NationStates Jolt Archive

The Beginning of a New Age

25-11-2004, 07:22
"God damn it. I swear if this thing f*cks up on me one more f*cking time I'm calling it quits for the night." Nalena Borsquae was toying with a computer behind a seemingly messy, cheap desk. It was covered in papers, not neatly stacked in the least. The desk, made of plywood covered with glossy black and help up by thin, hollow bars in arrangements was rather flimsy. Her aluminum chair did not help her comfort, though she had laid a couch pillow to cushion her posterior. She spoke in a calm voice. "Computer, respond." The computer then spoke back in a rather mechanic female voice. "Prototype Alpha 1413 dash 4551 reporting." Nalena sighed, relieved. "What is your given name, Prototype Alpha 1413 dash 4551?" The computer responded promptly. "I have been issued the name of Alana by RSN officials. My mission is clear--" The computer was cut off by Nalena cursing yet again and turning off the program. According to her boss, the AI was supposed to respond with a question immediately after it introduced itself. The keyword was supposed to, not programmed to. Nalena was one of the many thousands of Etarans involved in a top secret project to develop "smart" AI, capable of calculating risks and advantages of harzardous situations in nanoseconds. The first part, and the hardest, was getting them to "think" on their own. The idea was to have AI ready to help command and control space vessels once the first fleet of the space navy was created. These AI would intercept comm links, be able to "talk" to other ships' AI, and coordinate defense and offense tactics. However, they would also be able to navigate, direct, and generally be able to do everything except make food appear from thin air.

Nalena took a sip of water. She turned on the program again, and almost asked the question for the seventeenth time that night. However, she was interrupted by Alana. "Ma'am, if you don't mind me asking, why in Heaven's name do you continually insist on turning off my communications router every time I attempt to reply? It gets rather annoying after a while, not being able to respond when you've asked me to." Nalena nearly choked. "Wh-what? I didn't program you to say that!" Alana's holographic image, that of a woman clad in armor with numbers scrolling down her "body" quite quickly, was displayed on Nalena's messy desk. She sassily put her hands to her hip. "Well that is the point, isn't it?"
25-11-2004, 08:35
OOC: I'm going to do a little flashbacking. We'll say about a year behind.


One Year Earlier

The technology was there. The ability to harness it was also readily available. It was the matter of taking action, something that was not encouraged by previous Ministers of Defense. However, Oröphin Telemnar had decided that it was about time that the nation had something to boast besides big guns and nice people. The country before - from which nearly two hundred million had emigrated from and begun reproducing - the URHP had barely anything to boast. It was quite obvious that the people were anti-military. However, after the Lietuv War of Succession, in which the lands of which the URHP rest upon were completely scorched and turned into a barren wasteland, the people suddenly awoke. They then realized the need for a strong, unified military. Thus, the Erasito began diverting funds to Defense. Not only had he just recently signed a deal with DragonStar Shipbuilding of the Federation of Sentient Peoples, he was also in the works of starting several important military refurbishment programs. The retired general Telemnar found it a great opportunity to take advantage of the new funds. He would attempt to encourage the High Elven Council of Etaros to subsidize several technology corporations, promising to pay the one that completed the construction of a smart AI with even more money. Oröphin smiled wryly. He loved capitalism more than many things upon the great blue Earth. It would enable his men and women to be able to fight in battles with the assistance of an unseen and unnaturally intelligent artificial being.

He walked down the halls of the newly built headquarters of NESCOM, which was situated about twenty miles north of New Itaros. It was a large complex, and its grounds were even larger. The Gathering Field was only a fraction of the expanse it covered, and it was heavily guarded. The headquarters of NESCOM was very futuristic, a structure of glass, steel, and titanium alloy. Oröphin was preparing to leave the complex with a couple of his aides. He paused slightly the look around. One day the area that was forest would be an enormous landing pad for space vessels. He observed momentarily, and then continued onward to the helipad. A rather large attack helicopter was already landed, and he boarded. He flew south to New Itaros, specifically Eledhwen Palace.

When Oröphin arrived, he was greeted enthusiastically by Palace staff and aides to other heads of Ministries. He walked importantly towards the room where he would testify his case, called the Justice Hall. Usually court cases of national importance were held here, but whatever case was present at the time was put aside so that the Minister of Defense could present his own case. He walked into the dark room, which was lit by a few lamps glowing mysteriously. That crazy bastard. It's the Justice Hall, not a decorative showcase, he thought. Ëtaros was often said to be a little too decorative when things weren't required. As he entered, the High Council stopped talking amongst themselves. A rather intimidating elf, Torîn Mailundë, spoke first. "Greetings, Oröphin. As usual, you have arrived late." Oröphin, while usually arrogant, humbled himself in front of the High Council. He diverted his eyes to the ground and bowed slowly. "It is my apologies, Excellency. Pressing issues held me back while elsewhere." Torîn could read minds with ease, and knew that those "pressing issues" were simply trying to take in a bit of fresh air. Torîn was the direct descendant of Ulmo, Lord of the seas, and was considered one of the most important elves in Etaros. The only elf revered higher was the Elentarí of Menelmacar. He simply smiled at the lie, however, and continued. "Though you attempt to fool me, I know very well that the fresh air pleased you much. You are here today to testify your case as to why we should allot funds to the construction of a smart AI. I, and the others assembled here, have already pledged to Manwë that we shall not judge before you have given your testimony." Torîn nodded, the cue for Oröphin to begin.

He bowed, once again diverting his eyes to the ground. "Thank you, Son of Ulmo." He raised his eyes once more and stood upright. He walked up to the holo-projector in the center of the room, and turned it on. He slid a disc into the projector, and it immediately began showing a stream of images. "Most revered ones of the High Council, it is imperative that we begin a program dedicating ourselves to the construction of a smart AI. When I say smart, I mean able to 'think' on its own. An AI capable of calculating most, if not all, the risks of a situation within nanoseconds. An AI that could mean the life or death of a soldier in combat." He turned to the holo-projector and punched in several keys. A list of nations using smart AI began scrolling. "Though we are a great nation, and one that is flying into the future with uncanny speed, we are not even capable of what so many others are. These nations with smart AI on their space vessels could easily overcome ours, no matter gun power or numbers. The difference between a smart AI onboard every Etaran space vessel could mean the difference between victory and defeat. It is important that we gain the upper hand for all future conflicts. DragonStar Shipbuilding and the Federation of Sentient Peoples have guaranteed that they will be able to have RSN recruits fully trained by next year. We have the technology, Revered Ones, and we have the ability to harness it. All that remains is your decision -- Do we continue remaining a member of the archaic nations who fail to claim smart AI in their systems, or do we live up to our new status, and attempt to harness smart AI the best we can? There are risks, but risks are a part of life. If we do not take action now, we will find ourselves as helpless as we have been in the Martian situation. Do not fail your new naval recruits, but bolster them. The time will come when we are challenged to the brink. Let us defeat the challenge and rise victorious." He completed by turning off the holo-projector, which was still scrolling names of nations that harnessed and used smart AI. He then retrieved the disc, and placed it back in his pocket. He moved back in front of the door and assumed the position of "at ease."

After hours of discussion, deliberation, and debate, the High Council approved allotting funds to corporations that could use the money to research and develop smart AI. The most prominent, IntraStar Communications Corporation, set to work immediately, hiring thousands of people to do the dirty work. An intern at the time, Nalena Borsquae became one of the more vigorous of the project, struggling to find a way to harness the technology they had available day and night, at work and at home. She would have her day of victory far into the future.
11-12-2004, 23:19
Two Months After Launch of Project Night Owl

She covered her face with her hands and sighed slowly. She had been up all night attempting to get the very rudimentary of AI's to comprehend the word "Speak." The voice recognition software was, in short, a piece of crap. Not only that, her pay had dwindled due to IntraStar's relocation of funds, and the new idea that all research employees would not receive full pay until a smart AI was invented. Of course, this was called a "grand incentive" by the corporate elite within the company. It became highly unpopular within the ranks of the blue collar employees, struggling to make it by on pay less than minimum wage. Of course the Etaran government would do nothing about it, even though it knew full well how IntraStar's employees were being treated. The Erasito had adopted a policy of semi-laissez faire, and did little to impede corporate progress. Employees that were members of Project Night Owl began speaking of striking, rioting, and other means to get their way. Funds were deplorable, conditions were pathetic, and IntraStar was doing very little to attempt to make sure Project Night Owl was treated with the respect it needed. Low pay, long hours without rest, and a general discontent began upsetting the company and slowing production within the ranks of those attempting to produce a smart AI. Nalena Borsquae was going to do something else -- transfer to the EGCC (Etaran Galatic Communications Corporation).

The EGCC was a multinational corporation dedicated to broadcasting news from around the galaxy. That was not its only purpose, however. It also specialized in information technology and computer sciences, becoming a promiment establishment in the Etaran business world and a vital asset to the newly planned RSN. The Royal Space Navy (to be renamed at a later date) was receiving a bulk of its funds from the EGCC, notably the construction of the Maiun Training Facility. Nalena saw her opportunity there, even though the EGCC was a little behind other corporations. She was determined to transfer, and convince many eligible colleagues to do the same. Her zeal was amazing, for she would stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

She stopped attempting to get the voice recognition software to work. She was sick of the terrible conditions, tired of IntraStar's moronic demands. Nalena snatched her cell phone from the table angrily, and called the operator. The EGCC was headquartered in New Itaros, so all that was necessary was to call the local information hotline. She did so, and after receiving the proper telephone number, called it. After several rings, a young man answered. "Thank you for calling the Etaran Galactic Communications Corporation, dedicated to serving your technology and news broadcasting needs twenty fours hours a day. How may I help you?" She told the man rather tersely what she needed, and he requested an email address. It was given, and the two exchanged goodbyes and hung up. The next day she received an email from the EGCC requesting she fill out the attached application and write a two page essay about why she wanted to work at the EGCC and what she wanted to do. Time would only tell whether she received the job, and Nalena was bursting with anticipation.
11-12-2004, 23:41
A man walks into the room. He is wearing a dark leather jacket, and dark blue denim jeans. His old cowboy boots clap on the floor. He inhales a deep puff of cigarette, and throws it on the ground, stepping on it. He pulls out a comb, and starts to comb his perfect black hair and says,"Hey, do you got that damn thing to work yet?"
12-12-2004, 06:39
A man walks into the room. He is wearing a dark leather jacket, and dark blue denim jeans. His old cowboy boots clap on the floor. He inhales a deep puff of cigarette, and throws it on the ground, stepping on it. He pulls out a comb, and starts to comb his perfect black hair and says,"Hey, do you got that damn thing to work yet?"

OOC: I believe you're new, so I'm going to take it easy on you. Though it's good you're trying to RP and all that, I would suggest that you read through the stickies. You see, it's bad form to come into threads that don't say "Open RP" and act as if you belong. I'm not bitching at you, but this is just for future reference. This is a story thread, which means other people aren't supposed to post here. Sorry if this inconveniences you.

Oh, and welcome to NS. :)

-- Etaros' Player
26-12-2004, 00:23
Four Weeks After Job Application

Nalena had gotten the job at the EGCC. To say she was happy would have been an understatement -- she was overjoyed. It was her chance to shine, and after receiving all the funds she needed, Nalena was able to progress in two weeks what would have taken nearly five at IntraStar. About a dozen of her colleagues had also left, working at EGCC. They made a powerful team, and soon made several milestones. They were able to create an AI that could process eons of information in nanoseconds, thus providing enormous capability. All that was required now was to attempt to get it to think on its own. This last part of the project would take a good few months, and that was if they worked like machines with no knowledge of the words "fatigue" or "sleep." They would take three-hour naps every fifteen hours, and then had two hours of break in those fifteen. It was truly hectic, and about a quarter of the entire team of two hundred were given three-day breaks to rejuvenate every two weeks. They were well-paid and treated with utmost respect, and Nalena soon found herself leading a team of researchers.

The entire project was nerve-racking, filled with dead ends and plenty of frustrated growls and curse words. Showers would sometimes be forgotten for an entire week, personal hygiene was one of those lesser needs in folding the towels. Nalena was one of the few that actually attempted to keep herself clean, and was often in communication with her fellow team members. Her team was by far the fastest moving of the entire project, though all information was required to be shared so that others may get caught up and start from there. Pounding of keyboards, piles of styrofoam cups stained with dried coffee, and a general roach patrol was occuring in Nalena's apartment, but she didn't care. They were getting closer to their objective every day -- by this time the project had managed to have the computer's voice fluctuate with the style of speech, such as the raising of the voice at the end of a question or an exasperated sigh. All these were programmed into the AIs, but it the magic would be when the AIs began thinking for themselves and taking what they thought was the most logical route. Little did Nalena know that her dreams would be realized within a couple of months, well ahead of the required deadline.
Five Civilized Nations
26-12-2004, 01:38
08-01-2005, 08:15
Two days before discovery

Nalena was busily working, and she soon saw it coming. She was actually getting hints of personality out of the AI now, and strides had been made. Her ability to program the AI had paid off, and now she could see small clues that it could think on its own and operate freely. Communication had not been installed yet, however, so that would be the next step in her goals. She was very optimistic, however, and continued working hard.

Meanwhile, she had filed a report and informed her superiors of the situation. Her co-workers were also informed, and morale was boosted significantly. It seemed that victory was arriving soon...