23-11-2004, 05:28
As the nation of Liebermonk moved into space, to stay away from the fights of earth and other planets, their focus began to change. The nation began to work on stealth technology and defensive systems. Now, we the people of Liebermonk are pleased to make an announcement to the world. We have gotten to know any defensive system so well, that we would be willing to test any nation's or planet's defensive measures. We are here to make sure that any nation, no matter what world stance, is able to defend itself. Our service includes an invasion by our special teams (who will not do any permanent damage or pain to any person) to see how well the physical defensive measures are, a test of the data safety on computer systems, as well as a file reporting all weaknesses in your systems, and ways to fix them. For additional fees we will be willing to then upgrade the defenses only in such a way that they cannot be used for offensive means. All prices are on a case by case basis, so price negotiations will need to take place before any actions are taken. Our service is completely safe and is only focused upon helping nations defend themselves. Our forces will not be used as an offensive means and will not enter in a time of immediate war. If you fear you will be forced to enter war soon, special considerations will have to take place to see if we will be able to defend yourself before such war starts. All requests for help will be accepted. We are now open for business.