The Hunt (NO POSTS, unless you are tagging, or you are Invited.)
The EverQueen
02-12-2004, 09:54
OOC This is an INVITE ONLY! I messed up the title, but that is what is should say. NO POSTS, unless you are tagging, or you are Invited.
Reola made a call across her planets looking for the best known hunter. Many came but only one fit the task, Marakock he had never failed to cacth his prize and this time there was no room for error. The Tsurani had requested that she find Lithia there lost Empress for they were in a time of national crises and only Lithia could return them to order. As a long time ally of the Tsurani and freind of Lithia Reola had to help.
Lessr Tsurani
03-12-2004, 13:35
Lithia moved across the grass in Russia. She watched the sky, amazed at the blue colour. She felt amazment at what a few speks of matter had made, such beauty. She was walking in the middle of no where, wearing only a thin gauze. She felt something behind her, and flashed around, catching the butterfly in her hand. She looked at the beauty of its wings, and felt the small hairs on its legs. She released the weapons, then turned, feeling somthing wrong in her network, somthing was looking for her.
The EverQueen
11-12-2004, 06:53
Marakock, heeding Reolas warnings had travelled alone. Using his knowledge of Lithia he had decided to go to Earth. Spying the lovely blue planet he began his decent having previosly deciding to use a trial and error procedure to find her he would begin with Australia.
Lessr Tsurani
11-12-2004, 09:05
OOC I am in sydney, I am i sydney, when you dind me I shall post.
The EverQueen
16-12-2004, 09:09
Marackock leaned against his ship and whispered into his auto recorder "This is my last stop in Australia after 1 week of searching I am left only to vbisit Sydney before moving on." Climing into his ship he set a scouting path around Sydney. After around an hour he spotted a path of red amounst the green of a park near a hotel. Mathcing her to a picture he had he smiled a turned around to find a suitable landing place.
Crawling out of his ship he readied his trank gun and moved silently through the bushes wacthing her waiting for the right moment to strike.
Lessr Tsurani
16-12-2004, 10:43
Lithia sensed someone watching her, and immidiatly felt something behind her. She walked on, feeling around with her other sences. She smelt him, and immidatly, she started to run. Not slowly either, but a real Sprint. Within seconds she was fully dressed, using a device under her skin, and sprinting through the streets of Interior Sydney. She started out towards the hao bour, smelling her trakcer to cheak his reaction.