NationStates Jolt Archive

Friends Close... *Valient Vs. Kruv* Closed

06-12-2004, 07:07
To Alexander Valient, you could always tell a lot about a man by the tools that he chose: Picasso chose the paintbrush. Mozart the piano. Gretzky the hockey stick.

But to an assasin, the tools of the trade were simple. High-calibre, high-yield payoffs with little muss.

To an assasin like Valient, the tools ran to simple things. A garotte wire here, a well-placed C4 wired to ones car-stereo there.

But his pride and joy was his black and silver 9mm, with teflon coated bullets. Simplicity was the goal of those such as he. Those who yearned for flash usually never lasted long at any rate.

Valient placed the pistol into his attache case with a thin smile traced across his lips. He ran his hand over the leather, and caressed the metal buttons, that closed with a tinny click. It was cool to the touch, a tender kiss to the heat of the fingers.

He turned to the veranda and walked outside to the edge, leaning on the durasteel. Below the twentieth floor ran the busy street of Penner Avenue, which connected the bustling cities of Alexandria and Harrington. The 6' 2'' man, with a small crescent shape scar on his left hand and thinly cropped hair closed his eyes and allowed the noises of the early-morning day to engulf him.

The sound of the number 410 pulling away from the stop. The cries of Mrs. Kylee, who once again missed her ride by 10 seconds. The honks and horns of agitated workers who were going to be late because of a simple car stall down on 17th Ave.

Simple sounds for the simple life. A life that no longer existed for him, but that was ok. Some sacrifice had to be made.

With a loud breath in, Alexander turned back to the room and started towards the hallway door. Suddenly, he stopped, and turned towards the bedroom.

The door laid ajar, and a large pool of blood began to slime its way towards the downward slope of the bathroom.

Alexander laughed, and walked out the front door. He mentally crossed off the name, Javier Mendez off of his checklist.

He was well on his way...
08-12-2004, 00:00
Bump for Kruv...