23-11-2004, 17:53
You are cordually invited to the Marriage of Prince Nicholi-Tro the Third, son of the Emperor, and Lady Julia Schok, daughter of Lord of the Senate Martin Schok. The wedding will be lead by the Prime Chapel Minister and True Leader of this Nation, Cardinal Dr. Ben-Judah Haganah. We ask that all weapons be left at the door or on one's own plane, unless it is ceremonial. Bodyguards will be accepted, however we ask that they not carry any firearms. This marriage will take place tomorrow.
sorry for not attending i had some important bussines of my own
Is that ceremony open to all countries??
If it is the Holy Empire of Halaraa will send it's first minister, we are a young nation and we are looking for new friends and diplomatic discussions.
23-11-2004, 18:32
Nimthescout will send its Minister of Foreign affairs. I am sorry i could not attend myself as I am hosting a party (OOC: located in II).
We look forward to this great diplomatic oppurtunity.
Xilore-Nim of Nimthescout
24-11-2004, 15:51
The guests are ushered to their seats, in the Vaticus Cathedral, as the organ and orchestra play, “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee.” Waiting for each diplomat and guest is the true leader of our great nation, the Prime Chapel Minister Cardinal Dr. Ben-Judah Haganah.
“Good day,” he says to each newcomer.
To describe the cathedral, from the outside it seems to rival Notre Dame, and on the inside you see a gold plated ceiling. A plaque on the wall dedicates the ceiling to divers who recently discovered gold.
In the front of the cathedral, you see two flagpoles. One carries the flag of Belshazzaria, but it flies lower than the flag with a crucifix and crown. The wall seems to be made of marble around the flags, and a huge gold crucifix is high above the flags. The most obvious feature is that on the side are the usual candles in the red glass.
The Cardinal, dressed in red robes and carrying a staff, steps forward to the altar.
“Ladies and gentleman, Prime Ministers and Ministresses, Kings and Queens, Your Highness and Your Majesty, you are all here for the marriage of Prince Nicholi Tro the Second and his lovely bride Lady Schok, daughter of the Lord of the Senate. Now Nicholi COME FORTH!”
The Prince steps toward the aisle and bows before the Cardinal. He is wearing a military uniform with a royal cape, and seems to be about 23. The Cardinal blesses the Prince.
“Domini Patri, Un Fili Ungenite, y Spiritus Sanctum!”
The organ and orchestra immediately play, “Jesu, Joy of Man.” Out from the back comes the bride in flowing white. Her bridal train rivals the aisle itself. She is lead by her father, who places her hand into the prince’s and then kisses her on the cheek. She with the Prince kneels. The Cardinal’s voice is heard loud and clear.
“Oh, what a glorious day! Before God above and man on Earth, these two people profess their love for each other. But before we go any further let us hear the Mystery of the Faith.”
A soprano from the choir echoes across the cathedral, “Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.”
“The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want, he maketh me lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still waters. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I fear no evil, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
The Cardinal stops, and stares out into the crowd. He raises his staff to the sky.
“Lord Bless and keep these two, your children, as they walk that valley of death and adversity.”
The choir starts singing, “The Lord’s Prayer” and then “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee.” The quiet after the song is overwhelming.
“The will now recite their wedding vows.”
The Prince steps forward.
“I pledge my life, my wealth, no matter what. I give you my heart, my soul, and my destiny. My love for is eternal and unending.”
The bride then recites the same vow, as her eyes are totally fixated on the Prince.
The Cardinal then steps back toward the altar.
“Nicholi do you take Julia to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
“Julia do you take Nicholi to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“Then now let us see these rings,” the Cardinal holds up two rings, “as an unending representation of their love.”
The Prince places a ring on the bride’s finger.
“With this ring I thee wed.”
The bride places a ring on the Prince’s finger.
“With this ring I thee wed.”
The Cardinal’s voice booms throughout the church.
“Then by the powers invested in me by God, the Father Almighty, the Pope, the Holy Catholic Church, and this the Belshazzarian Empire, I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss the bride!” :fluffle:
Applause erupts throughout the cathedral.
“Now ladies and gentleman, join us at the Palace Hall for the reception. And all meeting for diplomatic interest will happen at my table.”
As the Cardinal exits, the people bow before him, even lower than when they bow before the Emperor, and say, “Your Excellency.”