NationStates Jolt Archive

Allanea Establishes New space colony!

24-11-2004, 00:25
About 30 LY from Earth

The ships hovered in the void, surveying the system. Nothing special - three planets, one of the inhabitable, and an asteroid belt. Still, given that the planet in question had apparently now sentient life on it - it was soon to be declared...

This is Captain Vishnyakovsky, of the USS Dolphinizer. I now officially declare this system property of the United States of Allanea, and give it the name of Reagan's Star. As ordered by Congress, the earthlike body will be given the name of New-Idaho, and the asteroid belt, which is to be colonised as well, will be granted the name of New-Alabama.

Soon, construction work would begin.
24-11-2004, 14:49
Inquisitor Praxis laughed softly at the most recent reports. It would seem the situation had resolved itself, and these odd rumors from the depths of space were completely unfounded.

"Allanea sank into the sea (, did it? How ... amusing. Ah well - one less tick to scratch at. I am certain His Holiness will be pleased."

And with that, he went about his business, filing the entire business concerning the dead nation away in the 'outdated information' section.