NationStates Jolt Archive

The Order of Light requires the opinion of other nations...

The Order of Light
01-12-2004, 00:30
They are heathen scum. Torture and then slaughter them.
They are deviants. Kill them all.
They have broken a law they agreed to uphold, and are responsible for numerous violent acts. Exile them.
A simple police intervention with rubber bullets and tear gas will suffice.
They have the right to protest and publicly speak whatever they want. Leave them be.

The Empire of Light was built on the need of a small group of Christians to create their own isolated nation to follow God in peace, and not worry about the stupid squabbles of democracy, nor the destructive policies of a dictatorship. As their leader, I had created an unique government system based on religious doctrine and absolute logic. To prevent social trouble, I limited citizen membership to Christians only. Since the creation of our Empire, we have advanced to new heights. Not wasting money and time with democracy, it has allowed those people truly gifted at leading to do their job without worrying about looking good in front of the people. As our nation grew, we have started to be less selective of the religion of those who joined. Within ten years, our army and police force nearly doubled to keep up with the different moral standards of the influx of immigrants. Immigrants were allowed in under the condition that they do not publicly express their religious views. These people had all signed a contract to not cause any trouble in this manner. This was all right for a while, with people minding their own business, and worshipping their different gods without bothering anybody. Recently though, several extremist factions had "earned" the hearts of these minorities. The Atheist Liberation Fron was the worst, with public protests and cases of vandalism. Within such a rally, which I gracefully allowed, assuming they would eventually get tired, the mayor of our capital, Lord Marcus Leotopolis, was beaten within an inch of his life for asking the protesters to liberate the market center so that people can go on with their business. The incident could not be stopped seeing how the mayor was surrounded by the protesters, and barely escaped with his life. Upon that moment, I ordered the army to open fire. Two thirds of the protesters were left dead as a result, with the rest of them scattered. After this incident, extremist propaganda started portraying our imperial government as "tyrannical", and many people are openly speaking of a revolution.
The Christian citizens, still forming 90% of the population, as well as most non christian religious people(whom have no wish to deal with the violence that they had in their own nations) demand that the government do something about it. Legally, I have the right to exile every one of them, and they signed a contract allowing me to do so. However, I fear they will not leave peacefully. What does the rest of the world think I should do?
The Evil Overlord
01-12-2004, 22:00
In the Dominion, any violators of EOE regulations would be arrested, tried, and either deported (non-violent offenders) or executed.

They are breaking both the Laws of your Order and their own sworn oaths. Why bother asking other nations for advice? Do with them what you will.

Eternal Arch-Villain Psychopompos
Minister for Pre-Subjugation External Affairs
01-12-2004, 22:11
If they signed a contract, the contract would be binding. Judicious force should be used if they will not abide by their contract. Fatalities should be avoided. What if the offenders are of a different religion than Christianity, and yet were born in your lands. Would they also have to sign a contract? Would their parents agreements be binding on them?
Shanodin Forest
01-12-2004, 22:33
Excuse the cliche, but, Kill'em all, let God sort them apart. In a more in depth study, issue a proclamation to all citizens and immagrints, announcing yer feelings and how that the offenders are in breach of contract. If they continue to break contract, make public exacutions fer the violent offenders, and deport the others to another nation that you are friendly with.
01-12-2004, 22:53
Sometimes one must do what others call distasteful or even "wrong" to maintain order. In Wretchengard, we've virtually eliminated crime. People know that they will be caught, and they know that they will be punished. Severely. You will not hear talk of revolution in Wretchengard, and if you do, you won't for long; those troublemakers are quickly rooted out and dealt with.

Do not suffer this to continue. If you give ground now, they won't stop there. "Give them an inch and they take a mile," as the old saying goes. Punish them, and not with just a slap on the wrist, either. Make an example out of those most outspoken, and continue to do so. Very soon you will find that their cries of outrage will dwindle to whispers, and then silence. The reason they are so bold is that they don't think you'll do what it takes to silence them. Prove them wrong.

Thanos Steelblood
High Justicar