Sequel Interest/Sign-up thread
The Golden Simatar
03-12-2004, 22:43
A man lying on a bed in a light blue room talking with another man sitting next to him
“How long have I been out Peter?”
“You’re ship docked here two weeks ago Alan.”
Peter sitting in a room full of computers listening to a tape.
“Just in case we all die, there will be some kind of a record…”
They thought they had escaped the nightmare…[b]
“…I landed on LV-467 expecting another boring assignment…”
Ship lands on pad. Men and women exit several seconds later it takes off towards space. Alan Crawford walks into a large door marked with a yellow W-Y
“…I was wrong, everything soon went to shit…”
People cocooned to walls, their chest exploded, organs hang limply from their chest. A large sack, pulsating with many dark shapes in it pushes an egg out.
“…xenomorphs and a Predator soon began to butcher my people...”
“…We got out, what was left of us. We escaped the nightmare, but how can we escape it when is could be inside one of us…inside one of us…inside one of us…..”
“Oh my God.”
They were Wrong
The pods open, several blurred shapes leap out towards the men. Blood splatter against the ground.
A woman is running down a hallway screaming. The man standing behind the door slams the close switch. It shuts just as she reaches it.
This holiday season
An APC burst through the jungle, covered in xenomorphs…
The Predator and Alien grapple on the ground, roaring and screeching.
It is no longer a hunt…
The Predator tosses the Alien into a tree. The Alien stands it opens its mouth at the humanoid as other Aliens appear out of the jungle. Other Predators in the trees uncloak.
…Its War
Wirstblades, and spears are brought out as both sides clash...
A man slowly walks through a decaying village, something lands behind him
The man nervously turns around
“Oh shit”
Coming Soon
The Golden Simatar
03-12-2004, 22:47
Yes, that is the trailer for ALIEN VS PREDATOR 2 sequel to AVP which ended a while back. I am holding spots for Tarlachia, Mercenary Soldiers, Outer Heaven Mk II, and Squornshelous; since their characters survived the first one. If they don’t want to resume their roles as their characters…then the spots are open.
This is a direct sequel to the first Rp, so please read the first AVP to get what happened before you sign-up.
I will add more info like story, setting, character types, etc. later.
The Golden Simatar
04-12-2004, 03:00
The Golden Simatar
04-12-2004, 15:50
is anyone interested?
Outer Heaven MK II
04-12-2004, 18:51
Definately me. I'll take up my role as the mysterious Lt. Kartion Elesto...
04-12-2004, 19:25
Zach Hunter will definitely make his second appearance.
The Golden Simatar
05-12-2004, 00:09
Good to hear to have a few people return.
People who have signed up
Outer Heaven Mk II
A Few Rich People
OOC: I (Kriegorgrad) would love to RP this, if I'm allowed to RP it, I'll be more than happy to. If I can, could I be a Predator?
The Golden Simatar
05-12-2004, 00:56
Put you on the list Zakia, or Kriegorgrad whatever you want to use for the RP.
What I will do is get a list of about 15 people or so and chose about seven or eight for the Rp. If the list is only about ten, then those people will be in the Rp.
I'm in this GS. I'd like to rp as Adam's daughter, who he doesn't know of her existance and her his. HEr name is Kerri Adams, and works for the Bio-tech sector company, Lychos Technology, who experiments in biological enhancements.
How about it? SHe won't go crazy...
The Golden Simatar
05-12-2004, 01:58
Let me think how I could fit her in Val, you have a thing about scientist don't you?
This is the story section, I will post info about the planet later.
Taking place after the events on AVP, the surivors are brought to a USCMC Military Base. Crawford and the rest are stunned to learn that the Weyland-Yutani Corporation has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
During a feast to celebrate the fact that the WY Corp is gone and there will be no more colonies built just to have human host, a chestburster comes out. The humans go on a mad search to find the chestburster. As a team is searching a town, they are killed by a clan of Predators lead by 232.
The Aliens multiply more quickly than expected, and soon the humans are fighting a desperate battle against the Predators and Aliens. The only way off the planet is an old rust-bucket of a ship that was brought there to be taken apart for scrap.
During the becomes clearer, possibly the only way to live, is to be friends with the enemy of my enemy.
A Few Rich People
05-12-2004, 03:02
Oh aye, sign me up.
The Golden Simatar
05-12-2004, 21:56
Silly question Val, can you be a bit more specific what kind of experiments she is doing?
The Golden Simatar
07-12-2004, 22:46
There are the three species we should be familiar with. The humans, xenomorphs, and Predators. To make everything slightly easier, I found three pages on Wikipedia about the Aliens, Marines, and Predators.
Any questions please ask me
Colonial Marines
The Golden Simatar
08-12-2004, 12:12
Here is the list of the weapons in the Rp
Wristblades- The standard length for skewering humans and a extra extended length for killing Aliens.
Plasma caster (Does not uncloak pred when fired. But the laser sighting can be seen)
Net Gun
Predator Shuriken
Combo Stick
Medi Comp
Energy Shift
Charge Emitter
Hunting Mask- Standard, Thermal, Electric(for finding Aliens), and Pred vision
Desert Eagle (or any other pistol of your choice)
SPAS-12 shotgun
M-41A Pulse Rifle
M-240A1 Flamethrower
M-56 Smartgun
Motion Tracker
Heat and Night Vision
Hacking Device
Motion Tracker operated Sentry Guns
Tail- Stinger on the end paralizes humans for use as host.
The Tounge
Blood- Thier blood is Acid and can burn through EVERYTHING, though after a while of burning it loses it's potency. So keep your character FAR away from an Alien when they are torn to bits by gunfire. Aliens can also spit thier acid for a few meters.
The Golden Simatar
09-12-2004, 03:06
The planet is slightly larger than Earth and has two very large contentents, seperated by a massive ocean. The dry land is nothing more than a massive jungle that is a mix between the Amazon and the jungles in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The land is rough and very hilly in some areas of the planet.
Primary Human Complexes
There is a very large United States Colonial Marine Corps base on the planet. Spanning several hundred acres, it the primary USCMC base for the area. It is capable of handling two Sulaco transports at a time. There is also a massive underground complex, but many of the living quarters are above ground.
Due to the massive losses in profit, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation sold it's complex on the planet to the Bio-Tech company Lychos Technology. It is roughly around half of the size of the Marine Corp complex. The complex is mostly above ground, with some underground structure.
The Lychos complex is located fifteen miles south east of the Marine base, and both are connected by a series of roads.
Other Human habitation
There are several large towns in the jungle that are connected to both complexs by roads. The inhabitants are mostly old WY workers and thier familes who built the Atmospheric Processors and the now Lychos owned complex.
Many of the of the Atmospheric Processors were torn down after they had serveed their purpose of making the Atmosphere more to the likeing of the humans that would now live there. There are three still there, though they have long sinced been shut down, and now are covered inside out in jungle growth.
There are also many old sites of apparent civilization. The some of the remains of the buldings resemble a mix of Cambodian, Egyptian, and Aztec archecture; other remians are much more unearth like. When studied closer, relifs of xenomorphs fighting Predators were discovered. A massive sweep of the area found nothing that would indicate a hive. The buildings also yeilded nothing in terms of holding a hive. It is believed that the planet was onced used as a xenomorph breeding ground for the Predators.
I got bored after i read the
first few lines
The Golden Simatar
09-12-2004, 04:12
okay by me. Thanks for looking.
The Golden Simatar
11-12-2004, 03:56
I guess one more bump for people to look.
I'll post another info post after this.
The Golden Simatar
12-12-2004, 14:46
sorry guys,
One of the participants of AVP2 has informed me he is going away for Christmas and will be unable to Rp in this till after. So, once again...AVP suffers from a delay.
I'm sorry.
Upside is more people can look at this.
Outer Heaven MK II
12-12-2004, 17:19
Simitar, don't do this, we had this with the first AVP, and that didn't start for ages...
This guy can jump in when he comes back, but to be honest, he has a choice, he can partake in this, or go on holiday, and hope to squeeze in when he comes back.
I'm not waiting like I did for AVP.
12-12-2004, 17:24
I gotta agree with Outer Heaven, before it was just a week or two, but all of winter vacation? that's a really long time to delay an RP for one person.
The Golden Simatar
12-12-2004, 19:28
Okay, i just had a chat with the party that requested a delay. We worked everything out, and myself or someone else will take control of his character during the time he cannot Rp.
I ask now for character stats, even if they were for the first AVP, please post them again so people won't have to go hunting for them.
13-12-2004, 00:06
That's a much better idea TGS, all we have to do is keep their character alive for a while.
Name: Zach Hunter
Age: 25+time difference
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 197 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Position: USMC Sargeant Major
M-41A Pulse rifle, VP-70 handgun, combat knife, motion tracker
also, how much time has elapsed since AVP?
The Golden Simatar
13-12-2004, 02:00
This takes about two weeks after the events in AVP.
The Golden Simatar
13-12-2004, 04:24
Now, for those of you playing Predators.
I would like character stats. For names, we cannot all use "Predator" that would be confusing as hell. What I would like is for people to think of interesting names for your creatures. So, I don't want "Joe" or some regular human name and such.
If you want you can also think of your own personal Predator mask.
The Golden Simatar
14-12-2004, 22:49
Here are my characters:
Name: Alan Crawford
Rank: Captain
Unit: 7Batt./ Delta Company USCMC
Occupation: Came to LV-467 to relive the old security commander. Now heads all things concerning security and puts in the final word, even if it has to do with WY's own security force.
Weight: 218lbs
Height: 6'1
Age: 37
Eyes/Hair: Brown/ Sandy brown
Weapons: Carries a Desert Eagle and a Pulse Rife all the time.
Name: Peter Jennings
Rank: Major
Unit: Commander of the 7th Battalion, 1st Division of the USCMC
Occupation: Commander of Marine Base on LV-274
Weight: 224lbs
Height: 5’11
Age: 39
Eyes/Hair: Green/ Brown
Weapons: Always carries a Desert Eagle, and uses what weapons he can find.
Name: ‘Apache’
Species: Predator
Clan: 232’s Hunting Clan
Age: 534yrs
Height: 8’7
Weight: 325lbs
Eyes: Dark Yellow
Weapons: Standard Wrist-blades, Plasma Caster, Shuriken, Smart Disc, Combi-stick, Net Gun.
Apache's pic:
Outer Heaven MK II
15-12-2004, 21:27
OOC: OH by the way, here's what you need to know about Kartion.
Name: Kartion 'SaberBlade' Nealson Elesto
Age: 34 + Time elapsed
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6ft "2
Weight: 280 lbs
Specialities: Jack of all trades, especially good at hand to hand combat and demolition, which he calls 'The good stuff'. Also been known to be excellent at things :P
Previous Employment: None (Freelancer/Mercenary)
Current Employment: Marine Corps. (Likely now to be permanent)
Current Assignment: Top Secret Code Red Triple X (cover is working with the Marines that survived, and that cover may continue, or it may become his new Assignment)
Twin High Calibre Desert Eagles
Pulse Rifle
The good stuff (Explosives)
Combat Knife
A Few Rich People
17-12-2004, 01:24
Name: Erich Ketch
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Weight: 231lbs
Height: 5’6”
Age: 29
Eyes/Hair: Cold Blue/Brown
Weapons: Desert Eagle; M-56 Smartgun; Heat and Night Vision; SPAS-12 shotgun; boot knife
(couldn’t find/remember if we should be in your squad or not…)
The Golden Simatar
18-12-2004, 04:07
Okay guys.
I will start AVP2 when I get the intro post done. So until I get it up, which should be by Monday people can still sign up. But after that, the RP is closed.
18-12-2004, 15:09
Here is my Pred:
Name: Hades
Species: Predator
Clan: 232’s Hunting Clan
Age: 500 years
Height: 2.2m
Weight: 150kg
Eyes: Jet Black
Weapons: Standard Wrist-blades, Plasma Caster, Shuriken, Smart Disc, Combi-stick, Net Gun, medi-pack and self destruct device.
19-12-2004, 00:47
Okay guys.
I will start AVP2 when I get the intro post done. So until I get it up, which should be by Monday people can still sign up. But after that, the RP is closed.
Sounds good
Do you guys need a medic/ doctor who can also take care of herself in combat? Wouldn't necessarily want to play a marine but any medic / doc who's been out in the field had better know how to deal with ...'events' ( snicker )
The Golden Simatar
19-12-2004, 03:03
You mean a civilian doctor?
Yep - civvie - but maybe with time in the marines in her background.
The Golden Simatar
19-12-2004, 05:04
Do you know about the AVP universe?
I know from the novels ( not the graphic novels or vidoe games ) and from the movies. But since it sounds like you need more than that I'll just keep an eye on this - it sounds like it's going to be a fun read.
19-12-2004, 19:08
Name: Experiment 232 (see AVP 1 for details on this)
Species: Predator
Clan: 232’s Hunting Clan
Age: unknown, roughly among the middle aged predators in the clan
Mask: A standard mask that was now replaced by a more elegant one, one that affirmed 232 as the leader, simply by its exotic markings on the mask.
Height: Eight feet, three inches
Weight: 215 lbs.
Eyes: Jet Black
Weapons: Standard Wrist-blades, Plasma Caster, Shuriken, Smart Disc, Combi-stick, Net Gun, medi-pack and self destruct device.
**NOTE: 232 was genetically altered, his natural body abilities also include natural camo, and possesses a higher intellect than the average predator.
19-12-2004, 20:49
Hey y'all, I'm really excited that this thread's gonna be up soon, but I'm gonna be forced to be offline for the next few days because there's some damn virus or two on my computer wreaking havoc like nothing I've seen before. I'm gonna have to dig it out manually. I'll be back online ASAP.
Golden Simatar, you can RP my character while I'm gone. I'll let you know on IM when I manage to get back on.
I'm currently on a comp at the library, that's the only reason why I've been able to post on here...
The Golden Simatar
19-12-2004, 21:16
ooc: okay Tarl
Guys, AVP2 has started.
OOC: Sorry for the quick change of opinion but I found out I do have the time for this interesting RP. Thanks.
My Character -
Name: Old Tooth
Species: Predator
Clan: 232’s Hunting Clan
Age: 617 years
Height: 9 Feet 2 Inches
Weight: 173kg
Eyes: Jet Black
Equipment: Wristblades, Plasma caster, Net Gun, Predator Shuriken, Combo Stick, Medi Comp, Energy Shift, Charge Emitter and Hunting Mask.
Additional Information: Naturally a huge beast of a warrior, he clocks in at a height beyond that of the common Predator, he is rather cumbersome due to his bulk and the amount of equipment he likes to carry.