NationStates Jolt Archive

An Open - But Limited - Invitation To The Veldic Alliance.

03-12-2004, 16:44
To All Members of The Grand Universe of Nationstates,

As organiser and prime recruiter for the Veldic Alliance, we offer the rare opportunity to the general regions and nations out there to join our fair Alliance.

We offer no oppression nor restriction on race, creed, religion or governmental style. We offer security and safety of a population over 8 billion trillion people, a massive economic GDP output and experianced NS Governments combined with promising newly formed Governments.

We are looking for nations and regions who satisfy the following requirements:
1. Are a UN Member/Delegate or willing to join within 1NS year (24hours).
2. Willingness to help out your fellow brothers in the event of unprovoked attacks.

That's all. Condition 1 only applies if you are registering a region - which is our current preference though all applications to our mighty Union - focused on World Domination Through Brotherhood - will be undertaken and looked upon regardless.

There is a position for 2 regions, comprising of over 3 nations and an opening for 6 nations to join the region of Decus and/or The Veldic Alliance under the flag of The Veldic Alliance.

Simply post your preference along with your nation/region name and I will do the best.

All the best to all those who apply, this invitation is only open for 24 hours.

The Most Eminent President Elamein
The Most Serene Republic of Decus
UN Delegate