18-11-2004, 05:30
Parliament, Syskeyiapolis
As it always was, and especially in a time of war, the chamber of the Syskeyian Senate was abuzz in shouting, argument and debate.
And this session, a woman focused the debate on one of the Republic's oldest alliances.
"Our alliance with Constantinopolis must end!," declared Susanna Chunakin, the Senator (Christian Republican) from Caritapolis and head of the Official Opposition. "For far too long have we been chained by this bond to the Socialist Republic that dares call itself 'Holy'."
"Hear, hear!" shouted several Senators of the Opposition in agreement.
"While the Sukothai administration decided to ally with Constantinopolis due to the latter nation's Christian principles, the Aperin republic has proven to be anything but.
While it is true that the majority of Constantians profess the Christian faith, it is also true that the largest parties in said country is none other than the Communist and Socialist parties, and we all know what the Church says about that!"
Cheers came from many, but not all, of the Oppostion senators, and Chunakin continued.
"While it is true that the Constantians do have compassion for the poor and the helpless, as should we all, their Christian charity has been warped by their Marxism into something that cannot but be abhorred."
"Yeah! That's it!" someone shouted from the audience chamber above.
"Look at their foreign policy," Chunakin continued. "For as long as anyone can remember, the government and people of Constantinopolis have hurled vitriol, malice and anathema at Sirithil nos Feanor and Menelmacar. Every single act Menelmacar makes is condemned by Byzantium. In fact, Constantinopolis' hatred of the Taldernaorean elves is so great that they have been willing to align themselves with the Reich and even Melkor- whom, I might add, has directly contributed to the death of 1.2 million Syskeyians - in their unholy quest.
"Moreover, the alliance with Constantinopolis has placed Syskeyia in a bind regarding international relations. While this Republic was a member of the now-defunct South Atlantic Treaty Organization, she strenuously refused to take part in the Skargarten exercises against SeOCC, and even came to Aperin's defense!
And how did Aperin repay us? By mocking and denigrating us, declaring us 'fascists,' 'homophobes' and even accusing us of oppressing the working class!"
Uproarious laughter came from the audience, and not a few Senators as well.
"Yes, indeed, my fellow Senators, the alliance with Constantinopolis, that is, Sukothai's attempt to befriend both sides of the capitalist/socialist economic divide, has come to nothing. We cannot have it both ways- the alliance must end."
A hand came up.
"The Chair recognizes the Senator from New Nicaea," said Consul Francis Lionel Ghanikhan, who was presiding over the Senate this day.
Senator Daniel Madurai (Syskeyian Democracy Party- New Nicaea) stood up. "My fellow Senators, in this terrible time of savage war, when our own homeland itself is being invaded by our most hated foes, should we be abandoning those alliances we have left?"
"Hear, hear!" came the cry from many Syskeyian Democratic senators, with some opposition members wanting to speak, but remaining silent.
"My honorable colleague here has mentioned the fact that Constantinopolis adheres to a form of Marxism, something which to her is anathema. Yes, it is true that they believe themselves to be Communist, and I am no Marxist. But are they truly as terrible as Chunakin makes them out to be? While they do hold a socialist system of economics, is there any Party coercion? Any massacres, genocides or gulags? Anything resembling the atrocities of Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot?"
"No, No!", several senators cried.
"And yes, while they do appear to have an excessive grudge against Sirithil nos Feanor and Menelmacar - a grudge whose roots I can understand but nontheless disagree with - they have shown themselves to be willing to overcome this when it serves the common good. Need I remind you that special forces from both Menelmacar and Constantinopolis helped our forces liberate this very legislature from the forces of terror!"
"Hear, hear!", a large majority of both senators and observers cried. Some tried to qualify their acclamation, but Madurai continued.
"My esteemed colleague also brings up the SATO-CACE tensions revolving around Aperin and the Skargarten-SeOCC area. Have you not forgotten than when SATO and the anticapitalists were on the verge of nuclear war, Constantinopolis reaffirmed her alliance with us?"
"Amen! Placeat! That's right!" shouted some observers from the deck above.
"In conclusion, while it is true that we and Constantinopolis have our differences, they have proven to be a faithful ally of ours with none of the atrocities that usually signify Communism, and it is in the best interest of the Republic to work with the said Aperin nation for the greater good of all."
The Senate resumed its clamor, Ghanikhan turned toward an aide. "The ambassadors of Menelmacar and Constantinopolis' are sure gonna have some things to say about this."
"You got that right," replied the aide.
"Keep an eye on 'em", Ghankihan said. "Make sure they don't kill each other."
As it always was, and especially in a time of war, the chamber of the Syskeyian Senate was abuzz in shouting, argument and debate.
And this session, a woman focused the debate on one of the Republic's oldest alliances.
"Our alliance with Constantinopolis must end!," declared Susanna Chunakin, the Senator (Christian Republican) from Caritapolis and head of the Official Opposition. "For far too long have we been chained by this bond to the Socialist Republic that dares call itself 'Holy'."
"Hear, hear!" shouted several Senators of the Opposition in agreement.
"While the Sukothai administration decided to ally with Constantinopolis due to the latter nation's Christian principles, the Aperin republic has proven to be anything but.
While it is true that the majority of Constantians profess the Christian faith, it is also true that the largest parties in said country is none other than the Communist and Socialist parties, and we all know what the Church says about that!"
Cheers came from many, but not all, of the Oppostion senators, and Chunakin continued.
"While it is true that the Constantians do have compassion for the poor and the helpless, as should we all, their Christian charity has been warped by their Marxism into something that cannot but be abhorred."
"Yeah! That's it!" someone shouted from the audience chamber above.
"Look at their foreign policy," Chunakin continued. "For as long as anyone can remember, the government and people of Constantinopolis have hurled vitriol, malice and anathema at Sirithil nos Feanor and Menelmacar. Every single act Menelmacar makes is condemned by Byzantium. In fact, Constantinopolis' hatred of the Taldernaorean elves is so great that they have been willing to align themselves with the Reich and even Melkor- whom, I might add, has directly contributed to the death of 1.2 million Syskeyians - in their unholy quest.
"Moreover, the alliance with Constantinopolis has placed Syskeyia in a bind regarding international relations. While this Republic was a member of the now-defunct South Atlantic Treaty Organization, she strenuously refused to take part in the Skargarten exercises against SeOCC, and even came to Aperin's defense!
And how did Aperin repay us? By mocking and denigrating us, declaring us 'fascists,' 'homophobes' and even accusing us of oppressing the working class!"
Uproarious laughter came from the audience, and not a few Senators as well.
"Yes, indeed, my fellow Senators, the alliance with Constantinopolis, that is, Sukothai's attempt to befriend both sides of the capitalist/socialist economic divide, has come to nothing. We cannot have it both ways- the alliance must end."
A hand came up.
"The Chair recognizes the Senator from New Nicaea," said Consul Francis Lionel Ghanikhan, who was presiding over the Senate this day.
Senator Daniel Madurai (Syskeyian Democracy Party- New Nicaea) stood up. "My fellow Senators, in this terrible time of savage war, when our own homeland itself is being invaded by our most hated foes, should we be abandoning those alliances we have left?"
"Hear, hear!" came the cry from many Syskeyian Democratic senators, with some opposition members wanting to speak, but remaining silent.
"My honorable colleague here has mentioned the fact that Constantinopolis adheres to a form of Marxism, something which to her is anathema. Yes, it is true that they believe themselves to be Communist, and I am no Marxist. But are they truly as terrible as Chunakin makes them out to be? While they do hold a socialist system of economics, is there any Party coercion? Any massacres, genocides or gulags? Anything resembling the atrocities of Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot?"
"No, No!", several senators cried.
"And yes, while they do appear to have an excessive grudge against Sirithil nos Feanor and Menelmacar - a grudge whose roots I can understand but nontheless disagree with - they have shown themselves to be willing to overcome this when it serves the common good. Need I remind you that special forces from both Menelmacar and Constantinopolis helped our forces liberate this very legislature from the forces of terror!"
"Hear, hear!", a large majority of both senators and observers cried. Some tried to qualify their acclamation, but Madurai continued.
"My esteemed colleague also brings up the SATO-CACE tensions revolving around Aperin and the Skargarten-SeOCC area. Have you not forgotten than when SATO and the anticapitalists were on the verge of nuclear war, Constantinopolis reaffirmed her alliance with us?"
"Amen! Placeat! That's right!" shouted some observers from the deck above.
"In conclusion, while it is true that we and Constantinopolis have our differences, they have proven to be a faithful ally of ours with none of the atrocities that usually signify Communism, and it is in the best interest of the Republic to work with the said Aperin nation for the greater good of all."
The Senate resumed its clamor, Ghanikhan turned toward an aide. "The ambassadors of Menelmacar and Constantinopolis' are sure gonna have some things to say about this."
"You got that right," replied the aide.
"Keep an eye on 'em", Ghankihan said. "Make sure they don't kill each other."