I look over Jordan... [closed RP]
Baltika-City, Daikatana, Allanea
Jonathan Morrison shivered in the cold, as he observed the sea off the Baltika coast rage against the shore. Rain obscured viison, and he did not know if his colleague was arriving or not. He shrugged. The Mahonri dropship that would carry the Iesuit here from the airport would not be stopped by rain conditions. They’d be here on time.
Just as he thought that, he saw that small black craft appear from unde the thick rainclouds and begin to descend.
Iesus Christi
03-12-2004, 10:46
"For the Greater Glory of God!"
With those words the meeting party had been sent on this diplomatic mission, good Iesus officers knew everything boiled down to that statment.
The diplomatic party, while larger boiled down to three men...
Major Roman wore his dress black uniform of the Legio maria and prepared himself for landing. He was well known as someone who wasnt a 'air man', he made up for his lack of comfort by staring down his fellow passengers.
Admiral Adrian Stark from the Iesus 'fleet arm' was functional head of the mission. His blue uniform a stark contrast to the usual Iesus fascist colour schemes.
The last man was the now familar rep of the 'People and the Party'. Ministry Offical David Bruce scanned over his commpad before landing, last minute information to be discussed and ran through. Unlike the other men he didnt have a rank but he did wear the ministry brown uniform....it said more than shoulder flashes ever could.
Morrison smiled at the Iesuits. While certainly they had their faults - who doesn't? - today, they were doing an act of good. An enormous good. Something so good that everybody who participated in it would be remembered forever as a man of charity.
"Good day, gentlemen. I assume you have read the reports and are familiar with the scale of the problem. Should we proceed to a room or should I open up my laptop?"
Morrison shrugged. Normally, he'd expect people to use a room in this rain, but with the thousands of strange nations out there, each with it's custom, you'd never know.
Iesus Christi
03-12-2004, 12:41
The men saluted in the sharp fascist manner...somethings never change.
Admiral Stark spoke for the group.
"Heil Iesus! It is the duty of every Christian to help his fellow man. We have read the reports and know the scale of the horror but Iesus Christi will do all it can in this blessed enterprise."
The admiral looked up into the pouring sky , then over at his comrades and then at his hosts..
"Unless you have any objections...inside is good..."
THe Allanean led his guests to a large meeting hall - looking much like a corporate boardroom. On one end, a large screen was visible, with two flags to the sidees, an Allanean flag and a Khrishtian one.
"This is were most meeting on this issue are done. This is the most secure location in Allanea. Would you like some wine?" - Morrison asks, pointing to the high-quality wine bottles on the table. "A cigar, perhaps?"
Iesus Christi
04-12-2004, 03:02
The officers looked around the room, paranoia runs deep within the blood of every citizen of the holy empire.
Again the admiral spoke for the group.
"Excellent, this will be fine without a doubt...."
The Minsitry offical cut in
"and we dont smoke. It is strictly forbidden. Thank you very much"
"indeed indeed " The Admiral went on "Please excuse us...we would rather we pressed on with the matter at hand, but a wine afterwards would be excellent"
The Allanean smiled: "Oh, I do understand, indeed. So, herein lies the rub. We need to extract - as peacefully as possible - one hundred million people, protected by three or four of the world's superpowers. Preferably, without bloodshed, or what will happen as they all roll out their allies will make operation Righteous Smackdown look like friendly pat on the head for us. Any suggestions?"
Iesus Christi
04-12-2004, 04:14
"100 million souls require our protection...I'm sure togther with loyal allies we can move that number....it will take time and a massive feat of logistics but its possible...
Our suggestion for doing it is simple...make the fleet and move it straight to the area...run straight and true....Should anyone try and stop our mission of mercy then we shall make such rivers of blood flow that they will regret to the end of time their mistake! Christ died for all and it would be my honour to die like he!"
The admiral paused and Major Roman decided the speech may need translation from Iesus rhetoric into real speak.
"what we mean is...lets do it.Run whatever barrier they throw up. Should any warmonger try and stop us saving lives we'll fight...we'll kill...let us threaten them with a war so bloody and costly that they will have to take the peaceful answer"
"Indeed, " replies the Allanean, "you are correct in your moral evaluation. Yet, however, you must not forget that while putting yourself in danger for others is a good a moral thing, the innocent citizens of Iesus and Allanea are not to be endangered. Thus, while your solution may indeed work - and in fact, we are planning to send about two hunred ships if such a fleet is to be established - we also believe that alternate solutions ought to be explored. This is what I invited you to talk about."
Iesus Christi
04-12-2004, 21:54
There was a pause, the minds of the Iesus officers were racing....They always went for the straight answer...it took some rethinking to accept there maybe other answers.
"I'm sure you can find the ships. several of our allies are sure to send vessels.....we believe in a sort of directness. We present those manning the blockade with what we are going to do....let it be on their heads the choice for war...War is nothing to run from, our cause is just...
but we are open to other options.."
The Allanean smiled: "Certainly. All we would ask you, at this stage, is help us contact other nations that would help. Is that an option?"
He pauses:
"Oh, and we'd need some specialized ships to evacuate that many people. Do you have any suggestions on the concept?"
Iesus Christi
04-12-2004, 22:53
"We can help round up support, our government is already investigating possible allies. Whatever you need, the Iesus armed forces stand ready in whatever role you may need us....
As for the logistics. 100 million is alot....we can convert over cargo ships and use troop transports...cram 'em in...it wont be the nicest transportation but its the best we've got...looking at the number we may have to consider several trips..I really dont see any way 200 ships will carry 100 million people in one go"
"And this is exactly why we need as much ships as possible. We are putting two hundred ships into it, and we expect that the eventual number to be way above that, considering everything. Well, I believe it is all we need to settle, isn't it? Or do you have any suggestions that would help?"
Iesus Christi
05-12-2004, 01:08
"well. It seems we have this settled. record time...We will provide ships, so will several of our allies....the only thing I would advise is we send a declaration of intent to those who would oppose us..that way if blood is spilled it shall be on their hands...Now gentlemen...a toast to the enterprise? Heil Victory!"