03-12-2004, 17:02
Starblaydia & Druida
World Cup 20 Bid
Entertainment. Realism. Competition.
(Craziness Encouraged)
For those wondering what the hell this piece of craziness is about, you can look at Starblaydia's NSWC FAQ here:
The Atlantian Oceania nations of Starblaydia and Druida hereby submit their hosting bid for the 20th Nationstates World Cup of Football. Soccer. Whatever.
We have noticed recently that veterans of the Cup are complaining about the ammount of effort and seriousness that needs to be put into the Cup to get any Fun out of it, and we agree. We want people to have fun in the Cup that we host, and get back to the simple ideals of people playing football, in the park, computers for goalposts, and all the rest of it.
We're not offering 'The Most Funnest Wackiest Cup Ever!', as we don't know what it'll be like. Its up to the participants. It is the Nationstates World Cup, after all, not the World Cup Committee's World Cup. Let's play, and let's have fun with it.
How this will work:
After World Cup 19 is finished, Qualifying Groups will be drawn from the sign-up list. The Baptism of Fire will take place, under Vilita's guidance, as he bloody loves it, dontcha Vil? The World Cup 20 Qualifiers will start after Christmas and the New Year, so people have time to enjoy the snow and holiday season without having to find access to a computer.
The Qualifying Groups will be whittled down to 30 qualifiers as everybody plays everybody else in their Group twice, and those thirty plus Starblaydia and Druida will go to the 20th World Cup, in Starblaydia and Druida. Did I mention this was the Starblaydia and Druida bid? Good. Hopefully a nation that doesn't qualify will also offer to host the Cup of Harmony for RPing and enthusiastic nations that haven't made it. Above all, for those two weeks or so, we want poeple to have fun with it.
We love writing and reading RPs, that's why we're here, right? To let our creative juices flow. Thats why we'll have an RP bonus, to encourage people to participate and make it a fun day out for all.
We're not going to tell you how we'll be scoring RPs, but any effort is taken into account. The bonus to scorination won't be huge, but noticeable. If you RP because you love doing it or you RP because you love winning, we'll take them into account.
You can be serious, humourous, downright crazy, witty, deadpan, terrifying, journalistic, dramatic... pretty much anything that can be read and enjoyed will get the thumbs up from us. And remember, craziness is encouraged. These are fictional countries in a fictional universe, so pretty much anything goes.
Take Starblaydia and Druida for instance. Starblaydia has a population including Dwarves and Elves (some dwarves even make the national team), while no Druidan male will have a forename other than Trefor. Some nations are made up of sentient vegetables, zombie musicians, vicious terrorists or just normal people of varying socio-political persuasions. Have fun with it.
This we are working on. Most likely will be a formula in Excel, modified by RP bonuses. Fairness, as well as a nice mixture of upsets and thrashings, are all hoping to be factored into this. 'Big' teams shouldn't always win, and 'Little' teams shouldn't always lose. People point to the world rankings and say "Brazil (Top 5), beaten by Djibouti (200-odd)? What?!" But they also fail to point out that there are only 200-odd nations in the World. With 70,000 nations and counting, odds are that the 150th-ranked in the aren't too shabby. Unless their players are called Xabi, which means they probably are.
Help For Newcomers:
Simply and sadly, there isn't enough of this around. Some veterans don't know how these things work, so how the hell newcomers are meant to know is beyond me. We want to help people enjoy this experience and not feel intimidated to ask. 'We're here, use us!' As the sheep said to the Druidan. Starblaydia's FAQ will be obviously available, linked in every thread, and any Posted or TG'd questions answered to the best of our ability in the shortest time possible.
I (Starblaydia) remember having to ask, back in WC14/15 time, whether the NSWCs were 4 years apart in NS time, which they are. I searched through 6 different threads to find out where I should post such a question. This is not what should be happening when people want answers to help them along the way.
Hook a newbie and they'll stay hooked, like what happened to most of us who have been here a while. Its fun, friendly and competitive. Have fun with it.
This is not an elite club or a clique, its the oppurtunity for at least 80 nations (hopefully as well as one 'Jennifier Government'-writing author) to have two weeks of fun, folics, entertainment and tension, then for 32 nations to have a few more days of it, and for at least one nation to be ecstatic at the end, when no-one but them is paying attention.
This will be the 20th installment of the Nationstates World Cup. Instead of prolonging it for another round or two, we're attempting to make sure it's set up for another 20 editions. Let's inject some life back into it and, above all, let's have fun with it. Or did we say that already?
That was the
Starblaydia & Druida
World Cup 20 Bid
Entertainment. Realism. Competition.
(Craziness Encouraged)
(voting for us encouraged too)
Starblaydia & Druida
World Cup 20 Bid
Entertainment. Realism. Competition.
(Craziness Encouraged)
For those wondering what the hell this piece of craziness is about, you can look at Starblaydia's NSWC FAQ here:
The Atlantian Oceania nations of Starblaydia and Druida hereby submit their hosting bid for the 20th Nationstates World Cup of Football. Soccer. Whatever.
We have noticed recently that veterans of the Cup are complaining about the ammount of effort and seriousness that needs to be put into the Cup to get any Fun out of it, and we agree. We want people to have fun in the Cup that we host, and get back to the simple ideals of people playing football, in the park, computers for goalposts, and all the rest of it.
We're not offering 'The Most Funnest Wackiest Cup Ever!', as we don't know what it'll be like. Its up to the participants. It is the Nationstates World Cup, after all, not the World Cup Committee's World Cup. Let's play, and let's have fun with it.
How this will work:
After World Cup 19 is finished, Qualifying Groups will be drawn from the sign-up list. The Baptism of Fire will take place, under Vilita's guidance, as he bloody loves it, dontcha Vil? The World Cup 20 Qualifiers will start after Christmas and the New Year, so people have time to enjoy the snow and holiday season without having to find access to a computer.
The Qualifying Groups will be whittled down to 30 qualifiers as everybody plays everybody else in their Group twice, and those thirty plus Starblaydia and Druida will go to the 20th World Cup, in Starblaydia and Druida. Did I mention this was the Starblaydia and Druida bid? Good. Hopefully a nation that doesn't qualify will also offer to host the Cup of Harmony for RPing and enthusiastic nations that haven't made it. Above all, for those two weeks or so, we want poeple to have fun with it.
We love writing and reading RPs, that's why we're here, right? To let our creative juices flow. Thats why we'll have an RP bonus, to encourage people to participate and make it a fun day out for all.
We're not going to tell you how we'll be scoring RPs, but any effort is taken into account. The bonus to scorination won't be huge, but noticeable. If you RP because you love doing it or you RP because you love winning, we'll take them into account.
You can be serious, humourous, downright crazy, witty, deadpan, terrifying, journalistic, dramatic... pretty much anything that can be read and enjoyed will get the thumbs up from us. And remember, craziness is encouraged. These are fictional countries in a fictional universe, so pretty much anything goes.
Take Starblaydia and Druida for instance. Starblaydia has a population including Dwarves and Elves (some dwarves even make the national team), while no Druidan male will have a forename other than Trefor. Some nations are made up of sentient vegetables, zombie musicians, vicious terrorists or just normal people of varying socio-political persuasions. Have fun with it.
This we are working on. Most likely will be a formula in Excel, modified by RP bonuses. Fairness, as well as a nice mixture of upsets and thrashings, are all hoping to be factored into this. 'Big' teams shouldn't always win, and 'Little' teams shouldn't always lose. People point to the world rankings and say "Brazil (Top 5), beaten by Djibouti (200-odd)? What?!" But they also fail to point out that there are only 200-odd nations in the World. With 70,000 nations and counting, odds are that the 150th-ranked in the aren't too shabby. Unless their players are called Xabi, which means they probably are.
Help For Newcomers:
Simply and sadly, there isn't enough of this around. Some veterans don't know how these things work, so how the hell newcomers are meant to know is beyond me. We want to help people enjoy this experience and not feel intimidated to ask. 'We're here, use us!' As the sheep said to the Druidan. Starblaydia's FAQ will be obviously available, linked in every thread, and any Posted or TG'd questions answered to the best of our ability in the shortest time possible.
I (Starblaydia) remember having to ask, back in WC14/15 time, whether the NSWCs were 4 years apart in NS time, which they are. I searched through 6 different threads to find out where I should post such a question. This is not what should be happening when people want answers to help them along the way.
Hook a newbie and they'll stay hooked, like what happened to most of us who have been here a while. Its fun, friendly and competitive. Have fun with it.
This is not an elite club or a clique, its the oppurtunity for at least 80 nations (hopefully as well as one 'Jennifier Government'-writing author) to have two weeks of fun, folics, entertainment and tension, then for 32 nations to have a few more days of it, and for at least one nation to be ecstatic at the end, when no-one but them is paying attention.
This will be the 20th installment of the Nationstates World Cup. Instead of prolonging it for another round or two, we're attempting to make sure it's set up for another 20 editions. Let's inject some life back into it and, above all, let's have fun with it. Or did we say that already?
That was the
Starblaydia & Druida
World Cup 20 Bid
Entertainment. Realism. Competition.
(Craziness Encouraged)
(voting for us encouraged too)