth is discounted for reasons explained later, and for special reason. These cities, explained now in due course, are spread thinly across the expanse of mostly-uninhabitable land.
The city of Solarri, home to some seventy five million Kaeneians, is the capital of the Serene^Union. It is here that the Aengelistoria Dominica sits in judgement and decision over the four billion plus citizens of Kaenei, and utilising ancient and implicable powers, sets the Union on a course from which through great knowledge and wisdom, will bring safety, and security.
Solarri was site of the first Kaeneian landings on Terra. Selected for it's distance from the inclusive coastline of the island-mass, as well as considerable natural protection from massive glaciers, and an impressive natural ring-formation of mountains, it bore a startling safe point amidst blinding snow and howling, banshee-like winds. Deep within the city, to the point the Spire itself, home of the Aengelistoria Dominica stands, lies the most ancient constructions of the Serene^Union. Much of the buildings constructed here are not from mined minerals, but the dismantled hull and equipment of the great fleet utilised to transport untold millions from one small gleam of light across the ocean of space, to another.
The coardinating hub of Kaeneian goverment is controlled from the Spire, from which sorrounding the goverment centre, residential and commerical sectors are arranged so that the heavy industry and manufacturing vital to ensure the populance of the Serene^Union continue to receive the supplies needed for the daily continuation of their lives do not damage in turn their living conditions through pollution, or unsightly fumes. As is favoured in Kaeneian architectural circles, the tower is utilised again and again as a space-saving, and efficient method of maximising efficiency without in turn damaging asthetics.
The second largest city within Kaenei, and home to fifty million in populance. Byzantineri lies far to the South-West of the island-mass, the final pinnacle of civilisation before the freezing depths of the ocean take over from the equally cooling lands of snow and ice. Many hundreds of years ago, fear of discovery and persecution by the then-primitive Terran Human race were realised. Though technologically unable to compete, their superior numbers would lead to certain doom were they to be realised, steps were taken to rectify this.
A second city was founded as far away as possible from Solarri. To ensure that should either city be discovered and worse, seized upon, the other would endure and become the centre of the Kaeneian civilisation. Fortunately, such a radical plan was never implemented, but due to eternal vigilance, Byzantineri grew with suprising vigour, and though never challenging the splendour of Solarri, became much appreciated.
The architecture of Byzantineri waivers from more traditional Kaeneian tastes. A considerable "Gothic" element has seeped into the more stark and uninteresting psyche, creating a bizarre mesh of function and beauty that ensures relative uniqueness amongst the creations of the other cities of the Union. It is unknown why such bizarre tastes became adopted, though it is a common notion some unseen contact with Terran Humanity may have been to blame.
This city, of some twenty five million forms a three way line of civilisation across the centre of Kaenei. In line with the capital Solarri, it lies as an opposite to the smaller city of Xiana, to the North West. Khandrisii is a tale of mass migration. Following the foundation of Solarri, those charged with construction quickly realised that the rapidly burdening population could not be supported within the enclosed, near-claustraphobic trappings of the young capital. As such, a considerable number were relocated a small distance South East, to establish another point of exploration and creation. It is often joked amongst more liberal Kaeneians that the three cities; Xiana, Solarri and Khandrisii are so intrinsically linked that one might find only a handful of surnames in a combined population exceeding one hundred and thirty million.
Twenty million Kaeneians reside in this city, of which it's very function is against the vast accumulated experiences of the race as a whole. Xirithias is a town on the coast of the land-mass, and whose majority structure consists of an impressive maze of docks and processing facilities. A harbour many miles in size stretches along a relatively flat and consequently rare section of Kaeneian coastline. It is here that the restricted trade partners of the Serene^Union, of which they are few and even farther between, recieve their goods from this city. In turn, the extremely specialist equipment that is consequently purchased, will find a temporary home here, awaiting processing.
For a race whose virtually entire existance and experience dealt with the cold void between worlds, and stars, to find their day-to-day existance so influenced by the ocean, teeming with life and a virtual anti-christ to the very harshness that dominated so early life, is in the least ironic. Were Kaeneians famed moreso for humour, it might even claim to be amusing.
A mere ten million reside within the armoured walls of Fortuna, a slight comparison indeed to the eight times number teeming within the Capital. The city of Fortuna lies almost at the Eastern limit, sorrounding craggy, peaked summit and great, sweeping mountain. The entire city is built high within these mountain chains, with relatively little on flat, open ground save storage sections and the most basic automated facilities. From their considerable vantage point, a continous watch is maintained for violent or threatening behaviour across the silent sea stretching before them, though to this day not a hostile foot has set foot on the shore, or Kaenei as a whole.
From the ancient Kaeneian tongue meaning "Sunrise", Meridiaa is similiar in stature to the city of Fortuna, above. Records detailing the establishment of Meridiaa are incomplete, and as such it is extremely difficult to locate the primary reasons for establishing a Kaeneian presence so isolated to the North East of the land-mass. The coast was at this point reasonably well maintained by both Fortuna and the Northern Fortresses. It is known that at one point the population of Meridiaa was far more in number than present-day, where a mere eight million reside.
The city itself is different in construction to almost the entirety of it's inanimate bretheren. Great lakes are in abundance throughout this section of the land, and advantage has been gained. By constructing immense towers, similiar in design to the spire yet far less massive or ornate, the entirety of city function integrated and placed upwards from these lakes, a great many functions can be utilised at once. Thermal energy can be utilised by drawing cold water from the lake through turbines to generate the required amount, before being harmlessly passed outwards. Considerable foodstock can be gathered from the abundant fresh fish residing in the lake, and plantlife inhabiting the rim. Furthermore, many deep-water scientific experiments are carried out here, and some of the finest marine minds of Kaenei hone their skills in the renowned aquatic labs of Meridiaa.
The third of the supposed triangle cities, as referred to by native Kaeneians in the area, Xiana lies to the North-west, home to five million Kaeneians, and the smallest true city within the borders of the Serene^Union. It has been noted native Xianans tend to be extremely defensive of their culture and status, and though seem to soften to those hailing from Solarri, are notorious for their dislike of all things Khandrisii. Though one must consider underneath the aloofness and near-emotional-silence of Kaeneians, it is extremely difficult to identify this dislike.
In reality, Xiana as a city may soon vanish from accumulated maps and indicators. As population continues to fall, with the majority making the relatively short journey to Solarri for permanent residence, it is doubtful wether useful exportation of limited natural resources in that area can continue to supply reason to persevere classifiying Xiana as a city. It now faces relegation to major settlement status,
Northern Fortresses.
Not truly a city in any respect, but a vital part of Kaeneian psychology and early movements, and as such, worthy of mention. It is in reality second only to Solarri in terms of founding, and importance. For only months after the capital lay claim to ownership of all sorrounding, did a large party of Kaeneians move north, braving the biting, chilling rage of storms that proved all-but-impenetrable. For beyond these, lay the unexplored, and mostly ill-understood Northern wastes. A forest not of trees and shrub, but sky-spanning mountains of impressive height and mass. A chaotic strip of jutting, splintered rock that barred all further progress, and demanded respect.
Here, fortresses were constructed. Utilising techniques that would later make the unique city of Fortuna a reality. Directly into the very peaks of the tallest mountains, these stations, eyes to the massive Kaeneian body as a whole, watched the near-stillness of the Arctic circle. For it was here, that Kaenei feared most attack. The Terran Humans of the time now took in their stride advanced technologies that would make bypassing the Arctic circle a reality. Indeed those now took it upon themselves to cross it physically as challenge. It fell to these few souls braving the harsh elements to ensure none saw what they did not wish them to see.
Over a course of time, technology became such that the Northern Fortresses were no longer viable for their original purpose. The space age simply removed any practical purpose they once bore. And yet, they prospered. Now, those station sentires found themselves amongst the hardiest, and most efficient soldiers of the Serene^Union. Their unwaivering loyalty and drive, as well as determination quickly saw them tasked with training others in ability. So as it is to this day, that the Northern Fortresses are a military academy and headquarters. Where the greatest military minds of Kaenei meet, and discuss. Every Kaeneian military adept must take a tour of service, usually six Terran months, in the fortresses, to better understand their goal towards the survival of the Serene^Union and themselves.
[OOC: Comments appreciated.]