NationStates Jolt Archive

Politics of the People. Elections in the Free Republic.

30-11-2004, 17:10
Theleb Kanaan the current Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Progressive Republican Party sat quietly in his office. He was contemplating the Progressives next move as elections loomed. Currently the Republican Order Party was technically in power, but only because of the Republican/Progressive coalition that had toppled the Vaadist Loyalist Party.

It was clear that he needed two strong candidates, one for the Ministry of Defence and one for Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was reigning the latter himself to stand for election as First Republican.

The two gentlemen he had invited had finally arrived, he stood to shake hands with his assistant, Sir Alec Connover and with Field Marshal William 'The One Hundred Man' Issem.

"Gentlemen , please take a seat, I know you are both very busy so I will make this as brief as possible." In a few days now the major parties will begin announcing their candidates for the Republican Council. It is imperative that the P.R.P. retain Minister of Foreign Affairs and gain at least one additional seat to be able to form a government without a coalition."

He paused and looked the men over.

"Alec, I wnt you to run for Minister of Foreign Affairs, I must vacate the Ministry if I am to stand for First Republican.You have been Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for two governments and have a high profile and outstanding track record, I think you are the best man for the job."

Sir Alec nodded " I've never campaugned before and debating has never been a strong point of mine, but I'll give it a try."

Theleb smiled "Good. I also want this year to oust the Minister of Defence. The Current Minister won by a margin of sixty points and we need a heavy hitter to oppose her, someone with military backgrpund, name recognition and unmistakeable integrity with the Retaliatory Guard, I think that would be you Field Marshal Issem."

William looked a bit stunned, he had never considered a career in politics and would be happy to end his career in the Retaliatory Guard. "I would prefer not to stand Minister Kanaan, but I think you may be right. With a new incoming Supreme Republican Commander, I think we should do away with the old system. If you are elected to First Republican, who would you appoint as Supreme Republican Commander?"

Theleb smiled "That's a no brainer, Adan Ring of course. I believe you know him and have very close ties? Another reason you would be the perfect candidate."

William nodded "I will still have to think it over, can I give you my answer tomorrow?"

Theleb nodded "Of course William, take your time. I think we both know that you are the man for the job, and the Republic needs a more sensible and balanced Minister of Defence."

William stood and shook the Minister's hand "I will let you know tomorrow."

With that he left, but the Minister and Sir Alec remained to discuss strategies for Sir Alec's campaign for Minister of Foreign Affairs.

OOC: as always , intervention in my elections by other players is fine, so long as it does not involve assassination or anything else so dramatic. Political wrangling and back room dealings are of course fine ;)
30-11-2004, 17:18
OOC Election Background: For those keeping score-

The three major parties are:

The Progressive Republican Party (P.R.P.)- a left of center socialist party

The Republican Order Party (R.O.P.)- a centrist pro-business party

The Vaadist Loaylist Party (V.L.P.)- a rightest military party

Currently the Republicans (R.O.P.)/ Progressives head a coalition government that united to topple the V.L.P. government with a vote of no confidence some months back. The over reaching V.L.P. has very little real power and credibility left and has only one strong candidate , the Minister of Defence, in the upcoming elections.

The R.O.P. has a solid base and their Chairman, Scipio Nemaraan, has been serving as the coalition's First Republican. He has solidified the R.O.P.'s power by staying above the political fray and appearing to be a concensus builder.

The P.R.P. may well be set to strike. Having led the attack on the V.L.P. and their perceived foreign influence they have loads of credibility with the people and with a couple of choice candidates could break free of the coalition and wipe out the V.L.P completely.
01-12-2004, 16:57
LNS, Lassic , Ilek-Vaad

Elections Draw Near, Parties Ramp up for Election Fight

The Republican Order Party became the first party to announce it's official list of candidates for the Republican Council. It is a sure sign that the V.L.P. and P.R.P. will soon follow suit. The R.O.P. is seen by many as having the strongest chance of unifying the newly expanded Republican Council and shaking off the coalition that currently holds power.

The V.L.P. meanwhile, has been very silent since their middle of term loss, some believe that it could be years before the V.L.P. are able to mount an effective campaign to regain power.

The Republican Order Party candidates are as follows-

Minister of Internal Affairs:
Valumar Von Raukov - incumbent

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Gonzalo Ayoatl

Minister of Economics:
Daniel Remijan - incumbent

Minister of Education:
Valeria Sedjani

Minister of Defence:
Tony Hull

Minister of Technology:
Izmirai Adnan

Minister of National Security:
Zero Tadic

Minister of Judical Affairs:
Lloyd Foster

Minister of Foreign Trade:
Wayne Mayhew

Minister of Urban Development:
Tyvim Davor - incumbent
03-12-2004, 17:06
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad

Progressives Mount Major Challenge for Power

The Progressive Republican Party (P.R.P.) announced it's list for candidates to the Republican Council. Included in this list was a bombshell that is likely to mount a fierce challenge from the V.L.P. and the encumbent Minister of Defence. The powerful and popular nine term Minister of Defence has rarely been seriously challenged, but the P.R.P. appears poised to give the Minister of Defence a real run for her money.

The news that Field Marshal William 'The One Hundredman' Issem, hero of the Haven conflict, would represent a huge boost for the P.R.P. . The Charismatic young Field Marshal is a member of the well respected Issem family of Coventry and is a well known war hero in his own right.

Theleb Kanaan, who was flanked by the P.R.P. candidates, explained his parties choice for Minister of Defence.

"I can think of no one better qualified to work with the Supreme Republican Commander and the Retaliatory Guard then a man from their own ranks. William has the credibility, experience and skills to serve as an exemplary Minister of Defence. This important job should be matched by someone who understands the Retaliatory Guard and what it is like to defend our nation, first-hand."

The full P.R.P. candidate list is as follows:

Minister of Internal Affairs:
Sir Daniel Hill

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Sir Alec Connover

Minister of Economics:
Thomas Wright

Minister of Education:
Lars Danielsson - encumbent

Minister of Defence:
William Issem

Minister of Technology:
Sir Valdemar Isrhing - encumbent

Minister of National Security:
Jackson Vabeck

Minister of Judical Affairs:
Verio Martin

Minister of Foreign Trade:
Madrid Arden

Minister of Urban Development:
Marsha Scott

Theleb Kanaan has announced that he will not run for re-election as Minister of Foreign Affairs, but will instead stand as the parties candidate for First Republican.
08-12-2004, 16:59
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad

V.L.P. Names Candidates

Earlier today the V.L.P. named it's candidates for February's election for the Republican Council. The announcement started with the news that V.L.P. Chairman, Unrath Assad, was being replaced by Aliyah Yusuf, a very prominent and powerful member of the V.L.P. steering Council. Ms. Yusuf has been a member of the V.L.P. Steering Council for six years and has served three times as Mayor of Costa-Mela. It was Ms. Yusuf that announced the V.L.P.'s nominations and stressed that the V.L.P. would return to it's roots and seek to energize it's base. While most see the V.L.P. as weak, with four encumbent members of the Republican Council they are still a force to reckoned with. The fate of the V.L.P. may very rest on the shoulders of Ms. Yusuf.

The full list of nominees is as follows:

Minister of Internal Affairs:
Ikbal Al-Masoud

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Enver Pasha

Minister of Economics:
Michael Isfor

Minister of Education:
Carl Carllsson

Minister of Defence:
Atalea Grant - encumbent

Minister of Technology:
Aleks Tocatl

Minister of National Security:
Coyohuital Xaqocitatl - encumbent

Minister of Judical Affairs:
Ivar Istvaad - encumbent

Minister of Foreign Trade:
Sirdar Ali-Shah - encumbent

Minister of Urban Development:
Wright Iansley

Aliyah Yusuf will stand as First Republican if the V.L.P. wins a majority. Ms. Yusuf went a step further and asserted that she will appoint Command General Ibn Baibars as Supreme Republican Commander if elected.

General Baibars is very popular in the South and the Lumpen Republic and may help swing voters back the V.L.P.
14-12-2004, 16:35
LNS, Narvik, Ilek-Vaad

William the One HundredMan Receives 'Stay of Duty'

Purifier Command in Narvik announced this afternoon that Field Marshall William Issem has been cleared for a Stay of Duty that will allow him to run for Minister of Defence and assume the responsibilities of the Ministry should he be elected. Stay of Duty requests are normally granted.

Field Marshall Issem can now campaign unfettered and had some choice words for the encumbent Minister of Defence.

"I think that it is time that the Free Republic has a Minister of Defence that does not hide behind the policy and the status of the Supreme Republican Commander as an excuse for inaction. It's been too long since we've had a Minister of Defence that will act for the Retaliatory Guard AND the Republic, we've had one sided dealings for the last nine years. It is unforgiveable that the current Minister would leverage the lives of the Retaliatory Guard for political power in the Republican Council."

Field Marshall Issem was almost certainly reffering to the encumbent Atalea Grant's propensity for refusing to act or vote with the Council unless requested to do so by the Supreme Republican Commander. This policy earned her a strong reputation, but often paralyzed the Council as the Supreme Republican Commander rarely weighed in on such matters.

It appears as though the Field Marshall's policy to spin what was perceived as Ms. Grant's greatest strength into a liability.
14-12-2004, 16:47
LNS, Costa-Tula, Ilek-Vaad

New Leader for the V.L.P. Greets Supporters.

Aliyah Yusuf, the new Chairman of the Vaadist Loaylist Party greeted the party faithful at the Te Bako Civic Center in Westfield, Costa-Tula. She used the oppurtunity to rally the parties staunchest defenders and to set policy for the next elections. Ms. Yusuf's careful and deliberative style is a certain break with the fiery demagoguery that marked the V.L.P. under Unrath Assad.

Aliyah Yusuf outlined the mistakes of the former party Chair and outlined the current map to the Republican Council.

"Our past mistakes were in taking up tasks that were important to our adversaries instead of our party and the People. In order to make ourselves appear more like the Republicans and the Progressives, we took it upon ourselves to dedicate ourselves to their agenda.

This was a mistake. It caused us to ignore our party and our ideals, and more importantly it caused us to ignore the People, who shared their power with us in the first place.

The spectre of the past will be lifted and we will hold form to the politics of the People, and the party. We will Stand firm on our domestic issues, lowering taxes,increasing housing, lowering tariffs and trade impediments and helping business and the people to prosper. We will not follow our adversaries agenda of courting foreign powers, limiting trade and commerce, hamstringing business to fill already bloated national coffers and overseas involvement in foreign squabbles.

The future of the Republic is right here, with the People, and with the Power of the People."

Ms. Yusuf's speech was greeted with thunderous cheers. The policies outlined marked a radical step back to basic Vaadist policies. The only area left out was the Vaadist's military agenda.
20-12-2004, 15:28
LNS, Narvik, Ilek-Vaad

The One Hundred Man on the Attack

Field Marshall William 'The One Hundred Man ' Issem met with public interest groups today in Narvik and unleashed a scathing assault on the encumbent Minister of Defence. Field Marshall Issem is quickly dispelling the myth of the mild mannered man of Coventry and is gaining massive public momentum.

Field Marshall Issem was very critical of the current Ministers political tactics in the Republican Council.

"It is absolutely unacceptable that any Minister of the Council, elected by the people, should use the lives of the deployed Retaliatory Guard as political capital in the Council.

My opponents proclivity for refusing to meet with other council members when weighing to deploy or recall the Retaliatory Guard is a heinous travesty of political wrangling. My oppenent refuses to discuss diplomacy, even when it may save the lives of our men and women in the Retaliatory Guard.

She has often stated publicy that the diplomatic corps of the Free Republic 'Should be the Retaliatory Guard.' Well , she is wrong. The Retaliatory Guard are not an instrument of political or diplomatic gain, they are the protectors of our Republic, the guard dogs of the people and should not be treated as political pawns."

Said the Challenger Field Marshall Issem. There has been no reaction from incumbent Atalea Grant. Minister Grant's attack politics that have proved so sucessful in the past are apparently presenting problems against her latest rival.

Minister Grant's past policy was to attack a lack of military experience in her opponents as well as a lack of understanding for the Retaliatory Guard. These tactics may prove ineffective against Field Marshall Issem, with his vast military experience and the fact that he is an active Retaliatory Guardsman blunts the Ministers key attacks.

Pundits believe that Minister Grant must formulate a new plan, or perish.
20-12-2004, 15:32
OOC: Notes on this thread- The 'LNS' that proceeds every post are the call letters for the Lassic News Service. LNS is the Free Republic's CNN.

When you see LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad it is simply the call letters, followed by the correspondents city and nation.
18-01-2005, 17:46
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad

Non-Aggression Pact with Menelmacar won by Minister of Foreign Affairs

With the First Republican leading the way and taking a stronger than usual stance in the land-buy deal between Etaros and Menelmacar the First Republican lead, while the prominent Ministers of Defence and Foreign Affairs followed. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was able to parlay the First Republican's strong action into a most favourable treaty for the Free Republic that virtually nullifies the DDR's declaration of war. The Minister had some comments for the press.

"This Non-Aggression pact has strengthened our position in Haven, it assures that no force that acts against us will be supported by the Eternal Noldorin Empire, taking the teeth out of VERITAS and rendering the Democratic Dutch Republic impotent to carry out their 'declaration' of war.

With the Imperial armies of the Democratic Dutch Republic deployed in force in Columbia and Tanah-Burung and lacking the support for their rash declaration against us, it turns the Knootian declaration into a meaningless, futile gesture.

The further fact that the Democratic Dutch Republic refused , in front of their VERITAS allies, to even discuss the situation or find a peacable solution, further damages their Imperial ambition and any effectiveness they may have thought they had in dealing with the Free Republic.

This Non-Agression pact is a sad day for the enemies of the People and of the Republic and a shining new day for Haven and the Friends of the Republic."

It was further intimated that the Minister had hoped to also be negotiating for it's friends in Haven as well , but as the Minister's assistant pointed out

"Our 'friends' did everything they could to distance themselves from us in this crisis. Despite communications from several of our Haven friends that something needed to be done to protect Haven from Menelmacar, we had to go it alone, and were only able to bring back assurances for ourselves.

It is very sad that our 'friends' refuse to put themselves on the line and wish to ride the Republic's coattails to security."

The Minister of Defence was assailed for not being vocal enough in the Menelmacari crisis and over stepping her bounds in regards to Edolia. Candidate for Minister of Defence, William 'the One Hundred Man' had this to say.

"When forces were deployed to make our will known in regards to the sale of lands in Etaros, the Minister was silent, but she was very vocal in stepping in to do the Minister of Foreign Affairs job in dealing with Edolia. She needs to decide what she is Minister of, she appears to making up her duties as it pleases her."

Polls show that the race for Minister of Defence, for the first time in eight years, is very tight.
18-01-2005, 17:59
The Serconean Socialist Party made a statement today supporting the PRP in its bid for power.
19-01-2005, 15:05
The Progressive Republican Party thanks the Serconean Socialist Party for their support.

Theleb Kanaan, Chairman, P.R.P.
19-01-2005, 16:51
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad

Debates Scheduled

Friday will see the first debates in this years elections. Friday night the candidates for the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs will take place at Vaad's Gate University in Lassic. Sir Alec Connover currently leads in the polls and will be challenged by Gonzalo Ayoatl of the R.O.P. and Enver Pasha of the V.L.P. Sir Alec, has in the past. proven to be an excellent public speaker with great composure both Mr. Ayoatl and Mr. Pasha have never run for office much less participated in such a high level of debate. With the death of Aran Adhemar or the R.O.P. and the discrediting of the V.L.P.'s foreign policy, neither party has a high profile, popular candidate. Sir Alec on the other hand, worked as Assistant to Mr. Adhemar and was himself interim Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is widely known that he received his Knighthood for negotiating the annexation of the Lumpen Republic and has recently returned from doing the same in the Republic of Phyrrus. His skills in the field of international diplomacy set him head and shoulders above his oppenents.

Saturday will see the candidates for Minister of Defence squaring off. The embattled Atalea Grant of the V.L.P. has remained unusually silent in the face of attacks by Field Marshall Issem of the P.R.P., this is the first time that any candidate has every seriously challenged her policies and positions. The R.O.P.'s candidate Tony Hull is a serious contender now that the First Republican has asserted his own military policies, giving Mr. Hull coattails that to ride into office.

Sunday the debates will feature the candidates for the Minister of Foreign Trade. This new office has been headed by Dr. Sirdar Ali-Shah, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs, her reputation was seriously damaged when the Democratic Dutch Republic's policy makers left her out of the loop and high and dry in their increasingly imperialist foreign policy, Dr. Ali-Shah's support of the DDR cost her her last job and may prove to cost her this job. Mounting a serious challenge is Madrid Arden of the P.R.P. Her work in negotiations in Neo-Tyr, Vrak and North Germania give her credible foreign ties , especially in the popular FKC. Wayne Mayhew of the R.O.P. is Professor Emeritus of Global Economics at the University of Costa-Tula. His lecture circuits have taken him to dozens of foreign nations and he is widely seen as an expert on Foreign Trade.

More debates will most likely be coming in the next weeks before the election as each party jockey's it's candidates for the best position.
Tanah Burung
19-01-2005, 17:01
The government of Tanah Burung, of course, would never express any preference in another countrty's elections. However, it has been confirmed that a large fruit basket bearing the message: "Best wishes on your campaign" was sent to Sir Alec Connover. Our sources also confirm the basket contained more than the usual number of sweet, delectable macadamia nuts.
Slutbum Wallah
19-01-2005, 18:20
Ambassador Johan Haberdasherie drummed his fingers impatiently on the black leather breifcase layed across his knees. In the old days, shows of political power were made by marching rows of soldiers up and down the streets, now, advancement in social technology allowed a new method of throwing weight around - waiting rooms. The more important the man, the more empty and sterile the waiting room, not to mention the longer you had to wait there. Assuming this country had been keeping up with the times, Mr. Yusuf must be one fairly important man.

Haberdasherie finally sighed and shifted the case back on to the floor, "If Butah finds me here I'm a dead man, you know that?" Ambassador General Butah was now the de facto ruler of Slutbum Wallah, having successfully disgraced every other contender for the position.

The only other man in the room sat opposite Johan, his head leaning back against the wall, eyes closed. He was a deeply tanned man, with shoulder-length black hair, a suspiciously thick moustache and the kind of voice that made young women quiver at the knees. It had harmonics. "Butah couldn't find you here if we gave him a map." He said slowly, "The man's a slob, a petty thief and a bully."

"He beat you."

"A slob, thief and a bully but not an idiot. Nevertheless, he's not worried about us, we have free movement." He finally opened his eyes and brought his head down, "What on earth is taking so long?"
19-01-2005, 18:35
OOC: I am assuming you are waiting to see Ms. Yusuf of the V.L.P. ?


The foreign visitors to the V.L.P. Headquarters were kept waiting pecisely because they were foreigners. The V.L.P. had lost power when being to close to the Democratic Dutch Republic and then being left out of and ignored by policy makers decsions in the D.D.R. Aliyah Yusuf had purged the party and had no intentions of catering to foreign powers.

Eventually her secretary, a large well built, dark skinned Tolteca man lead the foreign visitors into Ms. Yusuf's office.

Ms. Yusuf is a very striking woamn in her early forties with short black hair, dark brown skin and black piercing eyes. She is still in very goog shape (she is still a reserve Velite Guardsman) and has a very business like look to her, she does not smile or offer her hand to either of the gentlemen as they enter, she simply motions to two seats.

"I am Aliyah Yusuf, Chairman of the Vaadist Loyalist Party, please have a seat. "

Once they have seated themselves she regards each man carefully "Now, what brings you to my office?"

Ms. Yusuf's secretary stays in the office, just behind and out of sight of the two gentlemen.
Slutbum Wallah
20-01-2005, 21:53
OOC: Ms. Yusuf? Damn these chauvanistic eyes!

"Miss Yusuf, I cannot tell you how honoured I am to meet you at last." Haberdasherie began, extending a hand to the woman only to let it drop again as she blanked him. "Ah... yes," he floundered, "I am Ambassador Johan Haberdasherie and this is my associate, Sigmund Standish. We come with a proposal you may be interested in." The pair sat down, Johan bowing his head respectfully, Sigmund merely nodding.

"To be frank Miss Yusuf," Standish began, "Your party made this country very attractive to men of my... to men like me - though I'm sure you had no intention of doing so." A brief smile played across his lips, "We are quite clear on your stance concerning foreigners." He leaned forwards, "The current shift in the political clime is making me uncomfortable and I personally want to see you back in power."

"We realise the odds are hardly in your favour." the Ambassador spoke up, "But Sigmund and myself believe we may have just the tonic to turn political opinion overwhelmingly in your favour."
20-01-2005, 22:03
Aliyah Yusuf narrowed her eyes at the gentlemen seated before.

"I do not think that money will help, accepting foreign financing is legal, but must be publicly disclosed and that would be a distinct detriment to our party and our chances for succcess. However if you mean something other than money, then that depends.

I will do anything legal to keep the dangerous elements of the P.R.P. and R.O.P. out of the Republican Council. We would still be in power if were not for their dishonourable, slanderous and illegal attacks on our party."
21-01-2005, 16:10
LNS, Lassic,Ilek-Vaad

Sir Alec Sweeps Debate

The P.R.P.'s rising star, candidate for Minister of Foreign Affairs Sir Alec Connover, handily won todays debate. The V.L.P. and R.O.P. candidates, Enver Pasha and Gonzalo Ayoatl respectively, were unable to mount any real challenge to Sir Alec's steady oratory and sound reasoning. Polls today indicate that Sir Alec could well be on his way to a landslide victory. Polls show Sir Alec having a lead in the V.L.P. strongholds in the south and his popularity with R.O.P. voters is nearly as high as was Aran Adhemar's.

Sir Alec has the distinction of having been groomed by R.O.P. superstar , the late Aran Adhemar, who held the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs for eleven years. For five of those years, Sir Alec was his assistant and Sir Alec was interim Minister of Foreign Affairs after Minister Adhemar's untimely death. R.O.P. leadership had hoped to win over Sir Alec to their side , but Sir Alec has proven to be a loyal party man for the P.R.P.

With such a clear victory in the debate media attention is securely focused on Sir Alec, it is his race to lose.
Slutbum Wallah
21-01-2005, 17:07
Sigmund sat back and laughed, "Money? Miss Yusuf do you really think us so desperate as to think an election can be won with lumps of wealth, black suitcases of cash going back and forth between shady men in the park?" He wiped the mirth from his eyes, "Please, I know you think little of us but give us the benefit of the boudt on this one occasion. No, we have something more... stirring."

"In previous elections your party has thrived on anti-foreigner sentiment, militaristic pomp and general patriotic tomfoolery. My collegue the ambassador," Sigmund gestured to the silent Haberdasherie, "Has the power to weave some magic and dream all these elements into being. This, combined with a few tactful resource deployment on my part will hand you the election in a paper bag."

Haberdasherie leaned forwards, "Quite simply, what we are talking about... is war."
21-01-2005, 17:22
Ms. Yusuf looks incredulous.

" I doubt that any war, no matter how badly it reflected on the current government , would do us any good. War in the Free Republic is not in the hands of the Republican Council or the First Republican , but is in the hands of the Supreme Republican Commander.

The framers of our constitution decided centuries ago that war would not be the realm of politicians, so that war could not be waged for political gain. I fervently support the military and the Supreme Republican Commander, but it is very hard for me to see ho wa war would benefit my campaign?"

Politics, the gentlemen were finding out, was an entirely different animal in Ilek-Vaad than in any other nation.
Slutbum Wallah
21-01-2005, 17:32
Johan and Sigmund shared a look. Just how does a woman this slow on the uptake get hold of a political party anyhow? "Miss Yusuf," Johan began, in a nice, slow, talking to children voice, "You live in what is called a democracy. In a democracy people vote for who they think will run the country best. Your party has stood for defiance to foreigners and support of the armed forces. A war requires a party that stands for defiance to foreigners and support of the armed forces. 'War Mania' is a recognized sociological phenomenon, people unite behind the commander in chief."

"We're not talking about anything drastic," Sigmund explained, "A small, uninhabited oil-rich archipegalo off your coast will be claimed to belong to Slutbum Wallah after we discovered it eight hundred years ago. You will push for immediate show of force, your enemies will naturally wish diplomatic talks. These talks will end in embarrasment and shame. We move to take the island with a token mercenary force I happen to be acquainted with, your military sees them off with a few minor skirmishes at almost nil loss of life. Pomp and glory is what we are talking about, Miss Yusuf. Pomp and glory."

The men waited to see whether she had yet to grasp the concept.
21-01-2005, 17:43
Ms. Yusuf smiles.

" I understand perfectly what you are saying. My point is that the 'Commander in Chief' is not an elected official that resides in the Republican Council. The First Republican defers militay matters to the Supreme Republican Commander.

While a sucessful war would improve the standing of the Supreme Republican Commander, that would hardly reflect on me or my party. The Supreme Republican Commander has a 90% approval rating as it is and he refuses to back any candidates or even to vote for fear of appearing biased in any way."

She pauses and shrugs

"While I understand how in many nations your plan would work , but in the Free Republic , an invasion of our land is an automatic Military Mandate for the Supreme Republican Commander who can and would act independently of the Republican Council.

The Republican Council cannot interfere with Military Mandates and has no power to negotiate. Normally the Republican Council would vote to give mandate or remove mandate, but under the law foreign forces in our recognized waters and on our territory falls under the Emergency Powers Act, giving the Retaliatory Guard to act as they see fit, without the need of approval of the Republican Council."
Slutbum Wallah
21-01-2005, 18:00
"We're not talking one day warfare." Standish commented, "A diplomatic faux pas, leaked Slutbum Wallah defense documents, formal requests that you hand over the territories. All this would give your opponents plenty of time to embarass themselves, show what outstretching, friendly people they are by attempting to straighten out the whole silly matter while you move to vote for Military Mandate long before the actual invasion. When it comes, you would be seen as the saviour for mobilizing the armed forces so quickly while the P.R.P and the R.O.P would be seen as weak ditherers. Even if the vote didn't go through it would be recognized that you saw the coming conflict."
21-01-2005, 18:12
Ms. Yusuf looks thoughtful.

" Well considering that the R.O.P. First Republican acted to move militarily against Menelmacar, I think he would probably call the bluff and deploy forces first. After all , Slutbum Wallah is no Menelmacar. The Minister of Foreign Affairs would probably want to try negotiation first, but I'm not sure that the First Republican would let him.

First Republican Nemaraan is prone to sending in military forces forces to force favourable negotiations. If he did that then the R.O.P. would be the party that benefitted. I wouldn't take this action unless ALL of the variables could be controlled and accounted for.

I have to wonder what Slutbum Wallah would have to gain through all of this?"
25-01-2005, 15:23
LNS. Lassic, Ilek-Vaad

Weekend Debates Draw Ratings and Crowds.

Saturday and Sunday both saw debates , for Minister of Defence and Minister of Foreign Trade. The current Minister of Defence, Atalea Grant squared off in an eagerly anticipated confrontation with her biggest rival in years, Foeld Marshall William 'the One-Hundred man' Issem. The candodates immediately tore into each other, much to the delight of audiences. Suprisingly the R.O.P. candidate, Tony Hull stepped right into the fray, attacking both camps for being partisan and vindictive. The Debate ended in a three-way tie at best, with all three candidates holding their own in a very aggressive debate.

The debate for Minister of Foreign Trade was another sweep for the P.R.P. Madrid Arden, daughter of legendary orator Sir Ilem Arden , gave the P.R.P. another performance that put her and the party head and shoulders above the competition. The P.R.P. according to polls, looks set to garner a strong majority in the Republican Council and break free of it's coalition government with the R.O.P.
26-01-2005, 17:13
LNS, Lassic,Ilek-Vaad

Elections Two Weeks Away. Polling Stations Prepared

Elections in the Free Republic are two weeks away and the Velite Guard have begun pening polling stations across the Free Republic and in it's closest southern Neighbour, the Republic of Phyrrus. The only referendum in this years election is the possible annexation of the Republic of Phyrrus. Polls indicate that in both the Free Republic and the Republic of Phyrrus are at or nearing the the sixty percent 'yes' vote that would initiate annexation.

The collapse of the former government of Phyrrus left a void that was filled by three prominent statesmen in the Republic, two of those three are backing annexation, the only dissention coming from General Aeacides. The General and his followers are most commonly in the central areas of Phyrrus, including the city of Rome. There has been some speculation that the General may attempt to disrupt the vote through military means.

The Most popular candidate in Phyrrus is General Demetrius, a loyal patron of Phyrrus' now defunct Senate and a nationalist that has shown a fervent belief in democracy. General Demetrius is pushing for entry into the Free Republic and is campaigning to become the first Republican Governor of Phyrric.

If the Republic of Phyrruc joins the Free Republic it will become the seventh Republic in the Free Republic. The close ties that many Vaadians and Phyrricans have sahred and have continued to share makes this annexation vote much less contentious that annexation votes in the past.
31-01-2005, 17:37
Polling to Begin on Thursday

Official campaigning and private polling has ceased today ahead of voting this weekend. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are all state declared holidays with polling taking place twenty four hours a day each day. Most Vaadian families of course take the whole week off for family vacations, registered voters may of course vote at any satellite linked voting machines anywhere in the country,traveling and voting is not at all uncommon in the Free Republic this time of year.

Rallies are being held by all of the candidates for all of the political parties, with each party trying to make certain that their voting base gets out to vote in the greatest numbers. Voter turnout is expected to be in the sixty percent range. With high voter turnout even comfortable pre-election poll leads can quickly disappear.

The Free Republic is set for another round of exciting elections full of possibility. The biggest possibility being the addition of the Republic of Phyrrus. Full Poll results will be fully available one week from today.
03-02-2005, 17:12
Polls Open

All across the Free Republic polls opened at 10 a.m. this morning. Polling has begun across the Free Republic and the Republic of Phyrric and will continue until 5 p.m. Sunday , February the 6th. The four day holiday allowed for voting in the Free Republic also sees an increase in tourism and travelling across the country.

The most poular destinations are Costa-Tula and Costa-Mela in the south, which enjoy temperatures in the nineties this time of year. Ski-resorts in the Border Republics are also expected to be packed over the weekend with perfect conditions for the winter sports enthusiasts.
07-02-2005, 17:00
Election Results Mark Victory for Progressives

With voting ending last night at 6 p.m. across the Free Republic, votes were tallied and the election results have been released.

The Results are:

Minister of Internal Affairs:
Valumar Von Raukov - R.O.P.

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Sir Alec Connover - P.R.P.

Minister of Economics:
Thomas Wright - P.R.P.

Minister of Education:
Lars Danielsson - P.R.P.

Minister of Defence:
William Issem - P.R.P.

Minister of Technology:
Sir Valdemar Isrhing - P.R.P.

Minister of National Security:
Zero Tadic - R.O.P.

Minister of Judical Affairs:
Ivar Istvaad - V.L.P.

Minister of Foreign Trade:
Madrid Arden - P.R.P.

Minister of Urban Development:
Wright Iansley - V.L.P.

The makeup of the Republican Council gives the Progressives 5 seats and the Vaddists and Republicans 2 seats each. This gives the P.R.P. a one seat cushion and allows them to build a coalition free Republican Council.

When the Council convenes this afternoon it is expected that P.R.P. Chairman, Theleb Kanaan, will be elected to the post of First Republican , for the fifth time.

The major speculation now rests on who replace the retiring Supreme Republican Commander.
07-02-2005, 21:19
Republican Council Sworn In

The Chief of the Free Republic's Judiciary swore in the members of the Republican Coucil which then entered into open session directly after the swearing in. The First vote was to elect Theleb Kanaan as First Republican, carried by a vote of 8 to 2 , the R.O.P. putting it's votes behind the dominant P.R.P.

The First Republican then made a brief statement of policy:

"We have seen in the first days of this new year greeted by the unabashed imperialist expansion by our neighbors in Haven and their flippant manner in which they enter into war with each other. We have also seen Haven wide condemnation of actions by the Free Republic to make Haven safer. It is with sadness that I say that beyond our very good friends in Kelanis and Terra Malus, that we have seen little reason to continue to support and to come to the defence of our unappreciative neighbors.

The Free Republic has in a sense, been the policemen of Haven, stopping Ali'Staan aggression, thwarting naval invasions and keeping shipping lanes free and clear. No more. Our Haven neighbors do not deserve our aid, much less our friendship, and until such a time that they prove sufficently that they are our friends, they are on their own.

We will seek greater international ties with nations outside of our region, with our great friends in the Federated Klatchian Coast, new friends in the Resurgent Dream and repairing ties with international friends, hurt by our past obsession with aiding our ungreatful neighbors.

Any nation in Haven that wishes to retain our friendship, need only say so, we will not ignore our neighbors, we will simply make their support of the Free Republic a precondition of receiving aid from the Free Republic. Men and women of the Free Republic have died to safeguard other Haven nations, and we have been poorly repaid by dishonest friends that want our support, but have no intention of supporting us, so be it."

A much more cynical speech than made in the past by the First Republican.

The First Republican also unveiled his choice for Supreme Republican Commander. Command General Adan Ring of the 2nd Purifiers Division has been named to replace outgoing Supreme Republican Commander Istvan Vaikov. Command General Ring is expected to be sworn in and officially begin duty tomorrow.
07-02-2005, 21:43
"I wish to congratulate all newly-elected members of the Republican Council on their recent victories, and especially First Republican Thelab Kanaan. We in the Scarlet Empire are greatly pleased to hear that the Free Republic has abandoned their self-appointed role as the policemen of Haven and hope that they can keep their pledge not to involve themselves overly in the affairs of others in the region. All in all, I believe that relations between the Scarlet Empire and the Free Republic will be much more cordial than they have been recently."
Matthew von Pickett
Minister of Foreign Affairs
08-02-2005, 01:19
Dr. Manfred De Zoete looked a little closer at his tourist map of the capital to see if this was really the building housing the Vaadian foreign ministry. As the freshly appointed ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary representing the Knootian Prime Minister Lady Galadriël Táralóm nos Círdan he had been summoned to a meeting with Sir Alec Connover, the newly elected Vaadian Foreign Affairs minister, to discuss relations and the possibility of repairing them.

Manfred grumbled, not particularly optimistic about the prospects of the meeting but somewhat hopeful due to the new administrations claims of a new foreign policy. “Well, if it helps to end this silly war…”
08-02-2005, 03:02
The House of the Republic as it is called, was impossible to miss, the 'campus' that contained the Ministerial buildings and the actual chambers of the Republican Council was found just north of the four story statue of Prince Namaan Ilek-Vaad. The Ministry itself was harder to pinpoint amongst the other Ministries and guest mansions on the tree covered grounds, they didn't seem to be labeled very well at all.

Like most foreigners, more than a few minutes of confused wandering brought immediate attention in the form of a unit of Velite Guard (unit=two ) , dressed in their grey longcoasts aginst the cold, their assault rifles on their shoulders. The senior one approached Dr. Manfred De Zoete.

"Pardon me sir, can I be of assistance?"
08-02-2005, 03:15
"Looking for the Foreign Ministry, office of Sir Alec Connover, Sir" he said with a friendly voice.

OOC: What is the language of Ilek-Vaad?
08-02-2005, 03:27
OOC: Lassean, or as most would call it, English.

The Velite Guard nodded "Ah yes, right this way Sir."

He then led the Dr. back and around and very near the main gates, it seems that he had passed it, and there was no sign visible to announce it. The Velites take the Dr. all the way to the Ministry and then inside, taking him to the main reception.

"There you are sir." They then leave to resume their patrol. The reception smiles and greets Dr. Manfred.

"Good afternoon sir, may I help you?"
08-02-2005, 03:38
He smiled. "Yes please. My name is Dr. Manfred De Zoete, I have an appointment with Sir Alec Connover."
08-02-2005, 03:45
She nodded, checked and confirmed "Yes sir, please follow me."

She then led the doctor up the stairs to the third floor and into an office where Sir Alec was sitting at his desk and going through the drawers.

"Minister? Dr Manfred De Zoete is here to see you." She then left and closed the door as Sir Alec stood and crossed the room to the doctor and offered his hand

"Ambassador, how kind of you to come, please take a seat" He motioned to a leather easy chair by the desk, he then resumed his seat , clicked a few things on his computer. "I see, so you're here to surrender then?" his impish smile and a wink showed that he was joking of course.

"Now then Ambassador, I don't think this whole war thing is entirely justified and I want see what common ground we have for ending this whole issue and see about clearing this all up. Let's start by you telling me what it is that the DDR wants?"
08-02-2005, 04:11
The Knootian sat down stiffly after shaking hands, not exactly appreciating the joke but not overly showing this.

"If the Free Republic sues for peace we are willing to discuss this."

He got out a palm-sized datapad from his pocket and pressed two buttons, bringing up a list. “In order to end the state of war Prime Minister nos Círdan desires first of all the full restoration of all liquidated assets of Knootian businesses and individuals seized by the Velite Guard in the boycott as well as full financial compensation for incurred losses to these legal entities. As we have already compensated these losses ourselves via a collective fund, the sum to be transferred comes down to seventy-three million euros in current exchange rates. Secondly she requests the Free Republic to break off legal action against Knootian businesses and business affiliates and to release those Knootian citizens who have been arrested by the Velite Guard for political reasons. A list of citizens whose release is requested has been compiled. Thirdly she demands an end to the flagrant violation of sentient rights that exists now in Ilek-Vaad as the result of declaring the Order of the Invisible Hand an International terrorist organization without any factual basis."

He paused briefly. "If you desire a normalisation of relationships then an end to the boycott against Knootian businesses will also be required."

He handed the datapad to the Minister across the desk. “If these demands are met then I can assure you that our government is most willing to resume our previously friendly relationship”
08-02-2005, 20:55
Sir Alec nodded.

"Well, I'm afraid that we have some trouble with these demands. We can release most of the people held and their assets in the next few weeks as the Velite Investigators have cleared those people of wrongdoing and cleared them of being members of the Order of the Invisible Hand.

But, there are several individuals that have turned states evidence and have supplied us with a wealth of information about how the Order was systematically attempting to circumvent our economic laws by diverting products through accepted Vaadian trading partners and falsifying documents to be able to sell these products legally in the Free Republic. We have also obtained through sworn affidavits that the Order was making it's business to undermine socialist policies in an attempt to bring about a free market revolution and was in the processs of attempting to buy political favours to this end.

We have also arrested a group of Velite Guard who have admitted to colluding with the Order in their capacity as customs agents to once again undermine trade laws.

I can say that the boycott can be ended and that normal trade can be restored, but the Order of the Invisible Hand has been engaging in economic terrorism under our laws and we have sufficent proof to prove this and prosecute a group of at least two dozen members of the Order, the Velite General will be seeking the death penalty for four of these men who were caught on video attempting to sell steel produced in nations that do not comply with Vaadian enviromental, safety and labour and trade laws. We have the falsified documents that they attempted to pass to the gentlemen at Jaguar-Daimler, we have the falsified pasport with which they hid their nationality. If Sir Lloyd at Jaguar-Daimler had not contacted the Velite Guard, they would have gotten away with it."

He paused for a second.

"These men will be prosecuted, but not to worry it is routine to suspend sentences on foreigners and to deport them with a permanent ban on re-entry. Even if sentenced to death, these men will be deported and the sentence will only be carried out if they illegally enter the Free Republic again.

It is worthy to note that all but those convicted will have assets seized by the Velite Guard returned to them, with interest. We do not compensate convicted felons."

He regarded Dr Manfred very carefully

"Now, what do you intend to do to convince us to take the step of ending the boycott? I'm releasing the innocent Knootians detained and compensating them regardless of what happens here today, but there is still the matter of Tanah Burung. We still regard that as an illegal occupation and the fact that we never received the 'overwhelming' evidence that the Rumbiak Brigade is an immediate and dangerous threat that was promised by your government so that we may form our opinion is still a sticking point.

The Order of the Invisible Hand have engaged in real, proveable economic terrorism and sabotage and has stated that it intends to undermine socialist economies, the Rumbiak Brigade is still only guilty of a single failed attempt of weapon smuggling, you tell me which is the most clear and present danger?"

He stood and walked over to a cabinet and poured himself and Dr Manfred a scotch.

"You saw the current First Republican's speech? We are only prepared to carry on friendly relations with nations that take the first step themselves, we have been repaid very poorly for our past support of the Democratic Dutch Republic, your government needs to move to build confidence. Quite frankly, the First Republican does not trust your government. He was Minister of Foreign Affairs before me and he has a long list of assurances and promises made by your Minister Van Mierlo to the First Republican that never happened.

This needs to be rectified."

He took a sip of the scotch.
08-02-2005, 23:32
The Knootian did not touch the drink, as he had not asked for it at all. “Sir, your Guards allegations regarding the Order are so far lacking in proof of any kind”, he protested. “The Order is hardly likely to attempt a ‘free market revolution’ and your attempt and to pass an economic think-thank and spiritual organisation which has amongst its members some of the most accounted thinkers of this day off as some sort of… international smuggling syndicate… is insulting to those in the Dutch Democratic Republic and beyond. Your evidence, sir, was never shown to the world.”

He continued grimly: “We have provided your predecessor with extensive evidence regarding the Rumbiak Brigade but he chose to break off talks instead of listening to us. Many in the world community have listened and followed our call for aid and therefore we have contained the Brigades to Tanah Burung, where they are being dealt one deadly blow after the other. That is why no more Knootians are dying, Sir, despite your predecessors diplomatic brinkmanship. My government had hoped that your re-election might change some of this.

We want to end this war your predecessor forced upon us by his actions But to do that you must return to Knootoss what belongs to Knootoss. Return our people to us, give us back the assets you liquidated and end your political trials against our people. Then we can talk about building trust and I can assure you that we are most generous when it comes to giving gestures to our friends.

The free market revolution thing is an IC lie then, as it is a) completely uncharacteristic of the Order to attempt such a thing in Ilek-Vaad b) it was never roleplayed that they did such a thing in Ilek-Vaad. Of course, he could be lying to the Knootian to save face but the signed confessions could never exist without extensive use of torture. Just so we are on the same wavelength here :)
08-02-2005, 23:50
OOC: Torture is illegal in Ilek-Vaad, torturing citizens that is. No doubt the gentlemen turning states evidence probably thought they could get a btter deal with a bigger story. The other charges are of course, completely in character for the Invisible Hand.

Sir Alec frowned.

"I think that you know by now that the Free Republic cares little about world opinion. The information of the charges against your citizens are of course freely available to your consular officials so long as they sign the standard release forms and non-disclosure forms, as well they are free to aid in the defence.

I find it interesting that you are willing to derail my suggestions because of a dozen people that have been video taped breaking Vaadian laws, and are even now preparing to testify against each other. I would suggest that you look into these cases before making a decision."

He pauses and shrugs

"There are no political trials in the Free Republic. All trials are carried out under the independent Velite Guard and the Judiciary, both of which are not under the control of the Republican Council. The people arrested decided to defy the governments ban on Knootian business. They had plenty of fair warning and decided to continue their activities anyway.

The only people we are unwilling to release and to reimburse are those that broke laws above and beyond the laws put in place by the boycott."

He smiles

"I think that is reasonable. I would also like to point out that the only information we received on the Rumbiak Brigade was the sparse evidence presented to the IMC. If you would check, we requested to privately see the 'secret evidence' that was not presented so that we could independently verify it. My predecessor did not force anything upon you, he acted in good faith with Minister Van Mierlo, who made no attempt to return that good faith.

I won't make that mistake. I want proof of Knootian good faith before I go to the Repblican Council and recommend the boycott be lifted and relations normalized."
09-02-2005, 02:01
The diplomat shrugged. “When we see our money in our accounts and when our citizens are reunited with their loved ones at Schiphol airport you will have our formal response. As you claim to do this anyway, it should be no problem. If you practice capital punishment on one of our citizens, however, there will be repercussions. The eyes of our nation are upon you, and any sign we might give depends on your actions."

More curiously, he frowned. "I have no idea though what signs you desire - as we have always stood for our word. Did your Excellency have anything in particular in mind?”

Petty smuggling is not in character for the Invisible hand. They use public power to exert influence, as the Wiki says. These are intellectuals and very devious evil capitalists who look at the grander scheme of things, not Quark-like people who smuggle in sweatshop-made chairs to promote the fall of communism. :S. Smuggling would get them nothing, and they would not be involved in smuggling themselves anyhow. That is what henchmen are for.

Knootians in general on the other hand might smuggle. But that is a different matter altogether. If they do that, we would shrug at a conviction.
09-02-2005, 04:29
OOC: The smuggling scheme was actually a complex deal to supply Jaguar-Daimler (the largest consumer in Ilek-Vaad) with an exclusive sources of steel, so it wasn't petty. It was multi-billion drachma smuggling, on a grand scale that would undermine the entire socialist control system in the Free Republic, worthy of criminal masterminds. Of course the Order may not have been behind it, but some are the principles in the scheme happened to be members and rolled easily when Velite Interrogators mentioned that there was no constitutional protections for foreigners......................


"Like when you stood for your word on the IMC charter. Does this sound familiar: IMC signatories MUST submit to arbitration, BEFORE engaging in hostilities. I still want to see the DDR submit to immediate arbitration as per the IMC charter, under the format in the IMC charter, as signed by representatives of the Democratic Dutch Republic. That would be nice, that would dispel all my misgivings,obviously we'd stay out it, we just don't like that the DDR unilaterally suspended tenents at the very heart of the charter. I'd like it if you kept that word."

He smiled and switched his empty glass in front of himself with Dr. Manfred's full glass.

"Did you want something other than scotch? I think the only other thing in the cabinet is some Warrior port.............Mr. Kanaan has horrible taste.

Anyhow, as I said with the exception of those charged and about to be tried, when you leave here today all assets will be returned and detained Knootians will be on their way home.

However, I am still not convinced that I should recommend lifting the boycott and normalizing relations."

He smiled and offered the Doctor a cigar.

"Still I think we know where we all stand at least and can move forward productively from here.

If I know Knootian diplomats, this is the point where you must excuse yourself to confer with your superiors about my offers and my appalling lack of taste and formality, and my terribly offensive joke about you imminent surrender."

He raised his eyebrows and waited. Sir Alec had the air of a meaninglessly offensive five year old, and a disarming smile that went along with every comment.
09-02-2005, 17:30
As usual the smile only did much to aggravate the Knootian further, and had Sir Alecs suggestion not been just what he was about to do then the Knootian most certainly would have excused himself instead of merely declining both the cigar and the drink.

Knootian liberal pragmatism still contrasted with the primness of an originally Calvinist culture. And while its people were informal compared to the lengthy decorum of more aristocratic nations they were most certainly not casual when it came to rules – and a highly conditioned man like Dr. Manfred De Zoete was but an extension of this culture.

De Zoete just stared for a moment, offended, before answering as calm as he possibly could.

“Your suggestion with regards to a signal would have been more useful if we had not been working with the IMC for half a year before leaving. And it was, I remind you, Tanah Burung that gave up on the IMC in order to try the bilateral route. This is why our minister Hans van Mierlo is in Pantocratoria. If you wish for both parties to take the IMC route again you will have to take it up with the Burungi authorities, not us.”

OOC: That brings us back to square one. If it were a grand scale thing to undermine the entire socialist control system in the Free Republic then it would be completely uncharacteristic of the Order to attempt and such a thing in Ilek-Vaad (a) and such a thing would have to be roleplayed. (b). For the sake of you not having to alter everything I’ll accept nondescript greedy “Knootians” attempting to pull something like that off but the Order would not be that stupid as they have other targets in mind.
09-02-2005, 18:34
LNS, Lassic, Ilek-Vaad

Election Results in Phyrric

Election results are in , in the Republic of Phyrric. With 72% of registered voters voting and 62% of them voting in favour of annexation the Repulic of Phyrric has become the newest Republic in the Free Republic. General Demetrius of Corcyra was elected as the Republic's first Republican Governor and will be sworn in by the Republican Council along with the other Regional Governors.

With the annexation of Phyrric the Free Republic faces the huge task on improving and upgrading the infrastructure of the Republic of Phyrric as well as deciding on numerous options for urban renewal and and fully integrating power grids and communication grids. This will be the main Challenge for the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Housing and Development.

In other news the new Supreme Republican Commander, Adan Ring, was sworn in by the Republican Council this morning. The swearing coincided with the lighting of fires atop the great pyramid of Teztacatlipoca in Tollan to celebrate the announcement. There have been outpourings of well wishes to the retiring Uncle Istvan, who has not been seen or made any public appearences. The People are still hoping to hear from him one last time, before his well deserved retirement.


Sir Alec sighed.

"The fact that the DDR negated the treaty made the treaty invalid according to the Constitution of the Free Republic. The DDR would have to repair that damage to the treaty before we became involved again, we weren't the ones who nullified the treaty, YOU were."

Sir Alec then shrugged

"The Republican Council is willing to bury the hatchet and begin anew with the DDR, but we are not going to do so unless you show signs of actually wanting to. You allegedly came here in good faith to talk things out, but instead you simply deny blame, deny your past actions and lay out 'demands' that must be met before we move any furher.

I've told you what you are getting, that is that. If we find that you have reciprocated and restored trust then I will suggest further measures of lifting the boycott and normalizing relations.

Settle the Burungi conflict quickly and peacefully and I can assure you that we will have no further issues.

You only have yourselves to blame for your farcical declaration of war , don't shift blame to others for your actions. We don't blame you for our actions. So Ambassador, tell your government to either shit, or get off the pot."

Sir Alec smiled politely, stood and crossed to the door, opening it in an obvious gesture for Dr. Manfred to take his leave.

OOC: IF you didn't want to negotiate and were only going to make demands, you could have said so :P
09-02-2005, 21:28
The Knootian ambassador nodded and left.

Knootoss would wait and see.

OOC: They'll just wait to see what happens with your nice words about returning the Knootians and the money. Once that is done, the next step can be taken. Bearing in mind, of course, our small OOC discussion in this thread with regards to the Order.
09-02-2005, 22:13
That afternoon the Republican Council met in open session. Sir Alec waited until he was called upon by the First Republican.

"Sir Alec, I believe that you have recommendations in relation to the 'war' with the Democratic Dutch Republic?" There was suppressed laughter and snickering in the chambers when the words war and Democratic Dutch Republic were used in the same sentence, causing the First Republican to bang the gavel as Sir Alec rose to speak.

"First Republican, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council I believe that we do have a basis to go forward with my earlier recommendation of releasing those Knootians detained by the boycott law and returning their seized assets, I would recommend that this be done immediately, simply because it is the right thing to do. The People of Knootoss should not be unduly punished for their governments, imperialistic, aggressive and absurd attitudes.

I would warn though, that after having met with the DDR's ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, that I must apprise the Council that the DDR is not prepared to make any confidence building moves and I am firmly of the opinion that the boycott should remain in place and that the Order of the Invisible Hand should still be considered a terrorist organization, until such a time that the DDR is prepared to end the Burungi invasion and bring to heel the illegal elements amongst it's citizenry that are attempting in an organized fashion to undermine the laws of our Free Republic.

I received no indication that the DDR is prepared to move in a friendly manner towards the Free Republic at this time."

There were some murmurs from the Council, they had expected a more favourable report and were indeed ready to lift the boycott and normalize relations.

The Minister of Foreign Trade then stood "First Republican , Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council, I would support Sir Alec for the mere fact that the Boycott has had no impact on trade. The increased trade in the FKC easily doubles the amount of trade lost with the Democratic Dutch Republic.

It is also important that the Order of the Invisible Hand either explain it's actions. Was the subterfuge we saw actually planned by their organization, or was this plan put into place by criminals that just happened to be members? We should push for the Democratic Dutch Republic to bring this Order into the public and to be accountable to the People if indeed they intend to operate within our borders."

As she sat there were several shouts of 'Here,here!' and genral nods of approval.

The First Republican stood again "We have a motion and a second, who votes in favour to release the Knootians held for breaching the Boycott law and unfreezing their assets while keeping the boycott in place and continuing to outlaw the Order of the Invisible Hand?"

Hands were raised and it passed unanimously, within hours the Velite General began releasing and processing citizens of the DDR and releasing their assets, with the exceptions of the dozen or so charged with additional crimes.

But once again, inaction by the Knootians raised more questions in the Council chamber as to exactly how trust worthy the DDR is.

OOC: As stated before , it may or may not have been an order plot, but the fact that there was an oppurtunity to make billions of drachma in a single deal would certainly lead someone that was a believer in the Order's tenants to be tempted to make a profit.
09-02-2005, 23:26
KNN World News
“And at Schiphol airport is our very own Sascha Meerdijk for a special KNN report for Showdown: Ilek-Vaad. Over to you now Sascha.”

“Thanks Johan.

‘I didn't think I was going to see my wife and kids again,’ a teary-eyed Hilda de Boer told me earlier today. She and others were held in the warring Haven nation of Ilek-Vaad for agonizing months, often left in total darkness about their predicament and without news from the government back home while facing charges for breaking a trade embargo that had been instated only moments earlier, often threatened with severe punishments while all their possessions had been seized by their military. But now the new Vaadian regime has been releasing their foreign prisoners as a measure of goodwill. Lets look at some of the pictures we shot today..." (relevant material is shown under the voiceover)

"After word came that the plane had landed, the waiting families in the Schiphol arrivals Hall erupted in celebration. Families cried and hugged and many spilled into the slurf with hands in the air. And as the former prisoners of Ilek-Vaad finally stepped down on home soil they waved small Knootian flags with their arms held up high.

The first to come out of the plane, 43-year-old trade representative Teunissen reportedly requested Pink Bunny Cola as the first thing when he came out of the plane. He drank three cans and told KNN reporters with tears in his eyes that he still wanted to 'hop' to the store for more. He later reported having felt chest pains and serious psychological discomfort while imprisoned in Ilek-Vaad. Hospital officials told KNN that he has a history of heart problems and would remain in the hospital until at least Monday.

Though they were wearing rag-tag of old-fashioned Vaadian clothes, the captured businesspeople emerged in surprisingly good physical condition. The major of Amsterdam met with the returning heroes and said they were in "wonderful spirits." Speaking from Noordeinde Palace, Prime Minister Galadriël Táralóm nos Círdan told the press that she was thrilled to know that almost all of the captured businessmen had been returned safely, and that they were being reunited with their families.

Another of the returned men, a twenty-three year old engineer from Delfzijl told me that he feels great physically. But emotionally ... it's going to take time to heal the wounds.


((Another post is in the works))
09-02-2005, 23:30
OOC: I resent that you call our knickers and jodhpurs old-fashioned! ;)
09-02-2005, 23:44
Publicly released thingy:
Recently, the socialist government of Ilek-Vaad arrested a number of Market actors said to be members of the Order of the Invisible hand. The Order would like to state for the record that these men are not in any way affiliated with the Order nor have they ever been associated with the Order.

The Order is not a place of organised religion nor is it a terrorist organisation or a petty smuggling syndicate, as the anti-Market socialists in Ilek-Vaad would have the world believe in order to further their aggressive agenda. We do not need to compete like this because our system, the Market, is superior to these primitive socialist forms of competition. The Order is committed to spreading the word of the Market and using legitimate means of power – the power of man and the power of the State that supports the Market – without resorting to petty theft or the force of arms, nor does it seek to destabilise governments for the mere fact that they are in every imaginable way – culturally, economically and diplomatically – wrong. Market forces alone will bring Market forces to Ilek-Vaad, not just because they are desirable but because they are inescapable.

Now that this anti-Market agent has shown its paranoia and its desire to use their State power to destroy proponents of the Market it may as well arrest every entrepreneur, or anyone who does not conform to their narrow anti-Market views. It only shows they need to restrict the political freedoms of their citizens to compete on the Market of ideologies. This is a sign of weakness, of uncompetitiveness, not of strength. Our competitors are clever and control the means of power in their nation, but they are growing desperate. That they still have to revert to arresting foreigners and banning political organisations shows just how unstable their monopoly really is.

((OOC: won't get any nicer then this from these guys.))
10-02-2005, 00:00
The video of returning Knootians was , incendiary to say the least. It is considered very bad form for the government to publicize such hardships of the people for propaganda usage. The public release from the alleged Order, was mostly ignored.

Dr. Manfred was duly summoned back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sir Alec's assistant made a brief statement to the press.

"I find it very unsavoury that the government of the DDR stoops to using it's People as a bargaining chip and using them for propaganda purposes. Such things are very unprofessional , I had expected that the Knootian government would handle our friendly, faith building gesture in a constructive, professional manner and not as a televised circus to gain public opinion to their favour.

I have also read the public release by the Alleged Order of the Invisible Hand. The fact that it was unsigned and unqualified by any agency as actually belonging to this Order inclines me towards ignoring it.

I would invite the leadership of the Order of the Invisible Hand to come to the Free Republic and make their case to the Republican Council. If they do not intend to act in a manner as some of their membership has chosen to do so then they can expect to be fully vindicated and their Order to be able to operate legally again, I will not, however, bring an unsigned anonymous document before the Republican Council to be debated in any manner, our current opinion of the Order stands, until we are genuinely convinced otherwise.

We in the Free Republic are always inclined to change our minds as the information and situation warrants."

OOC: soooooooooo, the Knootians aren't going to actually make any effort at this then?
10-02-2005, 00:43
Transcript of a press conference by the state-secretary of economic affairs
STATE-SECRETARY: “In response to your question, the Knootoss News Network is an independent media corporation that functions without pressure or funds from the nos Círdan administration. The KNN World News show that the Vaadian government was referring to was produced without any involvement of the Knootian government and therefore I am forced to dismiss the allegations made by Ilek-Vaad as war propaganda.

PRESS: How would you judge the recent statements by the Order regarding the men still held prisoner in Ilek-Vaad?

STATE-SECRETARY: It is very unfortunate that the Republican Council has chosen to ignore the remarks made by the Order. I think their demands are fairly ridiculous, knowing how the Order never signs its documents in person. KNN confirmed that the source was genuine, and I have no reason not to believe them.

PRESS: Will this hinder negotiations?

STATE-SECRETARY: Well, the government certainly is pleased by the goodwill measures made by the new regime and it goes a long way towards restoring relations. We have most of our money back and our people have been returned to us. I think that is at least partly thanks to this governments efforts. Banning of the Order is a serious sentient rights concern but I think it is one that is better solved through engagement than a refusal to talk.

PRESS: Is the legalisation of the Order a precondition to peace?

STATE-SECRETARY: I would think it very important but I cannot make such definitive statements regarding matters well outside my portfolio.


The Knootian diplomat was back, and this time he was better prepared. He had put on a nametag that said:
His Excellency,
Dr. De Zoete, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss
Perhaps now the man would manage the correct form of address, his name and the name of his country, he thought grimly to himself as he knocked on the door of the First Republican.
10-02-2005, 01:02
Dr. De Zoete was again led up to the third floor and to Sir Alec's office, where Sir Alec was again at his desk, going over some paper work, he motioned for Dr. De Zoete to have a seat and the receptionist closed the door as she left.

Sir Alec didn't even look up as he began "Well, thank you for coming Ambassador and so quickly at that." He paused and looked up smilng and squinted at the name tag and chuckled "Normally the title 'His Excellency' is reserved for Knights of the CID that have attained the status of 'Right Honourable' , the second grade of Knighthood. Now, I've never seen you at any of the CID meetings so I'll assume you're intending no offence................your Excellency.

I'll also be brief, I have an enjoyable evening planned, and this isn't part of it. I only have a question for you, your government doesen't want to end this war, does it? This is giving the current government, up for re-election, quite the bully pulpit to corner the news isn't it? I want a yes or no , IS your government serious about repairing relations, because we have been given the distinct impression that it is not."

He waited for a reply.
10-02-2005, 01:18
Normally, de Zoete would have pointed out that an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary would have the highest of the four diplomatic ranks, and as a representant of the head of state (rather than the government) also be entitled to use the honorary title on his nametag. However, Sir Alec did not appear to be in the mood for such titular discussions.

“My government is dead serious about repairing relations, and it has stated its wish to do so repeatedly, Sir” he replied instead.
10-02-2005, 01:23
Sir Alec frowned.

"Really? It has never been stated to me or my predecessor? Then please tell your goverment officials to conduct themselves like they do in the future. You may go your Excellency."

He waved dismissively towards the door, not even smiling this time.
10-02-2005, 01:47
The Knootian left again, considering what a waste of time that meeting has been. Upon returning he decided to send a small note to Sir Alec:

From: Dr. De Zoete,
To: Sir Alec

Dear Sir,

While your theories regarding Knootian foreign policy in relation to the upcoming elections were most certainly enlightening I do not feel they represent a progressive step forward towards the end of the declared state of war between our two nations.

I must further admit that at this point it is rather unclear to both myself and the government of the Dutch Democratic Republic what exactly it is that you desire from us. The government of Knootoss is negotiating for a peaceful settlement in Tanah Burung, and you have endorsed this policy in an earlier meeting. If you expect confidence-building measures it might work well to put forward some practical ideas. The point of view of the Knootian government has always been clear, as have our demands for a peaceful settlement – all of which bar one have been met at this point.

For future reference, feel free to use the phone (##-########) or the foreign ministry website for small inquiries and the like.

~Manfred De Zoete
10-02-2005, 02:01
Sir Alec typed a small e-mail, bypasing De Zoete and sending it directly to Minister Van Mierlo.

To: Hans Van Mierlo,Minister of Foreign Affairs, Knootoss
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs,Ilek-Vaad

I was sorely insulted that my sincere wishes for peace were met so flippantly and insincerely by your Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. I was also deeply hurt that my show of good will at championing the release of Knootian nationals was touted as a 'Victory in the war against Ilek-Vaad' by your government and the Knootian media.

I took a great personal risk, as a new Minister, in supporting the release of Knootian criminals. I will not take such risks again.

Please do not contact me in the future unless your government is ready to make concrete and serious attempts at repairing relations.

I have only have had pleasant meetings with Knootians in the past and I was sorely disappointed at the disdain shown by your Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and the insensitivity of your government in how it handled our goodwill gesture. I sincerely wish that the government of the Democratic Dutch Republic of Knootoss were serious about peace and about repairing relations.

Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

OOC: the Knootians had to know tat treating the release as a political or moral victory would deeply insult the Vaadians, come on, at least I'm that consistent, if not that then at least leaving a phone number for diplomatic contact would insult them.

I ooc don't think you were ever serious about this :P
10-02-2005, 02:20
To: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
From: Hans van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss

Dear Sir,

It pains me that you were insulted by any remarks of my Ambassador, and can only hope for more positive meetings in the future.

I must, however, dispute that we treated your gesture as a 'Victory in the war against Ilek-Vaad'. Quite to the contrary, in an official statement we told the press that the government is pleased by the goodwill measures made by your new administration, citing that it goes a long way towards restoring relations. In addition Prime Minister Galadriël Táralóm nos Círdan told the press that she was thrilled to know that almost all of the captured businessmen had been returned safely, and that they were being reunited with their families. I do believe that you are mistaking the sentiments on the street as voiced by KNN World News for the official position of our government or its actions to end the war. You cannot ask of a family reunited after so many months of separation to be only moderately happy, and to celebrate this only austerely in the interest of higher politics.

We have made the Knootian position clear from the very beginning, as well as the conditions at which we are willing to accept a peace agreement. We have made statements to the effect of being willing to engage in a constructive dialogue of engagement. However, you cannot ask of me to read minds and guess what your demands are beyond those relating to Tanah Burung which we have already endorsed. However, in order to come forward to your sensibilities I have conferred with my colleagues and we have agreed to unilaterally declare a ceasefire of unlimited duration. This may or may not please you, but at least it is a gesture of our sincerity.

~Hans van Mierlo

OOC: well, to be fair, the government didn't. Can hardly expect the media to be quiet. Unless of course you support media censorship, in which case the order is right about your nation. :rolleyes:
Re: Edits. Well, to summon an ambassador (a direct emmissary of the Prime Minister) just to bitch at him for thirty seconds, asking a rhetorical question and then sending him home is rather insulting as well.
10-02-2005, 02:34
To: Hans Van Mierlo,Minister of Foreign Affairs, Knootoss
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs,Ilek-Vaad

We have no demands other than we have a partner that bargains in good faith. YOU are the ones who declared war, YOU are the ones making demands. I gave you your first and largest demand, we released your citizens , your reason for going to war. I would have expected that the declaration of war be rescinded now that the reasoning is gone. I would have hoped that families reunited would have been done in a private and dignified fashion, not trotted out before the press as trophies of war. This was as undignified and deplorable as screening the bodies of war dead for the same purpose.

I stated earlier that I would like to see an end to the invasion of Tanah Burung and that if this were ended that I could guarantee full backing of the Republican Council , I did not make it a pre-condition or a demand.

The only 'demand' I made was that I was dealt with honestly and above the board. I don't know what demand I can make that will end your farce of a war, that is for you to decide, not that it will do any good at this point.

Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

OOC: So, the government of Knootoss doesen't pay attention to their past dealings with Ilek-Vaad?

It was intened to be insulting and to deliver the message that the Council is extremely upset and unlikely to take any further steps.
10-02-2005, 16:50
LNS, Lassic< Ilek-Vaad

Regional Governors Sworn in, Phyrric Officially Annexed

In open session this morning all seven Regional Governors were sworn in by the First Republican, including Governor Demetrius of the Republic of Phyrric, the Governors were greeted with a standing ovation from the gallery. The First Republican also qualified the plebiscite result from Phyrrhic officially annexing the territory into the Free Republic.

"We are very pleased that our friendship with the People of Phyrric has led to closer and closer relationships and now we look forward to living side by side with them as equals and extending the benefits of the Free Republic to the People of Phyrric." the First Republican stated as he signed.

The release of Knootian nationals charged with breaking the Knootian Boycott law , reported by the KNN and LNS, has yet to have any effect on Knootian/Vaadian relations. KNN cameras showed the reunion of Knootian families and interviewed the detainees as they stepped from their planes. No actions have been made in response to the release by the government of the Democratic Dutch Republic.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs had this to say " I can only say publicly that I anticipate no reciprocation from the Democratic Dutch Republic of Knootoss at this time or anytime in the near future. I fully expect that the one sided declaration of war will stay in place and that the Republican Council will move to prepare for any contigency."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been very tight lipped about negotiations between the DDR and the Free Republic. It has been released that the Minister of Foreign Affairs has met with a representative of the DDR, but no indication of what was discussed or what had been agreed on has been released.
10-02-2005, 17:48
Please check this thing out (

To: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
From: Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss

I can assure you that we are bargaining in ‘in good faith’ and that there are no demands beyond those stated in formal negotiations. The original reason for war is no longer present now that our citizens have been released and their possessions returned and therefore it is in the interest of both our nations to end this war as soon as possible. I can only feel redeemed in this position by a recent motion by parliament saying just that. I can only point you to the overtures made by our government in praising your actions and declaring a unilateral ceasefire as signs that we have faith in this process..

However we cannot unilaterally annul a declaration of war made to the Free Republic just because the reasoning behind it is gone. To end the war a formal peace treaty will have to be concluded that guarantees the rights of both the Free Republic and the Knootian Federation as a whole – as is common practice of international law.

While I find it unfortunate that you take offence at the reunification of the families, it is a matter beyond government control. Civil liberties in the Dutch Democratic Republic do not restrict press access to any specific zone or event except for reasons stated in military statutes and in matters concerning state security. The reuniting of families with their lost one is classified as neither and thus it is not a matter of state interference.

We have reached a frame-work decision regarding a basic exit strategy for Tanah Burung in Pantocratoria – where I am ((in this bloody multiverse)) negotiating an agreement with their representatives. While no formal agreement has been reached as of yet you can inform your Republican Council that good progress is being made.

I am hoping for a positive response that will allow me to make a more formal proposal.


Hans van Mierlo

OOC: Uhm… the Knootians want to make peace. Frankly, they have no idea what there is to bitch about.
10-02-2005, 20:56
To:Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

We are pleased by the action taken by your parliament. I will remind you that in the past the actions of the Democratic Dutch Republic have often differed from what was stated, I will take a wait and see approach.

I am also not legally allowed to conclude 'peace negotiations'. There has been to date no Military Mandate made by the Republican Council in regards to your nation. No state of war exists between our nations except the unilateral declaration by the Democratic Dutch Republic. With no Military Mandate to conclude there is no legal basis for such negotiations. It is entirely up to your nation to rescind it's declaration.

I stated before that I was hoping to restore a normalization of relations. This could easily take place were it not for your declaration of war. We are not bound by your declaration and we will not sign any measures that bi-laterally concludes your uni-lateral actions.

The Free Repulic does not decalre war for no reason and simply because a nation has declared war on us, that may not necessarily mean that we will reciprocate. The Ministry of Defence in conjunction with Retaliatory Guard Command advised against declaring war on your nation for retaliation to your declaration, their reasoning is classified.

We are not school-yard children that will hit you back simply because you hit us, and we will not be forced into such actions. We will not sign an agreement that concludes 'peace' to give you victory in your 'war'.

I do appreciate the positive steps in regard to Tanah Burung, but once again I will have to take a wait and see attitude as well, we were told before that the 'Police Action' would be resolved quickly and given several other assurances that never came to pass, so you will have to excuse if I am somewaht skeptical of your claims.

Peace and normal relations can be attained as quickly and as easily as Democratic Dutch Republic of Knootoss desires.

Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

OOC: Minister of Foreign Affairs AND Defence? Isn't that a conflict of interests?
10-02-2005, 22:09
10-02-2005, 23:25
OOC: Read and responded to.
11-02-2005, 16:47
To: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
From: Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss

I have conferred with my own legal advisors and it seems to me impossible that you are not legally allowed to conclude peace negotiations. If nation A declares war on nation B then nation B is by extension at war with nation A regardless of its internal procedures and military organisation. Therefore, Ilek-Vaad and Knootoss are in a state of war regardless of a supposedly lacking ‘permission’ of any Vaadian organisation. It strikes me as highly unusual that Ilek-Vaad, as one nation alone, refuses to recognise the internationally recognised concept of a declaration of war.

Even if I were to follow the initial assumption of your argument that Vaadian national law prevails in the international arena - which we do not - then the Military Mandate given by the Republican Council for intervention in Tanah Burung included engaging the Knootian Defence Force, as your predecessor threatened at the time, citing it as a reason why stopping military engagement was beyond his power unless we withdrew, thus providing a material reason for the Dutch Democratic Republic to act in its own defence. Your refusal to sign a bilateral treaty thus cites fundamentally flawed legal reasons while at the same time turning the 'logic of a mandate meaning war' as Ilek-Vaad used it in Tanah Burung around 180 degrees to suit the purposes of today. Citing a classified advice that retroactively is supposed to have existed is not convincing. Rather, it brings into question what other reasons the Free Republic may have to refuse to sign a simple treaty restoring ties and pledging to restore amicable relations – especially since there is nothing from keeping the sovereign Free Republic from signing whatever treaties it desires.

I cannot 'declare' a peace without signing a treaty because doing so would be a violation of all internationally recognised conventions of war and peace, and because declaring an end to hostilities without any guarantee from the Free Republic that there will be no Vaadian reprisals and without an end to the economic boycott would be to risk the security of the Knootian Federation on the ‘good faith’ of a nation that refuses to even treaty with us!

I am pleased, still, by the progress made in talks so far and in the interest of making a bilateral treaty more acceptable I will the proposal as a treaty for the restoration of ties, to be proposed publicly for your approval or amendement. You would do well to sign this treaty or propose amendments to its terms if you wish to end the current state of war and provide mutual security for both our peoples. If not we will resign at your refusal and continue the current state of hostilities.


Hans van Mierlo

Proposed treaty: see here (
11-02-2005, 17:27
To:From: Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

The former Military Mandate to 'End fighting in the Nation of Tanah-Burung' was repealed ( as in the Unlikely Deliverence thread) by the last administration under advisement from the Supreme Republican Commander. That Mandate is no longer in effect and is no longer law.

The Free Republic as a sovereign and free entity does not recognize any international law, convention, or norm that goes against the Free Republic's national laws, unless we have signed specific pacts to do so.

I will however present your treaty to the Republican Council and advise that it be debated.

Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
11-02-2005, 17:44
((OOC: uhm... yeah. Debate it. He'll just send an irrelevant thank you note or something. Consider that sent.))
Alcona and Hubris
11-02-2005, 17:52
((OOC: RL point of order...sometime you just stop fighting without declaring peace...example Sparta and Athens had been technically 'at war' for almost a thousand years until recently...))
11-02-2005, 18:12
After sending his message Sir Alec took the text of the treaty and headed to the House of the Republic, where the Republican Council session for the day was already under way. He entered and took his seat as the Minister of Defence continued his remarks on the years military budget.

"Additions of these high speed large capacity transports will of course increase the speed and efficiency with which the Retaliatory Guard may deploy. It would be an essential step to make certain that the formation of the Foreign Guard is not in vain, we cannot expect lesser foreign troops to attempt to counter the movements of possible enemies indefinitely. If we have a system where we can quickly inject Retaliatory Guard behind the screen of the Foreign Guard within days or hours of initial confrontations than we increase the likelihood that Foreign Guard deployments will work positively for the Free Republic."

The Minister paused there as the Minister of National Security posed a question.

"This plan has the backing of the Supreme Republican Commander and Retaliatory Guard Command?"

The Minister of Defence nodded "Yes. The Retaliatory Guard have a very real gap when it comes to high speed, high capacity transports . We only have the Ark Bird as a mach speed high capacity transport and of course converting it to transport means we lose the thirty plus cruise missiles that it could deliver to soften enemy targets, it is only practical that we have a dedicated transport solution ."

The Minister of National Security nodded and took a note or two as the Minister of Defence continued " I have here the cost projections, construction proposals and time frame for procurement and deployment." He paused handing out the folios "This budgetary increase, as you will see is offset by the budgetary decrease from the former streamlining of the Naval Guard."

The Minister of Defence took his seat and the First Republican then stood "Very good, the Council will take the new budget under advisement and on next Thursday we will open the floor for debate and voting on the budget. I see Sir Alec has returned, what do you have for us this morning?"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stood "There is at this point a legal disconnect. The DDR believes that the 'state of war' can only be dissolved by concluding a peace treaty. I did explain that with no Military Mandate in place that this is simply beyond my power , especially since the declaration of war was a product of the DDR's parliament. I have sent a reply explaining to them that Vaadian national law supercedes international conventions unless this Council has specifically specified otherwise, here is their suggested treaty in full."

He hands out copies of the treaty.

Originally Posted by The KNN infosheet
Treaty of Restoration of Relations and Friendship

* Peace: Declares that a state of peace exists between the Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss and the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad
* Non-aggression: Declares that both sides agree “not to undertake hostilities against each other unless compelled to do so by other treaty arrangements.”
* Restoring economic ties: declares that both nations shall end any economic boycotts.
* Working together: declares that both nations shall work to promote better bilateral relations and work together towards common goals.

The Ministers look over the treaty and quite a bit of grumbling ensues , most immediately from the Minister of the Interior

"This is outrageous. We have no specific treaty signed that says that the Knootian laws and customs dictating their 'state of war' should supercede our own laws. They refuse to acknowledge OUR laws and expect to instead insert theirs?" The Minister of the Interior states quite bluntly.

The Minister of the Judiciary shrugs as he looks it over "This is simply unconstitutional. If we sign this treaty it would be immediately overturned by the Supreme Judiciary. There is no basis for us to legally sign this in Vaadian law."

The Minister of Defence nods " This isn't something that the Council can endorse, it does no even mention that the DDR will cancel their declaration of war, only that a 'state of peace exists' , I don't see how they conclude a state of peace exists BEFORE canceling the declaration of war."

The First Republican looks it over. "I am glad your brought this before us, this is a interesting document. I would suggest that you inform the DDR that they must rescind their declaration of war before we would be able to sign any such non-aggression treaty and it should be made clear that the signing of such a document must not be construed as a Knootian 'victory' this document is far to vague and does not give solid assurances that the DDR will simply not declare war again for no good reason."

As they spoke Sir Alec compiled the Council's feelings on his blackberry so that he could advise Minister Van Mierlo of the exact objections of the Council.

The Minister of Foreign Trade cleared her throat " I say we sign it." there was some shock and surprise but she continued "It is an illegal document and it will be overturned by the Supreme Judiciary, but why not sign it to make them happy? Their signature on the IMC charter meant nothing, so we would simply be exchanging our worthless signature for theirs. Let them think whatever they want about this document, their past actions have shown that they will ignore legal treaties when it suits them, so we sign this and then when they attempt to use it to their advantage we politely inform them that the Supreme Judiciary has struck the 'declaration of peace' down and that it is not legally binding.

I mean, they didn't even give a reason why they broke the IMC Charter, we would at least be giving a justified reason as to why we were disregarding this."

There were several nods and light bulbs going off over the Ministers Head as the Minister of Defence nodded "I think I do second that. We've been betrayed by Knootoss before, this just seems like a delay tactic until they nail us again so let's sign it."

The First Republican shrugged "I have a motion and a second?"

The Ministers voted and it was carried seven to four "Proposal carried, Sign that document Sir Alec."and he banged his gavel.


To:Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss
From: Minister of Defence , Ilek-Vaad

I am sending you by courier a signed copy of the 'Declaration of Peace.' the Republican Council has voted to sign the treaty despite the fact that it may not be acceptable or legal under Vaadian law. After the treaty is ratified, it can be challenged by the Supreme Judiciary if they believe that it circumvents Vaadian law.

Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Defence, Ilek-Vaad

OOC: real quick, as it is Friday and military matters were being debated, this was officially a 'Closed Session' for the Republican Council, meaning that no televised coverage was allowed, though the debate transcripts for the day will probably be released sometime after the Military Budget has been concluded and made public record.
11-02-2005, 18:13
((OOC: RL point of order...sometime you just stop fighting without declaring peace...example Sparta and Athens had been technically 'at war' for almost a thousand years until recently...))

OOC: stop fighting? We never were fighting! ;)
12-02-2005, 01:23
OOC: Just a quick post from my ambassador there. Sorry for the delay.


Ambassador Ratyuig was lounging about on his flat rock when the election results were announced. He peered curiously at the newspaper and made some personal notes in his journal about the possible implications. Then, with a shrug, he composed his weekly report and sent it back to the Diplomatic Corps where it would be analyzed. He decided to pay closer attention to Vaadian relations with Knootoss, since Vrak did have a relationship with both. Except the latter has been somewhat distant politically for quite some time.

He looked at his liquor cabinet and thought that he should stock it with some Vaadian alcohol.
12-02-2005, 02:41
OOC: Vrak, that reminds me, the new government was going to appoint you a new , more senior ambassador. I'll post that after I hear from Knoot about the 'Peace Treaty' ;)
13-02-2005, 15:51
Hans van Mierlo smiled shrewdly as he sent off the letter.
To: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
From: Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss

I’m glad that you have decided to sign the treaty, and we will be awaiting formal ratification and entry into force. In addition to this note I have attached to this letter the text of an Executive Order of the Knootian Prime Minister which was co-signed by myself and the other ministers. The note officially rescinds the declaration of war upon the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad. As you can see, it has been dated tree days before your official signing of the Declaration of Peace and took entry into force on the same day it was signed. The Council of Ministers has taken to heart your suggestion about making such a declaration to suit internal Vaadian demands, even though it would be a meaningless act by any Knootian or international standard. I would like to be apprised of any procedures regarding challenges by the Supreme Judiciary, but feel that this declaration renders any potential objections moot.

I am expecting an end to the economic boycott as soon as possible. However travel advice for Knootians to the Free Republic will remain negative due to the recent war in Haven which the AIVD feels has a high risk of spilling over into Ilek-Vaad.


Hans van Mierlo
14-02-2005, 20:29
To:Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

The debate to end the boycott of Knootian goods and businesses will most likely take place afternoon. I do not anticipate that the boycott should stay in place, especially now that the declarartion of war by your nation has been retracted.

The matter of the peace treaty will also likely be a non factor with relations moving to normalcy and the actions to end the declaration of war and ending the boycott will have both been taken. The treaty itself will not come under the scrutiny of the Supreme Judiciary unless it, or any of it's tenants are directly challenged. There has been some talk about the opposition having their lawyers challenge it , and I will keep you apprised.

I am very pleased at how this has turned out. I am in the process of vetting candidates to be Ambassador to Knootoss and I look forward to having someone resume that post. I look forward to our renewed relations, but must warn that the situation in Tanah Burung is not in any manner to the liking of the general public in Ilek-Vaad , and may hinder relations if it is not brought to an amicable end soon.

Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

Sir Alec then went about formally drafting his proposal to end the boycott to present to the Republican Council.
15-02-2005, 19:20
results of the peace ( with the poll in a graph (
15-02-2005, 21:09
The Afternoon meeting for the Republican Council was seated, as often happens in the Free Republic there was absolutely no pressing topic on the agenda so Sir Alec took the chace to bring up the question of the Knootian Boycott.

"First Republican , Ladies and Gentlemen of the Republican Council. I am pleased to announce that the Prime Minister of Knootoss has signed an excutive order rescinding the Knootian declaration of war. This answers all of the legal and procedural difficulties in ending the declarartion of war.

I also feel that this step can be seen as a positive measure to end the boycott on Knootian businessess and products as it also appears that Knootian forces will also be withdrawing from Tanah Burung."

There was some grumbling in the chambers as the Ministers perused the copy of the Executive Order given them by Sir Alec.

The Minister of Defence nodded "I think this certainly gives closure to the entire 'war' business' , but I'm not entirely sure about ending the boycott, it was after all connected to the Burungi invasion, and they are still there."

Sir Alec nodded "This is true, but there have been positive steps made, and this could help encourage Knootoss to do what is right."

The Minister of Foreign Trade chimed in "We could make the boycott removal conditional, add a review period and if the DDR is still in Tanah Burung , we could re-instate it."

The First Republican nodded "We could do that, but we don't need to make it conditional, we can simply re-instate it at anytime."

The Minister of Foreign Trade replied "Yes, but we should want them to know why it would be re-instated, if they it's conditional and what it is conditional on, it would apply pressure."

After some debate it voted that the boycott would be lifted and reviewed in sixty days, the review being contingent upon forces leaving Tanah Burung.

After the session Sir Alec sent a message to Minister Van Mierlo

To:Hans Van Mierlo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Knootoss
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

I am happy to inform you that the boycott has been lifted. The Republican Council voted to lift the boycott but to also review progress with regards to Tanah Burung in sixty days and then to review the entire situation as it applies to our relations.

I hope that this concludes any misgivings you have about dealing with our Republic.

Sir Alec Connover