NationStates Jolt Archive

The Grendels and Sketch announce shared currency

The Grendels
01-12-2004, 04:11
Paws extended in Friendship,

On this day, November 30th, the Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels proclaim that we are introducing a common currency with another international economic superpower: the Holy Order of Sketch. This new shared currency shall be known as the Golden Bond and will set the bar for economic strength amongst the Nation States World currencies. As the shared currency of two of the most powerful economies in the Nation States World, the Golden Bond will bring about a new era in the economics.

Yarooo, Gnoll Warleader and Dictator for Life

The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels
01-12-2004, 05:21
Makalakashiaka Liberty News, SNN announcement

All Sketch, All day!

***Sketch and [the] Grendels to share common currency***

In an unusual move today, the Sketchian ministry of foreign affairs made a public announcement declaring the official release of the newly minted currency - the Golden Bond (GB). The GB is to be the shared currency between the economic superpowers of [the] Grendels and Sketch.

Traditionally Sketch has maintained an internal currency with a special credit system for use by extra national visitors. The GB will be the first currency authorized for use by both nationals and extra nationals in the dominion of Sketch in the last two hundred years. Analyst call this move an unprecendented change in isolationist policy, which clearly reflects the leadership changes in Sketch.

Although no official announcemnet has been made as to the governmental preference for citizen currency use, the GB exchange rate has been temporarily fixed by the foreign exchange ministry at favorable rates to encourage its usage. Economic analyst predict that the noble houses will follow the government's lead and adopt this new currency as their primary trading unit. Already several large independent coporations have taken up the GB in efforts to usurp the the power of the noble houses.

This change is not without its critics however, as several long term analyst remark that the economic strength of Sketch is no longer dependent on only itself, but the whims of others as well. This move may prove to be either a blessing or a curse depending on the stability of [the] Grendels. All that can be said now is that Sketch must be sure to keep an eye on the outside world more often from now on.

Now in related news, the stocks of several of independent coporations surged as.....
01-12-2004, 06:38
"Son of a bitch!" A short, indefinably ugly man slams his fist against his desk, making the steel top groan under stress. "The Triumvirate lost millions of lives to this bastard, and now he's bosom buddies with one of our oldest allies?"

"Perhaps Warleader Yarooo isn't aware of the manner in which the Sketch Empire attacked the WorldDisc," suggested a tall, elderly man from across the desk. He didn't look terribly concerned by the other's fit of anger.

"Sketch has shown interest in improving relationships abroad," pointed out a third man, younger by far than the first two.

"They're so interested that they're part of the Order of the Seraphim, and you know what they're like."

"Sir, we still have strong economic ties with the Grendels. We still purchase a great deal of our military and industrial equipment from them. Even with our recent technical advances, we still haven't been able to match their quality. While Yarooo doesn't strike me as a eager to admit to a mistake, he might be willing to listen to a word of caution from a trusted ally who has always stood by his side when called upon."

"Make the call. I'll fly there personally to meet with Yarooo if he wants it. I'll be damned if I'll let Sketch endanger Wysteria the way he did Titan."

"Immediately, Your Majesty."

TSMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Standard
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: Yarooo, Gnoll Warleader and Dictator for Life, The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Devon Treznor - Treznor


It's been far too long since you've come to my party and drunk my beer. I would appreciate meeting with you and sharing some of my best stock.

I would also like to discuss with you the impact of your recent economic changes. As a highly respected ally of such long standing, I'm reluctant to place a damper on our relationship, but I have grave concerns regarding recognising the change of currency within Wysterian markets. I have some intelligence regarding your new economic allies that you may or may not be aware of. I wish to discuss the implications in person.

With deepest respect,

Devon Treznor

<end transmission>
The Grendels
02-12-2004, 09:40
Paws extended in Friendship,

I would welcome our good friend Treznor for a state visit to Hackleburg, the capital of our Indomitable Borderlands, to enjoy the hospitality of the Grendels. It has indeed been long since we got together and I hope that you will enjoy a sample of our own fine drink and food.

Yarooo, Gnoll Warleader and Dictator for Life

The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels
02-12-2004, 17:17
"Interesting," Emporer Johnston strokied his chin as he received the news. He knew the new currency would be difficult to compete with if not utterly impossible. He knew action must be taken relatively soon but he was not sure what action to take. He knew of several economic powers with whom he could do the same but he wasn't sure how it would play out.

Meanwhile, his son Gregor Johsnton was receiving the same news. He was also conferencing with several top officials. They decided to send a Transmition to The Grendels and see if they could not attempt to get in on this new currency.

Begin Transmition

To: The Grendels:

The Largentian government is interested in this new currency. In the past we have been an economic power. However, now we will have a problem competing with your currency. We were wondering if you would allow us to convert to the Golden Bond. We would, of course, be happy to return the favor in some way.

~Benjiman Feblowitz
Head of Foreign Affairs
Keeper of the Treasury

End Transmition
03-12-2004, 06:14
The Holy Order of Sketch
The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels

From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps c/o Vrak Economic Affairs Division
Subject: unified currency

Congratulations on your new currency. May this usher in a new era of prosperity for both nations.
Steel Butterfly
03-12-2004, 06:22
[OOC: Tag and congrats to Mr. Sketch]
03-12-2004, 06:36
What's the conversion rate from Golden Bond to Cantano-Terpsichor kroner?

( 1 CTK: 2.4 USD )
Liverpool England
03-12-2004, 06:44
To: The Grendels
Yarooo, on behalf of the people of Liverpool England and The Heartland, I would like to congratulate you on the adoption of your new currency.

Marc Newells
Premier, Liverpool England
03-12-2004, 06:50
What's the conversion rate from Golden Bond to Cantano-Terpsichor kroner?

( 1 CTK: 2.4 USD )

ooc: it hasn't been decided as of yet iirc, but rest assurd, it shall not be favorable towards you ;)

Also, I doubt the ability of a nation as young and relatively undeveloped as yours to be able to have such a high currency value. Hence, I would assume such currency values to be artificially inflated and set by the government and therefore not aplicable towards any real trade transactions.
The Grendels
04-12-2004, 03:27
Paws extended in Friendship,

The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels thanks Liverpool England and Vrak for their gracious backslapping for the shared currency of both Sketch and our own model state. It signifies a momentous day in the world economic markets when two of the most powerful market forces merge their currencies.

For those who have asked about inclusion into our shared currency arrangement, the idea of expanding the Golden Bond has been casually tossed around, but it was quickly decided that if there was to be any expansion that only the most elite economies of the Nation States World would be invited. To me this means only those nation states that are consistently in the top ten on page one of the World for economic UN reports. There is no timetable or discussions set for further expansion of the shared currency amongst the cream of the economic crop, but know that the idea is out there gathering form.

Yarooo, Gnoll Warleader and Dictator for Life

The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels
The Grendels
04-12-2004, 03:37
Paws extended in Friendship,

Obviously, my fellow Wysterian economic superpower of Koffee would be a natural choice for inclusion, as one of the top economies in the World. Koffee dominates the UN report rankings on page one of the World of Soda Pop, Gambling, and Book Publishing.

The reason whey they will not be brought in is because they are currently my puppet. Once they were the primary nation state of a friend and ally of mine, who lost interest in the game and after Koffee declined in the rankings, left the game. He left me the nation and I’ve completely restored it to its former glory in the rankings, usually beating out even the Grendels in the previously mentioned three economic categories. As my puppet they will remain in Wysteria, but will not be used in any RP’s including the expansion of the Golden Bond. It’s too bad too, since if the nation’s original player was still involved in the game they’d likely jump at the chance.

Yarooo, Gnoll Warleader and Dictator for Life

The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels
The Most Glorious Hack
04-12-2004, 08:29
Interesting... wonder if this means the Grendels will be more active on the world stage...

Begin Message

Encryption: None
TO: Yarooo, the Grendels
CC: TWIMC, Sketch
WBO Mailing List
FR: Jessica Hawthorne
RE: New Currency

The Oligarchy is impressed with this news, and wish both the Grendels and Sketch the best of luck. We are already recalibrating our trade schedules to incorporate this new currency. We hope this will mean a greater world presence on the part of the Grendels, and are curious as to the ramifications this will have on the Order of Seraphim.

- Jessica Hawthorne, Intirim Speaker for the Oligarchy, Ambassador to the WBO
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack

End Message
The Grendels
06-12-2004, 06:31
Paws extended in Friendship,

The wind howled on an overcast winter’s day in a small firing range, located to the west of Battleburg, near the shores of the historic Crimson River. Yarooo was lying down behind a Ravage heavy automatic rifle, emptying a magazine of 20mm rounds downrange into the old rusted vehicle targets. The Warleader reloaded the magazine, while range staff looked on, and emptied the second magazine, before clearing his weapon and standing up with a large grin on his face.

“It’s a very nice piece of work,” announced the Dictator for Life, brushing the dirt from his fur.

“Thank you, my Warleader,” beamed the representative from Wolf Pack Munitions. “It’s currently being used by Kill Packs and the Grendel Expeditionary Forces in Kamadhatu.”

“It’s a special forces tool and platoon support weapon at the moment, but some units are using it at the section level,” mentioned War Minister Fang, an old friend of Yarooo. “I have concerns with it as a section weapon, with the 20mm rounds being wasted in small contacts in the self defence of the user. They might need a secondary submachine gun along with all the 20mm ammunition they’d be carrying.”

“It’s considered very successful at the section level for mechanized units with one per eight soldier unit,” clarified the Wolf Pack Munitions representative.

“I’d like to take this one home with me,” announced Yarooo. “I’ve got a problem with predators on my ranch that this might solve.”

“Of course Warleader,” replied the startled arms industry salesman. “I’ll have it and 100 rounds send to your ranch immediately.”

Yarooo motioned for his security forces to assume a safe perimeter and to jam any electronic listening devises that might be used by the bolder spies of the Nation States World. Only a fool would send a spy this deep into the Indomitable Borderlands, but only a fool would decide that that was an excuse for sloppy security. As the rain poured down, the Warleader motioned to a couple members of his cabinet to follow him into the back of a large army logistics truck. Once inside, the Ministers of Finance and War, held an impromptu cabinet meeting with the Dictator for Life, while the rain pelted the protective tarpaulin that covered them.

“It’s time to review our current situation,” announced Yarooo, making it clear that he wanted the opinions of his companions.

“Since our announcement of the Golden Bond with Sketch, we’ve been hearing a lot of rumblings from our friends in the Triumvirate of the Yut,” noted Kaalrook, the Minister of Finance. “We do a lot of trade with Treznor in particular.”

“Doesn’t sound that much different from being between the USSR and North Alerica during their wars,” chimed in Fang nostalgically.

{The Grendels had first fought for the USSR against North Alerica, then had halted a second war when neither their friends in Koffee (NA) or RedCommunist (USSR) wanted to be in a position where they would be fighting the Grendels. Afterwards the Grendels had sided with Koffee in the North Alerican civil war.}

“What we have to be clear about is that this is a situation new to the Order of Seraphim and the Triumvirate of the Yut,” pointed out Yarooo. “It is not one unfamiliar to our own government.”

“If we ensure that our shared currency remains an economic focus,” interjected Kaalrook. “Our glorious announcement of the Golden Bond has already shaken the markets of the World to their core. However, if the Triumvirate of the Yut treat this as a military alliance things could quickly spiral out of control.”

“True,” began Fang, “there is a lot of blood between these two groups, but we should not tread too delicately in this matter. Are we not one of the greatest superpowers in the Nation States World?”

“I think we are in agreement then,” concluded Yarooo. “The Grendels will continue to walk the path of the Golden Bond. It is after all our time.”

Yarooo, Gnoll Warleader and Dictator for Life

The Indomitable Borderlands of the Grendels
06-12-2004, 13:04
To: TMGH diplomatic relations office
From: Sketch, DiploCorps
Subj: GB
Cc: Jessica Hawthorne

The Golden Bond is a shared currency meant only for the economic elite. As such, stringent protocals have been agreed upon as to the distribution of its shared usage. The Order of the Seraphim is an entity separate from the political economic body of the Holy Order of Sketch, and thus should not be confused as an extension Sketchian policy. In addition, the Order is an alliance of multiple nations, many of whom's individual economic strength are of such that would only weaken the GB. Any decisions to further include more nations will be made only as a joint agreement among the current holders of the GB.